, ~ ,. On the Inside , Th.Weath.r Icmacu flood Map .. • •• Page 2 GeberaU, fair an4 warm­ White Sox WIn In 19th Innlng er toda,. Sunda, fair. • •• Page 4 Rich leda" It: low, n. Alaska Expedltloll owan Hlrh Frida" II; low, 64. • •• Pac;r8 8 at Est. 186B - AP Leased Wire. AP Wirephoto, UP Leased Wire - Five Cent. Iowa City, Iowa, Saturday, July 14. 1951- Vol. 85, No. 235 Guard ·Patrols Barbed Wire Bradley Asks. Allies Await ell I Re. A More U.S. Aid Answerto Demand ACH~GO CM-!~~d'- dS .M I n lOt .. rea T!!!~!~ ~~~~ Th t R d·~ '. :::,:~~,':d!!~.::~":~::::!~: ' N.• "d"", """ h,"~ ,.'don • a e ,1 ;;fOO pS Leave Kaesong In suburoan Cicero Friday night secl-et briefing on world tensions while a crowd estimated at 3,000 Friday and then publicly urged drifted around an area where a them to speed approval of more Negro family nad tried to move U.S. arms shipments to Western Allies Insist In. Europe. Mllltia and pollee oHicers said The chairman ot the joint the crowd was being kept broken up and fluid anll was not at­ chiefs of staff appeared before Next Move tempting to mUl around the barbed the house foreign affairs com­ wire enclosure. mittee to support President Tru­ Thirty persons were arrested man's request for $8.5 billion in Up to Reds among loiterers from other areas military and economic aid to SEOUL, KOREA SATURDAy of Ihe cily. anti-Communist nations. (JP) - The Allies awaited a Red Col. Clifford Hodgin of Peoria, reply today to Gen. Matthew B. rommandinJ the 1100 state guards­ The tirst part ot his testimony Ridgway'. demand that Commun­ men at the scene, said that -dealing with the world mili­ Ist soldiers get out of Kaeson, and "everything is under con trot" tary situation-was delivered bc­ the Reds show other proots ot The mIHtI" and hundreds of hind closed doors and was de­ good faith if reaR-lire talks are to be resumed. ,.alee offtcen had IlOlated and scribed by chairman James P. (In Tokyo, the t'elplng radio were nardin.. a two-bloek area Richards (D-S.C.), as "highly .rellllCl an apariment house where English language voicecast W:1S the Nep'o f.mlly had rented an secret." heard this morning, bul.-by 1130 .,."ment. The bulldln, was now In a later public session, Brad­ p. m. or 10:30 a. m .• Iowa time­ tltMrled and ravlol'ed after Ihree ley warned that a Korean truce had not replied to Ridgway'S alrbt. of attacks. would not end the danger of messa,e.) Squads of police moved throul1;h Russian agl(ression elsewhere. Since .hortl, after 1:15 p. m, Frida, (1:15 p. m. lo.a time gatherings, ~ostly of teen-agers, y ... ... .. Thur.da,), Ole ne,d move hal In the viclmty of the enclosure, with patrol wa~ons trailing. been up to Ole Redl. All those who- admitted being .Troops Land •.. At that hour, radios beamed to the Reds a statement by Ridgway. from other areas of the city or BREMERHAVEN, Germany (IP) who could not explain their Allied supreme commander, 'In - Advance troops on the "Hell on why there have been no talks presence in Cicero were seized. Wheels" armored division landed At guard headquarters in the since Wednesday and the three here from the United states Fri­ 'primary prerequisites" tor let­ ccmmunity hall a knot of 11 per­ day "to keep . the Russians out of &Ons was arrested. ting them started again. Western Europe." tAP "I.epb.t.) ThOle selsetl were auesiloned He accused the Reds of obj~c­ delel, at the Cicero police head­ That's the way Maj . Gen. IlEJU>ING AN EYE ON the flood water, WIIUam Reed. lIat at a. window of bls home-office In Kanua tionable tactlcs from the slart of ,aarters. The, were booked on Williston B. Palmer described Clb. ){an .• watchllll' tbe flood waters from the Kan... river as It mounted hlJher on the walls. The the talks Tuesday. the missiOp of his famed Second dlJorderJy conduct charres and water at Ulis pobll W&l el,ht feet deep wheb the picture was taken. The buHdlnJ I. loeated on the (In Washington, Secretary of releaaed If Ole, could posl $50 Armored division as 1,1 00 soldiers lIIa,n street the Arrentlne bUlllneN clietr.ct. Evac uatloD wu underway Frida, on Ute MlNourl side State Acheson endorsed fully the walked down the gangplank of or bondl. of 'the river as lar,e Illdustrial areas ber"n &0 ,0 under water. stand taken by Rld,way but de­ Thursday nigh t 6,000 persons the navy transport General Galian. cHned to go beyond what Ridg- milled in the area, hurling fire­ MR. AND MRS. HARVEY E. CLARK JR. attempted earlier Ihis Other transports are carrying the way already has said about the rest of the Second's 15 ,000 men brands and stones at the apart­ week to move Into an apartment in suburban Cicero, III .