34 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY, DECEMBER 12, 1921. II. CUP-MARKED STONE STRATHTAY,N SI - PERTHSHIRE. BY JOH . DIXONNH , F.S.A. SCOT. The stones hereafter describe n Strathtayi e ar d . t Visitorap e ar s o confust e termth e s Strathta d Grandtullyan y t I seem. s therefore necessar defino yt e them. Strathtay is the part of the Tay valley in Perthshire between the villag f Logieraio e e easd Clunith an t n o tee west Rocth n , o kabou t 6 mile lengtn croe i s th ws h a flies , hal mila f eroade morth y . b e Both Logierai d Cluni e nortan tth en h o e rive Roc banth e f rar k o k Tay , coursof ebut Strathtay includeadverse*ex the s territory soutof h the river. Except the 3-mile length at the east end south of the Tay, which is in the parish of Little Dunkeld, and the 1-mile length at the west end e Taynortth ,f o hwhic e pariss ii hnth f Weemo h e wholth , f eo Strathta civie th l n i paris s yi f Logieraitho . The par f Logieraio t t paris constitutey Ta h e sout th e quoad f sth o h sacra paris f Grandtullyo h Strathtae Th . y statio "thn no e branch line of railway to Aberfeldy is called Grandtully Station, and the little e soutvillagth n e hTayo th e sid ,f o eincludin e stationth g , hotel, school, stores, institute, etc., is called Grandtully. But Grandtully is in Strathtay. Strathtay teems with prehistoric remains o mant , f whico y e th h writer has been introduced by Mr W. L. Macnaughton, Bailaness,. Grandtully knowo wh , se subjec morth f o e t thay othenan r resident, having made a hobby of the archaeology of his native strath. These notes are mainly due to his information and co-operation. TOBAIRANDONAICH CtTP-MABKED STONJ5. This stone is a comparatively recent discovery. Face downward it formed the doorstep of an old stable, and the cups became visible only liftee b orden do i t d r whethaha t i draina t n belo e stablwth e might be cleared. The Gaelic name of the place means " Sunday Well." There is a holy well 30 yards to the south. Tobairandoiiaich, or, to be exact, Easter Tobairandonaich a ruine s i , d village wit remaine hth s farm-steadingo otw f d manan s y dwelling e hillsidth n o se above th e mansion-house e paristh f Derculicn o i h e y nortth Ta n he ho th sid f eo of Weem. The ruins are about 800 feet above sea-level. The distance from Grandtully Station to Derculich House is nearly 2 miles. It is a. 36 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY, DECEMBER 12, 1921. stiff ascent to Tobairandonaich. The ruin of the place is complete— rooa t f no remains t musI . t have been deserted many yeare s Th ago. great size of many stones in the ruin s noticeablei s . stone ) d fig 2 . Th 1.an ; e No (fig, 1 . has ninetee e samth nen o cup l al s f inche 3 e largesface s i Th n p si . cu t diameter and 2 inches deep. The next largest has the same diameter, but is 1| inch deep. Other five of e cup e verth ar s y nearl e samyth e e smalles sizes 1i Th 1 .p inccu th - PrirT* 3'">Aaa i?m i i • /f/s n A , ^ • ' s Fr in diameter and \ inch deep, but t"'"l"i"l————I————i————i weatherin s effecteha g d muc- to h Cup-marke. Fig2 . d Ston t Tobairandonaichea . Wards almost obliterating SOmf o e the smaller cups. The stonf whinstono s ei e with slight vein f quartz o sovas i t n i I l . ford varieman n thicknesi s s from 2J inche inches4 s o greatest sIt . t diameter is 3 feet 2 inches, and its least diameter 2 feet 8 inches. BAILANDTJN CUP-MARKED STONE. .This fine exampl cup-markea f eo e sidth edn o stons i ) 4 e d (figsan 3 . partld oan f y embedde whan di t buriaa appear e b l o t smound , locally called "The Dun." It is on the hillside above Cloichfoldich, about 150 yards mansion-housnorte th f ho f thaeo t norte namth n he eo th sid f eo Tay, and is a full mile north-west of Grandtully Station. The Dun is a circular mound in perfect condition standing on