45 Filoteknos 2013/20142015201 LITERATURA DZIECIĘCA – MEDIACJA KULTUROWA – ANTROPOLOGIA DZIECIŃSTWA Autorzy tomu: CHILDREN’S LITERATURE – CULTURAL MEDIATION – ANTHROPOLOGY OF CHILDHOOD Vol. 5 • 2015 Vol. Ada Bieber Katarzyna Biernacka-Licznar Anna Bugajska Olga Bukhina Jerzy Cieślikowski Cristina Correro Justyna Deszcz-Tryhubczak Terri Doughty Karolina Jędrych Agnieszka Karczewska Weronika Kostecka Michał Kowalczyk Agnieszka Małek-Bohusz Dorota Michułka Bożena Olszewska Catherine Posey Neus Real Katarzyna Slany Margarita Slavova Bogumiła Staniów Jadwiga Węgrodzka Maciej Wróblewski Filoteknos KOMITET REDAKCYJNY / EDITORIAL BOARD Alicja Baluchowa (Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny w Krakowie) Urszula Bonter (Uniwersytet Wrocławski) Justyna Deszcz-Tryhubczak (Uniwersytet Wrocławski) Hans-Heino Ewers (University of Frankfurt/M) Lee Galda (University of Minnesota) Magdalena Jonca (Uniwersytet Wrocławski) Irena Barbara Kalla (Uniwersytet Wrocławski) Riitta Kuivasmäki (University of Tampere) Grzegorz Leszczyński (Uniwersytet Warszawski) Jolanta Ługowska (Uniwersytet Wrocławski) Justyna Łukaszewicz (Uniwersytet Wrocławski) Emilya Ohar (Academy of Painting, Lviv) Bożena Olszewska (Uniwersytet Opolski) Marek Oziewicz (University of Minnesota) Joanna Papuzińska (Uniwersytet Warszawski) Elżbieta Skibińska (Uniwersytet Wrocławski) Gertruda Skotnicka (Uniwersytet Gdański) Wojciech Soliński (Uniwersytet Wrocławski) Bogumiła Staniów (Uniwersytet Wrocławski) Nelly Staff a (Uniwersytet Wrocławski) Irena Światłowska-Prędota (Uniwersytet Wrocławski) Kristina Taneva (University of Plovdiv) Jiři Trávniček (Charles University in Prague) Monika Woźniak (Sapienza University of Rome) Violetta Wróblewska (Uniwersytet w Toruniu) Filoteknos LITERATURA DZIECIĘCA – MEDIACJA KULTUROWA – ANTROPOLOGIA DZIECIŃSTWA CHILDREN’S LITERATURE – CULTURAL MEDIATION – ANTHROPOLOGY OF CHILDHOOD Vol. 5 The Fantastic Realms REDAKCJA / EDITED BY JUSTYNA DESZCZ-TRYHUBCZAK, DOROTA MICHUŁKA AND RYSZARD WAKSMUND Wrocław 2015 REDAKTOR NACZELNY / EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Ryszard Waksmund RECENZENCI / REVIEWERS Ada Bieber, Blanka Grzegorczyk, Winfred Kaminski, Tomasz Majkowski, Mariusz Marszalski, Wojciech Soliński, Bożena Olszewska, Małgorzata Wójcik-Dudek SEKRETARZ REDAKCJI / EDITORIAL SECRETARY Dorota Michułka REDAKTOR JĘZYKOWY / LINGUISTIC EDITOR Mateusz Świetlicki PROJEKT OKŁADKI / COVER DESIGN Paulina Zielona DTP Paweł Wójcik Wersją podstawową pisma jest wersja drukowana Publikacja ukazuje się dzięki wsparciu fi nansowemu Wydziału Filologicznego UWr © Uniwersytet Wrocławski and Ofi cyna Wydawnicza ATUT, Wrocław 2015 ISSN 2082–9310 ISBN 978-83-7977-224-7 Nakład 300 egz. Redakcja „Filoteknos” IFP UWr, pl. Nankiera 15, 50–140 Wrocław [email protected], www.ifp.uni.wroc.pl/czasopismo/26.filoteknos Oficyna Wydawnicza ATUT – Wrocławskie Wydawnictwo Oświatowe 50–011 Wrocław, ul. Kościuszki 51a, tel. +48 71 342 20 56, faks 71 341 32 04 http://www.atut.ig.pl; e-mail: [email protected] Spis treści Justyna Deszcz-Tryhubczak (University of Wroclaw) Th e Fantastic Realms. Introduction . 7 Studies Justyna Deszcz- Tryhubczak (The University of Wroclaw), Agnieszka Małek-Bohusz (Independent scholar) “WE ARE THE NATION OF DREAMS” (M.T. ANDERSON, FEED): EXPLORING AND CREATING VISIONS OF THE H+ FUTURE WITH YOUNG ADULTS . 17 Catherine posey (The Advent School, Boston, Massachusetts) Dreams, Fortunes, and Infi nity: A Child Reader Engages with Th e Myste- rious in Two Toy Fantasy Novels. 29 Terri Doughty (Vancouver Island University) Putting the Punk in a Steampunk Cinderella: Marissa Meyer’s “Lunar Chronicles”. 46 Anna Bugajska (Tischner European University in Cracow) Pretty is who pretty talks: Prettytalk in Scott Westerfeld’s “Th e Uglies” series . 59 Karolina Jędrych (University of Silesia in Katowice) Technopol w krainie wyobraźni. O „Podróżach Pana Kleksa” Jana Brzechwy. 71 Dorota Michułka (University of Wrocław) Looking for Identity: Polish Children’s Fantasy Th en and Now . 84 Katarzyna Slany (University of Pedagogy in Kraków) Szczelinowość baśni magicznej. W odpowiedzi na inicjacyjne interpretacje baśni . 107 Jadwiga Węgrodzka (The University of Gdańsk) Th e beginnings of the fairy story as a genre for children: Sarah Fielding’s Th e Governess. 121 Olga Bukhina (International Association for the Humanities, New York) Magical Realism and Images of Death in Contemporary Russian Prose for Young Readers. 136 6 Spis treści Cristina Correro, Neus Real (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) Fantasy, Literature and Early Childhood: from First Texts to Metafi ctional Picturebooks. 151 Katarzyna Biernacka-Licznar, Bogumiła Staniów (University of Wrocław) La nascita di Cenerentola italiana e i suoi adattamenti apparsi in Polonia. 