Twenty-First Century Populism The Spectre of Western European Democracy Edited by Daniele Albertazzi and Duncan McDonnell Twenty-First Century Populism 9780230_013490_01_prexii.indd i 10/29/2007 7:47:13 PM This page intentionally left blank Twenty-First Century Populism The Spectre of Western European Democracy Edited by Daniele Albertazzi Lecturer in European Media University of Birmingham, UK and Duncan McDonnell Dottorando di Ricerca University of Turin, Italy 9780230_013490_01_prexii.indd iii 10/29/2007 7:47:13 PM Editorial matter, selection, introduction and conclusion © Daniele Albertazzi and Duncan McDonnell 2008 All remaining chapters © respective authors 2008 All rights reserved. No reproduction, copy or transmission of this publication may be made without written permission. No paragraph of this publication may be reproduced, copied or transmitted save with written permission or in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, or under the terms of any licence permitting limited copying issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency, 90 Tottenham Court Road, London W1T 4LP. Any person who does any unauthorised act in relation to this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages. The authors have asserted their rights to be identified as the authors of this work in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. First published in 2008 by PALGRAVE MACMILLAN Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG21 6XS and 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10010 Companies and representatives throughout the world. PALGRAVE MACMILLAN is the global academic imprint of the Palgrave Macmillan division of St. Martin’s Press, LLC and of Palgrave Macmillan Ltd. Macmillan® is a registered trademark in the United States, United Kingdom and other countries. Palgrave is a registered trademark in the European Union and other countries. ISBN-13: 978–0–230–01349–0 hardback ISBN-10: 0–230–01349–X hardback This book is printed on paper suitable for recycling and made from fully managed and sustained forest sources. Logging, pulping and manufacturing processes are expected to conform to the environmental regulations of the country of origin. A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. A catalog record for this book is available from the Library of Congress. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 Printed and bound in Great Britain by CPI Antony Rowe, Chippenham and Eastbourne 9780230_013490_01_prexii.indd iv 10/29/2007 7:47:14 PM For Liz, Mara, Elena, May, Alice and Dylan 9780230_013490_01_prexii.indd v 10/29/2007 7:47:14 PM This page intentionally left blank Contents List of Tables ix Acknowledgements x Notes on Contributors xi 1 Introduction: The Sceptre and the Spectre 1 Daniele Albertazzi and Duncan McDonnell Part I 2 Populism and Democracy 15 Gianfranco Pasquino 3 Politics against Democracy: Party Withdrawal and Populist Breakthrough 30 Alfio Mastropaolo 4 Populism and the Media 49 Gianpietro Mazzoleni Part II 5 Austria: The Structure and Agency of Austrian Populism 67 Reinhard Heinisch 6 Italy: A Country of Many Populisms 84 Marco Tarchi 7 Switzerland: Yet Another Populist Paradise 100 Daniele Albertazzi 8 Germany: Right-wing Populist Failures and Left-wing Successes 119 Frank Decker 9 Sweden: The Scandinavian Exception 135 Jens Rydgren 10 The Netherlands: Populism versus Pillarization 151 Paul Lucardie 11 France: The Front National, Ethnonationalism and Populism 166 Jens Rydgren vii 9780230_013490_01_prexii.indd vii 10/29/2007 7:47:14 PM viii Contents 12 Britain: Imperial Legacies, Institutional Constraints and New Political Opportunities 181 Stefano Fella 13 The Republic of Ireland: The Dog That Hasn’t Barked in the Night? 198 Duncan McDonnell 14 Conclusion: Populism and Twenty-First Century Western European Democracy 217 Daniele Albertazzi and Duncan McDonnell Bibliography 224 Index 245 9780230_013490_01_prexii.indd viii 10/29/2007 7:47:14 PM List of Tables 5.1 The Freedom Party in Austrian parliamentary elections (selection) 68 7.1 Federal elections results in Switzerland, 1995–2003 (percentage of valid votes) 106 9.1 Swedish election results, 1982−2006 (in percentages) 139 10.1 Parliamentary elections in the Netherlands, 1998−2006 162 11.1 Front National results in French national elections, 1973–2002 (in percentages) 168 13.1 General elections in the Republic of Ireland, 1982–2002 203 ix 9780230_013490_01_prexii.indd ix 10/29/2007 7:47:14 PM Acknowledgements The original concept and approach of this book were devised by Duncan McDonnell in the summer of 2005, following which he and Daniele Albertazzi worked together on elaborating and developing the project. We are indebted to all those who have helped us in the intervening eighteen months. First of