Contents ECMI 2014 28 Mini-Symposium on Spacetime Models of Gravity in Geolocation and Acoustics, Jos´eMar´ıaGambi, Michael M. Tung and Manuel Carretero . 30 Imaging and inverse problems, A. Carpio, M.L. Rap´un. 32 Minisymposium Computational Finance, Matthias Ehrhardt, J¨org Kienitz and Jan ter Maten . 36 Mathematical Modelling in Energy Markets, Michael Coulon and Matthias Ehrhardt . 38 Industrial Particle and Interface Dynamics, Dr. Tuoi Vo T.N. 40 Methods for Advanced Multi-Objective Optimization for eDFY of complex Nano-scale Circuits, Salvatore Rinaudo and Giuliana Gangemi . 41 Robust Variable-Structure Approaches for Control and Estimation of Uncertain Dynamic Processes, Andreas Rauh and Luise Senkel . 48 Online Industrial Mathematics, Matti Heilio, Poul Hjorth, Seppo Pohjolainen, Elena V´azquez Cend´on,Leonid Kalachev, Sergei Zuyev . 55 Simulation and Optimization of water and gas networks, Prof. Dr. Gerd Steinebach, Prof. Dr. Oliver Kolb and Prof. Dr. Jens Lang . 56 Mathematical methods in medical imaging, Ad´eritoAra´ujoand S´ılviaBarbeiro . 58 Mathematical Modelling of Drug Delivery, Dr. Sean McGinty and Professor Sean McKee . 60 European Study Groups with Industry, Hilary Ockendon . 63 2 Young Researchers' Minisymposium: High Performance Computa- tional Finance, Binghuan Lin, Alvaro´ Leitao Rodr´ıguez,Jos´e Pedro Silva and Jinzhe Yang . 64 Non-hydrostatic wave propagation with depth averaged equations: models and methods, A.I. Delis and M. Ricchiuto . 65 Minisymposium: Tailored-Mathematics for the Technical Textile Industry, Nicole Marheineke . 67 EU-MATHS-IN: A European Network of Mathematics for Indus- try and Innovation, Peregrina Quintela Estevez and Antonino Sgalambro . 69 Simulation and Optimization of Solar Tower Power Plants, Martin Frank and Pascal Richter . 73 The intersection of theoretical and experimental industrial science, Ian Griffiths . 75 Minisymposium on Mathematical and numerical modeling of the cardiovascular system, Piero Colli Franzone, Luca F. Pavarino and Simone Scacchi . 77 The Emerging Discipline of Pharmacometrics : At the Crossroad of Mathematics and Modern Pharmaceutical Sciences, Piero Colli Franzone, Luca F. Pavarino and Simone Scacchi . 78 Minisymposium proposal on Mathematics and CAGD: interactions and intersections, Costanza Conti and Lucia Romani . 79 Shape and Size in Biomedicine, Industry and Materials Science: an ECMI Special Interest Group, Alessandra Micheletti . 81 Success stories from the ECMI Educational Programme, Jos´eMaria Gambi Fernandez and Alessandra Micheletti . 83 Mini-symposium: FEniCS and dolfin-adjoint: Innovative tools for automated finite element simulations, Steven Vandekerckhove and Garth Wells . 84 Minisymposium: Semiclassical and quantum transport in semicon- ductors and low dimensional materials, M. Alvaro, L. Bonilla, O. Muscato and V. Romano . 87 Parameterized model order reduction methods for complex multidi- mensional systems, Francesco Ferranti and Wil Schilders . 89 Model reduction in Continuum Thermodynamics, Eduard Feireisl, Josef Malek, Vit Prusa and Petr Schill . 91 Selected Topics in Semi-Classical and Quantum Transport Model- ing, Dragica Vasileska . 92 ECMI 2014 3 Simulation, Model Order Reduction and Robust Optimization for Industrial E-Mobility Applications, Andreas Bartel and Se- bastian Sch¨ops . 94 Structured Numerical Linear Algebra in Imaging and Monument conservation ,Marco Donatelli and Stefano Serra-Capizzano . 96 Mathematical Problems from Semiconductor Industry,Giuseppe Al`ı and Giovanni Mascali . 98 Minisymposium: Numerical Methods in Volcano Geophysics, Gilda Currenti and Eugenio Sansosti . 99 New progress on numerical modeling of Geophysical flows for en- vironment, natural hazards, and risk evaluation, Manuel J. Castro D´ıaz,Carlos Par´esMadro~naland Giovanni Russo . 102 High Order One-Step ALE and AMR Methods for Conservative and Non- Conservative Hyperbolic PDE, Michael Dumbser . 104 Recent trends in modeling, analysis, and simulation of induction heat treatments, Dietmar H¨omberg and Thomas Petzold . 106 Simulation and control of hot-rolling, Dietmar H¨omberg and Masahiro Yamamoto . 108 Models of drift-diffusion for concentrated solutions, Maria Bruna and Barbara Wagner . 110 Mathematical Modelling of Photovoltaic Devices, Andreas Muench and Barbara Wagner . 111 Bayesian and approximative sampling methods for Uncertainty Quan- tification, Alexander Bibov, Vladimir Shemyakin, Heikki Haario and Marko Laine . 112 Nature's natural order: from individual to collective behaviour and self-organization, H Gadelha and PK Maini . 113 Model Based Optimization of Industrial Processes, Stefan K¨orkel and Alexander Badinski . 115 Network processes and differential equations, Andras Batkai and Peter L. Simon . 