f-'mww^' -' ' '•,'S.'-r'--, s&>vi^«^ ,;:';•• •';->Ar^ .-•-,-/ ;- --y-^r. :¥^<'-:.:>i¥::;\ THE NOTRE DAME SCHOLASTIC PUBLISHED WEEKLY - FOUNDED 1867 Volume 74 DECEMBER 6, 1940 Kumber 10 THE NOTRE DAME SCHOLASTIC .,-#>>^v PROFESSIONAL CARDS DR. HARRY BOYD-SNEE EYE. EAR. NOSE. THROAT PHONE 3-1395 J. M. S. BUILDING DR. O. J. GRUNDY REGISTERED PODIATRIST FOOT AILMENTS A3A ASSOCIATES BLDG. PHONE 3-2574 .^ DR. H. R. FRASER REGISTERED PODIATRIST SHERLANO BUILDING PHONE 4-8989 SOUTH BEND. INDIANA OFFICE 4-5661 RESIDENCE 3-4080 DR. R. F. LUCAS DENTISTRY—X- RAYS 70Z J. M. S. BLDG. SOUTH BEND. IND. What kind DRS. PROBST AND SINGLER DENTISTS of Math do you 405 ASSOCIATES BUILDING call this? PHONE 3-1254 SOUTH BEND. INDIANA It soiinds crazy—but let's see how it would be perfectly possible in the telephone business. SOUTH BEND Suppose an improved method is devised that X-RAY LABORATORY clips just one second from the time required 825 SHERLAND BUILDING to handle one toll ticket in the accounting de­ L. E. FISHER, M. J. THORNTON. M. D. M. D. partment. Apply this-method throughout the Bell System—handling an average of some TELEPHONE 3-4269 55,000,000 toll tickets each month-and it would effect a monthly saving of nearly 1% years! ROSE DENTAL GROUP A second saved here, an unnecessary step LEONARD A. ROSE, D.D.S. cut out there—on such close attention to CYRIL F. ROSE, D.D.S. PETER J. ROSE, D.D.S. "little" things rests the Bell System's ability 623-629 SHERLAND BLDG. SOUTH BEND to provide the finest, fastest, cheapest tele­ phone service in the world. DR. LANDIS H. WIRT Why not telephone home often? ORTHODONTIST Long Distance rotes to most points are lowest any night after ASSOCIATES BUILDING SOUTH BENO. INO. 7 P. M. and all day Sunday. THE NOTRE DAME SCHOLASTIC - -3 at some time or other, will have some­ thing to do with the political set-up in our community. Yet, we never seem in­ terested in municipal affairs. While we COLLEGE PARADE prepare our papers on totalitarianism RAYMOND J. KELLY or interregional trade, we never pause to consider why that ignorant unscrupu­ lous incompetent always manages to be ers of tomorrow and it is well that they Brooklyn Philosophy elected in our home town, why our city know practical, municipal politics now. Probably as the fruit of a subway ex­ hall cost so much more than the larger However, like most movements this will pedition to the haunts of Gerra, Hogan, and more luxurious building the insur­ be only moderately successful and that Concannon and others of our non-Eng­ ance company put up across the street. for only a short while because most stu­ lish speaking minority, the Fordham After all, if our states and city are run dents don't care about politics and those Ram states— intelligently and honestly the country who are interested are too busy settling won't go to the danmation bow-wows Renounce the devil, the flesh, the problems of the world. There are The world— even if "that man" has a fourth term. many groups like our own Wranglers, • And all the rest of life Economic Round Table, and Academy of Is sperled. Politics which devote their time to talk­ Concerning Hulnks • ing over the great affairs involving na­ "Herbie," an effervescent, inane lad, tions and whole races yet ignore the Tradition Triumphs dashes off a column every week for the fundamental unit in any government, Though this ephemeral thing called University of Detroit's Varsity News. the city or town. It seems a waste of Much of his space is devoted to the tradition has been taking a kicking of time to bring the experience and judg­ late, it did come through when the Navy meandefings and activities of the fabu­ ment of the average undergraduate to lous Hulnk who thwarps his lonely way won last Saturday. Each Thanksgiving problems that baffle the best minds of Day, a football game is played at West through life in the jungles of Detroit. the country. After all, they have had • Point, between the "Goats," a squad no contact with these affairs; at best, composed of the 35 lowest men in the their opinions are only those of their From the War Front second class, academically speaking, and favorite experts. Then, too, only a few If you see a group of bewildered intel­ the "Engineers," who are the brightest of them will ever be in a position to deal cadets. It is time-honored tradition that lectuals, w^andering about, looking lost with national affairs. On the other hand, and homeless, don't immediately conclude a victory for the "Goats" foretells an nearly all of us have had