all, we must thank our contributors for agreeing to partici- pate and for respecting often tight deadlines when submitting and revising their chapters. Second, a special word of gratitude is due to over twenty anonymous reviewers who were very generous with their time and whose comments on the various chapters were extremely useful. Third, we would like to thank Alison Howson and Gemma d’Arcy-Hughes at Palgrave Macmillan for guiding us through the publication process and for always being available to respond to our questions and queries. We are also grateful to Phyllis McDonnell for her essential help with proofreading during the final editing phase. Finally, Daniele Albertazzi would like to thank the School of Humanities of the University of Birmingham for agreeing to antic- ipate his study-leave as the manuscript was being finalized and Dr Joanne Sayner for taking over responsibility for the Culture, Society and Communi- cation programmes in his absence. x 9780230_013490_01_prexii.indd x 10/29/2007 7:47:14 PM Notes on Contributors Daniele Albertazzi is Lecturer in European Media at the University of Birmingham. His research focuses on political communication, as well as Italian and Swiss politics. Daniele is currently co-editing (with Charlotte Ross and Clodagh Brook) Resisting the Tide: Cultures of Opposition During the Berlusconi Years (Continuum, forthcoming) and (with Paul Cobley) The Media – An Introduction, Third ed. (Longman, forthcoming). Frank Decker is Professor of Political Science at the University of Bonn. His research interests focus on problems of institutional reform in western democracies, party systems and right-wing populism. Recent publications include Der neue Rechtspopulismus (Opladen, 2004) and the Handbuch der deutschen Parteien (Handbook of German Parties) (Wiesbaden, 2007), co- edited with Viola Neu. Stefano Fella lectures politics at London Metropolitan University and previ- ously co-ordinated EU research projects related to governance, civil society, immigration and anti-racism at the University of Trento. His publications include New Labour and the European Union, Political Strategy, Policy Transition and the Amsterdam Treaty Negotiation (Ashgate, 2002) and (with Carlo Ruzza) Reinventing the Italian Right: Territorial Politics, Populism and Post-Fascism (Routledge, forthcoming). Reinhard Heinisch is Professor of Political Science and Director of International Studies at the University of Pittsburgh/Johnstown. His current research focuses on European Union Institutions as well as on identity- based populism in Europe and Latin America. His publications include Populism, Proporz and Pariah – Austria Turns Right (2002) and ‘Adapting the American Political Process’ (2007) in Branche, J., Cohn, E.R. and Mullennix, J.W. (eds.), Diversity across the Curriculum: a Guide for Faculty in Higher Education. Anker Publishing Company. Paul Lucardie is Research Fellow at the Documentation Centre on Dutch Political Parties at the University of Groningen. His research focuses mainly on Dutch political parties as well as new parties and extremist movements in Canada and Germany. Recent publications include ‘Prophets, Purifiers and Prolocutors: towards a theory on the emergence of new parties’ (2000), Party Politics, (6) 2 and ‘Populismus im Polder: von der Bauernpartei bis zur Liste Pim Fortuyn’, in Nikolaus Werz (ed.) (2003) Populismus. Populisten in übersee und Europa (Opladen: Leske and Budrich). Alfio Mastropaolo is Professor of Political Science and Head of the Department of Political Studies at the University of Turin. His latest publications are La mucca pazza della democrazia. Nuove destre, populismo, antipolitica (2005, xi 9780230_013490_01_prexii.indd xi 10/29/2007 7:47:15 PM xii Notes on Contributors Bollati Boringhieri) and (with Luca Verzichelli) Il parlamento. Le assemblee legislative nelle democrazie contemporanee (2006, Laterza). Gianpietro Mazzoleni is Professor of Political Communication in the Faculty of Political Sciences at the University of Milan. His current research interests focus on mass communication, media policy and political com- munication. His most recent publications include La Comunicazione Politica (2004) and The Politics of Representation: Election Campaigning and Proportional Representation (2004) (with Juliet Roper and Christian Holtz-Bacha). Duncan McDonnell is a researcher at the Department of Political Studies, University of Turin where he is conducting research on the relationships between directly elected local leaders and political parties. He is also cur- rently involved in projects examining the behaviour of new parties in gov- ernment and populist leadership in Western Europe. He has published recently on the Lega Nord,
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