Revolutions lssue No 35 Novembe|I ggs Newsletter of The Association of Woodturners of Great Britain !1"[r. *i^^eou *f lfn * N*6ir^*n W.rdl*ronni^ Slr.* NEC - 1Eio,*i^g[rar. =.t Winnet Catagory 'B' (spindle work) ffi Jim Robinson for his 1/5th scale country chais Winner Catagory 'A' (faceplate) Adrian Bates of Draper Tools -D ptesentine Phil lrons with the lirst prize for his Yew and Bloodwood vessel shown left Winner of the 'Peoples Choice' won by Stanley Pasley lor his basket bowl in spalted beech. See story on page I Winner Catagory 'C' (composite) Tim Hope for his platter on a stand in walnut_ Tin alg won econd pize in catagory A lot his salmon gum burr bowl. Frank Clarke has taken on dealing Th. with Business Sponsors, and selling advertising space n'Revolutrons'. Chairvna,^s You will soon be seeing AWGB membership application,orms in your local woodluming supp y shops Pag.(s) up and down the counlry (Frank again) A plastic holder wlh the AWGB logo and 100 forms are being This latest missive lrom the Chair ln educalion in the long term. When sent to any business willing 1o have linds Chrlstmas approaching at there is a qla if calion to be had lhem, and many are. The Calendar alarming pace. The hot summer and ed!catlonal st/accountants get sent to you with this issue oi warm miid aulumn seems to have lnterested, they can set up a new 'Bevolutions' FBEE is dLre to the had a dramalic etfect on the aclivilies course for sludents charge money, eflorts of Frank and Mke Dennis, in lhe woodt!rners workshop, there and attracl extra lunding (l am a b t they sold the advertising space al the doesn't seem to have been mlch of a cynic lknow) b!t1hal seems the NEC show. lam not sure il the going on. Entries to shows and a way ol things lhese days. The AWGB traders signed w lingly or under recent seminar were down on and WCT are fearfr_rl ol what s duress, wilh Frank one side and M ke previous years, land others have presenlly go ng on in the drawing up the other its a bl rnt midating. We been banging on for some time aboul ol a certain NVO woodturn ng has thank those who look space and the ack of objects put forward n been umped in wth lurniiure, so it making lhis calendar poss ble t wi competilion, th s year a new low could iusl be copy athes and chaii be betler st I nexl year Peter Einig seems to have been reached I guess legs, wood turning is so very much has circulated the wording that geis ts been more fun to be n the sun rnore than that. us off the Data Protecl on Act hook than n lhe dusty workshop. lt wi be this was approved by yorJr comm ttee nterest ng to see how many enterlhe Ivembers oi your comrnittee have on Oct 1st and ets us conlinue lo Good Woodworking compelit on with been busy in var ous acl vit es, provide information in a lega way a Graduale lathe as ils firsl prize. beavering away behlnd the scene's Peler has moved us to a new all airned at making membersh p ol membership card formal th s wi be lwilltry and give an overview ofwhat lhe AWGB more rewarding wllh more a renewab e card each year, no more activii es lhe AWGB and iis things on oifer and more nformal on slrcky labels to go on the back oi your Committee has been up to since the provided. Tony Wrtham and Georoe old one. The resl are gett ng on wilh lasl issue ol 'Revolutions'. Oci lst Hunler have been compilng a isl to their normal jobs in the usla way, saw Your Committee rneet for a now add to the Branch Handbook oi i rns. those highlighted above aTe some of customary seven hour meeting, who will prov de speakers/ the newer initiatives. 11am to 6pm we covered a great deal demonslratots, ofter d scounts, oi ground, some ideas that came out accept vlsits from members etc. Aso Showsi The AWGB had ils usual oi the new initiatives meeting n J!ly ideas ior Branch nighls covering sland al The Woodworker Show at were pul in place and a qreat deal of things from saiety, env ronment, Sandown, lgalher ii was a less otherlhings pul in the meting pot. ln competitions, etc, ths nlormation successful show lot a I concerned the melting pot is the AWGB Nationa has been requested from each than was hoped. This was the case Touring Exhibition a meeiing with a Branch and is now be ng compiled with ourselves with only four new polentlal sponsor is being set up and to g ve an overview picture for members recruited, I would very should have taken place by the time Branches nationally. Tony has also much