WINDSOR- HIGH TS HERALD V O L , 4, N O . 3 0 HIGHTSTOWN, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, JULY 3 Newsstand IOC per copy ( harged H ith Illegal S'ale* Possession Service Township Police Arrest Five Curtailed T • \«*v* Residents After Will Nut Have eek Gun Probe Home ■ Delivery T, ..st 'Windsor Township Police J have .trrested five men on charges Iresldent Lyndon Johnson's of illegal purchase sale and pos- agreement tp reduce expenditures i session of guns. tr 56 billion means that new home- The mar arrested were Felton owners ana apartment dwellers In "Hillary to i H (tobart- l > Trenton; John Purcell. 21 2.26 N the High 1st own -East Windsor area M'aln st . Hightstown; Richard will have to dp' without mail de­ ;Cass 21 Shady Rest Trailer livery to their forties. That fact became evident this Court; John Manning 20, Wester- week when the Post Office Depart - Ilea Arms Apartments; and Donald ment began to cut back some Marut. 27. 32 Plneyb ranch Road, postal services and the hiring of Cranbury. Marut was free on his own new personnel. recognition while the others were The Hightstown Post Office will free or, $500 ball each, police said. cease to sell stamps and money Preliminary hearings on the orders on Saturday, July 27 as no charges were scheduled for 4 r . nr... window service will be offered. EXTENSION of Oak Creek Road would enable school children lo have access io the driveway lower '■ >nly general delivery windows will rigf | of the new Melvin Kreps elementary school Oak Creek Road is paved to within approximately ' mt laJ M ) S .ft. being post poned last Tuesday, be open this Saturday,, from 10 300 yards ol the dr veway The arrests culminated a six- a. m. to 12 noon. Only general week investigation by the town­ deliver', patrons and firms that ship police department .Police normally cal! for their mall at the were originally put on the case post office w ill be able to use the Sidewalk-) ea. R oadway-Nay Sy ,i tip that one of the suspects post office, according to Hights­ was arrying .. gun in his car. town s assistant postmaster E. W. police said. McCue. Hillary was the first of the Mr. McCue tided that residents For Sept. 4 School Opening [Ulntat arrested. He was picked who have rec Ived a notice that up Saturday and charged with Ille­ parcels are t, Jlng field for them gal possession >f a deadly weapon, at the post offl :e will also be able When school opens here on Morning kindergarten < .asses at—1 has authorized a pupil Insurance police said. He was brought be­ to use the pos office on Saturday Wednesday, Sept, -i children walk­ tending the Melvin Kreps elemen­ program, information on which will fore Judge Kart Easl anti released morning. f ing to the new Melvin Kreps ele­ tary school will report at 8:40 a.m. be furnished to all students at on $500 bail. Poet Office ipokesman said that mental schoo: will have a side­ Registration for new students in the opening of schoql. Purcell. Cass and Marming were new homeowners as of July 1 will walk access to the grounds from all grade- .: tel plsct m losed lunch periods are sched­ arre ted Sunday morning at not be able to lave mall delivered Oak .'reek Road. Wednesday, Aug. 28, from 8:30 ule!.: for ai. students attending the Munit's Sunoco Station. Routt 33. A R R ET ' Nils iF F n JE R S -vho cracked the case after six weeks investigation are from left to right. to them. They %1U have to use gen­ Mayor Donald Schultz sa l' mat a.m. until 3 p.m. at which time high schoo. and the Intermediate “ he trio were part-time employees pairoioiar Richard Tarrod, Patrolman John Masserim and Sgt Pai Delve eral deliver. Tills would affect any he felt that a sidewalk could be in­ school nurses Twill be available to school Pupils attending t£e Walter new homes golAg up in the township of Marut stalled along toe right-of-way T discuss health; requirements and , Black school may bring lunch- Police said that Purcell took an specifically the Devonshire, Hick­ • a* reals Road before the m ' ot records. *tfl th80 Jt return, home. order for a .38 caliber snub-nose ory Acres, and House Beautlfto W eather opening in September. Ail new pupils who w: i. ha attend­ Melvin H. Krcp* School pupils revolver drove to Kentucky pur­ area. Windsor Regency apartments 5 -Day Smoking I think that we can get the town­ ing kindergarten, grade- 2, 3, 4 may use toe cafeteria services chased toe gun, returned and sold in the borough would also be affect­ ship rew to