~--------------------------------------------------~--------------------------------------- owan Serving The State University of Iowa and the People. of Iowa City I({' a series lti6 I~ Tuesdays Member 01 Associated Press AP Leased Wire and' Wtrepholo ser ice Iowa clfy. Iowa, weanesaay, Mardi 7, larch begin- 'ip to Reli- "hich has U.S.', Russia campus, : I~ visiting .'. ill include a IProtestaDt Blamed for Bulganin Speeds 'Reply ~Ic church, , II$pol\tatlvn I~ the, Iowa Possible War fp.m .. each ' JERUSALEM t4'I-lsraeli Pre­ II the First , mier David Ben-Gurion tol~ his Parliament Tuesday that chances eiierson and , To Ike~s 'Di.sarm' Plea .~ "f,preventing a second Arab-Isracli tev, L, L. ~ . Ilhe church war are becoming smaller. He ~, doctrine~ charged that if bloodshed comes, Ike Proposes :M lice in the tbe United States and Russia wlli B~gan Claims Politicians _. share the moral responsibility. I~mas More Rain Ben·Gurion blamed the possibil­ " 1St. will be Ity of a "second round" on the A-Weapon ~. Msgr. J. ' Soviet government because of a Interfere with Road.building continued flow of Red weapons to & d!r will ad- .' Egypt and also on the U. S. be­ By BILL KNOWLES cause of its continued refusal of I II Lutheran . When politicians ceasc to interfere with engineers' plans for road­ Supply Freeze: Irrington St. Israel's request for 50 million dol­ Cold lars worth of arms for defense . )ullding. Iowa roads will how a definite improveme.nt, Gerald Bogan. WASHlNGTON III-President EI­ ~xecut i ve secretary of the Iowa Good Roads ASsociation told a mceting senhower urled Soviet Premier ~1l be con- "Israel will not start a war," he x the Iowa City Junior Chamber of Commerce Tuesday evening. Ivisit to the said. "But if it should break out The colder weather which hit Bulganln Tuesday to join hlm 10 Politics and good ,road building do not mix. in Iowa or anywhere else, the IlJe, 606' E. we will meet it with strength and efforts to end atom Ie arms Bogan declared. If the cngineering Iowa City Tuesday'is expc.ct.ed to race by freezing stockpiles 0( 1:. Stamm confidence ... if war should br.eak ideas developed immediately after continue with below normal tem­ out against our will, 1 have not the atomic weapons under a "SlIfe· I~ the war were placed into effect. peratures for the season for lhe auarded" dlaannament system, Ilattcnd ~ slightest doubt that we will stand Iowans would now be enjoying Tearn Debates up and win." next five or six days. the Weath­ He made I1is appeal In a lette{' tials said roads with greater sight distance, , # rei eased by the White House Tue," 1l was his first statement since fewer entrances, and in som" er Bureau reported. day afternoon and BulaaDin react­ British Lt. Gen. John Bagot Glubb areas, four lanes, he continucd. U.S. Policy Snow and freezing drizzle ror ed in a friendly manner with ex­ was removed last Thursday as the Bogan noted the controlled ac­ southern, central and easlern traordinary speed. commander of Jordan's Arab Le­ cess of eastern tollroads and Cali­ sections of the slDte Tuesday Even before Bulganin expressed Club (Din low&n Ph.t~ ) , gl.on. fornia freeway which have cut tbis view the Soviet ,ovcrnment Meanwhile. government chiefs o[ FIVE FEET OF FOAM almost hides the spillway of the dam nur the Burlin!\ton Street brldgo. The In 'Far East night should make drivIng condi­ lor "suds" is caused each spring by tho combination of vtgetation in tho wa1er runninq into the river from the accident rates decisively. had distributed Eisenhower' 8 letter Saudi Arabia, Syria and Egypt A team of two Scandinavian tions hazardous. to Russian newspapers and the land and the preak-up of ice. Clouds of foam sometille& float ov.r the SUI power plant wh.re the picture Lone Trle Corner mbers will were meeting in an Arab summit debaters argued the subject " Re­ Skies will begin to clear in text was broadcast on the Moscow . conference in Cairo hoping for a was taken . Iowa City by late Wednesday radio. bhbarier, ! Bogan pOinted out the Lone Tree solved, That the Far Eastern Pol­ I~azine, de- deal to bring Jordon's Arab Legion • corner on Highway 22 : extensive afternoon though fractional mea­ RKenI Spee4 IllY at 7:00 ullder their unified military com· icy of the U,S. is Deplorable," with surings of freezing drizzle arc ex· Washln,ton offieiais DOted the business establishments at the pected earlier. ~oom 311, mand. Council Filing two SUI students at the annual speed of Soviet action. It departed Electric Str,ik-ers corner increases the acceSSes to International Debate Tuesday The high Tuesday in Iowa City from the practice there a month , . the highway, making that point the was 39 degrees at