like to thank our members who you read this. Training re; NVQ'S or hosted a regional meeting of the gave of their lime to sleward our similar is now back in the lronl line, Branches in his area and they have stand and do such sterling work. a represenlative from the AWGB and agreed lo have more interchange the Worshiplul Company of Tumers wilh each other, host regional Ihe Practical Woodworking Show at will meet soon with an educational seminars by rolaiion etc, its all good lhe NEC seems n conlrast to have establishment willing 1o do lhe stulf. Graham Lovett has drawn up been a major s!ccess for all papeMork and sel up a course in Iorms lor those who olfer Tuition, concerned. Our stand. I understand 6onsultation with ourselves and the accept Commissions, and was constantly busy, the clinic under WCL There have been many false Demonstrate. Those ol you who otler Len Grantham's conlro was as good slarts on training over the years and any ol these services should fill in as ever, and the members work I do not want to raise lalse hopes, the lorms and relurn them to displayed under Graham Lovett's but this sounds like the best chance Graham. This inlormation will be sent control. Each was backed up by a yel. An education establishment to all Branches, and used as source team of members either slewardlng based initiative has to he the way response material for your or working on the lathe ofler ng forward, this should hopelully make committee. woodlurning be laken more seriously Continued. on Page 4 2 The Association of Woodturners of Great Britain Executive Committee Contents Chairmans page 2 Chatrman The Associalion of Hay Key. The Frrs. Woodlurners of Great Britain q 53 Weston Road. Brertorton Editorial Nr fveshdm. WBr l 5HW ter: 01386 g3ot42 4 Ihe lnternalional Seminar 5 ln Search ol Woodturnino Vice Chairman Tuitron 6 Uhns- Lrndup. Prolile on l\rtke Dennis 38 Barry Boad. Otdtand Common 7 B sro,. Avon. BS15 6Oy Ta. OtzzZ tiiizi A Beview of the NEC Show I I\rrn-tes o, lae Comrliltee Meeting . Oclober 1st 10 Treasurel AWGB Slo.ran 12 Len Grantham Sprndle!, Cooper Ctose_ pootar Data prote;tion Farm. Ne!fleham 12 Lincotnshire LN2 2Xx ldentity Mix Up 13 T6ti 0i522 595660 Tuition, Comissrons, Demonstrations 13 So you want Io turn - Buying lathe Secretarv a 14 Competil ons Hugh O Nei[. tuyrons Crafi Cenlre. Mvllo;s 14 NoUce oi AGM Coflage. Boraston, Tenbury We[s 15 worceelershre. Alfilialed Branches wB5 8LH. Tel: 01584 810266 16 News from the Branches 17 Food ior Thought Edlior 23 I\,4lke DenntE 72 Ha,,!es Close. Northwood Axminsler Show Middtesex 24 HA6 1EW Tet 01923 829844 Ad':19", .. tetters, tips, adverts etc ,eatured in this Branch Co-Ordtnator Newslett€r do not necessarily carry the endorsement Ken A[en 90 ppates Boad Etch or rne Association no Hrt] .. of Woodturners of Great Briiain. Hugeley staifs. ws15 2LX Tet otees:z-o:zg II rs a poticy of the AWGB that reviews on tgols, books or products are not Membershio Secretarv reported on in the Newsletter Peler Ernig. heepers Coiiage, ree, Slesmeri fh" totlo*trg *ooOtrrrtng-d;;;;;;;t;;;; ; shropshire Sy12 gAE Tet: 01691 622715 Turning Wood Exhtbitions Co-Ordinaror Turning Projects Eric Ditchfreld, 18 Shepherds Lane, Guitdtord BowlTurning DelStubbs Surey GL,2 65L Tet.O1483 822601 Hollow Turning BowlTurning John Jordan Assistant ExhibIions Co-ordtnator Cultrng & Sharpenrng Chris Stott Franh Clarke.81 Knghtwood Crescent New lurnrnq Bowts Chris Stolt Malden. SLrrr€y. KT3 5Jp Tet. 0181 942 5463 TLrrning Boxes Chris Stofl The Easic Box Ray Key Branch Committee Members The Capsule Box Ray Key The Finial Box Bay Key Scolswood ^ SIio.A Pachs o-t the 1989 rq91. 1993 ueorge Hunter 3 Dumas AvenLre Norlh Aerwrck, Loughborough llternationai seminars. S ide pach ot rhe Hay-on-WyF;xhrbir.on East Lothian. EH38 4pS ret: 01620 892293 y,g*.- srroe oacr F,ease s"no z ctr"ques ]^".or ll",^,.":-1" "ne ,or r Suftotk. L5 ror o1e weet s htrF ar d o1F f3O as d depos.l _ Essex E Cambridge Borders relurned \,!h c, wr ,ony wrlha.n. o. thF sdre reL," or nu ,o"o o: iio" po,,, 39 Horsey Bodd. KirhbvtF-Soken, Prease make both cheques payabte io AWGB. F.rnton-on-Sed. Essex. COi3 oDZ Applicaiion lor hire shoutd be made Tet: 01255 671697 to: Ken A[en (Address Opposite) AWGB LAPEL BADGES - West Midtands (Brass Uraham Lovefl 66 Beachcrotl Boad, Wa[ Heath, & Enamet) Kingswinford, West Mdlands.
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