E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 114 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 161 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22, 2015 No. 59 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was know about this special man and my dearly. I feel that dearly. Yet, when I called to order by the Speaker pro tem- dear friend. think of the generations to come and of pore (Mr. COLLINS of Georgia). Scotty Probasco was born on Novem- the generosity, of the philanthropy, f ber 26, 1928. He attended the Bright and of the kindness of Scotty Probasco School in Chattanooga. He attended and what that means to us as a people, DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO the Baylor School in Chattanooga, this will be his legacy. TEMPORE Dartmouth College, and then the Whar- I am going to say something to him The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- ton School at Penn. He was a gifted and to his great family today: Scotty fore the House the following commu- man, a very bright man, a great busi- Probasco, thank you, dear friend. nication from the Speaker: nessman, but he was a giver. Thank you for a job well done, and God WASHINGTON, DC, As I was thinking this week as to bless you. April 22, 2015. what I was going to say about Scotty, f I hereby appoint the Honorable DOUG COL- it was what did Scotty mean to me and LINS to act as Speaker pro tempore on this what did Scotty mean to our commu- MIGRANTS ARE HUMAN BEINGS day. nity and to our Nation. JOHN A. BOEHNER, Scotty was something else. He would The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Speaker of the House of Representatives. walk into a room, and he would smile. Chair recognizes the gentleman from f I think of Scotty Probasco’s smile. Al- Illinois (Mr. GUTIE´ RREZ) for 5 minutes. Mr. GUTIE´ RREZ. Mr. Speaker, this MORNING-HOUR DEBATE ways an optimist. In our profession, sometimes you have good days and bad past weekend, we witnessed the most The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- days. Whenever I would run into Scot- gruesome example of a story that is be- ant to the order of the House of Janu- ty, he would smile and always encour- coming ever more common. Hundreds ary 6, 2015, the Chair will now recog- age me, but he didn’t just do that with of migrants are missing and feared nize Members from lists submitted by me; he did that with everyone. dead—700 or more—because the smug- the majority and minority leaders for As most of you all know, I proclaim gling boat they were packed onto cap- morning-hour debate. Chattanooga is the greatest midsized sized in the Mediterranean Ocean off The Chair will alternate recognition city in America, sometimes as the the coast of Libya. It was on the front between the parties, with each party greatest midsized city in the world. It page of every paper around the world. limited to 1 hour and each Member is because of people like Scotty An estimated 3,500 people died in 2014 other than the majority and minority Probasco that we got there. Scotty was while making the journey from North leaders and the minority whip limited truly outstanding. He gave and he gave Africa to the southern coast of Europe. to 5 minutes, but in no event shall de- and he gave. As a community leader, Right now, along our southern bor- bate continue beyond 11:50 a.m. whether it was the United Way or any der, illegal immigration is at histori- f other charity, he was always there. As cally low levels, but we, too, have a a man of Christ, he was there for the border that is known for smuggling, IN MEMORY OF SCOTTY PROBASCO First Presbyterian Church. tragic losses of life, and smugglers no The SPEAKER pro tempore. The He is survived by his loving wife, less brazen and no less indifferent to Chair recognizes the gentleman from Betty; by their four children, Scott, the lives of their human cargo than Tennessee (Mr. FLEISCHMANN) for 5 Zane, Ellen, and Ben; and by 12 wonder- those off the Libyan coast. minutes. ful grandchildren. With few legal options and with great Mr. FLEISCHMANN. Mr. Speaker, As I think of what our Nation needs opportunity for work and freedom on Chattanooga, Tennessee, the great today more than ever it is more Scotty the other side, migrants throughout State of Tennessee, and our Nation lost Probascos—folks who will always ac- the world are risking their lives in the a wonderful man last Friday. centuate the positive, who are always hopes of surviving the journey to live a Scotty Probasco, my dear friend, looking for the good in people, and who better life. passed away suddenly. All of this week, are always encouraging us to do our During the peak of illegal immigra- we have had memorials, tributes, eulo- best. tion to this country a decade or so ago, gies—all justly deserved for this great There is always a loss when we lose a one person died every single day, on av- man. I was wondering what I was going friend, and there was a great loss when erage, when trying to come to the U.S. to say today as I put together these Chattanooga lost Scotty Probasco last They died of dehydration in the desert notes, but I want all of America to week, and we all feel that. We feel that or died in trucks or in boxcars in b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H2359 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:56 Apr 23, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A22AP7.000 H22APPT1 rfrederick on DSK6VPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H2360 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 22, 2015 botched smuggling operations or per- The reality is that we need to do As an active community leader, ished as stowaways, and those are the more to engage and strengthen our Randy Sims served tirelessly on var- ones we know about. neighbors; we need to do much more to ious boards and organizations, includ- Now we hear about ‘‘La Bestia,’’ or make sure that the actions, trade, and ing on the State of Texas Regional Re- ‘‘The Beast,’’ which is the train car- consumption of our people are helping, view Committee, the Presidential Li- rying migrants from southern Mexico not hurting; and we need to do much brary Committee, the Bryan-College to the border of our country. Think more to make sure that we have secure Station Economic Development Cor- about hundreds of people, most of them borders by also remembering to put poration, the Bear Bryant Scholarship children and teenagers, clinging to the doors on those borders so that people Foundation, the Brazos Valley Fellow- outside of a moving train while they can come with visas in a controlled ship of Christian Athletes, the Solid are preyed upon by smugglers, sexual way and not risking their lives with Waste Advisory Board, the Brazos predators, and every kind of deviant. smugglers. Beautiful Initiative, the Brazos Valley The migrants who are fleeing vio- First and foremost, we must remem- Museum of Natural History, the Grace lence and poverty and gang- and drug ber the message that Pope Francis re- Bible Church Deacon Board, and the lord-infested communities in Central minded us of when he said of those who Brazos County 911 Board. America, like those fleeing African and drowned in the ocean: ‘‘They are men His service to the Brazos Valley also Asian countries, are willing to literally and women like us, our brothers seek- included serving as a Bryan ISD host risk life and limb for the slim chance ing a better life, starving, persecuted, volunteer, as vice president of the of a better life on this side. wounded, exploited, victims of war. Bryan-College Station Chamber of Europe is responding to the migrant They were looking for a better life.’’ Commerce, as chair of the Brazos crisis by committing to more rescue Let us not forget that migrants are County Health Board District, and as operations. The rightwing, anti-immi- human beings. the chair of the Brazos County Juve- gration parties across Europe see the f nile Board. crisis as validation for their call to Mr. Speaker, Randy Sims was a great build a big wall around ‘‘fortress Eu- HONORING FORMER BRAZOS leader, a dedicated public servant, and rope.’’ There are a few people here in COUNTY JUDGE RANDY SIMS an outstanding family man. His selfless this Congress, in this building, who The SPEAKER pro tempore. The devotion to our community will be want to build a wall just like theirs. Chair recognizes the gentleman from greatly missed. He will long be remem- Most people in Europe understand Texas (Mr. FLORES) for 5 minutes. bered as a great public servant to our that building civil society and stable Mr. FLORES. Mr. Speaker, I rise community and as a loving husband, economies in the Southern Hemisphere today to honor former Brazos County father, grandfather, and friend to his is the best way to entice people to stay Judge Randy Sims, who passed away on family and friends. home. Foreign aid and international April 2 of this year.
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