will b» repainted with suggestion* Martinelli, famous tenor of the Kitty Beale, toprano of tho Helena Marth, contralto, who Vladimir Rowing, Russian ten¬ Sophie Braelau, young con¬ from i:obert Edmond Johm. Metropolitan Optra, who htada Metropolitan Ofera Sextet, to make« her pro/eeeional Wash¬ or, who gives a song recital in tralto of the Metrupohiau Grand opera as It should bat give a next debut in recital the concert the season who it the arttit BEST the list of artists in next Sun¬ be heard in eonoert Sun¬ ington joint first of Optra, of If the aim and claim of this organ- ( SINGERS concert at the 9 in with a of the Rubinstein Tues¬ the concert the Phil¬ day evening's day evening at o'clock, Verady, young Hunga¬ Club, fourth of Izatlon that has made *t*ady and Wtllard, when a sextet from tho ballroom of the Willard rian woman cellist, in the day evening at 8:30 in the New harmonic Course, Tuesday, at it in the seventh concert the Ten-Star Masonic Auditorium. at the National Theater. aura steps toward the standards at . the Metropolitan will be heard Hotel. The concert of 4:30, in thn sertes of "Concerts Dip- couree of "Cencertt Diploma- Serine, Friday, at i -SO, at the leading organisations. In building LIKED OF ALL lomatiquee.'\ tit/uee." National Theattr. toward a national opera In Washing¬ g; ton, Director Albion Is assembling " an opera anssmble that Justifies this high ambition and that win MUSIC MAKERS glvs a gala performance In Wash¬ ington. 'vAmerica Is to the Fore to Prove That the _* .a....yss.... f Coming MUSIC IN MOVIES » *' r~v Contralto Voice Is Not Scarce~4lreat t- «. "* Growing 3 Artists of Opera and Concert Will Bring Songs Creatore at Rlatto to Charm a Our For a Second Week li.t Mid-Winter Season.And TLgOORE'S RIAJLTO THEATER ar has secured the services of Women's Chorus Ctals Will Give an Interesting Maestro Creators for another gala week of music for this popular rrv Concert in the Week's Music Calendar. and progresslvs plcturs theater. JESSIE MacBRIDE. Perhaps no local institution deroted By to amusement and art has done *wo con^ra^s our concerts of the week. more in bringing to the city dur¬ » » Both of them American ing the past few months artists r singers. Sophie Braslau, than Moore's who comes as artist in the second Philharmonic of repute and talent Course, Rlalto Theater. The series of has won her in and been concerts given in connec¬ r< way Washington proclaimed weekly for her vital charm and warmth of tion with its picture scopes, snd temperament, feature to the regular Helena Marsh makes her here as as an added be, professional debut photo-drama program has proved hp. artist in the Ten Star Concert. Miss Marsh is well- one of ths most popular worth¬ ^-r known in Washington socially, and to her art she brings while entertainments ever offered the present season. Mr. Rosing im the theater-going public. personal appeal, and a beautiful voice. said to here youth, rarely be first of all a remark¬ ¦ iiu. Maestro Creatore opened Tho singer, many people say, H a year or more before she made her able Interpreter, but hi* vocal re¬ last Monday afternoon, giving makes the to the as a thrss greatest appeal debut here an a singer, at which sources are ample, and vocal¬ 'Samson and Dalilah' tun, the Chicago and the Philadel¬ series of special concerts greatest number of music lovers. ist alone he would command the week. time she sang with another group great caro bens" (Bechnl); "Kr iat'a" With Noted Soloists phia Opera Companies. tlmss daily throughout If that is tho case, this is the f of Metropolitan Opera Singers in admiration. Many of his Interpre¬ (Wolf); "Dissonance" (Borodlne); Boston Symphony and Nicola Zerola, tenor, ia the Sam¬ Capacity audiences have greeted bis CJ*!- enthusi¬ veelt for the music lover. the Belasco Theater two years ago. tations are intensely dramatic; not "1 lo'e n&' a laddie but ana" (Old Here in son. He was a discovery of Ham- every appearance and the Monteux, Conductor February offer¬ In the concert given by the She haa won her way remarkably, theatrical, however. In the common Scotch); "Romanc* de Pauline." interest will bo felt In merstein and sans with the Manhat¬ astic reception accorded' his ^ of that but ho the Illus¬ the .Rubinstein Club, a choral club of aa It is difficult for an American acceptation word, from the Opera "Pique Dame" MONTEUX, ^JHiCAT tan forces after great continental ings have at tlmea reached pro¬ i^. piERRE conductor of the Boa- the announcement of a special one Washington composed of 100 girl to get recognition from the does not hesitate at times to five (Tsrhaikowsky); "Voce dl donna," trious successes, and at the Metropolitan. portions of an ovation and Igti facial