V BAN,J E TER. (••nfd W«eklx. Entered k* 8MOO<!-OUU» Uattei at the Post- VOLUME XLIX, NO. 16. offlue M tUd Bank, N. ,4. ooder the Act of M«roh I, 187). RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13,1926. $1.50 PER YEAR. PAGES 1 TO 12. NEW RED BANK THEATER APPLE THIEVES FINED. DIRECTORS RE-ELECTElD. MAY BUILD A BIG HOTEL BEL KILLS FAfJHAND. SIDEWALKS NEARLY GONEi Thirteen Men Choaen by M»in»ta; Polea Put in the Middle of Sidewal ACTIVITIES OF A NIMROD. ROBBED OF HIS CROPS. IT WILL BE FINISHED BY NO TWO EAST'ORANGE AUTCMST Buildinir and Loan Aiaociatlon. JOSEPH OSCHWALD CONTEM A SUNDAY TRAGEDY ONVA Spico at Naveiink. WILLIAM C. BENNETT MAKES LINCROFT FARMER A VICTIM VEMBER 1ST. PENALIZED }20 EACH. Tho Mainstay building and loai PLATES SUCH A PROJECT. FARM AT SHREWSBURY. Residents on the east side o association at n meeting held at thi Monmouth avenue at.Navesink an A LAKE, ON HIS PLACE. OF THIEVES AND HOODLUMS. The Opening Performance Will be They Stole Apple* on Joseph S. Ap Second national bank and true Whether He Bulldi, He Say«, De Body of Edward Fitzpatrick, Who Up >in arms because telephone am Girea Some Time Between No. Red Bank's Greatest Hunter, Trap- About Half of HU'Crop.'sjoIen or 1 plojato'e Farm on Conorer Lan< -company. last Wednesday nigh penda on Whether He Can Get a Worked for Ralph Weiderholt, electric light polea have been place per and Fisherman Builds a Place vimber Ut end November Sth— Last Autfust-wVpprohended b; elected directors to serve for throi Reputable Hotel Man to Lease II Found in tho Barnyard on Mra. in the middle,of sidewalks in fron Doslrdyed tU Past Season—Ho M. H, J«olci to be Manager.' for His Goldfish and Ducks—A " i» So Discouraged That He "May Getting; Auto Licence Number. years. The directors chosen wen in Advance of Its Construction. Helen Ledgerwood'a Farm. of, their houses. Monmouth avenu 1 • Fishing- Trip Far From Honie. Joseph Osehwald's new theate all re-elected and they are Haw; Edward-Fitzpatrick, who was. em- ia being widened and paved wit Quit Tilling (he Soil. Mr. and Mrs. Garrett Jacobus nnc A-rumor became current at Red William C. Bennett has just fin- V,on Monmouth strejet at Red Bank is Mr.'and Mrs. Roy Jacobus of Easl G.'Bordon, Thomas 'Cook, Newtor ployed as a farm hand by Balph concrete. All the widening is bein Joseph MergI, who has a truck •Bank last week that Joseph Osch- ished making a lake on Hi's .prtfper- farm between Lincroft and Tinton '.' nearlng completion. The finishing Orange were arraigned before Jus- Doromus, Stewart Cook, Chnrlos B wald. would soon star', building Weiderholt of Shrewsbury, was done on the east side of the street touches we now being put on th •English, O. K. Parry,, R. S. Pearc. killed by a bull Sunday on a farm In some places nearly all the side- ty on the extreme eastern end of Falls, near Swimming river, i» so tice Elmer C. Wainrlght of Bed hotel on tho former Dr. Peter P. Drummond avenue at Red Bank. 'building.; It will be ready for us- Bank Saturday morning on a chargi Lester C. Loyettj Frec.'D. "Wikoff, at that place owned by Mrs. Helen walk space has been taken to make discouraged over losses caused by Rnfferty property at the southeast Mr. Bennett a short time ago built thieves and hoodlums that hp may ': byNovember Island the first ohov of stealing apples ownqd by Josepl H. W. Young," Warren H. Smock, corner of Monmouth and Pearl Ledgerwood. The farm is on Syca- the road wider. The telephone, ani P. ^. Walton and W. V. Smith more avenue- and was formerly electric light poles have been movee a house on his . 'rummond avenue quit tilling the soil. Ho says that .will be produced gome time befwee S. Applegate oof • Conover lane ii streets at Red Bank, which he land and moved there from Fair November M and November 6th. Middletown township, just acrosi Herbert W. Hill, TJiomas P.>.Doro- owned by Arthur W. Shutts, who is back, with the result that tho side nearly half of the things ho raised bought a few months ago. Mr. Haven. He has divided the lake into on his place the past season were The exact'date has not yet. bee Cooper's bridge from Rod. Bank rnus and George E. Winning weri Oschwald is completing.a theatre a< libw in Kentucky. - walk space has been soencroachee elected au^itorB.^ •'• 1 upon that in places pedestrians hav< two parts with small mesh wire. either stolen or destroyed. •itawll. • ..: '• ./..