put in a sidewalk, and 5 should register at the Wal­ provided or return home. The In­ the gun sometime. In July to a ed by the curtailment pt the serv­ Outlook he said, I doubt that an exter - ter - . Black School on that date termediate School and high school rest lent at I ast Windsor 1 1 H ices, the spokeamen said. ston c afc real 'oad ml e if tney have not done so prevlous- cafeterias will provide a complete Da; Tha - ala a as - ado ai M i , nt*a Flan Returns Instructions have already been completed in time for .school’ s Xa : e i. t - U p B It 40-cent type A lunch or a la service station, police said. Town­ Today's weather will be mostly handed JJotgn to post offices across opening. should register tn toe intermediate - arte items. A type 'A lunch to- ship police plan to arrest the sus­ - lg-ned to sky said, 'there is danger ;n cloudy with expected thunder show- the coustri to All only three of each The mayor said toati has con­ School. Grades 9-12 will regis­ .e!: er with milk and ice cream pect who illegally purchased the stop smoking will be offered to smoking. " rs lK‘ tr-:: ;*-r itures tn the 80'#. four vacancies needed, Theovera, veyed his thoughts oni the matter ter at the high school. 11 possible, will be available for pupils in the gun from Purred within a short township and norough residents Approx:: ate;-, 1 pn cm of The five day forecast calls for cutback will to*al more than 80,000 to the Board of Education. new high school students are en- Kreps school t aieterla. period of time, they said. , ; . >■ - is the the group undergoing the therapy temperatures to average above the positions within toe department Offered I-»se their craving for smoking by normal of 77 school officials sad earlier ex­ r our aged to register prior to A complete listing of room as­ Purcell was charged with the The Post Office Department totals pressed toe desire tohavethc se< - Wednesday , Am; 28 so that their signment.-. ;r m kindergarten to 1 lie.- sale of . gun and released April earlier this the em I to. (bn fa) period Sflswwre in faredfeted on TOC 000 employees. The cutback is tion- paved so that school buses schedules can be arranged and 12th grade and a listing of the pu­ on $50u ball. tccordlng to Mr Botansky Sunday lestgned to reduce government could approach toe school without transcripts secure: (bore toe pils assigned to each school bus, C ass sold a 32 .libel u ahv, ......... iiKHMiniHiiHtiHimitiiittiiiiiiiimiifiiiiiniiniiii employment to toe complement in undue detouring and p.o tr, at opening of school. including the bus stops for each ish-made gun to Felton Hlllery, night at 7:30 J m. in the Inter- existence tn itfk*', 1966. chlldres walking from the Brook- Jun accordance with regular school bus route, will appear' In aci ording to lOllce if ter he pur­ mediate School : JtocktOO Street. Both the jlrfistaht Postmaster. tree area would be spared a hali- : K,;u : fed iti N If tin following issues of this newspaper. chased it n Virginia while on active The program In April had a £.. W. McCue and the Superin­ mile detour. iduty iii tire Navy, The sale of the registration of II lersons with and Inside... tendent of Malls. Ken Dawson of Barring any .engthy delays in gun was r arie in July, police said. 18 successfully -i liii u; smok- the Hightstown Post Office feel that toe finishing of toe Melv|r. Kreps He too was - harged with the ille­ fng. the cutback will severely hamper elementar school toe East »Vt gal sale :>f a gun and released the delivery of mall here. They onslsts if group sor Township Schools Vi 11 'per: its Two New York employees a# Police said that th&suspects had on 3500 ball. thcr cite the growing population wlti apy sessions lasting one hour, doors to 3,Jd0 students on the first - arts -'em -A- a: tote fita taken the Hertz car without toe per­ Manning reportedly took an Lect which the department is constantly ure- discussions films, Wednesday of September. Tills pan;- - ad slogan literally last mission of the company* ord- r for a .22 nine-shot revolver trying to . keep pace as toe main dem<mstratlons. tnd personal ad- total is 500 more students than weex when the’, slipped into the Elton was fined $50 and given a from Hlllery. obtained the gun from reason vice wll) be offered. were registered last year. driver's seat of one of Hertz s six-month suspended sentence a source in Middlesex County and caturdai collections of the mai.
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