Winter 2007-08,Non Profitpage 1 Organization U. S. Postage PAID Chadron, NE Permit No. 52 Winter 2007-08 1000 Main St., Chadron, NE 69337 CSC enjoying coverage of Woodhead’s record Chadron State College tailback Haag said CSC’s most televi- rapher from Scottsbluff, was on Danny Woodhead of North sion coverage for a single report- the CSC campus for two days to Platte can add another record to ing period that he’s witnessed photograph Woodhead and the his scrapbook. prior to this week was in July Eagles’ game with Fort Lewis. According to Chadron State 2006 when about half as many In addition to print and televi- College officials, Woodhead’s reports mentioned Chadron sion, Woodhead has also been a career rushing record is gar- State for the wildfires that threat- popular guest on several sports nering unprecedented media ened the campus. radio stations. He’s talked to coverage for the college. After his The Eagles’ game at the hosts in St. Louis, Denver, North 208-yard performance against University of Nebraska-Kearney Carolina, and several stations Western New Mexico on Oct. was also televised on College throughout Nebraska and South 6, the 5-8 senior became college Sports Television, Altitude and Dakota. football’s new all-time rushing NET2. Although CSTV doesn’t Woodhead was also com- leader with 7,441 yards. subscribe to the Nielsen Ratings, mended on the floor of the U.S. In his career he’s rushed for an NCAA official said the House of Representatives on 7,871 yards. telecast went into more than 30 Nov. 1 by Adrian Smith, who Justin Haag, CSC communi- million homes. represents the Third District of cations coordinator, said a news Woodhead also has gained Nebraska. monitoring service reported in attention from national print Alex Helmbrecht, CSC early October that more than media outlets this fall, not to sports information director, 11.5 million viewers were made mention reporters throughout said both regional and national aware of Woodhead’s gridiron the High Plains. Among the media outlets are calling almost exploits from Wednesday, Oct. other national media outlets daily to arrange interviews with 3, to Monday, Oct. 8. who have visited Chadron to do Woodhead, who was awarded Among those reports was a stories on Woodhead are Sports the Harlon Hill Trophy in 2006. segment on ESPN’s “College Illustrated, the New York Times, He’s a candidate again this year Gameday,” which featured CSTV and USA Today. for the award given to Division Woodhead and Head Coach A feature about Woodhead II’s most outstanding player. Bill O’Boyle. Nielsen Ratings appeared in the Oct. 22 edition Reporters from both the Danny Woodhead poses for a photo that appeared in the New York indicate that 1.5 million people of Sports Illustrated. Bill Frakes, Lincoln Journal-Star and Times this fall. (Photo by Justin Haag) viewed that piece. a Pulitzer Prize winning photog- Omaha World-Herald were in Chadron to cover the Eagles’ Enrollment up two years running home game with Fort Lewis, Finding a place to park at 1,988 compared to 1,972 last and the Sunday, Oct. 9 edition Chadron State College has fall. of the Omaha World-Herald been a little more difficult this Randy Rhine, CSC vice featured a full-page color poster year, but college officials are president for enrollment man- of Woodhead. saying it’s a good thing. agement and student services, For the second consecutive said the enlargement of the year, CSC recorded an enroll- freshman class is particularly ment increase. Both the col- encouraging. There are 407 Inside lege’s head count and full-time freshmen taking courses from Alumni ............3 equivalency are improved, CSC, up 10.8 percent from representing the first back-to- last fall’s 367. Faculty ...........5 back enrollment increase for In addition, Rhine said the Students .........7 the institution since 1993 and number of inquiries from 1994. potential students for the New students and their family members gather in Don Beebe Stadium Sports ............8 In the third week of classes fall 2008 semester is running during the orientation in August. More than 400 of the approximately Campus ........13 this fall, the college’s head ahead of expectations. 