•/•• The apple stealfng.incidont.nccurre a cost of $250,000 on his property Fitzpatrick formerly worked on In one part he keeps ten goldfish Walter G. Reade ha's leased th lapt August, . Tho' Mainstay' building and loai adjoining the RafTerty lot. the Ledgerwood farm and left there to walk in the street to pass thi Mr. Mergl states that ttio stealing association hag been In operatioi poles. A number of Navesink folks and in the other part he has two and destruction of crops was dono theater for a long; term of years, Two large laundry bugs had bee When questioned about the ru- about two months ago to work for ducks. Mr. Bennett expects to en- M. H. Jacks will be rnanager of the filled with apples taken from tree, three years and it now has over Mr. Weiderholt. On Sundays Fitz- expect'to attend tho Middletown mostly by autoists and that it was 7,000 shares In force and total as- mor by a Register reporter, Mr. townshipcommlttee meeting tomor- gage in raising goldfish. His ducks not confined to any certain class of new playhouse. The opening per- on Mr. Applegate's .farm when thi Oschwald stated that, the report patrick made it a practice to visit wero originally wild and were cap- formance has not'yet been booked, owner saw the thieves. The unwel sets pf over $215,000. Two tearm tho men who are employed on Mrs. row night to ask that conditions be people. He eays i* was done by rich made up of directors of the asso was greatly exaggerated but that remedied. : . tured when they were small a num- and poor alike and by native born but it will comprise moving picture! come visitors Tiad arlvei. to the farm there was some foundation for it. Ledgerwood's farm. Before he ber of years ago-* Tho lake is fif- and vaudeville. Mr. "Reade lease, in two automobiles and they were elation are now engaged in a con- left the farm Sunday he went to the folks as wcllra's by people who ap- test • in .selling shares for the new Ho said ht had been considering Rapid progress is being mad teen feet wide and 28 feet long. parently -were foreigners. He saya the Strand theater on .Broad street In the.act of putting the,apples in building a large hotel o: the barn to see the cattle. The other with the work of paving Monmoutl 'and Mr. Jacks is manager of thai tho cars when Mr. Applegate Baw series, which will open next month. "rnen did riot follow him. When he Mr. Bennett probably devotes that he has suffered losses of th'it, These teams are captained by Fran ferty property but that it was by no avenue with concrete. Stryker more time to fishing', hunting and kind the past three years and that place. Mr. Reade will continue giv- them. He , told the autoists the' 1 means certain that he would do so did not come back within a short Stryker of Red Bank are the con ing shows at the Strand after ,th( must pay for the apnlcs they ha E. Price and Thomas Cook. Th: time one of the. men went to the trapping than an; other resident of each year conditions got worse. ' losing team will provide a dlnne Mr. Oschwald stated that if he tractors. this locality, with the. possible ex- new-theater opens. •, , J- stolen or leave them on the pla:o. 1 baraxord and found the body of » i m A vineyard is on the farm. Mr. 1 for the winners^, Next Wednesda could find a lessee for the proposed ception of Reuben White. During ~'y Moving plbtura shows and vaude The autolBts did neitlier of these Fitzpatrick lying ore-*the -ground. NEW CAR WRECKED. Mergl got'about half of the grapes villein the fall and winter nnd mu- night tho association will hold hotel before he put up the building The bull was in the yard. No one tho Bumrher he is employed as an and the thieves got the other half, ' things. .Tha men cursed Mr. Apple- he would construct the hotel.' It sical comedies and other, shows i 5T.ite and told him to go to a place dinner at the Smbk~ shop tavern saw.the b$!l attack the man. But Atlantic City Man Get/ Coat o engineer by the Midland Beach about' 200 baskets. Mr. Mergl is This dinner'will be provided at the was- on this same plan that Mr. steamboat company, successor to the spring and summer aro planne supoosed to bo devoid of Iceberg3. ( Fitzpatrick was carried to the Another One.' an aged man and he says he tried in > for tho now.theater.1 The playhbus' expense of the team which lost in Oschwald. built the theatre, which the Merchants' steambcat company.
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