The Om .T lie finDen Ieni -#liser ec # Newspaper Prialti Uii4— « OWiT O m tM Wiww pw 0 0 Th» UM Om HEWS. fta h U «h »< IWT, e<HiiMi»«< iHtli Tfc« UWDEW O M O V E II. »ta b li«h »4 in O Vol. IX — No. 43 LINDEN, N. J.. THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 1963 10 PAGES PRICE: TEN C EN IV WediNiedsjf m ofalRf. A pm it , Murawski, Yeisley, Morris Win In Ward Contests (1m eiiy o# i|ut«Her lh«« i( hM lor tiM pOHi four moRllM for til* MroUl prrha^. but mm «o lor ihcwr The Democratic orga vtio w r « BMuecrwIul IB UbHr Name Blay Chairman Of Postpone Valvano Praises All < ouncJovimc candidata# tUe«J ^Mpir^iutm B n ^ ir U y ia Me Gowan • merged victorious Tuesday Mil IB tlM Mh War4. wheiv a tarrlftr earn narrow margins in two ca »ai<a mm» put oa by AI«aafMi«r Wftfiry to 4«frat tb« party nom $750,000 Fund Drive City Dem Who Helped In Victory Wins Over Two in.sjirgent committee taae Start Morru. are thr r«ai4«-BU dates hacked by Alexander Ci iMfciAt loforarO to 4aya of peace Wngley won over organiwatBR j City Democratic ChairmaJi ter.-ats a M harmoay Maigr oomfMtrt a Meeting ohoices in th»- Sixth Ward. I Charles S. Valvano. H r. announced IMlHical campaign wHb that of a Mr. Valvano was high in hi.* Wilson i late Tuesday evening, that the vic- Stephen Morris, organiaatlaR iltbatt One* tt»e coateol u over A meeting of the Landtn Damo- praise of the many city offictaly ■ tory achieved at the poHs earlier choice in the Sixth Ward, d e fe a M a«4 a anaatr bar h»mn dtciarad. craLc <*»«b at'heduied to be held who sp^>ke at the party organiti- The city s D*miocratic organixa m the day by D em vratic Party W ngley by only 2S votes. 53AB R Tuealay. AprJ 23. hay been poat- tkm meetings throughout the prun- tion managp^J to give James M ttusAmimnu are mprctad to ■bury ; candidatea way a trihuie to the Morns won in the First and fk ifW d Um haWbet' a M to rttnoae a ttot p<*ncd becausr of a conflict. ary campaign. He in particular ' McOofwan the biggest plurality of team work exhibited by the io>aJ D-xtricts bu-t lort in the Third. mat an4 trcry4ay maaae-r <if ptr O ff.viry of the cUife are e*|w*cl/d s.ftgLd out City Attorney Lewis any community in Union County ?•- meet to art a fti-w date for th member* of the City Democratic W'.n/-b*ky for his active part in all w»fia:?ty 04 etmrme mott» «roul4 Party in the balloting for Democratic Tenth Ward 4>>uacilmaji P m I Stile to btiry (hr haicbet In the W l i galher.ng which wjH feature the of the wti.'d* in which a primary nom.nation for State Senator. Yeisley wa.s renominated as he Rot Although hotly contested .n their - »nt<st was i^nducted. at (Heir « 2B8iiim oppoaent but Hr ' :.on k4 officer* McGowan's entire slate built up 449 vot*-s to 341 for Irwin Sklon respective wards Fourth Ward lag la a crrih«e4 arorS4 aa art go Tm April 23 m«i-t.ng way ca’Ied Mr W.netsky a campaigne- whopp.ng margins within the city I6I for H- nry Mack. Mack was Counc..man Edward Murawak. and that ;« not done ■ ff b« aa»e ihe Union County Dem- - .r;lff2 != Was unjustly charged. ;n Not even S**cond Ward Councilman able to take enough votes T.nlh Ward Cnunr.iman Paul A The traaioa that a per ton under <KTat. CjrrimiUee w..f reorgas;*.- the op.n.on o f the City Democratic W'llham Daiziel was able to make from Sklon to imnire the org ^ Yejiley w. .-e ag^.n returned victor «h '»e onnduciing a poiiUcaJ .n i-iat ds'.e M «ny member* <jf the party as havin? been slightly "too an aipprsciabie dent in the sweep tion victory. ;.jb w,!! be a! the county m<**t,ng ; iou* Murawyk; for th*- second tim- rough" on one of the candidates. gn f >r any ^**11 puaUjnn of the organization tick«-t on the Fourth Ward Councilman B Am .ng the crff.crf* to be defeated riarence Baukn.ght. while This accusation was us<-d by a «omct,mre t«k«a a fe»J longer for county U vH. ward .Murawjtki rolled over C l* ji * n< w pn aideni of the group Ye.s.ey had thing* a b.t tougher ne.ghbonng newspaper, with th • »«m e to utear!ad from than •! <lo*e rron;r,any. the Wilson ticket ' ne.