168 Varia Ada Bieber (Humboldt-University of Berlin, Germany) Mentoring in an Heterotopic Space – Janusz Korczak’s Orphanage in Contemporary Picture Books . 181 Maciej Wróblewski (Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń) A Boy Pretends To Be An Adult. 190 Michał Kowalczyk (University of Wrocław) Małe laboratorium teatru lalek, czyli Wiesław Hejno nie tylko dla dorosłych . 200 Bożena Olszewska (Opole University) Podróż w dalekie lata (Zegar słoneczny (1953) Jana Parandowskiego) 222 Z historii europejskich badań nad literaturą dziecięcą | From The History of Studies in Children’s Literature in Europe Margarita Slavova (University of Plovdiv) Kopciuszek czy księżniczka? Teoretyczne modele badania literatury dziecięcej . 229 Z historii polskich badań nad literaturą dziecięcą | From the History of Studies in Chldren’s Literature in Poland Jerzy Cieślikowski Th e Topos Of Th e Child And Childhood (A Synopsis) . .236 Recenzje | Revievs WERONIKA KOSTECKA. Th e Postmodern Fairytale: Th e genre transformations. Intertextual games with the literary tradition (Baśń postmodernistyczna: przeobrażenia gatunku. Intertekstualne gry z tradycją literacką) (Katarzyna Slany, Pedagogical University in Cracow). 245 Rozprawy – streszczenia | Disertations – summaries DOROTA MICHUŁKA. Ad usum Delphini. On school literary education – then and now . 254 AGNIESZKA KARCZEWSKA. Polsko-żydowska republika marzeń. O „Chwilce Dzieci i Młodzieży” (1925-1927). [Polish-Jewish Republic of Dreams “Chwilka Dzieci i Młodzieży” (1925-1937)]. 259 Filoteknos, vol. 5 • 2015 JUSTYNA DESZCZ-TRYHUBCZAK University of Wroclaw The Fantastic Realms. Introduction Th e very recent report on Polish teen readers, prepared by Zofi a Zasacka from the Educational Research Institute in Warsaw, has shown that the literature of the fantastic—fantasy, SF, horror, Gothic novels, thrillers, paranormal romanc- es, speculative fi ction, dystopias, or vampire novels—constitutes the common experience of Polish young audiences regardless of gender, social, and eco- nomic diff erences (Zasacka: 86). As teen readers’ comments cited in the report indicate, many of them associate the decisive point in the development of their reading biographies with becoming acquainted with fantasy fi ction (25). Za- sacka also stresses the formation of a canon of teen fantastic reads (104) that includes—understandably—J. K. Rowling, Stephenie Meyer, Suzanne Collins, and George R. Martin, as well as—most consistently—J. R.R. Tolkien, C. S. Lewis, Terry Pratchett, Terry Goodkind, and Stephen King. Th e participants of the survey also mention such Polish authors as Andrzej Sapkowski, Jacek Piekara or Andrzej Pilipiuk. As this canon reveals, the literature of the fantastic is in fact a markedly cross-over phenomenon: young readers oft en become in- terested in authors writing for adult audiences. In broader terms, as suggested by the heated debate initiated by Ruth Graham’s Th e Slate Book Review article from 2014, “Against YA,” followed by A.O. Scott in Th e New York Times Maga- zine (“Th e Death of Adulthood in American Culture”) and Christopher Beha in Th e New Yorker (“Henry James and the Great Y.A. debate”), the traditional age distinctions in literature readership have become obsolete in view of the cultural “erosion adulthood” (Scott n.p.). Obviously, the popularity of the liter- ature of the fantastic among young and adult readers has also grown as a result of its turning into an invaluable and evidently unlimited resource for enter- tainment industry. Th is is obviously the case because of the FX potential of the fantastic genres translated into the medium of fi lm or the video game. More fundamentally, as Brian Attebery points out in relation to fantasy in his 2014 Stories about Stories: Fantasy and the Remaking of Myth, the enduring appeal of this genre, as well of the fantastic mode in general, stems from its “adapt- ability to changing intellectual currents and its applicability to a host of social needs” (Attebery 2014: 6). Rosemary Jackson much earlier also pointed to the potential of the fantastic to express and “compensate for a lack resulting from cultural constraints” (Jackson 1981: 3). Yet we also agree with Rosemary Jack- 8 Justyna Deszcz-Tryhubczak son, who much earlier pointed to the potential of the fantastic to express and “compensate for a lack resulting from cultural constraints” (Jackson 1981: 3). In times of the global challenges posed by environmental disasters, religious fundamentalisms, irresolvable military confl icts and economic crises, the fan- tastic undoubtedly off ers both escape from and critical engagement with the troubles of the real. It is no wonder then that the fantastic remains a signifi cant interest for lit- erary scholars, including children’s literature specialists. Suffi ce it to mention Anna Klaus’s Child Saviours
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