noon ; expected ago of delaying publication of an " IW illustrate night. high Wednesday will be about 30 Eisenhower letter until Ule Russian ~ slides of most dangerous highway corner in Poul Svanbolm, o( Denmark. and alaken. p~/les Urges Ends Today degrees. answer had beeD prepared. Iowa. Herald Uncas Serner, of Sweden "My ultimate hope," Eisenhow· ilo the -p~~: Mum; Still , O~t Filing deadline fOr all.campus U.S. 30 west of Marshalltown - look the aflirmative side of the er wrote BlIlganln, "Is that all pro­ Jeen request· elections is 5 p.m. today in tho a new and beautiful stretch of road question. Debating the negative duction of fissionable materials I in meeting :4rrned Force Student Council office at the Iowa were David Foster, L2. Sheffield, WASHINGTON UP! - The International Union of Electrical Workers - has been ruined by the presenec Claims Ike anywhere In the world will be de­ l~on. ' Memorial Union. ClUE ) Tuesday night withheld an answer to a government plan to set­ and Sandra Swengel, A2, Mus· voted exclusively Lo peaceful pur· All . groups selling up their own of motels and gas' stations which catine. poses." tle the 14Z-day Weslin~louse strike. The compllny accepted it. slates and individual candidates congest the rond," Bogan also For SEATO James B. Carey. IUE president, told reporters the union was in no Speaking of the Communist gov· Preper "fetuanl. from groups not setting u~ slatell noted. ernment in China, Svanholm sald Asked Nixon 11 0 aiso Lold Bullanin that thouab ;: KARACHI, Pakistan !A') _ The hurry to accept the plan. must We at this time. , "The number of typical suburban that it has furthered social pro­ it 1ll&Y be difficult In the absence thrs creation of a standing military It woulp give the company a 5- F· ' S. No students from Town Women gress. oC "real peace in the Far East" to roadside business - service 5ta- force is needed to protect vulner- year contract and the UI\ion a I rms ay have filed nomination papers for No C.rteinty To Withdraw agrce on cutting the size of armies. able SEATO l\.\\tions from Com· minimum five cent hourly annual ' , Student Council positions to be tions, cafes, motels. drive-in thea­ FosLer replied that no one could NEW YORK !.fI-Newsweek mag- na vies and air forces just now, it munist aggression, U. S. Secretary wage boost, plus pension, insure , filled in the elections March 21, tres - must bE' curtailed so that should be possible to agree on lim­ Council President Mark Putney. be certain if the Chinese people azlDe said Tuesday that President State John Fos- ance and other gains. 'N ' t U · the highway drh'er may progress wanted Communism. Eiscnhower sug,estcd t9 Vice Iting "under proper safcguards" t~r Dulles. told for· Two-Sid.d Plan L3, Gladbrook, said Tuesday. on the highway without the chance major types of we~pons, such as elgn mlDlsters of 0 0 nlon Town Women will vote [or one Serner jokingly reassured the President Richard M. Nlxln "that of a car entel'ing [rom a side road audience that Svanholm and he be consider wltlldtawma .. a caD­ bombers, mis ~ i1cs, 'tanks aDd the the Southeast Asia A three·man panel of the Fed· repre~entative to the council. at a slow speed," he added. Ilke. Treaty Organiza- eral Mediation and Conciliation Representatives trom Central Only two applicants from both were not'" Communists. "We are dldate for re~lectlon ." both on the right Hide of Ule de- In Its current Issue, New,weck The Eisenhower lettcr was de­ tion Tuesday. Service said that the setUement Ready Mixed Concrete Co. and Town Men and married student Short·Slghted Planning livered In Moscow Monday throu,h Dulles saId that plan sought terms fair to both Johnson County Reijuy Mix cement housing ha ve been Ciled, Putney marcation line ," he said. says the President approached Nbc- Bogan stated that Iowa has been Arguing on another point Foster on the day before he announced his the American Embassy there. despite shilts in Sides, company fefused 'l'uesday to meet said. guilty of short·sighted road plan­ The Premier told reporters who Soviet policy, the David L. Cole, Paterson, N.J., with officials of the union picketing Married stu dents and Town Men said that the U.S. should not give own candidacy lor reelection. The ning "since the years when roads the Red Chinese diplomatic rec- magazine adds : met hIm at a Moscow reception W~st has no evi- attorney, one of the panel memo the plants, Mervin J. Smith. busi­ each elect two representatives. were built for Model-T's." Sight ognilion lInless the U.S. received "He offered Nixon a place in the tllat he considered the P{ealdent's dence that Mos- bers.
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