9plus Booklist by Author - Short When using this booklist, please be aware of the need for guidance to ensure students select texts considered appropriate for their age, interest and maturity levels. PRC Author Title 17170 Abdel-Fattah, Randa Does my head look big in this? 2345 Abdel-Fattah, Randa When Michael met Mina 751179 Abdel-Magied, Yassmin Listen, Layla 7340 Abdel-Magied, Yassmin Yassmin's story 587854 Abdel-Magied, Yassmin You must be Layla 5443 Adeyemi, Tomi Children of blood and bone 751114 Ahmadi, Arwin How it all blew up 9334 Aldridge, James Girl from the sea, The 423 Aldridge, James True story of Lilli Stubeck, The 424 Aldridge, James True story of Spit MacPhee, The 18651 Aldridge, James Wings of Kitty St Clair, The 574721 Ali, S K Saints and misfits 5826 Almond, David Savage, The: Graphic novel 638659 Alt, Alexandra Promise 2228 Anderson, Laurie Halse Chains 2581 Anderson, Laurie Halse Impossible knife of memory, The 751223 Anderson, M T Symphony for the City of the Dead 5582 Andrews, Jesse Munmun 7590 Anhar, Nazam Milad: the voyage to Ophir 236 Antle, Nancy Longest war, The 47271 Archbold, Charlie Mallee Boys 17864 Ashland, Monk & Nigel & Nentrup, Jeff (ill) Sky village, The 8518 Atwood, Margaret Handmaid's Tale, The 1592 Austen, Jane Emma 10974 Aveyard, Victoria Glass sword 30/09/21 4:38 PM 9plus Booklist by Author - Short Page 1 of 18 PRC Author Title 6518 Aveyard, Victoria Red Queen 57007 Ayoub, Sarah Hate is such a strong word 2860 Ayoub, Sarah Yearbook Committee, The 25680 Bacigalupi, Paolo Ship breaker 751053 Bailey, Bill & Magee, Joe (ill) Bill Bailey's remarkable guide to happiness 2521 Baillie, Allan Outpost 342 Baillie, Allan Saving Abbie 111111 Baillie, Allan Taste of cockroach, A 567921 Ballard, Alexandra What I lost 569134 Banghart, Tracy Grace and fury 567309 Bardugo, Leigh Six of crows 774228 Barker, Kathryn Waking Romeo 588169 Barnard, Sara Fierce fragile hearts 4511 Bashford, Taryn Harper effect, The 2554 Bates, Dianne Last refuge, The 8928 Bateson, Catherine Painted love letters Bauer, Michael Gerard Ishmael series 15366 Bauer, Michael Gerard Running man, The 660370 Bayliss, Chloe En pointe Beale, Fleur Juno of Taris series 20286 Beckett, Bernard Lullaby 12379 Bell, Krista Who cares 2799 Beneba Clarke, Maxine Hate race, The 641039 Beneba Clarke, Maxine & Yussuf, Ahmed & Magan, Growing up African in Australia Magan (eds) 43441 Bennett, M A S.T.A.G.S. 571055 Bennett, M. A. Island, The 17550 Bennett, Veronica Angelmonster 110684 Bennett, Veronica Cassandra's sister 56355 Biggs, Barbara Chat room 2419 Bilkuei, Cola Cola's journey 678711 Black, Holly Cruel prince, The 23044 Blain, Georgia Special 7400 Blake, Bronwyn Find me a river 2356 Blankman, Anne Prisoner of night and fog 19568 Bloom, Cameron (photo) & Grieve, Bradley Trevor Penguin bloom 9448 Bloom, Jessica Plenitude 31066 Bobsien, Gerry Surf ache: how do you choose between the things you love 30/09/21 4:38 PM 9plus Booklist by Author - Short Page 2 of 18 PRC Author Title 4391 Bone, Ian That dolphin thing 926 Bongers, Christine Dust 4240 Bowe, Steph Night swimming 18452 Boyne, John Boy in the striped pyjamas, The 587824 Bracken, Alexandra Through the dark: A darkest minds collection 10578 