an artificial terrace 6 fee fee8 o tt wide , unifora whic n o s hi m e soutleve th t some o hbu t l - what highe othen i r r direction e shillside th wher s f carvei o t t i e. dou The Dun stands 10 feet to 12 feet high above the terrace, and its circum- ference is 65 yards. It is slightly over 500 feet above sea-level. cup-markee Th e south-easdth stonn o s ei e Dunt th sid , f eo nearl ya e north-north-westyarth o d(t abovd e terraceen th e e d somTh an .) e than t cannoi Du t otheburiee o s quite th b e t rn d i ar epart t accuri f so - ately measured, but approximately the stone is 5 feet 2 inches in length, fee3 inche4 t foowidthn 1 si inche8 d t an , thicknessn si cupe n Th si . sight number, at least, seventy, and possibly there may be eight more. e threTh e larges e 2f ar t inche diameten i s d 1^ an rinc depthn hi e Th . other e smallerar s , dwindling where much weathere a scarcel o t d y measurable size e larges. th Arounf o t o cup de tracetw ar s f circulaso r rings 1^ inch broad, in which the surface is slightly lower than in the adjoinin ge stone longese parth f Th o .t e stont th axi f eo s runs north- CUP-MARKED STONES IN STRATHTAY, PERTHSHIRE. 67 .Fig . Cup-marke3 , d Ston t Bailandunea . Fig. 4. Cup-marked Stone at Bailandun. PROCEEDING E SOCIETYTH F O S , DECEMBER 12, 1921. north-wes d south-south-eastan t a rounde s i t I d. hloc f whinstoneko . e photograpTh h mucs (figi ) 3 . h foreshortened. Three group well-cuf so t grooves, one at each end and one on the west side, should he noted. GLACH NA BXJIDSEACH, OB THE WITCHCRAFT STONE. e describeThb eo t stonw d no ebear e Gaelith s c nam f Claco e h iia Buidseach, which mean e Witchcrafth s t Stone. a moderIt s i ' n name y devoisignificancan f o d e origie th as r purposo o t n' e cup th n o sf o e e far th f Tullypowrie mo n o e s stonei th t I . , nearl yard0 y30 s from e steadingth a mil,e nort du e h from Grandtully fee 0 Bridge80 t d an , above sea-level. When the writer first saw the stone some years ago buils wa tt i int dry-stone oth e wall, close to which it now lies. Since s beeha then t i nremoved s i t bu , now restore s originait o t d l site. Its removal revealed the presence of two large cups on the side pre- viously hidden by the wall. It lies prone on the ground, but by lifting it on edge (a difficult job, owing to weights it ) bot hphotoe b side n -ca s graphed. |MlnlnlM|————————|————————|————————I It is a slab of the local whin- Fig . Clac5 . a Buidseachhn r Witchcrafo , t Stone t Tullypowriea , . stone measuring acros e largesth s t cups on the front (the side origin- ally exposed a lin t .righa n 4 inchesei 3 ) d t an ,angle o that s9 2 t inches—its extreme width bein 8 inche3 g s an's meait d n thickness 13 inches. s froi , m7 a photograp . Fig No e fron, th 1 .f thi o f to hs stoned an , fig.' 5 is taken from a rubbing. The following are the measurements e fouoth f r cups; the e veryar y nearly circula formfirsn e i r s i Th t . 11 incheinche0 1 y diameten b i s 7d | an rinche n dept i se secon th h; d 7| inche 6y Jb s inches inches3 y b e thir th ; d 7£ inche 6y £b s inchey b s 3 inches; and the fourth 7|- inches by 6| inches by 3 inches. Apportion e ston os th beef ha e n 2 adjoinin. broke t soma No f p enof cu gremot e time fros i , m.8 photograp a . FigNo , e stone bac.1 th th f ekf o h o show - ing its two circular cups, the larger about 9 inches in diameter and 4 inches in depth, the smaller about 7J,- 'inches in diameter and 3 inches n depthi . Ther triangulaa s ei r depressio a ncupso t abovtw A /e th e first glanc t i seeme s artificial t closbu , e examination producee th s impression that it is due to the accidental detachment of a flake from the stone's surface, possibly during the forming of the cups. CUP-MARKED STONE STRATHTAYN I S , PERTHSHIRE.
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