Ch. Links Verlag Foreign Rights Catalogue Autumn 2011 Zu Beginn des Krieges gegen die Sowjetunion konnte die Wehrmacht rund 600000 Mann verbündeter Truppen einsetzen, später kamen zahlreiche Rolf-Dieter Müller ausländische Freiwillige und »Hilfswillige« hinzu. Auf dem Höhepunkt des Zweiten Weltkrieges war an der Ostfront schließlich jeder dritte Uniform­ träger auf deutscher Seite ein Ausländer. Der Feind Hitlers Parole vom »Kampf gegen den Bolschewismus« fand überall in Euro pa Wider hall – bei überzeugten Faschisten ebenso wie bei Angehöri­ gen osteuropäischer Völker, die ihre Unabhängigkeit von der UdSSR an­ steht im Osten streb ten. Viele von ihnen kämpften nicht nur an der Front, sondern ließen sich auch in die Verbrechen der Wehrmacht und der Waffen­SS verstri­ Hitlers geheime Pläne für einen Krieg cken. Von ihren Heimatländern wegen Verrats abge urteilt und vergessen, wurde ihr Einsatz von den Historikern im Kalten Krieg meist übersehen gegen die Sowjetunion im Jahr 1939 oder verschwiegen, von Rechtsradikalen dagegen glorifiziert. Rolf­Dieter Müller vermittelt auf der Basis neuerer Forschungen erstmals einen systematischen Überblick über die verschiedenen Motive, die Hit­ lers Verbündete und ausländische Freiwillige an der Ostfront kämpfen lie­ ßen. Zahlreiche Fotos, Karten und Dokumente ergänzen diese anschau­ lich geschriebene Darstellung. An der Seite der Wehrmacht der Seite der An Rolf­Dieter Müller Rolf­Dieter www.linksverlag.de ISBN 978­3­86153­448­8 contact: Johanna Links Ch. Links Verlag Schönhauser Allee 36 10435 Berlin Germany www.christoph-links-verlag.de [email protected] foreign rights autumn 2011 Frank Nordhausen / Thomas Schmid (eds.) The Arab Revolution Democratic awakening from Tunisia to the Golf A compact survey of the events and developments in eleven countries of the Arab world and of the perspectives opened up by the revolution. Ten renowned experts of the region outline the causes of the democratic awakening, depict the course of events, and introduce the protagonists. Tunisia and Libya (Thomas Schmid, Berliner Zei- tung), Egypt (Frank Nordhausen, Berliner Zei- tung), Algeria (Helmut Dietrich, DAAD), Morocco (Marc Dugge, ARD), Syria (Martina Doering, Ber- liner Zeitung), Lebanon (Markus Bickel, Frankfur- ter Allgemeine Zeitung), Jordan (Heiko Flottau, Süddeutsche Zeitung), Yemen (Jens Heibach, Mar- burg University), Saudi Arabia (Henner Fürtig, GIGA Institut) and the Gulf states (Alexander Smoltczyk, Spiegel). A captivating chapter of con- temporary history that is also an indictment against the absurdity of a law that, though somewhat wea- kened, still exists today. 2nd edition 224 pages ISBN 978-3-86153-640-6 “Nordhausen and Schmid poignantly Published: October 2011 depict the course of these revolutions.” Die ZEIT Frank Nordhausen Thomas Schmid Born in 1956; studied history, German Born in 1950; studied Romance languages in Zu- and philosophy in Berlin; freelance rich and sociology in Berlin; foreign correspondent journalist and writer for Spiegel, Stern for numerous newspapers; since 2008 managing and Zeit till 1996; since 1996 reporter editor of the Berliner Zeitung and its fo- for the Berliner Zeitung; several so- reign correspondent, specializing in the journs in war zones since 1999, inclu- Maghreb region (Morocco, Western Sa- ding Irak (2003) and Egypt (2010-11). hara, Algeria and Tunisia). Ch. Links Verlag ∙ Schönhauser Allee 36 ∙ 10435 Berlin ∙ [email protected] foreign rights autumn 2011 Thomas Kunze / Thomas Vogel From the Soviet Union to Independence A journey through 15 former Soviet republics The authors travel through all 15 former Soviet republics twenty years after the collapse of the Eastern Bloc, describing the dramatic changes that have taken place there in the last two decades. An exciting mixture of contemporary historical ana- lysis and vivid travel reporting. The Soviet Union was dissolved after the coup d’etat against Mikhail Gorbachev in late 1991. Its 15 constituent republics became independent states. Russia has been ruled with a strong hand ever since. The Baltic states have become members of the European Union and Estonia is even using the euro. In the Caucasus and Central Asia Isla- mism is on the rise, and in some places authoritari- an rulers have emerged and dubious oligarchies have taken power. But “Soviet man” has survived it all. German historian Thomas Kunze and Swiss jour- 288 pages nalist Thomas Vogel describe still existing similari- ties while pointing out distinct differences. 