Bracken, Alexandra Passenger 26551 Bradley, James Buried ark, The 4940 Bradley, James Silent invasion, The 8761 Braxton-Smith, Ananda Death: the horror of the plague, The Brewer, Heather Chronicles of Vladimir Tod series 601799 Britt, Fanny & Arsenault, Isabelle (ill) Louis undercover: graphic novel 20627 Bronte, Emily Wuthering Heights 12364 Brugman, Alyssa Being Bindy 9968 Buick, Nikki Sandy feet 94547 Burke, J. C. Red cardigan, The 3370 Burke, J.C. Things we promise, The 660417 Burton, David Man in the water, The 2727 Cabot, Meg Princess diaries, The 6514 Camden, Steven It's about love 5671 Camden, Steven Nobody real 5819 Cameron, Sophie Out of the blue 566578 Capetta, Amy Rose Echo after echo 4308 Carless, Victoria Dream walker, The 5924 Carmody, Isobelle Green monkey dreams 174 Carmody, Isobelle Greylands Carmody, Isobelle Obernewtyn Chronicles series 5978 Carmody, Isobelle & Woolman, Steven (ill) Dreamwalker Carter, Ally Embassy Row series 60125 Cass, Kiera Elite, The 7711 Cass, Kiera Selection, The 751117 Cast, Kristin Key to fear, The Caswell, Brian Deucalion trilogy series 18662 Caswell, Brian Loop 255 Caswell, Brian Merryll of the stones 751110 Charaipotra, Sona & Clayton, Dhonielle Shiny broken pieces 751111 Charaipotra, Sona & Clayton, Dhonielle Tiny pretty things 566595 Charlton-Trujillo, E. E. Fat Angie 30/09/21 4:38 PM 9plus Booklist by Author - Short Page 3 of 18 PRC Author Title 4585 Chebatte, Helen Bro 3854 Cheng, Jack See you in the cosmos 15510 Choldenko, Gennifer Al Capone does my shirts 5168 Christian, Claire Beautiful mess 2342 Christopher, Lucy Killing woods, The 5745 Chupeco, Rin Heart forger, The 587727 Ciocca, Gina Busted Clare, Cassandra Infernal devices series Clare, Cassandra Mortal instruments series 187 Clarke, Judith Heroic lives of Al Capsella, The 8701 Clarke, Judith Three summers 6941 Cline, Earnest Ready player one 17205 Coggan, Helena Catalyst, The 3762 Cohn, Rachel & Levithan, David Twelve days of Dash & Lily, The 14535 Colfer, Eoin Supernaturalist, The 10467 Colfer, Eoin Wish list, The 85890 Collins, Paul Mole hunt Collins, Suzanne Hunger Games series 5034 Conaghan, Brian Bombs that brought us together, The 61774 Condon, Bill Straight line to my heart, A Constable, Kate Chanters of Tremaris series Cooper, Michelle The Montmaray Journals series 186 Corcoran, Clodagh & Tyrrell, Margot (ed.) Goodbye and hello 4203 Cotterill, Jo All too much 4205 Cotterill, Jo Stage Fright 6106 Cotton, Rachel Nowhere else but here 587800 Craw, Rachael Rift, The Craw, Rachael Spark trilogy series 6529 Crew, Gary Voicing the dead 15844 Crew, Gary & Woolman, Steven (ill) Beneath the surface 43484 Crossan, Sarah Moonrise 64682 Crowley, Cath Graffiti moon 2847 Crowley, Cath Words in deep blue 2784 Currie, Christopher Clancy of the Undertow 16218 D'Ath, Justin Pool 12416 D'Ath, Justin Shaedow master 9712 Dahl, Roald & Blake, Quentin (ill) Going solo 30/09/21 4:38 PM 9plus Booklist by Author - Short Page 4 of 18 PRC Author Title 3855 Darlison, Aleesah Running from the tiger 23942 Dashner, James Eye of minds, The Dashner, James Maze Runner series 70369 Davidson, Leon Red haze: Australians and New Zealanders in Vietnam 1158 Davis, Tony Big dry, The 22453 