DOCON111? RESUME 310181 238 CE 023 728 AUTHOR Matejic, Denise M. TITLE 'Your Money. Matters. A Self-Study Program for Consumers. INSTITUTION Rutgers, The Stte Univ., New Brunswick, N.J. Cooperative 'Extension Service. SPONS AGENCY Extension Service (NDM Washington, D.C. Science tnd Education Administration. PUB DATE 79 NOTE , 182p.: For rele.ed docuMentssee CE 023 725-729.- Parts of his document may nOt reproduce well due tO colored pages. AVAILABLE FROM New Jersey Cooperative Extension Service, Publicaticns Distribution Centere Dudley Road,New Brunswick, 'NJ 08901 ($6.00) EpRS PRICE MF01 Plus Postage. PC No+ Avai able from EDRS. DESCRIPTORS Adults: Budgeting: Constimer Economics:*Consumer ducation: Credit (Finance): *Home Study: Houang: ependent S+114v: *TnstruotiOnal,Materials: urance Programs: Tnvestmenti *Learning Activities: *Money Management: Outreach Programs .ABSTRACT . This consumer's (or student's) guide fora home-study money management curriculum is divided into five units of study: (1) financial planning:(2) coping with'credit: (3) protection through life insurance: (4) financial aspects of housing: and (5) makingyour money grow. Fach unit containe fact sheets, charts, and quizzes. The fact sheets in unit1 cover guidelines for personal and family ipending budget planning, a d taking financial inventory. Thefact Sheets in unit 2 cover diff rent forms of credit,how to -establish a--/ credit rating, how to hándVe debt, buyinga car on credit, and how credit laws protect the c sumer. Basic types of insurance policies and guilelines for choosq a policy which matches individualneeds is govered in unit 3. Un t 4 discusses various factors involvedin purchasing a hause, .altefrnative housing options,homecwner's insurance, and types of Mortgages. Finally, the fact sheets'in unit 5. discuss establishing a ersonal or family savings plan, different ways to save, differen methods of investment, and related information and prote tiot for the consumer. teacher's guide (CE 0.23 727i accompanies his document. 4BM) esielsi011tess100410111...***************************************************** Reproductios supplied by ?DRS are the best that can be made from the original document. ****************4141*****glottiolo*loop*Atio******losiolotio********************** E.B. 4231979 411 YOUR MONEY MATTERS CV A Self-Study Program for Consumers4 03 4 4 w--1 - 1 C2I LO i Denise M Mteji ItItt` k:Ipt`e 1,111`.t111 ,111111v e' M,01,1e)01110111 LOOpt4,AtIt' It tt'f11011;t`rN,Irt` COOk fititoor,: t IfRAVsth,, Now tiri itiymck Nto.,, 4. ta 11% OF PART MINT OF HEAL TN FOLKATIONAWILFARI NATIONAL INSTITOTF OF F DU( AT ION 111 l I,411 %if 44A', fit I Nf I PR() 1,- I, 4A( It to. ( 4.,1 I)I WOM Tti 1.1 III7k,ANIIA SION tiltif.IN I .N(, POIN II 4 IV Il'iNIONS, 1,,1111 III, NOT NI t%,Altil y PWI tog ,A1NATIlNAIN% ilfflt I ( A ,t,N oit POI II The material in this publicationis based upon the consumer education project. "Hit PING FAMILIES ADJUST TO ECONOMICCHANGE", the project was funded ttrugh special needs funds by Science and EducationAdministration-Extension, Awl States Department gqignculture, Washington,D.0 20250, Cooperative Agreement No 12 -05 300-36111in cooperation with the Now Jersey Coopecativo xtension Service ot Rutgers University, Cook College, -Departmentof Home crinomies, New Brunswick, Now Jo soy ir New Jersey Home Economics Administrator Beittr.we M May, Chairperson, Dep'artrnent of HolTle Economics,Now Jersey Cooperative Extension Service, 'Rutgers University, CookCollege èpecII ProjectLiaison with SEA-USDA ,h)sophine It awyer, Firnily Ref-touree Managemetit Specialist, Si A-USDA, Washington, D Project Team Denise M Matew Project Director, 'Author, Editor Dr May W Huang Project Evaluator, Co-Author Dr Neil A Gaston Co-Author, Associate Editor OIL Richard H Sprince Program ASsistant in Family Resource- Management, Outreach Coordinator, Project Assistants Mary 13 Rhodes"' Caryn Feder t Cindy R os t Suzanne Bonamo Marian Schwanz t Nancy Hopko t Susan A. Percello Barbara Picaroni t Paula Perdoni Charlotte Flurwitz Linda Nunziato CarolKymick t Karen Halbig * " Graduate students from the Department of Vocational-TechnicalEducation, Graduate School of Education, Rutgers Uniyersitjr. t Students at Douglass College, Department of Illome Economics, RutgersUniver- sity Library of Congress Catalog Card 79-66415 a Table of Contents Acknowledgements Outline and Instrifctions For Use of Units Individual Learning Units: r FINANCIAL PIANNING FactSheet -#1, Guidelines foy Personal and Family Spending FactSheet 112 Budget Planning FactShoot oti Taking Financial Inventory UNIT V COPING WITH 'CREDIT Fact SOO J14 What is This' Privilege Called Credity Fact SheAs#5 How Do.l Establish a Credi Rat ing-tindWhy Is It So Important? Fact Sheet l't) Help! I'm in Debt! What D I Do? Fact Sheet #'!1, Buying a Car on Credit? / Fact Sheet #82)It Credit Protection for Consumers A Fact Sheet #8-B'- Credit,Protection for Consumers-- TitleVII: Equal Credit Opportunity Act . - Fact Sheet #8-C 1.;.sredit Protection for t.onsumers Spec a I Problems Women M. Hifve A Fact Sheet #8-D Cre t Protection for Consumers- FederalTrade Commission Rule. and Your Credit Rights Quiz \ UNIT III .