Carnegie Classifications Data File Prepared on January 31, 2011. Updated on February 16, 2011. Updated on February 25, 2011. Updated on March 3, 2011. Updated on April 8, 2011 Updated on April 29, 2011. Updated on May 31, 2011. Updated on August 17, 2011. Updated on September 14, 2011. Updated on February 7, 2012. Updated on February 23, 2012. Updated on September 7, 2012. Updated on September 27, 2012. Updated on November 7, 2012. This file contains data for every institution in the Carnegie Classifications online listings as of the last date given above. Included are each institution's classifications, most underlying data elements from which those classifications were derived, and selected additional variables from IPEDS. Proprietary data from the College Board which the Carnegie Foundation licensed for use in the classifications are not included, in accordance with the license terms. These data include: number of transfer entrants and percentage of undergraduates living in college-owned, -operated, or -controlled housing. All-inclusive classifications are time-specific snapshots of institutional attributes and behavior based on data from 2008 and 2010. Institutions might be classified differently using a different timeframe. Individual classifications are not updated with more recent data. For specifics about data sources and how they were used to derive the classifications, refer to the "Classification Descriptions" and "Technical Details" information on the Carnegie Foundation Web site: http://www.carnegiefoundation.org/classifications In rare instances we have disaggregated a single IPEDS entity into more than one classification entity. If an IPEDS UNITID has no t a lrea dy been ass igne d for the new en tity, we crea te d a con tr ive d 7-dig it ID cons is ting of a single digit plus the 6-digit UNITID of the original entity. Recommended citation Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, Carnegie Classifications Data File, February , 2012. Terms of use Institutional classifications may be freely used for any purpose. Data elements taken directly from government sources (U. S. Depar tmen t o f Educati on and N ati onal S ci ence F ound ati on) are subj ec t to relevant usage restrictions, if any. Carnegie-derived data other than classifications are provided free for noncommercial use. For all other uses, please contact the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching (http://www.carnegiefoundation.org). Data sources are indicated on the "Variables" worksheet. Trademark notice "Carnegie Classification" and "The Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education" are registered trademarks of The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching 1 27 December 2012 Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching 2 27 December 2012 Carnegie Classifications Variables Variable Label Source AATOT Associate's degree total IPEDS ACCRED Accreditation type (Office of Postsecondary Education) CF-derived ACTCM25 ACT Composite Score, 25 percentile IPEDs ACTPCT Percent of first-time degree/certificate-seeking students submitting ACT scores IPEDS BASIC2010 2010 Basic Classification CF BATOT Bachelor's degree total IPEDS CC2000 2000 Carnegie Classification [historical--not updated] CF CCBASIC 2005 Basic Classification CF CCENRPRF 2005 Enrollment Profile Classification CF CCIPGRAD 2005 Graduate Instructional Program Classification CF CCIPUG 2005 Undergraduate Instructional Program Classification CF CCSIZSET 2005 Size and Setting Classification CF CCUGPROF 2005 Undergraduate Profile Classification CF CIP4GP Unique graduate or first-professional CIP-4s CF-derived CIP4U Unique undergraduate CIP-4s CF-derived CITY City location of institution IPEDS COEXIST CIP-4s observed at both undergrad & grad/professional as percentage of undergraduate CIP-4s CF-derived CONTROL Control of institution (IPEDS) IPEDS COPLAC Council of Public Liberal Arts Colleges member institution CF-assigned DATA_Rev Data revision flag CF DOCCIP CIP-2 count, research doctoral CF-derived DOCTOT Research doctoral degree total IPEDS Total research doctorates excluding Audiology, Occupational, Physical Therapy, and DOCTOTX2 CF-derived professional practice Clinical Psychology ENG2010 Community Engagement Classification CF-assigned ENRFTEDS Computed FTE degree seeking students all levels CF-derived ENROLLMENT Fall headcount all levels IPEDS ENRPROFILE2010 2010 Enrollment Profile Classification CF Total full-time faculty engaging in primarily instruction, primarily research, or a combination of FACFTTOT CF-derived instruction, research, & public service FPTOT first-professional/non-research doctorates degree total IPEDS GPCIP CIP-2 count, graduate or first-professional CF-derived GPCIP1X Largest grad/fp CIP-2 excluding 24,30 CF-derived