emphasis to a line or to ton Symphony Orchestra, now In matinee performance of Salnt-Saens to ths Rlalto when the con¬ women's a Metropolitan at no early a stage from "La Oloconda" (Ponchlelli). He was called the successor to visit >fT. voices, Russian tenor, a the third season at this has In a career and at so an even whole song. With cello played by Miss Varady, post, treat opera, "Samson and Dalilah," Hollls Kdlson cert is being: given should bs . Vladimir Rosing, will be heard. youthful Tamagno. Davenny, Miss Beale is the The program Is: Aria, "Cavatlna" Miss Marsh will give "Alone on the made a program of brilliance and to be given here by the Washington who appeared with the Washington enough to convince the most doubt¬ >7>» Another newcomer is the Hunga- age. granddaugh* for ter of the late well-known Gen. from "Ffeust" (Oounod); Knglisn Housetop" (Oalloway); "Nightingale variety the single concert to Opera (Company, Edouard Albion, Company as Mephlstopheles ful that Washington citizens know, rlaa Rozsi Verady. who lie this famous Opera cellist, Sprlgg S. Carroll, who spent the group, "Invocation to Love" (Cyril Lane" (Alice Barnett); "The Day Is given by organisa¬ general director, at the National in "Faust" and Tonlo In "Pag- appreciate and love good music, w gives a joint recital with Miss Scott), "Hebredian Dance" Scotch tion In Washington this year, which that the claim advanced for ,,f last years of his life at his country Dull." dedicated lo Mlaa Marsh Theater on Friday afternoon, Feb¬ llacacl," will sing the High Prlcat; and Marsh. (Fraser), "Lord Rendel" (Sommersct of will take place at the National The¬ Tlttman will the of the Nation as a . home near Takoma Park. Her (Walter Henry Rothwell); "Song ruary 24, at 2:15. Charles Trowbridge Capital Folksong), "L<ove Went a-Rldlng" the U and ater, Tuesday afternoon, January Ablme- music center is not without founda¬ comes from the Met* friends in Washington are looking Open" (Prank Porge); This will be the most Imposing appear in the dual roles of gRASLAU (Bridge); Russian group, "The Milt¬ "Ave Maria" (Shubert). 31, at 4:30, under management of presentation yet made by this com¬ lech and th« Old Hebrew, other tion. > ix. ropolitan Opera, where she forward with enthusiasm to hear¬ apd er" (Dorgomlngsky), "Hindoo Song" Mls» Varady's selections will be Mrs. Wllson-tlreene pany, in the of the local artists are Albert Shefferman, The program, beginning today is one of the younger singers upon ing her in an operatic program. which, light He . (Rlmsky-Korsakoff), "Death Sere¬ Sonata E Minor Seventeenth Cen¬ The symphony on this program rendition of "Alda" sea¬ will give Wagner's "Tann- which the future of America's fore¬ » great last baritone; Herbert Aldrlch, tenor, (Sunday) nade" and "Song of a Flea" (Mous- tury (Arloatl); (Tschalkow- will be the Fourth by Tuchaikow- son, may seem an and Walter Matson, bass. hauser" overture, the flTst time most opera house must be built. Contralto "Elegie" extravagant BrasEau, sorgsky). Tickets are on sale at "Serenade (Olazo- sky in F minor. This work was claim, that the facta bear There will be a chorus of 100 this beautiful score has ever been An American-born artist, she Is the sky); Espagnole" except that, In the office of T. Arthur Smith, Inc., nowt; "Scherzo" (Van tloena); "Sl- considered by the Russian com¬ out the statement. Director Albion aays, will surpass attempted by a local photoplay «». of a distinguished Rus- Recital Tuesday daughter 1806 O street. cllllenne" (Paure); and "Tarantella" poser as his finest achievement, The cast is headed Eleanora de the work done in "Aida," ? heater, and with augmented orches¬ sian doctor of New York, so she BRASLAU, the brilliant by splendid gOPHIE . and the subsequent verdict of pos¬ Clsneros as Dalilah. will direct the tra of musicians and special in¬ has the continental and young contralto of the Metro¬ (Popper). Mrae. Clsneros Arnold Volpe again Influence, Tickets be had at the office terity is more and more inclining coached this role with and the direction brought here from Phila¬ the of seventeen she politan Grand Opera, will be heard may Salnt-Saens orchestra, stage struments y jat age spoke Marsh-Verady Recital of T. Arthur 1306 O to his view. The work describes himself. Her Dalilah is famous will be under Enrlca Dillon, and New Tork. As an in¬ (our languages. Miss Braslau hsa In recital at the National Theater Smith, Inc., Clay delphia p, street. the hopes and aspirations of Hu¬ among opera-goers throughout the who put on "Aida." termezzo, Mascagnl's "Cavallerla sung abroad with great success, next Tuesday afternoon, January In "Ten-Star" Series .
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