--PLANNING FOR PRO'CTION: LlkINSURANCE ---' Fact Shoet#9 The Basics \sk. Fact Sheet# 10- A - BzWc Po 1 icy .4,ypes Fact Sheet# 10- Whole Life aria: Endowment Po 1 ic ies -Fact Sheet#10-C Combirlation PlaUs Fact Sheet #1'1 Policies for EverY Person Fact #12 Importaht Provision, Gloss y Of'Lifeinsurance Terms guez 1 k 4 4 4 Table of Content Page 2. 111 UNIT IV MAW, I AL ASPECTS 0 IIOUS Nt; Fact Sheet013.- Important Considerations Fact Sheet0,14 Consider the'Cost 4 FactSheet015 The Purchase Agreement and Your Lawyer FactSheet#1;. The Closing Fact #I7 Sheet -You Have Other dousing Choices - FactSheet#18 In's .and Out's of Homeowner's Insurance FactSheet#19 Whatstin a Mortgage? Get to Know the Terms Fact'Sheet#20 Types Of Mortgages FactSheet#21 Final Thoughts on Mortgages UNIT V MAKING YOUR MONEY GROW 4 Fact Sheet #22-, What Saying Can Do For You Fact Sheet#23 Guidelines for Estublishing Your Personalor Family Savings Plan FactSheet#24 - Increasing Your Savings FactSheet#2S Saving vevus Investing FactSheet#26 Investing Bonds FactSheet#27 - Investing -- Stocks FactSheet#28 Investing -- Mutual Funds FactStleet#29 What the Small. Investor Needs to Know Quiz Appendix INIM Keys to Quizzes Evaluation Questionnaire 6 5 1 A Acknowledgements Illkiny people asslsted with the design, review', arid production of Your Mone Matters - A .Se%f-Study Prokram for Consumers, and the second version A Self-Study Program- i.j!ide- tor Educat,ors. It is with gratitude that I acknowledge the following contributions: For providimg information used.in the fac sheets: The New ersey Bankers Association, Princeton, The Fedora Trade Commission, Regional Office, New York, N.Y.; New Jersey Savings. League, Newark, N.J.; The Federal .Reserve Bafik, Consumer.Infonmition Center, Philad'elphia, Pa; The National Bank of New Brunswick, New Brunswick,-N.J.:, The Council of Life Insurance, Washington, D.C. United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, D.C.; Federal Savings.and Loan Association, Westfield, N.J.; Insunance Information Institute, New York, N.Y. For researching of information and editing of the fact sheets: Richard H. Spriuce, Mary Rhoks, Suzanne Bonamo,dAarian Schwartz, and Caryn Feder. For reviewing and evaluat.ing the material for contant and consistency, and applying the Fry test for readability: pr. May Huang and Mary Rhodes. For helping with the,development of quizzes (and cover letters in the educators' version) and reviewing,'testing, and evaluating them repeatedly: Richard H. '"' Sprince, Mary Rhodes, suzanne Bonatho, Caryn Feder, Marian Schivartz, and Veronica M. Malo,ne, Program Associate in Home Economics. For guidance in eva.luating the quizzes in terms of their difficulty,.appro- priateness as a general evaluation tool, and.objectivityi Dr., May Huang, Assistant Professor, Home Economics Education, Groduate School of Education, Rutgers University. Thanks go the the following individuals for assisting with the development or review of some of the charts in this publication: Mail Rhodes, Project Assistant; Dr. Angele Parker, Home Economics Program Leader, University of. Rhode Island, Rhode Island; Fann Woodward, 'Extension Famiry Elconomics:Specialist, Cooperative Extension Service, Arkansas,. Special-thanks ,go to the following people who reviewed parts or all of the manuscript and made valuable suggestions: ''Beatrice M. May, Chairperson, Department of Home Economics, Cooperative ExtenSion Service, Cook College, Rutgers University; Josephine Lawyer, Family Resource Management Specialist, SEA/Extension, Washington, D.C.; Glenda Pifer, Specialist-Housing, Furnishings and Egi!)opment, SEA/Extension, USDA, Washington, D.C.; Richard B. Benedict, Secretary, New jersey Bankers Association, Princeton, N.J.; John Farrell-,' Senior Vice Prident, ComMunity Affairs; Beneficial Mortgage Corp., South; Street, Morristown, N.J.; Frank Melugh, Director of Special Service Project, Securities teldustry Association, Committee on Economic Education, New York, N.Y.; David B. Malkin, CA.U., Director, life Umployee Benetit Division Frenkelr, Co., Inc., N.Y.; Salvatore F. Sangiorgi, Associate Regional Director, Federal Tra Ammthission, N.Y.: Dr. Carol,Meeks, Associate ProfcSsor, . 4 Consumer Economics and Housing, Cornell University, Ithaca,New York; Funlee (Pat) Liurance, Specialist, . Family Economics andManagement,
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