Lewisham local development framework Core Strategy Development plan document Adopted June 2011 Contents Core Strategy 1 Introduction and explanation 4 1.1 What is the Lewisham Core Strategy? 4 1.2 What does it do? 4 1.3 How will it be done? 5 1.4 How has it been prepared? 5 1.5 Structure of the Core Strategy 9 2 Lewisham today 11 2.1 Introduction 11 2.2 An outline of the borough 11 2.3 People 13 2.4 Homes 15 2.5 Jobs 17 2.6 Town centres 20 2.7 Environment 21 2.8 Character and heritage assets 26 2.9 Community 26 2.10 What does this all mean? 27 3 Drivers of change 29 3.1 Introduction 29 3.2 Housing provision 29 3.3 Growing the local economy 29 3.4 Adapting to climate change and environmental management 29 3.5 Building a sustainable community 30 3.6 Summary 30 4 Vision for Lewisham 2026 32 4.1 Introduction 32 4.2 Developing the vision 32 4.3 Core Strategy vision for Lewisham 2026 33 5 Strategic objectives 36 5.1 What are strategic objectives? 36 5.2 The strategic objectives 36 Core Strategy Adopted Version Contents 6 The Spatial Strategy 41 6.1 Introduction 41 6.2 Lewisham’s Spatial Strategy 41 6.2.1 Regeneration and Growth Areas 45 6.2.2 District Hubs 60 6.2.3 Local Hubs 66 6.2.4 Areas of Stability and Managed Change 72 7 Cross cutting and thematic policies 80 7.1 Housing provision 81 7.1.1 Housing 81 7.2 Growing the local economy 86 7.2.1 Employment land 86 7.2.2 Retail and town centres 90 7.3 Climate change and environmental management 94 7.3.1 Climate change 94 7.3.2 Waterways and flooding 101 7.3.3 Open space and biodiversity 106 7.3.4 Waste management 112 7.4 Building a sustainable community 115 7.4.1 Sustainable movement 115 7.4.2 High quality design for Lewisham 119 7.4.3 Community services 128 7.4.4 Planning obligations and community infrastructure levy 133 8 Strategic site allocations 135 8.1 What is a strategic site allocation? 135 8.2 Masterplan requirements 135 8.3 Convoys Wharf 138 8.4 Mixed Use Employment Sites 142 8.4.1 Surrey Canal Triangle 142 8.4.2 Oxestalls Road 147 8.4.3 Plough Way 150 8.5 Lewisham Gateway 154 Core Strategy Adopted Version Contents 9 Delivery, implementation and monitoring 158 9.1 Introduction 158 9.2 Commitment to partnership working 158 9.3 Infrastructure Delivery Plan 160 9.4 Infrastructure provision for strategic site allocations 163 9.5 Borough Investment Plan 163 9.6 Use of compulsory purchase powers 163 9.7 Developer contributions 163 9.8 Housing trajectory and Housing Implementation Strategy 164 9.9 Monitoring delivery 165 9.10 Key milestones 166 9.11 Cross-borough issues 167 9.12 Risk assessment and contingency planning 168 Appendices Appendix 1 Evidence base 172 Appendix 2 UDP policies replaced by the Core Strategy 174 Appendix 3 Employment land designations 180 Appendix 4 Sustainability objectives 182 Appendix 5 Monitoring framework 183 Appendix 6 Glossary 196 Appendix 7 Essential infrastructure 201 Core Strategy Adopted Version 1 Introduction and explanation 1.1 What is the Lewisham Core Strategy? 1.1 The Lewisham Core Strategy sets out the vision, objectives, strategy and policies that will guide public and private sector investment to manage development and regeneration in the borough over the next 15 years.(1) The Core Strategy is the key planning document in the Lewisham Local Development Framework (LDF). It sets out the overall ambitions and priorities for the borough, a set of proposals, and a means for making sure that they are delivered. Major change is anticipated, with a focus on Lewisham, Catford, Deptford and New Cross, and we need to plan for this. 1.2 The Core Strategy is based on a vision for the type of place the borough will be in 2026, the key drivers of change which impact on the borough now and in the future, and the need to ensure that any change is maximised for the long-term benefit of all in the Lewisham community. It builds on the vision outlined in the borough’s Sustainable Community Strategy to make Lewisham the best place to live, work and learn over the next 15 years.(2) 1.3 The Core Strategy answers the Why? What? Where? When? and How? questions about the borough’s future: Why is change needed? What should be done? Where should it happen? When should it happen? How is it going to happen? 1.4 The Lewisham Core Strategy is a development plan document in accordance with the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004. It forms part of the statutory development plan for the borough, alongside the London Plan, and needs to be read in conjunction with the London Plan and relevant national planning policy and guidance. 