^B luknight by a «75 366 fnf otbFfa 1ft aporta the ea John K.iapwtrick lax coliector. re- ' hav..ng to defr'sr Irw.n Skk>n and intention, one city official stated ga.n.-d Its only victories in Linden gin E.ghth Ward Councilman Ml- » gne l ;ayt year and Walter Abe Henry Mack "of evok.ng some form of sympathy pfre* \n fm>ney playef hae been as TWO ronomittee candidate* back- .■hael Smig.-ldty polled 316 vot«s la 'ierhard haj b.-en acting pre*.dent The contest .n the 6Ui Ward n for a candidate in the hope of se­ attached In auch a peraoa vh o can . ed by Alexander G W'rtj^ey won. hi* unopp<wed bid for renominatloek face aU h.»dt a* (ena«*a, react to Mr O-rhard ha* .nde au-1 that Which Steve Morr.* party nominee curing additional votes." *ra.i*att c raaciLP D-tiziel w is tr>*mg for a Dem­ Republicans had no eandidatei oa them aad (h#a fciaa or ar,a come hr vr..i run for t V pr*y.der,cy of an<1 Alexander Wr.giey. lasurg.-nt. hb^ei;^7|ICV It Was also interesting to note, ocratic freeholder nomination. He the ballot but did manage to pl^k baeh tm;f ftg ready lo fac# the nrrt : v organ.xation. sought the Democrat.c nominalKin that a supposed poll conducte*! in polled onJy '<66 vote* while the top up two write-in candidates, Qerit obstacle Many op^^nioiu are ra ' ’^^aa the moat bitterest political the 6th Ward bad designated Mr organ.xation vote getter in that Van Someren in the Eighth Ward preaaeid during a poitbcat campaign j pf.mary fought ;n many a year Wrigi.'y as the potenbal w .n v r R A B W A V ttn a in T A L A D D IT IO N -A reh h en 'a rv«4>wtiig wkmm* (he category S.gmund Swiontkfrwski. a and W.lliam Keylea in tke Teatb than When replayed or rc^mrted to I Present Councilman John Mru- To the status of the pre-election baMIhC eapa— lta peogtam prapoaed far Rahway Ha«p4laJ (a rrUete union off.cial here, ,-olicd up V\;ird. The R»T>ublican.s also gained the person resp(»fiafbkr for making Wins Top ! crek created this p.-ob!em when ward poll, a member h.gh in the ateevrvwAed caodMIiini mmd (he aerseoa bed ftharlage. Mha4ed pefttehe score of .? -466 mtmibera o f the county committee the idat,emea(. it aounda aa If an -ty official famdy outwardly snap­ Applet (he « » « . (hfos Mary wfag %• be eem U w ted at pear of kaapital j announced eari.er ,n the year that Jam-s M McGowan received 3 949 on write in votes. other p«-r»oa had mt4 ;% later- j he would not be a candidate for p'd that "Just who took the poll mmd Ihr mtm hahAgaihMora keHAIsg af Uwp Kahway Ptr«i %»d A Wj votes tgainst 1.676 for John J WH- protatiofia of ororda alao bm-'-mm* a and whom did they question?*’ In the Sixth Ward. W rlgley to<kk feawy <b(iMd TW ham w«R he pahhrrP j la Art Honors I r*‘ -elec*fon Mrucrek had given both aon in the voting for the Demo­ factor during the receaHty con- I p. raonyl a.nd business rmaons for the - Third District by a 176-136 bahMihg whAch wtM ho rehavaPd to peaHAi Mr V'alvano s.ngled out each of cratic nom.nation for State Senator ringed cafli^.gti It had been h a derKmng to *e-k anotner term count but lost in the First and See- M m rSherg inr y eaitte ah B e flaai flaae ahd ii itmiaiatratBe affleea oa W *!ter Make m.k. Jr lA of T2S !he tireleas w-ard w'orkers for the Wilson took only the third District eaperted that aocb manmrrertng W.ngi.-y this Jojui c-mes as ond Districta by 193-161 and 234- B e ae'Bohg llaar. f h i f l H ■■ ^ the baritding pragrahi fae the hwapttal. E*y<* A v e n v hat won top honor* many hours that they gave of th<-m of *he Sixth Ward- ■n»>.54 reauH i» fa Bift# m^t* r-3*ea * ^reat biOw It was ;n 'as* yea r« 166 scores. wBch la iaralaA ah Bhhe h|f»eA w B aAd m V4a and bHag tV n * *'s»»-sr»de * i'pture ronlest uitseifiahiy throughout the In Democratic baiiotiBg for other ->ac « « ; ewer iiftioaF pMC b o * .Vjvembi f e>c*:on that he gave a Re ynold Marconi and Mrs Wilma tm bM » far aponaored by * V N J State Mus­ campaign There were many who nom.nations, Eugene J.
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