NOVEMBER 15 THE LIMA NEWS PAGE TWENTY-ONE pi HI HOARDING MOUSE vMk MAJOR HOOHLK OIJT OUR WAV J. a MTILUAMS / 1 CAN'T SLEEP FOR, 4 1 CAIWT KEEP FROM A A SIT OP SHOOTIMG SOTtC THIWKIW 'THEM "IHET FBRRfcT.'— . A VAMISMED- BACREL5 " THINIKINO I'M A FOOL, "Love Letters" Makes Debut HUMTIKKs MAPS OF HAS SITS"-WES IS Vera Displays New Tactics CtUB— *- LOST SPANISH MIMES REEKIN' RICH ASM?"- CM&MICAL ANALYSIS OF MAlC llsi TMW « HIDDEK) IM LOST ,V«JELL," THEM THET f • COMB POUMO AT TUB / OLD HAS GITS/" 'SPECl-*1 OP THE FOOL DEED (%VEALS THKT THOUGMTFULW MEBBE I BETTER. On "Music HalT Thursday With Rousing Acclaim Friday. HE'S <3OIMC> BACK! TO THE EAWCH-- W=LL-BUT-THEM COMB I^DICATCS Vcra Vague tries a new set of man-trapping tactics on Fi'»nfc Mor- Arc you in the mood for a picture that is haunting and appealing- esSNiESS/Mo THET--NO"NO~~ THAT FOR A STftCT ? gan, when she shows up BH guest again on tho Music Hall program fea- one that will remain with you for days? , If you arc, don't miss tho turing Lina Komay and Carmen Cavallaro at 9 p. m. Thursday over latest production of one /of Hollywood's ace studios, "Love Letters" NBC. opening at tho Ohio theatre Friday. Miss Vague •will co-star with fabulous Frank in another of his adven- The dramatic story of tho film is very unusual. You'll talk about tures taken fiom the diversified We of, Frank Moigan, Of course," Mids .,the strange romance of a girl who durcd not remember her past, of Vague also has her attentions di- A man who wrote love letters to a vided between her host and Car- Dick Powell, matches wits with an girl he never met, not realizing men CavaUaio. international i"wel thief on'" tho Theatre Guide Laugh and lyrics, meniment and "Rogue's Gallery" broadcast at they would mean haunting terror OHIO—"Mildred Pleicc" with Joan melody are the dements, when 8:30 p. m. over MBS. Titled "Tho to him, disaster to her, and violeni Cruwfojd, Zachtry Stott, Jack Bud Abbott and Lou Costello cut House of Fear," the program is an death to the man who used them loose for another session of music action-packejl mystery rrielodiama Curaon and Anne Blytfo. and comedy at 10 p. m. Thursday with ^Jlogue, the hard-boiled to-win her heart. Joseph Gotten QUJMfA—"Kiss And Tell" with over NBC. "private eye," assigned by the find Jennifer Jones have the star- Slilrloy Temple, Walter Abel, Zachary Scott, newest fecieen Great Western Insurance Co., to ling roles in this outstanding Jeiomc Ccmrtland and Robert sensation, stars in a. spine-tingler investigate the theft of the Soma- film. Benchley; also "Sh.ingh.ul Cobra." with musical overtones, "Murder bland IJiamond — one of the larg- A couple of "oldies" will be ush- SIOHA—"In Hollywood" -with ud IT Off-Key," the "Suspense" offering est and most costly diamonds in Abbott and Lou Costello. OUT AMP at 8 p. m. Thursday over CBS. I the- world. ered in at the Quilria theatre Fri- "You and the News," a drama* day, but, from the remarks this STATr—"The Very Thought Of COtAB .Richard Rogue, as played by You" -with .Dennis' Morgan and TU& CITY," I ti/ed account of the leading news reviewer has been hearing lately, I stories of the week, will make its will not go unheralded. Many Eleanor Paikur; al«o "Arsenic I8HERLOCK- Radio Guide debut over the coast-to-coast facil- -folks are expressing, verbally, And Old Lace" with Priscilla ities of MBS at 10 p. m. Thursday. their pleasure in knowing that Lane and Cary Grant. THURSDAY'. NOV. 13 The new program, produced in LVBIC—"Saddle Serenade" with LOOKED OoH \\ PONT HURT J (Lima Time) "Hurricane" starring Dorothy La- 1 P. M. cooperation with the editors of a niour and Jon Hall, has been Jimmy Wakely, also "Fighting AT HISSELF IN'A [AMW ''//• 5.30—Just Plain Bill—nbc news magazine, is based on its Lady" with Robert Taylor as MASK 11 Cimtrron Tavern—mbi brought back to Lima. The cp- S-tS—Front Pag* t^rci-ll—nbc editorial theme, "A well informed .feature, "Raffles," starring David narrator. YA BIG Tom Mlx~~mb* I public is America's greatest se- AIiXiEN—"Bathing Beauty" with t:00—Newi Export—nbc ' cunty." The leading stones of the TNiven, 5-3 another of the welcome New«—eb»- baste features which folks are talking Bed Skelton and Ehtber Williams; Chick Carter—mbi week will be piesenteci in a man- about. also "Springtime In Texas." 