VIGXAIX'S RILMARD mm SCHOOL. tendant conducted me up this on the occasion DANCING THE GERMAN. BEHIND THE SCREEN. THE ATHLKTIC MAIDEN. HORSE FLESH IS ALL RIGHT of my fir»t visit when I had called with a friend PLENTY OF QI AIL to It is in ttn m-V«aCU*e«d Resort in plav a game in Vignaux's I feit that A Word or Two About Ideal Partners Human Nature as Observed by tbe Man She Must Give up Her Freckles If So Curler Harrison of North here at least ho place.be fonnd corre¬ She Says Chicago, Carolina « Paradise for Oporto* Parisian melting might and the Chosen Man to Lead. With the Pestle. Would a Diugj Alley. sponding to the comfort and elegance which Win Duke. Who Hh Eaten It. men. are combined in the average American hall. A popular younp woman and her The behind the A London letter in Cbicaco to th« New York World. rr\ m tb. ifonnto i.ite m Paris.r.rt»rjs* carter's ii- No: the upper floor consisted of two small society druggist stnined-gla§s the Ban Fransisco Argo- Sptcltl Nsw York Tims. partner in tbe cotillon the other were screen Hit assistant naid If one Chicaoo. Dee. 16.. Carter Harri¬ To TERIEXCE*.DAILY OAM'r.S BETWEEN PROFES¬ rooms, each Just large enough for one table, night patting up prescription!. says: may Judge by the constant Ex-Mayor many local sportsmen. Mil local signifies two chairs, a cue rack and a small stand for the discussing, over some chicken salad and cham¬ had gone to «npper and he was alone working reference to the fact in the American papera. it son it an enthusiast on horse flesh as food. that class of tb* who cannot SIONAL* o* which LAROr SUMS ARC W AOKRED in fraternity spare inevitable coffee, brandy or absinthe that ac¬ pagne the sapper room, the fun that »u to with the mortar and pestle and marble and would seem that the American girl she it to Thin is what he if ti on the (abject: tli* time necessary for a than a tr w TOE FRENCH idea OP SPORT. Paris diversion. I do not recall (as louger trip companies be found in dancing the german. knife, scraping, and mixing as fast as be found at home, for I haTe aeen no "The aversion to hone flesh i* merely . miles from circle*. a that the dull walls were with a grinding oertainly metropolitan lr* day*' graced tingle "Yon know very well. Mr. the he could while a customer waited. The front on this has an whim, a* shsllow as the of a the Cerrespozdenco of Tbe EfniMo Star. picture, and I am certain that the chairs were Smiffkins," sample side) become athlete. superstition outing atnoug wood* and field* of North wag "that it .1 a Paris, December 5. not cushioned. The table and implements were saying, all depends upon one's door opened with sharp click and lady hur- I. of coarse, refer to the faihionable girl. he..then about hit religion. H« cannot log- Carolina would afford sport with the quail Ia one sense the French know nothing of fairly good. partner. The ideal partner, I take it.and you ried iu. She looked in tbe candy case, tbe Whether this is another phase of anglomania ically explain it, neither can the average which would satisfy their expectation* and are .port, in another are de¬ And this comprise* the whole of the business too well aware of my meaning to think me cigar cose, and leaned her hand on the case of or not I do not know, but am inclined to sus¬ citizen of Chicago explain why he would not idea* of what is. they passionately of the DOnt billiard in "good shooting" voted to it. no no place expert player rude in saying so.is the one you see little toilet while she on the it ia. All I can rather eat horse meat thuu Certain In the southern state-. They have national game, France. If there are other rooms in the insti- very articles, rapped glass pect say is. if this be true, aud pork. quail are oallrd par¬ of. I consider such a one. We have and on there auituals are tabooed as food on account of athletic clubs or tournaments; yet sport is one tution they are not for billiards. None other, Now, you sharply stamped tho floor with her ought to be no reason to doubt it, the tridges; therefore, should th<- northern sports¬ Of the few words and in fact, are needed, from tne been dancing together for two hours past and I French heels. Then she peeped through the American girl is making a big mistake. Her sanitary reasons. but surely no one can «ay man be invited to have a shot