BOX 1678 SI MiGU3riM£ FLA BOCA RATON NEWS 32034 Vol. 13, No. 60 Thursday, April 18, 1968 24 Pages Council inks contract for open space funds Will assist expansion •*:.*- - of beach-park \ ** Spanish River Park got a boost Tuesday as City Council authorized execution of con- tracts with the Housing and Ur- \ban Development Agency for federal funds for the project. The city has been authorized $776,813 under the open spaces act for purchase and develop- ment of additional beach-park lands adjacent to the now- under-development Spanish Ri- ver Park. City officials applied for the federal grant after voters ap- proved a $1.5 million bond is- sue in 1966. Of the total, $1 mil- lion was to be spent for land acquisition and the remaining half-million dollars for de- velopment. This year, freeholders ap- proved another $1 million bond issue for land acquisition only. Piles of sand frame lifeguard shelter as con- outfall sewage disposal system. The outfall pipe Formation of pelicans wings past Boca Raton's Spanish River Park. At present, the bonds have been validated in court and the city struction moves ahead with Boca Raton's ocean will extend some 6,000 feet seaward. is in the legal "waiting period" pending sale of the bonds., Board schedules hearing A second application for matching funds on the basis of the new bond issue is pending. City taxpayers have stake As a result, the city now has on zone change requests some $3,276,813 for its major park and beach project, with as Public hearings on the first of lot 19, Block 7, Bocaratone, much as another $1 million part of the revisions of the zon- from R-3 multiple family dwell- matching federal grant possible. in conservation projects ing standards will be held to- ings to R-4 hotel-motel. Work is nearing completion night. on the first parking lot and ac- southeast Florida. It's a temp- should befall either the city's cess roads near the south end of By JOHN OPEL tation to say that the problems inhabitants, the city's beaches, Planning and Zoning Board the park. Paving of the circular Ecology, Eeosytem, Hydro- and c"'«sir solutions belong to or the marine ,life of the off- members will open for public parking lot- will start soon. shore reefs. When one considers discussion and possibly act to sphere, Biosystem, Symbiosis. Boca Raton's sewage and the recommend to City Council to- The city now owns some 850 All strange words, perhaps, feet of property, running from but your tax dollars are being whole vast Atlantic Ocean, one night on the revisions of the. the ocean to the Intracoastal admittedly is talking about sections in the zoning code on 3 attorneys... spent to study these and even something lessthanadropinthe Waterway. Legal ramifications more esoteric subjects right residential districts, from have so far delayed expansion bucket. R-l-AtoR-2. It took three city attorneys here in Boca Raton. Hopefully, The crucial fact is simply that and more than two years, but of the project farther to the it's a sound investment that will The board last week tabled north, but negotiations are con- pay off in future dividends. it was necessary — our city, Boca Raton was victorious I tinuing. Plans call for contin- we ourselves—felt it necessary the revisions of the multi-fam- In 1966, the city tried to take The simple fact which is be- to make certain before we took ily standards until after it has uing the project northward, run- coming abundantly clear is that some property at Northwest 5th ning the full depth from ocean any action which might befoul had a workshop meeting to dis- avenue and 20th street for wid- we cannot afford to expend our the marine environment and ul- cuss the revisions further. to waterway. natural resources « the things ening of a street. The owners, Discussion at Tuesday's timately our own. Such studies Also up for public hearing Melvin C. Schmidt and Odetta that all those strange words, are expensive and time consum- Strong appealed through due council meeting centered around are involved with ~ like a ing. Fortunately for the city tonight are rezoning petitions process of law. the manner in which the federal sailor on a weekend fling in a from Sam Acquilano and C. V. grant funds would be expended. treasury, this study was fi- Conole. John J. Quinn handled the favorite port of call. We have nanced by a federal grant. It city's case in trial court. Mayor Harold Maull indicated come lately to a painful aware- cost $117,000. .but it was Acquilano would like the board Timothy Poulton wrote the he felt certain