Patten Lumbeトmcn.s ivluseum 6I Shin Pl)nd R()れd l㌔(}.鯵o青書ひく) Pまl(te11.時1e O」7(千古 ``’`` “」u m置事er事青le11SnllISel! m.Or智 ov 2.O16 Newsfrom The Fa龍en uSeum 017 The Lombard steam Log hauler, housed for血e past 51 years in血e Lombard Shed at the Patten Lumbermen’s Museum, WaS mOVed to its new Iocation on the south side of the Shin Pond Road, OPPOSite the Reception Center. Purchased by The Sheman Lumber Company in血e early 1900’s and 「兎己d‾商r many y ars_ to‾ move fogS t蘭雨竜軸‾ in‾ Sheman Station,血e Robinson Family donated and transported the Log hauler to the Museum in 1965. One of only 83 Lombard Steam Log haulers, it was built in the early 1900’s at the Lombard Company in Waterville, Maine, SOld to Sheman Lumber Company as a means to increase production and move血ent of woo4 harvested in the Katahdin region. In 1982, it was nomination by血e American Society of Mechanical Engineers and designated a National Historic Mechanical Engineering Landmak. As time went on the stean powered log hauler was replaced by diesel and gas powered log haulers, rePlacing “horse powered" logging operations in the Maine woods. October 20 1 6, Katahdin Valley The 2nd Amual Fiddlers and Fiddlehead Festival in May brought various musicians, expert artists and crafters, 1ocal food Vendors (including fiddleheads for sale) as we量l as a Fiddlehead Chef cook-Of‡ demons億ations of axe care, WOOd 畦, bl聖k?埋理id垣畦唾J±迎en上un垂e型’蛙u耳1_垣ld a呈与lent auction_With all proceeds 錘e触ng July brought血e Patten Academy Alurmi Dimer狐d Re皿ion in with much reminiscing and eI互oyment of血e good cheer of the evening. Alumni scholarships were awards and presented to Iocal Katahdin graduating Students. The Cross Center in B狐gOr honored the Pa請en Academy 1947 Basketball Team’s win over Boston Latin at Boston Gardens for血e title ofNew England Basketball Toumament. Pa請en’s team was made up of 9 P車y離島om a王00l of29転y萱v蹟§uS B軸弧La壷n’s t総蹴selected from l lOO boys! Final Score: 35-32. Bringing血e beauty of nature to life t血ough the camera lens, thirty-five large fomat fine photographic prints On loan from Harvard Museun of Natural聞istcny in Cambridge, MA titled The Maine Woods: A Photographic Joumey with Scot Mi獲ler,, were displayed in血e Reception Center from May to October this past season. Scot is a frequent contributor of %Moment in Nature" to血e Emmy Award-Winning CBS Sunday Moming show wi血 Charles Osgood. August負Patten Pioneer Days” celebrated血e 175 year Amiversary of Patten-A Maine Pioneer Lunbering Town. The Museu皿fea血red負Evening of Early Patten Photos”’a COllection of Leroy Giles photograph’s representing血e town and surrounding landscape in the early 1900,s, Showing血e town as it once stood and血e 。雪hanges in the structures and landscape over the years. One event looked forward to by many is the ever- POPular負Bean Hole Bean Dimer", a StaPle of Patten Pioneer Days! Wi血over 650 plates of bean hole baked bea早S Served along with all the範xins, We thank you very much for making the day a wonderful success nor can We tharlk our volunteers enough for血e countless hours preparing, Serving and sapporting this amual event! Much needed repalrS Were made to血e RD-7 Catapillar Tractor and LaPlante-Choate SnowpIow which included a new roof; remaking of the cab, Windows, stePS leading into the machine and a paintjob. A ra±np 」into音吐e Forestry臆building was also constructed with plans to display many of血e photos of the moving ofthe tower to血e rmseum and artifacts donated relating to the Forest Service which has protected the Forests of Maine since the tum ofthe ce血⊥ry. August 24, 2016 Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument was created. With this new proclamation and national a請ention’a location was needed where visitors could speak with representatives and obtain a map Of the new Monument lands. While the Museum remained neutral regarding the pros and cons of ownership and management of the lands, a VOte by血e Board of Directors approved temporarily providing a table in血e Reception Center of血e Museun for curious visitors enabling血em to pick up a map wi血directions to the Monunent lands. With this arrangement, the Museun saw an increase in admission to the Museum during血e month of September. The most often heard p血ase was `twow, What a great p獲ace, We didn,t realize the Patten Lumbemen’s Museum was such a tremendous asset to血e area.” As we welcome our new neighbor, We Will COntinue Qur focus of preserving Maine lumbering history in an evir changing land:Cape. One of血e greatest rewards of being invoIved with血e Museum is rete11ing the stories of days gone by in血e Katahdin region, from life in the 1820 camp to the towns oftoday, aXeS tO Chainsaws’OXen and horses to steam engmes, CrOSS Cut SaWS to harvesters and bateaus on rivers to railroads and highways. Once’a traCt Of land needing lO-20 men to cut, taking many months, Can nOW be cut in mere days with a fraction ofthe manpower. The changes are great. Each time we have the opportunity to re-tell stories ofthe past, the more history is kept alive moving into血e future. Wi瓜2017 making the Museum’s 54th season quickly approaching, the Board of Directors, Staff and VOlunteers are looking forward to welcoming old friends and new visitors. We wish to extend a heart-felt瓜ank you and express our sincere appreciation to those who has encouraged us, VOlunteered time to help wi血events, donated fin狐Cially making it possible QPerate血e Museum and becane members or renewed memberships PrOViding funds for maintenance and long tem plaming. Please talre a moment to retum血e encIosed fom to renew your membership or make your tax deductible donation supporting Maine, s Lunbering History Museum. ThePattenLumbermen’sMuseum MissionStatement ThePattenLunbemen’sMuseunwasestab1i血ed(1963)topreserveagraphicrecordof血elumberindustryasitexistedinforests OfNorthemMainebeforetheSecondWorldWarItisIocatedjustwestofP袖enon血eShinPondRoadwhich,forover175years, hasbeen血ehighwayoverwhichhavepassedthousandsofwoodsmen,theirhorsesandsupplies,toCut血epine,SPruCe,firsand hardwoodsintheupperva量leyof血eEastBranchofthePenobscot.Byextension担emusermacceptstheresponsibilitytoeducate 醜碧i丑鬼珊荘晴輩睨alpu拙弼f血elo製in留h壷t時e孤dac脚mplishm紬tsof血ee紺lyi血abit孤tSOfthestateofMaine. Pa請e薯話語葺芸霊宝監護葺諾謹擦事.
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