1.2 What does it do? 1.5 Above all things the Core Strategy is about shaping the future of the borough as a better place to live, work, relax and visit, often referred to as place making. This means deciding what sort of a place we want the borough to be in 2026. The London Plan sets a clear context for considering this and its requirements need to be developed at the local level taking full account of Lewisham’s diverse character.(3) The solution for one area of the borough may well not be appropriate for another so the Lewisham Core Strategy is locally distinctive for the borough as a whole and the individual places within it. 1.6 To decide what the borough should be like in 2026 it is first necessary to draw a clear picture of its current position. The Core Strategy does this by presenting key facts and figures of Lewisham today to identify the issues affecting the borough that need to be addressed. This also allows a comparison to be made with other areas, such as the surrounding south-east boroughs, Greater London, England or the UK. 1.7 Strategic objectives are then developed to address the issues and, in turn, they lead to the borough’s future picture or vision. This in turn leads to the strategy of where and how development should take place (particularly housing) in the borough including specific policies and proposals for different areas and strategic sites. 1 2011 to 2026 2 www.lewishamstrategicpartnership.org.uk/ 3 www.london.gov.uk/thelondonplan 4 Core Strategy Adopted Version Introduction and explanation 1 1.8 The Core Strategy therefore shows the location, amount and types of new housing, jobs and shops that need to be provided within the borough as well as the responsibilities of private and public groups (such as developers, NHS Lewisham, Transport for London to name a few) including voluntary and community groups to ensure schools, healthcare, public transport, community facilities, parks and recreation areas, and all those things which make a community sustainable, can be provided for new and existing residents. 1.3 How will it be done? 1.9 It is particularly important that there is a strong system of programme management to ensure that the Core Strategy is delivered on time, to identify any issues as they arise and to consider whether there is a need for review. Chapter 9 sets out a framework for delivery and programme management. This incorporates matters such as timing, phasing, who is responsible for delivery, and expected outcomes. 1.10 This delivery framework is set in relatively broad terms in order that it may remain relevant over the lifetime of the plan. A more detailed delivery plan will be produced that is separate to, but consistent with, the Core Strategy and which can, therefore, be updated and developed on a regular basis and reported through the Annual Monitoring Report (AMR). 1.11 The Core Strategy also sets the context for the preparation of all other development plan documents (DPD), which have to be in conformity with the Core Strategy, and will provide further detail. The first of these will be a site allocations document, which will identify the development sites needed to fulfil the Strategy and the terms under which they should be developed. Owing to the importance of key development proposals to the implementation of the Strategy it has been decided to include them in the Core Strategy, rather than the Site Allocations DPD, as strategic site allocations. In addition, the Strategy will be supported by area action plans for the Lewisham and Catford town centres, a Development Management DPD providing more detailed policies, and a range of supplementary planning documents to provide the detail for specific issues such as development management, planning obligations and conservation areas to help guide decision making on planning applications. 1.4 How has it been prepared? 1.12 To help keep the Core Strategy succinct it has been written in a way to minimise description, repetition of legislation, national guidance and regional planning policy (the London Plan) and of material that can be found in other documents. 1.13 The Core Strategy has been prepared so as to be consistent with national planning policies and in general conformity with the London Plan. Throughout the Core Strategy the impacts of national and regional planning policies are highlighted. It needs to be recognised that there are certain things that we cannot change or influence and must implement. However, in some instances, evidence has been used to justify a locally distinctive approach for Lewisham.
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