46 illustrations ISBN 978-3-86153-644-4 Published: October 2011 Thomas Kunze Thomas Vogel Born in 1963; studied history, German Born in 1959; studied German literature, political and education at the Universities of science and journalism in Berlin; foreign corre- Jena and Leipzig, Dr. phil.; has worked spondent for Swiss television; numerous film re- in Moscow and Central Asia for the ports, features and publications on international Konrad Adenauer Foundation since contemporary history and politics. 2002; numerous book publications on Eastern Europe and Russia. Ch. Links Verlag ∙ Schönhauser Allee 36 ∙ 10435 Berlin ∙ [email protected] foreign rights autumn 2011 Matthias Ritzi / Erich Schmidt-Eenboom In the Shadow of the Third Reich The Federal Intelligence Service and its agent Richard Christmann Foreign agent for Hitler and Adenauer: The dra- matic fate of Richard Christmann reveals the fas- cist roots of West German foreign intelligence and its secret intelligence policy in northern Africa. In the 1950s, the West German “Federal Intelli- gence Agency” (BND), founded in 1956, and its precursor, the Gehlen Organization, recruited much of their staff from people who had worked for the Gestapo, SS and military intelligence in the Third Reich. Among them was Lorraine-born Richard Christmann, who served as a double agent in the Wehrmacht and in the Netherlands and was also a case officer in occupied Paris. As a BND re- sident in Tunis from 1956 to 1961, his tasks inclu- ded thwarting the official policy of rapprochement between Germany and France by providing targe- ted support to the Algerian independence move- ment against France. 248 pages Using previously inaccessible documents, the aut- ISBN 978-3-86153-643-7 hors debunk the myth that the BND was merely Published: September 2011 gathering intelligence abroad and not intervening in armed conflicts. Dr. Matthias Ritzi Erich Schmidt-Eenboom Born in 1963; studied business admi- Born in 1953, studied education and early modern nistration at the University of Mann- history at the Bundeswehr University in Hamburg; heim and later political science at the as of 1985 research assistant at the Forschungsin- Institute for Political Science at the stitut für Friedenspolitik (Research Institute for University of Innsbruck; earned his Peace Policy) in Weilheim; since 1990 di- Ph.D. there in 2010 with his dissertati- rector of the institute and author of nu- on “Richard Christmann: Intelligence merous books and articles on intelligence- Clashes Between Germany and France, related topics. 1936 to 1961.” Ch. Links Verlag ∙ Schönhauser Allee 36 ∙ 10435 Berlin ∙ [email protected] foreign rights autumn 2011 Kai Schlüter (ed.) Günter Grass on Tour for Willy Brandt The legendary election campaign of 1969 Kai Schlüter provides a wealth of original docu- ments, photos and reminiscences of participants in chronicling the legendary election campaign tour of Günter Grass in 1969, an event which changed the Federal Republic and made Willy Brandt chan- cellor. In 1969, Günter Grass spent six months touring West Germany in an old VW bus campaigning for Willy Brandt. He covered 32,000 kilometers and spoke to around 60,000 people at more than 100 events. It was a totally new kind of campaigning in Germany. People with no connection to the SPD were organizing support initiatives and advocating ideas that were controversial even in the party but which eventually became official government poli- cy after Brandt’s election victory. 240 pages This volume documents the memories of partici- 53 illustrations pants and puts the events in political-historical ISBN 978-3-86153-647-5 perspective. The texts and multitude of photos Published: September 2011 bring a turbulent era back to life in which grass- roots politics ruled the day. Backlist: Günter Grass - the Stasi Files Rights sold to: Italy “A captivating and edifying documentation of German Kai Schlüter literary and Cold War hi- story.” Born in 1956; degree in German and social sciences from Göttingen; 1983 Süddeutsche Zeitung Ph.D.; since 1986 journalist at Radio Bremen; ARD radio correspondent in Washington and London as well as managing editor of Nordwestradio (RB/NDR), newly founded in 2001. Ch. Links Verlag ∙ Schönhauser Allee 36 ∙ 10435 Berlin ∙ [email protected] foreign rights autumn 2011 Heidrun Hannusch Death Penalty for Suicide A Historical Crime Case “A curious and touching piece of European con- temporary and legal history.” Der Spiegel “Heidrun Hannusch tells the life of a mother and daughter in London exile, as captivating as a detec- tive story. Though always close to her female pro- tagonists, she’s careful never to lose the big picture. In a detailed and sympathetic fashion, she describes their growing desperation with each new Nazi mi- litary victory, ultimately culminating in a suicide pact.” Deutschlandradio Kultur „As interest in the movie The King‘s Speech sweeps the world,
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