Neotropical Biology and Conservation 10(3):177-181, september-december 2015 Unisinos - doi: 10.4013/nbc.2015.103.08 SHORT COMMUNICATION Establishment of non-native predator (Pisces, Erythrinidae) in a tributary of the Upper Paraná River basin, south Brazil Estabelecimento de predador não nativo (Pisces, Erythrinidae) em tributário da bacia do Alto rio Paraná, sul do Brasil Diego Azevedo Zoccal Abstract Garcia1,2* [email protected] Erythrinus erythrinus is an erythrinid native from the basins of the Amazon, Orinoco, coastal rivers of the Guyana and Lower Paraná, but allochthonous of Tibagi River region, Paranapanema basin. In the present work, we report the occurrence of E. erythrinus in Marina Carmona Água dos Tigres and Taquari rivers, in the Paranapanema basin, and aim to verify the Hernandes2 occurrence of constancy and the condition of health of its specimens in sub-tributaries of [email protected] the Lower Paranapanema River. The catch-per-unit-effort of the Água dos Tigres River mouth was about three times higher than the site upstream of the same river, and the Taquari River presented the lowest value. The species presented constancy of catches Ângela Teresa Silva-Souza3 in tributaries of the basin, where isometric growth and good health condition of the spec- [email protected] imens were observed. Its introduction into the Tibagi River basin may have occurred due to an intentional release as remaining live bait discarded in commercial fishery operations Mário Luís Orsi2 or may have dispersed after the flood of the Sete Quedas Falls. The presence of juveniles [email protected] along with adults indicates that the species is undergoing an establishment stage of the invasion process in the region. Keywords: Tibagi River, biological invasion, fishes, diversity loss. Resumo Erythrinus erythrinus é um erythrinídeo nativo das bacias do Amazonas, Orinoco, rios costeiros da Guiana e Baixo Paraná, mas alóctone da região do rio Tibagi, bacia do Pa- ranapanema. No presente trabalho, registra-se a ocorrência da espécie nos rios Água dos Tigres e Taquari, na bacia do Paranapanema, e objetiva-se verificar a constância de captura e condições de saúde dos espécimes em subafluentes do baixo rio Paranapa- nema. A captura por unidade de esforço da foz do rio Água dos Tigres foi cerca de três 1 Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas da vezes maior do que a montante do mesmo rio, e o rio Taquari apresentou o menor valor. Universidade Estadual de Londrina. Rod. Celso Garcia A espécie apresentou constância de captura nos tributários da bacia, onde constatou-se Cid, PR 445, km 380, 86057-970, Londrina, PR, Brasil. crescimento isométrico e boa condição de saúde dos espécimes. Sua introdução na bacia 2 Universidade Estadual de Londrina, Centro de Ciências do rio Tibagi pode ter ocorrido devido a solturas intencionais de remanescentes de iscas Biológicas, Departamento de Biologia Animal e Vegetal, Laboratório de Ecologia de Peixes e Invasões Biológicas. vivas em pescarias comerciais, ou pode ter se dispersado após a inundação dos Saltos de Rod. Celso Garcia Cid, PR 445, km 380, 86057-970, Sete Quedas. A presença de juvenis junto aos adultos indica que a espécie encontra-se Londrina, PR, Brasil. em estabelecimento na região. 3 Universidade Estadual de Londrina, Centro de Ciências Biológicas, Departamento de Biologia Animal e Vegetal, Laboratório de Ecologia de Parasitos de Organismos Palavras-chave: Rio Tibagi, invasão biológica, peixes, perda de diversidade. Aquáticos. Rod. Celso Garcia Cid, PR 445, km 380, 86057- 970, Londrina, PR, Brasil. * Author for correspondence. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 3.0), which permits reproduction, adaptation, and distribution provided the original author and source are credited. Diego Azevedo Zoccal Garcia, Marina Carmona Hernandes, Ângela Teresa Silva-Souza, Mário Luís Orsi The biological invasion by fishes is a of the Upper Paraná River (Langeani occurred at two locations: upstream process associated with dam construc- et al., 2007), this is the first record of (22º59’48.8”S, 50º58’43.8”W) and tions, water transpositions, trade and this species considered allochthonous at the river mouth (22º59’02.9”S, international traffic, promoting chang- in the Tibagi River, Paranapanema 50º58’40.8”W). In the Taquari River, es in biological diversity, a common River basin. In its original distribution captures were accomplished only event in countries with more intense area, this species is found in different at the river mouth (23º11’03.6”S, trade activities (Xu et al., 2012). The habitats, especially among the veg- 50º56’48.5”W) (Figure 1). translocation of fishes outside their etation of shallow stretches of lentic The specimens were captured with the original areas can promote biotic ho- environments, where it builds its nests use of seines and sieves with meshes mogenization and, thus, put the native in association with the vegetation sub- of 0.5cm between adjacent knots. The