ISSN: 0029-7739 $ 1.00 per copy THE BSERVER OOfficial Newspaper of the Catholic Diocese of Rockford Volume 82 | No. 44 http://observer.rockforddiocese.org FRIDAY OCTOBER 27, 2017 Inside Geneva Catholic Parish, Lutheran Church to Mark 500th Anniversary of the Reformation A prayer service and a discussion session are planned. page 3 (Observer photo/Margarita Mendoza) Even adults can’t resist the chance to pose as sisters or priests. The outs to youth vocations events, brought them along to the Hun- diocesan Vocations Office, which usually takes the cardboard cut- dredfold Workshop at St. Rita Parish in Rockford, Oct. 21. Workshop Tries to Create Wellness Resource ‘Culture of Vocations’ Program a Lifeline For Boylan Students BY MARGARITA MENDOZA El Observador Editor When students miss lots of school or face trying times at ROCKFORD—Did you know that in home, the wellness program the U.S. there are 3,500 parishes without helps them cope and thrive. a priest and the combined number with pages 4-5 Canada is 5,200? If there is no priest, there is no Eucharist, sacraments, con- fession, and no Mass. Currently some priests work in more than one parish, and in some communi- ties, Mass is offered only once a week. Rhonda Gruenewald, who spoke to diocesan priests at Presbytery Day, Sept. 12, delivers This reality was explained during the her vocations building message to English speakers at the Hundredfold Workshop, Oct. Hundredfold Workshop. Oct. 21, at St. 21, at St. Rita Parish in Rockford. Rita Parish, here. More than 200 people from different 12, at the annual Presbytery Day. go and visit all the grade schools and Pharisees parishes of the diocese, registered for talk to the sixth-, seventh- and eighth- Question Jesus the event, designed to address this real- Adding to existing efforts graders, give them a vocation talk, that Jesus can’t be tricked by the ity and motivate participants to create a The workshop is part of the diocesan is always a lot of fun. Just last week we Pharisees. vocation ministry in their parishes. effort to create a culture of vocations, did our first vocation assembly where Such vocations ministries will not according to Father Keith Romke, di- myself and four priests that are assistant The Junior Observer, page 14 only help parishes raise awareness of ocesan vocations director. He explained vocation directors now, and four semi- the need for priests, but also help af- there are several activities during the narians, did an hour long assembly.” firm the priests, deacons and religious year for this purpose. Father Romke said the assembly, held This Issue already serving the diocese. “The summer camps are great,” he at St. Patrick School in St. Charles, Thirty people attended the work- said. “In March we always have what consisted of a volleyball game with the Bishop Malloy ............................. 2 shop in Spanish, addressed by Leticia we call ‘the nun run,’ where the secre- girls, a vocation talk and a basketball Headliners ..................................... 3 Ramirez and, the rest participated in the tary from my office, Dorothea Barger, game against the boys. (See page 6.) Diocesan .................................... 4-5 English version held in St. Rita’s Wahl gets a bunch of young ladies that are in- “It went very well, because the kids Vocation/Colleges ................. 6-9 Hall where Rhonda Gruenewald, author terested in learning about religious life enjoyed it, and we won,” he laughed. Nation/World ........................... 10 of the book “Hundredfold” spoke. and go on a road trip and they visit two, During Christmas break the vocation Around the Diocese ... 11, 15-19 Gruenewald and Ramirez provided three or four different convents to get an office sponsors a two-day discernment The Junior Observer .............. 14 training and ideas to help parishes rein- opportunity just to meet sisters, to actu- retreat for high school and college age Our Catholic View ..............20-21 force the vocation work on the diocesan ally stay at the convent, to really get to young men thinking about the priest- For the Record ......................... 22 level. Gruenewald also addressed this see how that life is like. hood. Media/Arts ................................ 