• louchIn .. conduct of the Communists. s ment house, and were driven back across. the Atlantic. ·t (Acheson Inclicated, however. by bayonets and tear gas. Sixteen off a series of disorders whiclJ culminated Thursda~ nlgM In riot­ The commander said his group the U. S. IMIls a butler lone Ing. illinois national' guardsmen tried to dispel the crowd. The , .Ionr the preaent battIe Une were injured. Including soldiers, is going to train to Camp Y-79, policemen and civilians. C whloh I, mottl, norib of tile 38th crowd finally was dispersed early Friday. near Mannheim, tor processing. fl'ood:Hits Kansas Yprallel. He luted emphallcaUy The police strategy both Thurs­ The forward troops took 15 days day nigbt and Friday night was to get here {rom New Orleans. KANSAS CITY (IP) .:.... The City, although within the corporate river valley were hit proportion- at a newa conference that be ha. to arrest those from other areas "This division was sent over worst flood in Kansas' history limits of K.ansas City. ately as hard as Kansas City, as not laid an,thln, that would hi­ to discourage an influx of out­ Judge Accepts Reversal, here to keep the Russians out of ~urged into the twin cities ot Kan­ North Kansas City Is a newer were many cities In other waler dlcate he f."ored withdrawal siders. WEl~tern Europe apd we aim to sas City, Mo., and Kansas City, heavy Industrial district with sheds. including Ottawa, lola, Bur- south of lhe ...rallel. Thursday nl~t the soldiers had do it," Palmer said. Kan., Fl'ida:y oringlrtg near paraly- many factodQ llnd 'WllrehOUses, Iington and others. Wlehitll wad Other U. S. offlclale say tl\e no ammunition In their weapons. is to Ihis metropolitan area of but has a population of only about warned to prepare for a flood of present Une olfers a better basis but Friday night rifles were load­ Frees 15 Reds on Bair 900,00 population. 5,000. the Little Arkansas rlver in its tor working out an armlatlce thall ed. Hodgin, however, did not say Wi three major Industrial dis­ The evacuation was ordered norlh side by today. would redeployment of forces n that the militia had instructions NEW YORK CiTY (UP) -Fifteen second string Communist Third' SUI Course ~ricts under water and fire burn­ after the weather bureau predicted Thousands were homeless and the 38th. to shoot. leaders got out of jail Friday only to face the threat of new im­ ing in an oU storage tank area of a flood crest halt a foot higher rescue workers still were takIng (Voke of Amerlc. broadcasts Sixteen persons were inj ured prisonment in the government's battle to void their bail. two square blocks, the city coun­ than the 1903 top - greatest refugees from upper stories of in- from the United Sta~ accused Thursday night's demonstration dustrlal buildings via boat. Many the Communists ot "b.d tai~h" at The Communists, 12 men and three women, indicted on On . Civil Defense cn proclaimed a state of emer­ Kansas flood on record heretofore. and 70 were arrested. gency. This would pour water over the workers repOrted as usual In the Kaesong and also charged they Barvey E. Clark Jr., Negro bus charges of conspiring to advo­ central industrial district of Kan- were building up land and aIr driver who had rented an apart­ Sched,uled Aug. 30 Mayor William E. Kemp and dikes. cate overthrow of the govern­ City Manager L. P. Cookingham Maj. Gen. Lewis Pick, chillf of sas City Friday before the flood power in Manchurl. an~ Red ment In Ole bulldlnr, meanwtlile the army engineers, told reporters hit. China). al4 In a radio InterView Ihal he ment, spent two nights in jail Plea of Innocent earlier !\ad requested that all non­ essential businesses close In Kan­ in Washinlton that damage from Ridgway's three demand,: "III planned <$0 iry to oecupy It aft~r federal Judge Sylvester J. Ihe flood, whlc/l devastated much .. .. 1. Clear KaeMn' of armed eventually. sas City. Ryan cancelled their $176,000 Entered by Burkett Residents were asked to remain of eastern Kansas before pouring guards and also the five-mile area radlaUng from Ita cellter­ .. .. .. bail put up .by the leftist Civil in their hOmes unless on essential into Kansas City, could reactl $1 Effects Here ••• Gall Burkett, 21 W. Burlington or pick another site wllh lIuch Rights congress. business. billion. Transportation services In Iowa st., pleaded innocent in Iowa City Thirteen persons are known to a neutral setting.
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