November 28, 2001 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2143 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS TRIBUTE TO THE STUDENTS OF in the drafting of one of the UN’s most distin- tended to honor the contribution of an out- MARYVILLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL guished documents—the Universal Declaration standing individual who has made service to of Human Rights. children a priority in his or her life. HON. JOHN SHIMKUS As one of the world’s early cradles of civili- Dr. Mehas has a lengthy list of credentials OF ILLINOIS zation, Lebanon has long been held up as an and service to the community, State of Cali- example of prosperity and perseverance. In its fornia, and our great Nation. He has promoted IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES recent history, Lebanon has suffered a great education under governors and presidents Wednesday, November 28, 2001 deal, but to truly understand the spirit of the alike. His expertise and advice are sought by Mr. SHIMKUS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Lebanese people one only need to look at the leaders from all levels of government. pay tribute to the students of Maryville Ele- way in which they have rebuilt their nation. His resume includes service under former mentary School in Maryville, Illinois, and their While much remains to be done, the nation’s California Governor Deukmejian as the direc- important and heartwarming efforts to help progress is an example from which we can all tor of the Governor’s Office of Education Plan- those affected by terrorism. learn. ning and Policy Committee and on the State On October 11, 2001, President Bush made The United States and Lebanon have been Board of Education. Dr. Mehas has also a request of the children of America. He chal- blessed by a historically strong friendship, served on the U.S. Secretary of Education’s lenged each of them to earn and send in one owing in part to the emigration of Lebanon’s National Advisory Committee on Accreditation dollar. This money, sent by the kindness of sons and daughters. They embraced America and Institutional Eligibility and former Presi- the children of the United States, will be used with open arms and their contributions helped dent George Bush’s advisory committee on to reach out to the unfortunate children in far build a greater nation. This relationship is best Latino education. He has received numerous off Afghanistan. exemplified by the following familiar words, awards and was elected Fresno County Su- The students of Maryville Elementary first spoken by a proud Lebanese American: perintendent of Schools in 1990 and is cur- School heard and met that challenge. They ‘‘Are you a politician asking what your country rently serving his third consecutive term with sponsored a school-wide fundraising effort— can do for you or a zealous one asking what unanimous support from Fresno area Demo- spearheaded by their Citizenship Committee— you can do for your country?’’ Those are the crat and Republican legislators. during this last October and November. Once words of Kahlil Gibran, a poet who frequently Mr. Speaker, it is an honor to recognize Dr. they were finished, several of their students wove beauty and justice into his work and in Pete Mehas for this award. I invite my col- visited my Collinsville office to present me per- the process touched the heart and meaning of leagues to join me in congratulating this dedi- sonally with their donation: $198.20, which I America. cated educator and wishing him many more have passed on to the Fund here in Wash- Today, I think we have reason to reflect on years of continued success as he receives the ington, D.C. another of Gibran’s contributions, one that 2001 Breaking Barriers for Children Award. The students, parents, faculty, and mem- holds a great lesson for us all. ‘‘To be a good f bers of the Maryville community should be citizen is to acknowledge the other person’s recognized for their fine efforts. The terrorists rights before asserting your own, but always to A TRIBUTE TO STEPHANIE S. believed they could accomplish their goals be conscious of your own.’’ RUDY with the murder of American innocents; but Since 1965, nearly 100,000 new immigrants the American citizens have responded with aid have come from Lebanon. My home state of HON. MARK UDALL to the innocent of Afghanistan. Nothing else Michigan has one of the largest Lebanese OF COLORADO could better show how utterly al Qaeda has American communities in the country and it IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES failed. has been actively involved in the life of our Wednesday, November 28, 2001 Mr. Speaker, as President Bush said in his great state. The Lebanese community willingly announcement of the Fund for Afghan Chil- shares its culture and values not only with Mr. UDALL of Colorado. Mr. Speaker, I am dren, ‘‘One of the truest weapons that we Michigan, but with the entire nation. The result especially pleased to rise today to acknowl- have against terrorism is to show the world has been innumerable contributions to the edge Stephanie S. Rudy for the depth and di- the true strength of character of the American arts, sports, medicine, politics, education, versity of contributions she has made to so people.’’ The children of Maryville Elementary science and industry. many local organizations in Colorado. have shown that character, and they deserve Mr. Speaker, I join the people of Lebanon, Stephanie’s energy is boundless, her smile our thanks. May God bless them, and may those of Lebanese ancestry around the world matchless, and her compassion far-reaching. God bless the United States of America. and the Lebanese American community in She is a dedicated advocate for the arts and f celebrating Lebanese Independence Day. I sa- one of the rarest and most wonderful talents lute all of them for the tremendous contribu- in our community. This year she was selected HONORING LEBANESE tions to freedom and human dignity which they by the Denver Foundation as the recipient of INDEPENDENCE DAY have made. the ‘‘Minoru Yasui Community Volunteer f Award,’’ which recognizes individuals who HON. DAVID E. BONIOR have made outstanding contributions to the CONGRATULATING DR. PETE OF MICHIGAN city of Denver and their community through MEHAS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES volunteerism. She also was chosen by the Boulder Chamber of Commerce to receive the Wednesday, November 28, 2001 HON. GEORGE RADANOVICH ‘‘Women Who Light Up The Community’’ Mr. BONIOR. Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to OF CALIFORNIA honor. join the Lebanese American community in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Among the many organizations Stephanie celebrating the 58th anniversary of Lebanese has enriched with her talents are the ‘‘Open independence. Wednesday, November 28, 2001 Studios’’ for artists and art lovers throughout On November 22, 1943 Lebanon obtained Mr. RADANOVICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise the Boulder area, the Colorado Music Festival, its independence from France. Shortly there- today to congratulate Dr. Pete Mehas on the the Conference on World Affairs at the Univer- after, Lebanon became a founding member of occasion of his recognition as the 2001 Break- sity of Colorado, the Boulder County both the United Nations and League of Arab ing Barriers for Children Award Honoree. Safehouse for women and children, the Boul- States. Signaling its commitment to the idea Break the Barriers, Inc., partners able-bodied der Community Hospital, and the Boulder Po- that human rights were global and that is was performers with disabled youth to explore and lice Department. To serve so broadly, so suc- ready to be a full-partner in the post World break barriers and celebrate all levels of vic- cessfully, and with such grace, heart, and spir- War II world, Lebanon played an integral part tories and achievements. This award is in- it is deserving of recognition. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate 11<MAY>2000 06:12 Nov 29, 2001 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A28NO8.000 pfrm04 PsN: E28PT1 E2144 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 28, 2001 I first met Stephanie when, as a representa- PARAGUAY: A TERRORIST UTOPIA voted to expand its mandate to include mon- tive of ‘‘Open Studios,’’ she enlisted my help itoring Canadian/Latin American relations. Since its inception, COHA has been one of in inviting Mr. William Ivey, chairman of the HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS the most active and broadest-based U.S. pri- National Endowment for the arts, to visit Colo- OF NEW YORK vate bodies dealing with the entire spectrum rado. Through her coordinating genius with the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of political, economic and diplomatic issues, Colorado Council on the Arts, the Colorado as well as the economic and political chal- Business Committee for the Arts, the Arvada Wednesday, November 28, 2001 lenges confronting the Inter-American na- Center for the Arts, Chairman Ivey’s office and Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker. With the United tions. From its founding, COHA’s board consisted my staff, Stephanie booked the chairman to States war on terrorism gaining steam, Para- of the leadership of some of this country’s speak before full audiences in Denver, Ar- guay, a nation with a disturbing Pro-Nazi past, most important trade unions, professional vada, and Boulder. This special engagement could become a country of increasing impor- organizations and religious groups, as well as with the chairman was a triumph only to be tance for United States foreign policy makers distinguished civic and academic figures who dreamed of by others in Colorado.
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