SPECIAL EDITION 2014 - 62A $3.99 maGazine AFN Special Chiefs Assembly and 2014 Election for National Chief rosa WalKer WXN - CaNada’s Most PoWerful WoMeN – www.saymag.com toP 100 reCiPieNt Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to circulation dept: 1522 Logan Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3E 1S3 dept: 1522Logan Avenue,Winnipeg, MB Return undeliverable Canadianaddresses to circulation PRINTED IN CANADA CONTENTS WarmingWarming of of the the North: North: ImplicationsImplications Warmingfor for Arctic Arctic ofTransportation, Transportation, the North: Supply Supply Chain Chain ImplicationsManagementManagement for Arctic and andTransportation, Economic Economic Development Development Supply Chain maGazine Management and Economic Development MarchMarch 1-3, 1-3, 2015 2015 06 • WXN - CANADA’S MOST POWERFUL WOMEN – TOP 100 RECIPIENT 2014 Ottawa, Canada MarchOttawa, 1-3, 2015Canada Rosa Walker, one of the 2014 Recipients. TRANSPORT INSTITUTE® TRANSPORT INSTITUTE® 10 • THE HEROES OF OUR TIME Ottawa, Canada Scholarships are an opportunity to acknowledge and celebrate the success of Aboriginal post-secondary TRANSPORT INSTITUTE® students in achieving their educational goals. presentedpresented by by University of Manitoba Transport Institute 12 • THE SECOND ANNUAL INDIGENOUS University of Manitoba Transport Institute ECONOMIC ParTNERSHIP SUMMIT andand The Department of Supply Chain Management, Asper School of Business Featured exceptional speakers telling motivational The Department of Supplypresented Chain Management, by Asper School of Business stories and sharing thought provoking ideas and University of Manitoba Transport Institute successes. and 14 • THE ELECTION The Department of Supply Chain Management, Asper School of Business The election for the Office of AFN National Chief will take place December 10, 2014 with three candidates. Read their bios for information. ViewView the the conference conference agenda agenda and and full full details details at atwww.umti.ca www.umti.ca Cover Photo by Gaune Studios JustJust a fewa few of ofour our Confirmed Confirmed Speakers: Speakers: PAGE • Dr. BernardView Funston, the conference Northern Canada agenda Consulting and full details at www.umti.ca • Dr. Bernard Funston, Northern Canada Consulting SAY MAGAZINE Submissions are welcome. Volume 13, Issue 8A Articles, letters, queries etc. should • Dr. John Higginbotham,Just Centre a few for of Internationalour Confirmed Governance Speakers: Innovation Special Edition - AFN 2014 be sent by email to the editor at: • Dr. John Higginbotham, Centre for International Governance Innovation SAY MAGAZINE publishes four [email protected] times a year (Winter, Spring, SAY Magazine assumes no • • Mr.Mr. Terry Terry Audla, Audla, Inuit Inuit Tapariit Tapariit Kanatami Kanatami Summer and Fall) as well as special responsibility for submitted material. editions on a variety of topics SAY Magazine assumes no • Dr.• BernardMr. Aqqaluk Funston, Lynge, Northern Inuit Centre Canada for Human Consulting Rights, ICC Greenland Say Magazine is published by: responsibility for statements • Mr. Aqqaluk Lynge, Inuit Centre for Human Rights, ICC Greenland Spirit of Youth Enterprises Inc. made by advertisers. Ph: 1.866.485.2380 • Ms. Michele Taylor, Transport Canada F: 204.582.7767 Graphics, photographs, editorial • Dr. John• Ms. Higginbotham, Michele Taylor, Centre Transport for InternationalCanada Governance Innovation E: [email protected] content and other printed material www.saymag.com are the property of SAY Magazine • Mr. Jim Stevens, Government of Nunavut and may not be used without writ- • Mr. Terry• Mr. Audla, Jim Stevens, Inuit Tapariit Government Kanatami of Nunavut Publisher ten permission of SAY Magazine. Leslie Lounsbury • Mr. Allen Nixon, Government of Yukon [email protected] • Mr. Aqqaluk• Mr. Allen Lynge, Nixon, Inuit Government Centre for ofHuman Yukon Rights, ICC Greenland Business & Product Development ISSN 1707-3049 Dwight Powless All copy copyright © • Dr. Nataly Marchenko, UNIS 2014 by SAY Magazine • Ms. Michele• Dr. Nataly Taylor, Marchenko, Transport UNIS Canada Subscriptions • Mr. Merv Tweed, OmniTRAX Canada [email protected] • Mr. Merv Tweed, OmniTRAX Canada Sales Manager PAGE • Mr. Jim Stevens, Government of Nunavut Gary Hamilton • • Mr.Mr. Tom Tom Paddon, Paddon, Baffinland Baffinland Iron Iron Mines Mines Corporation Corporation [email protected] • Mr. Allen Nixon, Government of Yukon Social Media Networker Melissa Mann • • Dr.Dr. Michael Michael Ircha, Ircha, Carleton Carleton University University [email protected] • Dr.