diversity at risk by changing ecosys- strate (Oyakawa and Mattox, 2009). specimens were anesthetized and eu- tem processes (Roques, 2012; Vitule It shows facultative air-breathing and thanized in water saturated with clove and Pozenato, 2012). high adaptability to environmental oil, measured (standard length, SL, in In Brazil, introductions of fishes are changes (Brosset, 1997; Jucá-Chagas, centimeters) and weighed (weight to- common practices and, as a result of 2004). tal, WT, in grams), fixed in 10% for- economic interest, population growth Given the processes of biological in- malin and deposited in the Museu de and leisure, such events have been oc- vasion in freshwater ecosystems, the Zoologia da Universidade Estadual de curring more frequently (Agostinho present work aimed at verifying the Londrina (MZUEL 5743). Individuals et al., 2007). For example, introduc- occurrence of constancy and the con- having one-third of the maximum to- tions of the African catfish, Clarias dition of health of its specimens in tal length reached by the species (20 gariepinus (Burchel, 1822), and of the sub-tributaries of the Lower Paran- cm) (Graça and Pavanelli, 2007; Orsi, channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus apanema River, to test the hypothesis 2010) were considered to be juveniles. (Rafinesque, 1818), occurred to attend that this species is undergoing an es- The UEL Ethics Committee for Ani- economic and fishery interests. As tablishment stage of the introduction mal Use authorized the sampling col- these fish are predators and drought- process in that basin. lections (CEUA Nº. 21149.2012.53). resistant, they entail considerable Captures were done seasonally be- The capture constancy was obtained environmental impacts (Vitule et al., tween August 2011 and October only for Água dos Tigres River, us- 2006; Zanatta et al., 2010; Vitule and 2012, in the Água dos Tigres and ing the formula C = p.100/P, where Pozenato, 2012). Taquari rivers, located in the lower C = constancy of species; p = number Among the causes of translocations portion of the Tibagi River basin. In of samplings containing the species; of allochthonous fish in northern Par- the Água dos Tigres River, captures P = total number of collections. aná State is the flooding of the Sete Quedas Falls, geographical barrier af- ter the construction of the Itaipu Dam on the Paraná River (Júlio Jr. et al., 2009); escapes from fish farms (Orsi and Agostinho, 1999); releases for sport fishing (Orsi and Britton, 2012), and releases of aquarium fish (Garcia et al., 2014a). Furthermore, the re- lease of remaining live baits at the end of the amateur and sport fishing sea- sons (Orsi and Britton, 2014) contrib- uted to the translocations of species in the environment. The predator Erythrinus erythrinus (BLOCH & SCHNEIDER 1801) (com- mon name: Jejú) occurs naturally in the basins of the Amazon and Ori- noco, coastal rivers of the Guyana (Oyakawa, 2003), and in the Lower Paraná River basin (Britski et al., Figure 1. Location of the sampling points in the Lower Tibagi River region, Paranapanema 2007; Júlio Jr. et al., 2009). Despite River basin, south Brazil. 1 = Mouth of the Água dos Tigres River; 2 = Upstream from the already registered to another region Água dos Tigres River; 3 = Taquari River. 178 Volume 10 number 3 september - december 2015 Establishment of non-native predator (Pisces, Erythrinidae) in a tributary of the Upper Paraná River basin, south Brazil A given species is considered constant compared to the central value of Kn = characteristic used by adults to build in the environment when it is present 1.0, by the Student’s t test. This analy- their nests (Suzuki et al., 2004) and in over 50% of the samplings (Dajoz, sis involved 25 specimens of E. eryth- increase the chances for the survival 1978). The total sampling effort for rinus (Figure 2). of their offspring. Thus, environment this river was 11 collections. We recorded the occurrence of E. disruptions may facilitate the recruit- The relative abundance of the spe- erythrinus in both Água dos Tigres ment and establishment of E. erythri- cies was estimated by the catch-per- and Taquari rivers. Seventeen spec- nus. Furthermore, disturbances in the unit-effort for the two rivers (CPUE = imens were caught at the mouth of local community may promote and N*10/Effort), expressed by the num- the Água dos Tigres River and five facilitate invasions of these and other ber of individuals captured (N) in one of them were juveniles, whereas six species (Roy et al., 2013). The current hour/4.0 m2 of collection equipment. specimens were captured upstream conditions can allow the dispersal of The weight-length relationship was (five adults and one juvenile). In the the species to other tributaries and calculated using WT = a.SLb (Le Taquari River, only two adult speci- sub-tributaries in the Tibagi River ba- Cren, 1951), where a is the linear re- mens were captured.
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