23 topic with priests of the diocese, Sept. “During Lent,” he said, “I always Continued on page 9 2 | FRIDAY OCTOBER 27, 2017 | The Observer We Must ‘Be Not Afraid’ to Respect Life ach October, the Bishops This is a tragedy that is often the vigil of care or comfort with The Observer (ISSN 0029- 7739), is published weekly, of the United States ask driven by fear — fear of pain, one who is dying. except fi ve times a year by us to observe Respect of becoming a burden, of losing Another area in which we are the Diocese of Rockford, Life Month. control as we age or live with called to “be not afraid” is in our 555 Colman Center Dr., P.O. EWe know that human life is a illness. We must, however, never continued eff orts to defend the Box 7044, Rockford, IL 61125 gift. Each and every person is forget the dignity of the human life of the unborn. Here, too, we Phone: 815/399-4300; Fax 815/399-6225. created in the image and likeness person, even in those moments. must work to foster trust and not Periodical postage paid at BY BISHOP of God the Father and Creator of Our dignity is not based on be afraid. Rockford, Ill., and additional DAVID J. all that is. our level of independence or A woman unexpectedly This teaching regarding the productivity. Rather, it is rooted mail offi ces. MALLOY with child can be afraid of an dignity of the human person is in our Creator and the gift of life POSTMASTER: send address uncertain future, especially if central to our faith year round. He has given us. changes to The Observer, 555 she fi nds herself abandoned by Colman Center Dr., P.O. Box ach and As we celebrate Respect The intentional termination the father. Likewise, a man may 7044, Rockford, IL 61125 every Life Month each year, we have of any life is a violation of this E the opportunity to refocus our dignity. We must not let fear rule fear taking responsibility for his For ADVERTISING information: person is Contact The Observer at the attention and our prayers on us. We must “be not afraid.” actions. created in We must work to create an address above or call 815/399- this fundamental reality — a We must also remember that 4300; fax 815/399-6225, the image reality that is so important, yet so one of the great acts of love that atmosphere of support and love Email: kmccarthy@ and likeness contested in the modern world. can be rendered is to assist and that clearly communicates our rockforddiocese.org. of God. The theme for our observance comfort those who are ill or near belief in and understanding of the Send NEWS information to The this year is, “Be not afraid.” death. presence of God in every human Observer at the address or fax ... This These words are familiar to us, We must “be not afraid” to see life. number above; send email to teaching as we see them appear throughout Jesus even in those experiencing As people who recognize the Observer@rockforddiocese. the Scriptures in both the Old illness and in those approaching org; or fi ll out a form at regarding gift of life, we cannot allow http://observer.rockforddiocese. the dignity and New Testaments. Still, we the end of life. Caregivers, too, ourselves to be intimidated into org/contact-us. might ask ourselves about the are called to “be not afraid.” of the silence when confronted with the Subscription rate $28.00 per application of these words to And here is where we all can human culture of death. year (48 issues); Canadian Respect Life Month. help. If we have friends or relatives and Pan American $29; other person is Let us take this opportunity When aging parents or who may be tempted to consider foreign: surface mail $37, air mail $97; single copies $1. central to to refl ect upon the areas of life grandparents are sick or the sin and tragedy of abortion, our faith where fear may be infl uencing declining, it is very possible for we must not allow ourselves to be The Observer Online digital our society with regard to life caregivers to feel overwhelmed. subscriptions are also available. paralyzed by the fear of speaking year round. issues, and where we are called to They might wonder how they can Publisher: to them. “Be not afraid.” ... The “be not afraid.” possibly help someone so ill or Most Reverend David J. Malloy Cardinal Timothy Dolan of intentional We encounter one of these depressed. Editor: Penny Wiegert areas at the end of life. One of At that moment, the prayers and New York summed up our love termination for the gift of life by stating, News Editor: Amanda Hudson of any life is the darkest clouds on our social the personal support of others are horizon is the advancement of an act of love and a witness to the “This Respect Life Month and Features and Multimedia Editor: Sharon Boehlefeld a violation assisted suicide. dignity of the human person. always, let’s walk with each of this Various countries throughout We demonstrate respect for other; let’s help each other Circulation/Proofreading: the world have already legalized life when we encourage a friend embrace God’s gift of human Susan Sabrowski, Keith dignity. Ludolph this, and it has now been or a relative who is serving as a life.
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