• NatalyMr. Ovide Marchenko, Mercredi UNIS • Mr. Merv• Mr. Tweed, Ovide OmniTRAXMercredi Canada 14 • Mr. Tom Paddon, Baffinland Iron Mines Corporation View a complete list of confirmed speakers at www.umti.ca We acknowledge the financial support of View a complete list of confirmed speakers at www.umti.ca the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department • Dr. Michael Ircha, Carleton University of Canadian Heritage. sponsored in part by: We acknowledge the assistance of Manitoba • Mr. Ovidesponsored Mercredi in part by: Culture Heritage and Tourism Branch of the PUBLISHERS MESSAGE Province of Manitoba. Winner of Native American Journalists Association 2012, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2004 and 2003 Media Awards View a complete list of confirmed speakers at www.umti.ca page 10 page 12 Printed on Recycled Paper using Vegetable based inks. sponsored in part by: SAY Magazine, a member of the Native America Journalists Association since 2003. Current Member Manitoba Magazine Publishers Association. Current member of Aboriginal Chamber of Commerce Publication Mail Agreement Number: 40692563 Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to circulation dept: 1522 Logan Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3E 1S3 • email: [email protected] maGazine Printed in Canada SAY BestBPED Practices 2011 • 3 SAY Magazine Publication: November 19, 2014 Created: SAY_Ad_8.375x10.875 Modifed: File name: 8.375”x 10.875” plus bleed Trim: CMYK Colour: Scotiabank is dedicated to offering specialized Message From the publisher financial services to Aboriginal communities Chief Tecumseh stated that “a single twig breaks, but the bundle of twigs is strong”. throughout Canada. LeslieSport Lounsbury, events, such as the Tomahockey Tournament; and scholarships, Publisher,such SAY Magazineas HOOT, are also part of the energy making us strong. Art and - cultural events like the Manito Ahbee Festival contribute as do the trainers and educators - University of Manitoba, University College of the North, the Coady Institute. And so it is that this Special Edition of SAY profiles the Assembly of The partners cannot be overlooked: Scotiabank, Enbridge, Lloydmin - First Nations Special Chiefs Assembly and election for National Chief; ster Chamber of Commerce, and Manitoba Government as they all scholarships; exceptional Native women and men; and events focused contribute to our vitality and strength. on working together to make us like the bundle of twigs – Strong. From SAY Magazine Staff - Season’s Greetings for our continued The strength in the bundle includes leadership, from organizations progress in 2015! - political and program providers, as well as leadership from individu als. The three candidates for National Chief are examples and so is - Rosa Walker, one of the 100 top recipients of the WXN – Canada’s Most Powerful Women 2014 Award and Chief Robert Louie of Westbank First Nation. Those leaders who organize, sponsor and participate in the confer ences, such as Cando, Warming of the North; and the iSummit are also Mission: HOPE part of our strength. Mandate: Celebrating our Successes. To learn more and to locate one of our Aboriginal Banking www.saymag.com 2015 EDUCATIONfor Native Students GUIDE Centres or on‑reserve branches across Canada, visit: EDUCATION GUIDE 2014 - 56 $6.99 Education is one of the most important issues for our Native communities. www.scotiabank.com/aboriginal maGazine This Annual Education Guide for Native students is a resource for students, teachers, 2014 ANNUAL EDUCATION GUIDE counsellors and parents looking for information on higher education providers. for Native Students The Guide provides much needed details on programs Sponsored by offered and services available to Native students. F S • 5 IRECTORY O D TITUTION INS ABOUR SECTIONAID A Directory of University and Colleges in both the ® Registered trademark of The Bank of Nova Scotia L S SAY Special - AFN Election 2014 FINANCIALS HIP SCHOLAR >>>>>>POTRIBALST SECOLLCOENGDARYES 2013 09 United States and Canada is included in this Guide. About Tribal Colleges & Universities (TCUs) To be included and/or update your current listing, go to the SAY 2015 • Today, the TCUs serve approximately 16,000 full-time enrolled certifi- their states. They provide cultural knowledge and instruction in addition cate and degree-seeking students, and prepare and educate more than to traditional college coursework. 61,000 American Indian students total in academic and community edu- cation programs. Source: American Indian Higher Education Consortium • The TCUs offer: five master’s degree programs, 71 bachelor’s degree - pro data 2011. grams, 555 associate’s degree programs, 235 certificate programs, and Education Directory Form on the home page of www.saymag.com six apprenticeship programs. Source: American Indian Higher Education • TCUs operate at 75 campuses in the states where the majority of Ameri- Consortium data 2011. Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to circulation dept: 1522 Logan Avenue,
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