g Pages 3. 9.19 Page 19 m Page 15 The D-hall decision Partying with Pat •Slicing up the college movie pie What's changed' What are people say- Weekend parliers converged at the Recent college movies are a hot ticket m ing • Hows the food? Convo lo rock with Pat McGee. Hollywood, hut do they mirror real V campus life? James Madison University Today: Isolated T-Storms High: 83 Low: 63 ol. 79. Issue 1 Moitdaii. Auemt 2/, All quiet on the homefront Forest Hills: nothing to riot home about Crowds opt for Convo carnival vs. JACOI GUYNNfomrihaiiiw phmnraphc. t'ARKir KI.INKrR/vnwrpftnftixnpfe-r Students gathered In Forest Hills to celebrate the start of a new "The New Years Event 2001" featured carnival activities and year though events remained tame compared to last August. more in attempts to keep students on campus this weekend. Police, JMU efforts What is the Forest Hills riot? Successful festival August 25, 2000: Responding to com- avert riotous replay plaints of a loud party, Harrisonburg marks 'New Year' police arrive at the Forest Hills block party in riot gear, use tear gas, rubber BY RYI.A NA\W I D dents, with many coming and BY RICHARD SAKSHAUG three charges of obstructing jus- bullets and arrest 20. Approximately news editor contributing writer going throughout [the night].' tice and one warrant served. 2.000 to 2.500 In attendance. Party-goers and Harrisonburg Police handled 86 calls, both Rather than run astray bo After last year's Forest Hills possibly notous oil-campus block part)' not involving JMU police experienced only a few officer and public generated, September 2000: Community Coalition arrests during this years annual between 8 p.m. and 4 a.m. Fridav parties last Friday night ITU* students and Harrisonburg Forest Hills block party. The night. Fifty of these were in the on Alcohol Abuse meets to discuss dentt got .i taste of apod, dean Police, President Unwood Rose Friday night gathering along the Port Republic Road area. problems raised by Forest Hills riot. tun at the Nevt Vtw Event 2001. charged the coalition with creat- row of Village Lane townhouses In addition, a Harrisonburg Sponsored by I he Com- ing an activity students could did not result in a not like the one police officer received a lacera- munity Coalition on Alchohol participate in that was not alco- that disrupted last war s lirst tion to his arm during a short foot February 9, 2001: Harrisonburg Police Abuse the celebration began hol-related. weekend back (mm summer pursuit of a suspect who was Department releases two-page sum- at 10 p.m. on UREC Field The coalition aimed to pro- "UREC Field (activities vide students with an alterna- vacation. attempting to flee the Village mary ol Its investigative report on riot. Last year, party-goers and l^ine area, police reported. The Included] the carnival games. tive to off-campus parties serv- police in riot gear clashed in a officer was treated and released maze; punching and football on ing alcohol, according to coali- the blow-up things that all ages tion co-chair Donna Harper, three-hour standoff which result- "(There was| nothing violent February 26, 2001: Student Govern- ed in approximately 20 arrests love/ said llillarv Wing- assistant vice president for edu- along the lines of last year," ment Association releases riot report and numerous injuries. Harrisonburg Police Comm- Richards, coalition co-chair and cational support. This year, there were no large unications Supervisor Dee-Dee that analyzes student concerns ol assistant director for sexual Volunteers at the event were incidents, although 28 motto Sencindiver said. police actions during the riot. assault and substance abuse from JMU and the Harnsonburg were made in Forest Hills, JMU, the city of Harrisonburg prevention. community. according to the Harnsonburg I van my husband got into "I hope everyone here is and the 1 larrisonburg police took 1 police. Nine subjects were trans measures lo prevent a riot from April 2001: Community Coalition on it. and there wen. manv organi- having a good time. We are ported to the Regional fail. occurring again this year. Alcohol Abuse meets to organize an zation [praeent|: I'ROGS hoping that this will become an annual event,'' Chief of Charges included one charge of The Community Coalition on opening-semester event to deter stu- 11 reshmen Orientation Guides); an open container of alcohol, one Alcohol Abuse, comprised of Resident Life, CARE (Campus I lainsonburg City Police Don dents Irom olf-campus parties that \ssault ResponsE), One in Harper, a member of the coali- charge of littering, two charges of JMU administrators, students, may result In another riot. drinking in public, 12 charges of area landlords, Harrisonburg POUT, Cadets. SGA (Student tion committee, said. underage possession of alcohol, business owners and city offi- Government