parts of the ness that conservation is more other people in other places. to consider for recommendation brief for appellate court. agreement were unduly restric- than a committee of the Women's But Boca Raton and our own (Continued on Page 12A) to city council rezoning of lots Present city attorney, Mal- tive. He said he favored using Garden Club. It involves more little problems form something 1 through 8, Block K in Boca colm Anderson, did the oral the funds exclusively for land than a group of the ladies who of a microcosm in which we Harbour from R-l-C single- arguing in the Fourth District acquisition. don tennis shoes for a bird- can grasp at an understanding Bobcats sweep family to R-2 for two family Appellate court in Vero Beach. City Manager Alan Alford watching hike. of the larger scene. dwellings. And the city won the case, said $155,000 of the total grant Life in our complex society, Whether we choose to admit Gonole is petitioning for re- The taxpayers will pay the could be used for development rather than taking us farther it or not, Boca Raton's ocean Suneoast meet zoning of lots 20, 21 and half bill. projects if the Council desired. from nature with great scien- outfall sewage disposal sys- tific and technological advances, tem is at the heart and core of Boca Raton High School's is actually driving us back to the matter and it will be care- track team took its third con- Annual event Sunday at airport the very sources of our food fully watched for its global ference championship in as chain. Indeed, the question implications. City Council has many years yesterday after- which we may ultimately have agreed to proceed with the $1.38 noon. to answer is not one of sur- million project only after in- Double wins were scored by vival of the fitest, but of sur- vestigating carefully the effects Bob Rice and Tony Orpesa as University will host aviation day vival at all. that it might have on marine the Bobcats outclassed five The lesson we must first life and beaches. Studies have other teams for Western Diyi- The second annual Aviation Lumley, Miami, will perform in Club, will not be held during learn is very basic and very recently been completed under the direction of Dr. Raymond sion honors. Day of Florida Atlantic Univer- aerobatic flights at 2 p.m. Air- the model plane demonstrations. simple, but paradoxically dif- Rice was .winner of the shot sity's Flying Club will be held plane rides will be discontinued Antique, experimental and ficult: if we don't conserve, we McAllister of the Ocean Sci- waste; if we're not conserva- ences Institute here which seem putt and discus events. Orpesa at the northeast section of the during this event. Miss Gaffney home built planes will also be clearly to dispel any nagging took the high jump and low campus Sunday from 10 a.m. to will fly a Pitts Special acro- exhibited throughout the day. tors, we're despoilers. There hurdles. 5 p.m. Admission is free. batic plane in the demonstra- is no middle ground. doubts that might have re- Car washes at §1 will be It's also difficult to see in mained. Local boys won eight first Features of the day will in- tion and Lumley will use a places in the meet out of a pos- Champion Citabria. available during the day from these universal postulates any sible 15. clude airplane rides at $2per The radio message service, members of Alpha Beta, FAU particular relevancy for a small The concensus of Dr. Mc- person or two cents per pound women's social service club. city on the sun bathed coast of Allister's report is that there Boca Raton amassed a total of passenger, and free radio to be offered by the FAU Radio clearly is no danger in the sys- of 131 and one-half points. Pa- messages of 15 words or less tem as it is designed. No harm hokee ran second with 67 points. to anywhere in the world. Model airplane demonstra- tions organized by Gene Mc- Cabe will be held at 10:30 and Marymount preparing 12 a.m., and at 1, 3, and 4:30 p.m. Glider demonstrations coor- dinated by Lee Robinson, in- for first homecoming structor in administrative sci- ences and faculty advisor to the More than 1GG graduates from will be devoted to a series of Flying Club, will be put on at 11 Marymount College will be back faculty almnae discussions and a.m., 12:30 and 3:30p.m. Flying on campus Friday for the col- faculty members will join the gliders will be John Byrd, Lou lege's first homecoming week- women for dinner and dancing lehr and FTVJB Ludington, as end.
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