500 new students attended the event. count was 2,509, compared to “The increase in freshmen access and opportunity, including the faculty, admis- Class Notes...18 2,483 last year. The full-time enrollment is really reflec- students are making the deci- sions staff and coaches, are equivalancy, a figure deter- tive of what is happening on sion to come here because doing a great job of relay- mined from the total number campus,” Rhine said. “While we have quality programs. ing our message to potential of credit hours processed, was Chadron State is all about A great number of people, students.” CSC Alumni News, page 2 Letter from the President Recognized at the CSF Annual Trustee Dinner & Meeting, October 12, 2007 Dear Alumni, Chances are, regardless of where you live, you have heard some news about Chadron State College this fall. With the unprec- edented success of the football team and its star tailback Danny Woodhead, CSC has undoubtedly received more mention from the national news media than ever before. Eagle fans have greatly enjoyed far-reaching coverage from the likes of ESPN, Sports Illustrated, CSTV and countless other media outlets as the team has worked through its second consecutive undefeated regular season and the many post-season accolades that follow. The team’s success is a great source of pride for the CSC community. Connie Rasmussen, Director of the Chadron State Foundation with Another story briefly caught the attention of the national media outgoing board members, Rick Kolkman, North Platte, Tom Willnerd, this fall. You probably heard that the normal happenings of our Rock Springs, Wyo., Dennis King, Gordon, Lee Wahlstrom, Chadron, campus, like the rest of the region, were disrupted in October Marty Connealy, Chadron and CSC President Janie Park. when five armed robbery suspects from out of state were on the loose in our community. At the suggestion of law enforcement Janie Park officers, other CSC administrators and I took an unprecedented measure by locking down the campus during the search for the in- dividuals. We’re pleased with our decision, as our students and employees survived the incident with little more than their own tales of the frightening experience. The positive outcome can be attributed to the great response of not only law enforcement, but the actions of the many CSC employees and students who were so greatly inconvenienced during the search. While stories about sports and crime may take up a majority of the press, there are hundreds of other “good news” stories each day at CSC that likely do not make the 6 o’clock broadcast where you live. In relatively quiet fashion, our faculty and students go about their days diligently honing their skills and knowledge in scores of educational disciplines. As proof, CSC continues to produce leaders in a wide variety of occupations, namely teachers, business leaders, law enforcement officers or hundreds of other occupations. That is news worth mentioning. The pages of this publication show a portion of the good things happening at CSC. Thank you Left to right: Incoming CSF board members: Janice German, Chadron, Cheryl Ravenscroft, Nenzel, Tom Bass, Swanton, Tom Chinnock, Fort for taking the time to peruse some of the many accomplishments that give us great pride. Let it be Collins, Colo., Linda Redfern, Scottsbluff, Rob Wahlstrom, Chadron. evidence that CSC is a strong institution, not only on the football field or in the face of criminal danger, but in the classroom and other locations as well. We apologize for the following Sincerely, errors in this year’s Annual Report Jeanne Smith was inadvertently omitted from the Eagle’s Club – Platinum list. Janie C. Park, Ph.D. President Golf Classic Scholarship Auction Donors: The donations Chadron State College received during the scholarship auction were credited to the scholarship fund, but the contribution was not reflected in the total amount donated during the fiscal year end. Therefore the following people may not be listed in the appropriate giving The Alumni Newsletter is published three times a year by the Chadron category. State College Alumni Office. Associated Brokers Cliff & Sandee Hanson Alumni Board of Directors Brownfield Farms Dick & Marlene Myers Tom Alcorn Deb Evans Dave Noble Jon Daniels – Gregory Insurance Tom & Janie Park Rob Bila Stacey McCartney Larry Yates Steve & Becky DeBoer Michele & Todd Curtis Dunlap Rickenbach Tammy Calamari Ryne McClaren Chad & Cheryl Emanuel Brad & Pam Smith Dorine Daniels Rachel Forster Kevin Emanuel White River Feed Great Plains Communications Newsletter Staff Connie Rasmussen Robyn Foral Con Marshall Payroll Deduction: The June payroll deduction amount was Karen Pope Leslie Bargen Justin Haag not included in the total amount donated for reporting in the annual report. Therefore employees of Chadron State College Alex Helmbrecht who utilize payroll deduction may not have been listed in the Dewayne Gimeson appropriate giving category. Please forward any address changes to: CSC Alumni Office, 1000 Main Street, Chadron, NE 69337 The Chadron State Foundation staff apologizes for the errors. or E-mail—[email protected] We are very thankful for all of your support and have taken CSC is a proud member of the Nebraska State College System. steps to alleviate these issues in the future. Thank you. Winter 2007-08, page 3 He has been a board member rules interpreter for football since he joined the company. wrestling, track and field, and From 1970 to 1990, girls’ golf.
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