8:13—Echoes of Tropic*—nbc ner designed to appeal to Jisten- A heart-waiming bit of Ameii- coMUftt VF Patti Ciayton—cbs ei<;, and luither the understanding 1 SnperzBan—mbi of the \ital issues of the day. cana, coming to the Sigma theatre OHIO—"Love Letter?' coming Fri- f 43—Lowell Thomas—nbe Woi-ld Newi—eta T.vo flag officers, Lt. Gen. '* Saturday is "The Southerner." day. Tom M«—mbs Joseph L Collnib and Vice Adm. Adapted from George Sessions QTMZiZU.—"Hurricane" and "Raf- 7.00—Cotno's Sopner Club—nbc-baaie Charles M. Cooke, Jr, expiess op- Perry's prize-winning novel, "Hold fles" start Friday. Fifteen Minute Show—cbs FnJton Lewis—mbs posing viewpoint-:, when '•Amer- -Autumn in Y»ur Hand," it is the SIGMA—"The Southerner' com- 7:13—World War Broadcast—nbc ica's Town Meeting" debates the story of a stuidy young migratory mencefa Satuiday Jark Smith—-cbs question, "Should We Have a Dane* Music—mbi cotton picker whose love of the STATE—"You Came Along" ami 7.30—Bob Burns—nbc "~ Single Depaitment for Our Aimed land gives him the courage to for- "Shady Lady" open Sunday. Irresistible Coval—other abc Forces ?'' in the broadcast at 8:30 sake this doubtful security for the Air. Keen, Dran:»—<bs basic p. m. Thursday over ABC. LTKIC — "Foreign Correspondent' Danciny Mn«ie—eb«-Dbci* bitter battle with nature that is and "Arizona Bound" coming Sat- - Copr. 1945, King Features Syndicate. Inc, World rights reserved. 11-15 Arthur Haje—nabt the lot of the man who raises his uiday 7:45—Kaltenbom—nhc-wett Dance Mtjsie—mb« own crops. ALLEN—"Girl Crary" and "Song £ 00—George Burns—nbc Many movies of today are us- Of The Buckaroo" due Friday. Stupenie. lljatery—cbf OUILNA VJEU-, HERE'S A. CrW^CE ing song titles for the titles of a RED.10U OC News—mbs Artt) UTTLE BEMEte-- SUN-KISSED TD PRCNH TDli'RE A.e«3 I 8.30—Dinah Shore's Open Hous*—Tibc film. So it goes at the State YOU t>0rt' HERE? -'LSTSSES FBI In Peace And War—cbs ENDS TONITE! theatre where "The Very Thought Jimmy Wakely, another west- -OU Dick Per* ell—mbs ern star who reached the rank of 8:33—Five Minutes News—cbi "KISS AND TELL" of You" with Dennis Morgan and 9 00—Frank Morgan—nbc Eleanor Parker and currently top western stais thru his vocal ilorton Goold—cbs "SHANGHAI COBRA" showing at the State theatre. abilities, is currently seen in "Sad- Gabriel Heatter—mbt S.30—Jack Haley—nbc Poignant in its own right, the pic- dle Serenade" at the Lyric theatre. Bob Burns in repeat—either nbc ture tells of a boy and a girl who Sharing the bill is "Fighting Corliss Archer—cb* STARTS Lady" the story of the impregna- Summer Serenade—mbi thru some trick of fate, meet and 10-00—Abbott and Costello—nbc marry. Sharing the hilling is that ble bhip as told by Eobert Taylor. Firit Lint Drama—cb> FRIDAY howl hit of the year, "Arsenic and Mickey Rooney returns to the Better Half— robs 10:30—Came This Way—nbc Old Lace" with Gary Grant and Allen theatre Fuday in one of his Larry Douglas Sonzs—ebs Priscilla Lane. funniest pictures, "Girl Crazy." SWITIJ? from Chicaeo—mbs SOUTH SEA II .00—Ne-ws—nbc-basic The Music Shop—other nbe BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES 11.30—Variety. News to 1 a. m.—nbc ADVENTURE! Fight with them . ., Escape with ihent... through Ihe tesllesr ' HOPE HE POESM'T TASTE THE WLOK besutf of lh* tropic - YOU'D JOIW OUR VS AFRAVP IS TIME FOR A FEW \ Y0U DEAtl!T'6\ LOG nights, ilruggling . HOLP HANPS BEFORE NIGHTFALL— ) A BOTHER £5 LVCKIW6 OFF H\5 THUMB against lh» tury oL/t -, AMP y0UR PISPO5AL y WITH OUp. OR ARE YOU AFRAID GUM, ONfaO... LIMA nature. • -^ o' uosiwa FACE f TIEP DIAL *L1A1A TIME PJL THURSDAY 6:00 1240 Club 6:10 Sports (Rawli) 6:15 Wooden Shoe Beer « 30 Bawls' News 6 45 Tin P»n AUty (Peoples Clothing) 7:00 Cherterfield Snpper Club NBC 7:13 T. B. Assn. 7 30 Parade of Stars 7:15 Kojrers' News 8.00 barn* and Allen (Gen. Foods) XBC 8.30 Dinah Shore <Cen. Foods) >TBC 9.00 Kraft Mosic Hall NBC 9 JO Wtstin«faot»« Show Time XCXi I*. COOVO 10:00 Abbott and Costello (Camel) VBC RS 10:30 Drene Show CP S. G) XBC VOO'Vit ft VO\ 11 00 WestinRhouse Kews 11:15 Music From Sarno's OC 11:45 Console Classics VAX DUE TO CIVIC MUSIC NOW—15c TILL 2 P. M. CONCERT TONITE A..M. FRIDAY 6 00 Son rue Serenade S:30 National Finance Newi Joan Craw ford m 6:35 Snnnse Serenade LYRIC 7.90 Alarm Klock "MILDRED AT 7 30 Wes-<rn and Southern Lif« FIRST TIME TOMORROW 1 P.
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