116 Numerical methods for stiff problems in partial differential equa- tions and applications, Sebastiano Boscarino and Giovanni Russo . 117 Recent advances on equilibrium problems with applications to net- works, Patrizia Daniele . 119 Particle methods and their applications, Giuseppe Bilotta and Alexis H´erault . 120 Mathematical Methods in Photoacoustic Tomography and Optical Coherence Tomography, Peter Elbau and Leonidas Mindrinos 122 ECMI 2014 4 Advanced Imaging for Industrial Application, Sebastiano Battiato, Giovanni Gallo and Filippo Stanco . 124 Optimization and Optimization-based Control Methods for Indus- trial Applications, Dr. Kathrin Flaßkamp and Dr. Timm Faulwasser . 126 Modeling and Optimization of Interacting Particle Systems, Rene Pinnau, Claudia Totzeck, Jochen Kall and Stephan Martin . 128 Multiphysics simulations with industrial applications, Stefano Micheletti and Simona Perotto . 129 Simulation Issues for Nanoelectronic Coupled Problems, Caren Tis- chendorf . 131 Multiphsyics simulation in electrical engineering, Michael G¨unther 132 Current challenges in Computaional Finance, Claudio Albanese . 133 Mathematics in Nanotechnology, T. G. Myers and Luis Bonilla . 134 Efficient Numerical Simulation of the Wilson Flow in Lattice QCD, Mich`eleWandelt and Michael G¨unther . 136 Ab-initio based Kinetic and Transport Models, Antonino La Magna 137 A Hydrodynamical model for charge and heat transport in graphene, Giovanni Mascali and Vittorio Romano . 138 Deterministic simulation of a DG-MOSFET through a parallel solver, Francesco Vecil. 139 Approximate Uncertainty Quantification Using Vague Knowledge, S. Subbey, B. Planque, U. Lindstrøm, A. Frank . 140 Tracking Uncertainty Propagation in a Fisheries Population Dy- namics Model, S. Subbey, H. Skaug, L. Frimannslund . 141 Main Track 143 An alternative stochastic volatility model, Youssef El-Khatib and Abdulnasser Hatemi-J . 144 Global existence of weak solutions to an angiogenesis model, N. A¨ssa146 Deformation of liquid drops and thin-films under the influence of an electric field, Nigel Mottram . 147 Numerical simulation of heat transfer in underground electrical ca- bles, R. C˘iegis and G. Jankevi˘ci¯ute _ and A. Bugajev and N. Tumanova . 148 The stochastic Poisson and Poisson-Boltzmann equations applied to quantifying noise and fluctuations in nanoscale sensors, Clemens Heitzinger . 150 An inverse problem for a generalized transport equation in polar coordinates, I_smet G¨olgeleyen . 152 ECMI 2014 5 αAMG based on Weighted Matching for Systems of Elliptic PDEs arising from Displacement and Mixed Methods, Pasqua D'Ambra and Panayot S. Vassilevski . 153 Modelling the ripening of cheddar cheese, Winston Sweatman . 155 Fiber suspension flows: simulations and existence results, Uldis Strautins . 156 Mathematical formulation of Bioventing Optimal Design Strate- gies, Filippo Notarnicola . 158 A nonlinear CVFE scheme for a degenerate parabolic reaction- diffusion system modeling the volume-filling effect for a chemo- taxis model, Cl´ement Canc`es, Moustafa Ibrahim and Mazen Saad . 159 Numerical study of forced MHD convection flow and temperature around periodically placed cylinders, Harijs Kalis and Mak- sims Marinaki . 161 Numerical solution of axisymmetric eddy current problems with hysteresis, Alfredo Berm´udez,Dolores G´omez,Rodolfo Ro- driguez, Pablo Venegas . 163 Perturbation-analysis for pipe-networks, Christoph Huck, Caren Tischendorf and Lennart Jansen . 165 On the problem of reconstruction of a Riemannian metric from the Hodograph, Fikret Golgeleyen . 166 A boundary element method for pricing barriers options,C. Guarda- soni and S. Sanfelici . 167 High-order compact schemes for Black-Scholes basket options,Christof Heuer and Bertram D¨uring . 169 Negative Selection - a New Performance Measure for Automated Order Execution, Natasa Krejic, Miles Kumaresan and Sanja Loncar . 170 Analysis of a variational model for liquid crystal shells, Marco Ven- eroni . 172 Spacetime Models of Gravity in Geolocation and Acoustics 173 Post-Newtonian Effects in Geolocation by FDOA, Jose Maria Gambi, Michael M. Tung, Javier Clares and Maria Luisa Garcia Del Pino . 174 Maxwell's Fish-Eye in (2+1)D Spacetime Acoustics, Michael M. Tung, Jos´eMar´ıaGambi and Mar´ıaLuisa Garc´ıaDel Pino . 175 ECMI 2014 6 Post-Newtonian Geolocation of Passive Radio Transmitters by TDOA and FDOA, Jose Maria Gambi, Javier Clares and Maria Del Carmen Rodriguez Teijeiro . 176 Post-Newtonian Orbital Equations for Fermi Frames in the Vicin- ity the Earth, Jose Maria Gambi, Maria Luisa Garcia Del Pino and Michael M. Tung . 177 Imaging and inverse problems 178 Imaging in an optically thin media using L1-optimization, Pedro Gonzalez Rodriguez, Arnold D. Kim and Miguel Moscoso . 179 Domain and parameter reconstruction in photothermal
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