something to Army win in the ensuing battle with that a boatload of refugees has been do with politics in our home town or in the midshipmen. So, when the "Engi­ suddenly dumped on the campus. They our county, either in working at a poli­ neers" beat the "Goats" this year a are only English majors who have read tical job during vacations or working Navy victory was inevitable. Mortimer Adler's latest speech outlawing during election time for one of the poli­ • them and calling for the abolition of tical parties or at the polls. Most of us. their specialized courses. For the trophy room Besides the old oaken buckets, battered oil cans, a little brown, blue, gold, and vari-colored jugs that are permanent trophies for football games in different parts of the country, many schools have strange awards for non-athletic endeav­ ors. At Drake, the members of the dramatic group present a large wooden bone as a symbol of membership in the "Boners" club to any member of the stage crew who commits a particularly grievous error during the course of an all-university production. At the Uni­ versity of Detroit, the members of the ASME and the AIEE have an annual quiz contest, to the winner of which is awarded a self-adjusting, bell-ringing, flourescent-lighted slide-rule. • Politically speaking At Indiana U. recently another move­ ment was started to arouse the interest of college men and women in municipal affairs. A Good Government, league was organized and efforts are being made to establish branches of it in various other colleges. The Parade would like to see such a movement prosper and grow be­ cause, after all, we do expect that the college students of today will be the lead­ "Kaltenbach says it's for the K. of C. vaudeville, and gotta be sophisticated!" THE NOTRE DAME SCHOLASTIC ^WW^V^^^^^^^A^^^^^^^^A^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^k' THE WEEK OPINION i FRANK WEMHOFFi Army life is getting a build-up these smart people you can extend your parole days, but the only smack of it most col­ Top of the Week until the 34th or 35th of January lege students get is in the Reserve Of­ The Trojans—^it took the Greeks ten this is the first year that the Camel peo­ ficers Training Corps. Whether or not years. ple have not offered to sponsor a student Notre Dame should introduce an R. 0. caravan to the Southern Cal game T. C. unit once again is a much discussed, they generally offer to send the student question. Gilding the Lily body in a fleet of air liners flying in a Badin Hall, Richard Cotter says yes, • Recently 'the rock" held a Charity block N.D. formation Major Bowes in order that upon graduation the mem­ Ball a name that should be given to has decided not to accept the role of bers of the student body may have some more of their dances Two seniors . m.c. for the K.C. vaudeville show training to back them up in case they decided to brave tradition and have a reason given is that things being as are later called upon to fight. Substi­ little fun for the evening so they they generally are, the biggest gong tuted for physical education, it would went over without dates, of course.... available is in the church and that give the fellows a certain amount of ex­ They equipped themselves with a camera would involve technical difficulties ercise, too. and a dozen flash bulbs and told the host­ and a previous commitment. ess that they were from the Dome, a • Lyons Hall: Dick Smith says no. "In yearbook at Notre Dame... this was the general you can get only one type of "sesame" and they were admitted The frosh training, whether it is infantry, heavy they took pictures of the most beautiful A fairly sober lot Already they artillery, or cavalry. Maybe you'd be girls, heh-heh, draped around fireplaces have mastered the correct form for sav­ better at or more interested in another and their dates the atmosphere was ing seats in Washington Hall some type and would be put in that other di­ one of social ecstasy as is customary freshmen have made the mistake of vision once you were actually in the the names of these two worthies will not thinking that this applied also to Pull­ army. You'd then have no chance to use be divulged and they \v\\\ have to be man cars named Washington they what you had already spent four hours known merely as Duke Murphy and have also learned to twist spoons and a week to learn." Howie Essick the fact that they had forks in the dining hall and the vast no film in their camera is incidental.
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