at the English adopted directly judging public haven't partridges placed with its various derivatives in the vo¬ patronage. Tbe upper rooms are in so slight had the pleasure of your company for prescription screen. Then she pounded on the mistake is two-fold. In the first place, in that a horse is not much cleaner than a hog after flushing a bee* of «h- he would di*> demand from casual that I doubt more floor with at tbe same of French. in players than fifteen minntes of the time. The both feet, time pound¬ "going in" for athletics, either for or ex¬ or a dock. In India the bovine species waa cover them to be w hat he tin <*. at home na cabulary every-dav '"Sport" whether the income derived from the marble counter with a she sport seriously girls took you out so often that you didn't de¬ ing package ercise. she is not made sacred for the reason quail. u French applies almost exclusively to horse them would be considered profitable by au found at bnnd. She was in a Hut the imitating the best clans of years ago. aitnple Correctly speaking, q>.« the Vir¬ pend on me at all. and so I was at lib¬ hurry. English us no doubt she that it wa^ a hard thioi: to rear cattle in that and the name racing, so nearly that an oco isional exception American. Yet from j o'clock p.m. to 6:30. and entire'y druggist was iu a hurry, too; hi* knife scrapcd girl, foudly imagines; hence ginia partridge, of partridge from to erty to fly around as I liked and to take turn* mid, in the second, in thus herat.f climate, to preserve the species it was I as is not worth noting. Every little cafe is an 9 midnight. Tignaux's is crowded every with more quickly ou the mixing marble, but he did masculiuing mride sacred. The is in¬ betn adopted in all section* of the south to there to every man in the room. Wheu I go home not come she is destroying her greatest charm and at¬ hog nearly always the Bob White. or the of »n for the day. People go not play, but to bet from behind tbe screeu. Directly fested with waa designate agrncy. headquarter* agent their on tonight t can say that I've had a simply de¬ the traction in English 'ves. Apart from her easy, trichina microbos. It tabooed by In the suburhau of sellers at the race so are many of money professional games. lady, raising her voice to an au^ry pitch', the .Tews of ha» since d.stricta N?w York pool tracks; lightful time and I will thank you for it." self-possessed manner, her conversational hundreds years ago and wan tu quail the barber and some cases a street called out: 011 fhootia^ g»ud days uot ivug a^o but it shop*. in DAWCISO WITH A powers, her store of information on au remained the taboo list. Carrion-eating aui- is uot to the corner, with a convenient in case of "STICK." "How long is it going to be before vou wait subject# of easy hud blr.ls in the usual doorway and tier money, her delicate skin, nisils. cour>e, are out of the question as an auu this o: place*, rain, answers the of the book maker "Ton are awfully good to say so. Miss Falco¬ on me?" peach-like article of food. what the matter with scarcity gstu- is one ot the reasons purpose a complexion aud fragile frame have given her Sow. is *ju bu and his At every agency, whether it ner," replied the graceful youth in dress coat "Iu moment;in a moment," came tho voice that the horse? kuowswh.it 1h.1t animal why sportsmen J overjoyed by a vi*.t patrons. from behind the screcn. and delightful effemiuacy of tout ensemble Everybody to North Carolina, altera it is nu be cafe, corner or barber the man with and shirt "and can the the inixiug went is eats and how clean he is. Look at the e.isy task to ihop. expansive front, I with on at a which rarely, if ever, seen in Euglish women compari¬ start out Irom ot the towns the book is at a certain hoar, double quick. Two minutes later tlie son.n a j auy bordering the expected daily utmost sincerity return the The outside of old family in the nice, he.-Jtby horse aud dirty, puddlin; mountain rr are on hand. compliment. druggist came from behind bis screen portraits picture belts the upb ud counties aud u and his customers always They I've been contrasts wiping of the ari*t Suu-burued duck, that searches the gutters and siuk hokt | a women jolly evening having very the from his forehead.
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