Association), and Student volunteers were also one charge of urinating in public, so main others.'' she said. "We present. Junior Judson Little, seven charges of drunk in public. see JOINT, page 5 had approximately 2,000 stu- siv PAT MCGEE, page 5 CJ f%afY>aV*i7 "pil*c4 • ^ew measures a^m for decreased incidents; l3Cll.C Vj LM.L ^ V • changes possibly in response to May bus accident BY RICHARD SAKSHAUG process," said JMU Director of bump there, MacNutt said Intersection pedestrians. Pedestrian satet\ news editor Public Safety Alan MacNutt. Tne new traffic light is local [he speed bumps are located concerns became a higher pri- Installation of speed bumps However, he said the light and ed at the Intersection of Puke .it five places on campus: on ontv at JMU during the 2000 and a stoplight on campus speed bumps had been in the Drive and Bluestone Drive. It Duke DlfVC near the K-l lot spring semester when AD assis- comes a few months after a JMU planning includes .in entrance. Milestone Drive near tant professor of geology was professor was hit and killed by a stages well in "all stop' Sonner I lall. t ante Drive near critically Mured when struck bv Harrisonburg City transit bus advance of 6<S t a a t u r e , thai LSA1 bus stop.(.raceStreet a car at the Grace Street cross- on Canfrell Avenue. the incident. causing traf- neat Lhe entrance to B-iot at walk on South Main Street in The bus was turning left "Whatwc W'hatweliaveiKre ism fic in all Burniss Hall and through R-3 March 2000. The stretch of onto westbound Cantrell have here is response to concerns four direc- lot bv the 10000 Soldi. South Main Street between Avenue from northbound in response tions of I he 'BUMP 15 MPH" signs are Bluestone Drive and Grace Mason Street on May 16 at 11:45 to concerns tmd suggestions made I intersection poated lO warn drivers when Street is crossed daily by staff a.m. when it hit Associate and sugges- to smuilt.i tlu\ are approaching a spved and students traveling between Physics Professor Jcanette Lynn tions made the campus community neouslv lice bump, and the speed bumps an* Anthony-Seeger Hall and cam- Miller, 49, and her daughter by the cam- a red light marked with reflective paint for pus. It was the location of sever- Laura Kay Miller, 20. pus commu- —Alan MacNutt so that greatei vWMltty at night. al hits in previous wars JMUDblWorofPubliiSaf.: Miller died later that day at n i t y , " pedestrians The JMU Department of In reaction to these safety UVa. Medical Center in MacNutt may oroee Public Safety will be periitdual- concerns, the School of Media Charlottesvillc. Her daughter said. For 9? the street Iv setting up a tra f fie-speed- Arts and I X*sign and the School received a serious head injury example, freely. nuluator i\n CSmpUS that dis- of Speech Communication were and spent several days II the concerns over speeding al ing padaatrlane to plays the speed of vehicles as moved out of the building to fAtXJI GCYNN/wiunr j**>*nv»" UVa. Medical Center. Bluestone Drive, expressed by cross from any direction when they pasa other locatioas on campus m * new stoplight marks the "I'm not going to say thai sit- faculty lhat worked in Sonner it's on that mode,' MacNutt The light and speed bumps order to cut down on the num- uation didn't have an influence Hall and parked MnxM Ihl said In addition, no right turns an- the latest in RteBSUIN taken Intersections of Bluestone sftSTOPLIGHT, page 5 Drive and Duke Drive. on it, in speeding up the street, led to the creation of the on nil are permitted at the by the unlversit) to protect Monday, August 27, 2001 TABLE OF CONTENTS DUKE DAYS EVENTS CALENDAR MONDAY, August 27 WEATHER NEWS i • Bachelor ot Individualized Today D- hall is Different 3 Studies information meeting. Thunderstorms 530 p.m.. Paul Street House, Summer 2001 In Brief 3 call x86824 or e-mail High 84 Low 61 adutt-degree-prgram OPINION High Low TOSlBMIl ADUKEDAY Tuesday Thunderstorms 83 60 D-hall Not Worth Wait 9 EVENT; B-Biail lames at The Breeze at Wednesday Sunny 82 60 Dining Fun Continues 9 davidjl with the information (event, date, location, contact Thursday Thunderstorms 81 63 Darts and Pats 11 info, etc.) Friday Partly Cloudy 83 61 Spotlight What do you think of D-hall 11 PIMM >ubmit by Friday for a Monday issue and Tuesday MARKET WATCH for a Thursday issue Sunday. August 26. 2001 FOCUS DOW JONES AMEX 50.67 3.40 JMU A Slice of American Pie? IS :l dose 3.10924 close 892 23 NASDAQ S4P500 STYLE 73.83 1 * 22.84 close 1.91680 dose: 1,184 93 * POLICE LOG Pat McGee Review 19 :i D-hall Feedback 19 Harnsonburg were arrested and with a BB or pellet gun by an unknown apprehended on the first floor and BY JAMES DAVID charged with possession ol manjuana person while walking on Hillside Field < assistant news editor arrested May 4 at 5:15 p.m.
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