GPCIP2X 2nd largest grad/fp CIP-2 excluding 24,30 CF-derived GPPCT1X Percentage of grad/fp degrees corresponding to gpcip1x CF-derived GPPCT2X Percentage of grad/fp degrees corresponding to gpcip2x CF-derived HBCU Historically Black College or University IPEDS, recoded HSI Hispanic serving institution IPEDS, recoded HUM_D Research doctorates in Humanities CF-derived ICLEVEL Level of institution IPEDS IPGRAD2010 2010 Graduate Instructional Program Classification CF IPUG2010 2010 Undergraduate Instructional Program Classification CF LANDGRNT Land-grant institution IPEDS LOCALE Degree of urbanization (Urban-centric locale) IPEDS MACIP CIP-2 count, master's CF-derived MATOT Master's degree total IPEDS MEDICAL Institution grants a medical degree IPEDS MSI Minority serving institution IPEDS, recoded NAME Institution name IPEDS NDOCCIP CIP-2 count, master's and first-professional/non-research doctorates CF-derived NONSTEM Total non-STEM R&D expenditures (1000s) NSF OBEREG Geographic region (IPEDS) IPEDS PCARTSCI % arts and sciences among baccalaureate degree majors, counting 2nd majors CF-derived PC_AS_ND % master's & first-professional/non-research doctorates degrees in arts and sciences CF-derived PCBUS_ND % master's & first-professional/non-research doctorates degrees in business CF-derived PCDGPT4 Percentage of degree-seeking part-time, for 4-year institutions CF-derived PCEDU_D % research doctoral degrees awarded in education CF-derived PCEDU_ND % master's & first-professional degrees in education CF-derived Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching 1 27 December 2012 Carnegie Classifications Variables Variable Label Source PCGPFTE Percentage of graduate and first-professional among all FTE enrollment CF-derived PCHMSC_D % research doctoral degrees awarded in humanities & social sciences CF-derived PCPF_ND % master's & first-professional/non-research doctorates degrees other than arts & sciences, CF-derived PCPROF_D % research doctoral degrees awarded in non-STEM professional fields CF-derived PCPT2 Percentage of part-time undergraduates for 2-year institutions CF-derived PCSTEM_D % research doctoral degrees awarded in STEM fields CF-derived PROF_D Research doctorates in Professional fields CF-derived RESSTAFF Non-faculty research staff (non-faculty research staff & postdocs) NSF SATMT25 SAT Math 25th percentile score IPEDS SATPCT Percent of first-time degree/certificate-seeking students submitting SAT scores IPEDS SATVR25 SAT Critical Reading 25th percentile score IPEDS SIZESET2010 2010 Size and Setting Classification CF SOC_D Research doctorates in Social Sciences CF-derived STABBR State abbreviation IPEDS STEM_D Research doctorates in STEM fields CF-derived STEM_EXP Total STEM R&D expenditures (1000s) NSF TRIBAL Tribal college IPEDS, recoded UGCIP CIP-2 count, undergraduate CF-derived UGCIP1X Largest undergrad CIP-2 excluding 24,30 CF-derived UGCIP2X 2nd largest undergrad CIP-2 excluding 24,30 CF-derived UGENTERN Total entering undergraduates IPEDS UGFTE Computed FTE enrollment at the undergraduate level CF-derived UGPCT1X Percentage of undergrad degrees corresponding to ugcip1x CF-derived UGPCT2X Percentage of undergrad degrees corresponding to ugcip2x CF-derived UGPROFILE2010 2010 Undergraduate Profile Classification CF UNITID Unique identification number for an institution IPEDS & CF-assigned URBAN URBAN institution (Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities/Urban 13) CF-assigned WOMENS Women's Colleges Coalition member institution CF-assigned Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching 2 27 December 2012 Carnegie Classifications Labels Variable Value Label Basic2010 Basic Classification 0 (Not classified) ccbasic 1 Assoc/Pub-R-S: Associate's--Public Rural-serving Small 2 Assoc/Pub-R-M: Associate's--Public Rural-serving Medium 3 Assoc/Pub-R-L: Associate's--Public Rural-serving Large 4 Assoc/Pub-S-SC: Associate's--Public Suburban-serving Single Campus 5 Assoc/Pub-S-MC: Associate's--Public Suburban-serving Multicampus 6 Assoc/Pub-U-SC: Associate's--Public Urban-serving Single Campus 7 Assoc/Pub-U-MC: Associate's--Public Urban-serving Multicampus 8 Assoc/Pub-Spec: Associate's--Public Special Use 9 Assoc/PrivNFP: Associate's--Private Not-for-profit 10 Assoc/PrivFP: Associate's--Private For-profit 11 Assoc/Pub2in4: Associate's--Public 2-year colleges under 4-year universities 12 Assoc/Pub4: Associate's--Public 4-year Primarily Associate's 13 Assoc/PrivNFP4: Associate's--Private Not-for-profit 4-year Primarily Associate's 14 Assoc/PrivFP4: Associate's--Private For-profit 4-year Primarily Associate's 15 RU/VH: Research Universities (very high research activity) 16 RU/H: Research Universities (high research activity) 17 DRU: Doctoral/Research
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