Dawkins, Richard & McKean, Dave (ill) Magic of reality, The 4423 De Castell, Sebastian Spellslinger 10901 de Fombelle, Timothee & Ardizzone, S (trans) & Toby alone Place, F (ill) 44451 de Fombelle, Timothee & Ardizzone, S (trans) & Toby and the secrets of the tree Place, F (ill) 104267 de Vigan, Delphine No and me 18513 Deckers, Amber Ella mental and the good sense guide 570164 del Toro, Guillermo & Kraus, Daniel Trollhunters 21 Disher, Garry Apostle bird, The 146 Disher, Garry From your friend Louis Deane 4409 Divaroren, Demet Living on Hope Street 11994 Do, Anh Happiest refugee, The 13887 Doerr, Anthony All the light we cannot see 616964 Donnelly, Jennifer Stepsister 2252 Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan Hound of the Baskervilles, The 569197 Drews, C G Thousand perfect notes, A: when passion turns to obsession 18692 Dubosarsky, Ursula Red shoe, The 17137 Dubosarsky, Ursula Theodora's gift 3 Duder, Tessa In lane three, Alex Archer 628030 Earp, Michael (ed) Kindred: 12 queer #loveozya stories 111880 Eaton, Anthony New kind of dreaming, A 5828 Ellis, Deborah Best day of my life, The 28739 Ellis, Deborah Moon at nine 1104 Ellis, Deborah No safe place Ellis, Deborah Parvana series 15408 Ellis, Deborah Three wishes 660383 England, MK Disasters, The 660552 Evans, Alison Euphoria kids 571391 Evans, Alison Ida 505 Fensham, Elizabeth Helicopter man 73486 Fensham, Elizabeth Miss McAllister's ghost 579449 Ferris, Fleur Found Fforde, Jasper Thursday Next series 30/09/21 4:38 PM 9plus Booklist by Author - Short Page 5 of 18 PRC Author Title 18356 Fisher, Catherine Oracle, The 29063 FitzSimons, Peter Tobruk 2828 FitzSimons, Peter Nancy Wake 46779 Flannery, Tim We are the weather makers 663555 Fleck, Jessika Defy the sun 602864 Foody, Amanda Ace of Shades 660385 Foody, Amanda Daughter of the burning city 19020 Forming circles Written portraits 35659 Fornasier, Kylie Things I didn't say, The 8957 Forrestal, Elaine Black Jack Anderson 431 Forrester, Helen Twopence to cross the Mersey 642939 Fox, Helena How it feels to float 23206 Fraillon, Zana Bone sparrow, The 751164 French, Jackie Angel of Waterloo, The 4880 French, Jackie Diary of William Shakespeare gentleman 6881 French, Jackie Nanberry: black brother white French, Jackie The Hitler trilogy series 15203 French, Jackie They came on Viking ships 6698 French, Jackie White ship, The 3019 French, Jackie & Whatley, Bruce (ill) Beach they called Gallipoli, The 6869 Funke, Cornelia Reckless Funke, Cornelia & Bell, Anthea (trans) Inkheart series 9977 Gaiman, Neil Graveyard book, The 6540 Gaiman, Neil Neverwhere 6903 Gaiman, Neil Norse mythology 3797 Garber, Stephanie Caraval 2885 Gardiner, Jeff Pica 4663 Gardner, Sally Door that led to where, The 54719 Gardner, Sally Red necklace, The 14593 Gardner, Sally & Roberts, David (ill) Tinder 5593 Gardner, Scot Changing gear 10797 Gardner, Scot Dead I know, The 783572 Gardner, Scot Off the map 295 Garner, Alan Owl service, The 128 Gee, Maurice Fat man, The 640245 Glasgow, Kathleen How to make friends with the dark 21355 Glover, Sandra Somewhere else 30/09/21 4:38 PM 9plus Booklist by Author - Short Page 6 of 18 PRC Author Title
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