SICB Newsletter Spring 2016 Issue Division of Ecoimmunology and Disease Ecology Message from the Chair Carol Fassbinder-Orth, [email protected] Contents SICB Portland 2016 broke the record for the highest number of Message from the Chair ..................... 1 abstracts submitted and attendees at a SICB meeting, with nearly 2,000 people in attendance! SICB Portland was also a great meet- Message from the Program Officer ...... 2 ing for the Division of Ecoimmunology and Disease Ecology. Our Message from the Secretary .............. 3 second appearance as the newest division at SICB showed great signs of growth in membership and also student participation. This Message from the Student/Post Doc nascent division has an exceptionally young profile of its mem- Representative ................................ 3 bers—nearly 67% (147 out of 221) DEDE members are either stu- dents or postdocs. I interpret this strong young demographic of Best Student Presentation Awards ..... 4 our division as promising potential for the future of the division, 2016 DEDE Business Meeting Minutes ..4 and also the fields of Ecoimmunology and Disease Ecology. Elections ......................................... 4 Students in our division are also increasing their involvement in our DEDE-sponsored events. In the Best Student Presentation competition, we had 29 student competitors this year, compared to 19 last year. I would like to congratulate our student award win- ners, Jeffrey Goessling (Auburn University), who won Best Student Poster, and Kendra Smyth (Duke University), who won Best Stu- dent Talk. Loren Merrill coordinated the judging for the Best Stu- dent Presentation award again this year. A big thank you goes out to him and to all of the judges who invested their time in making the event a huge success. As we see the student involvement in this event continue to grow, we will need to have continued growth of our judging pool also. We hope all eligible DEDE members will DEDE Officers & Representatives consider judging in 2017! Student and postdoc participation in our luncheon with faculty at the 2016 meeting was strong, and Carol Fassbinder-Orth we hope to be able to continue to foster activities that promote Chair 2016-2018 networking and interaction of students and postdocs, and faculty members in the field. Travis Wilcoxen Secretary 2014-2017 We co-hosted our social with DCE again this year, and it was nice to see some strong competition from DEDE members at the fa- Sarah DuRant mous Data Blitz. DEDE’s own Loren Merrill won first place! We are Program Officer 2014-2017 considering developing our own social at future meetings, depend- ing on available funds. Daniel Becker As the new chair of DEDE, I would like to sincerely thank the out- Student/Postdoc Representative going Chair, Lynn (Marty) Martin, for his involvement in starting 2015-2018 DEDE, and also his involvement in the NSF Research Coordination Network in Ecoimmunology (arguably the predecessor of this divi- sion). His leadership was instrumental in achieving a successful start! To keep this division strong and at the forefront of new ideas, collaborations and directions in ecoimmunology and disease ecol- ogy, we need strong divisional officers. As Travis discusses in his section, we need to elect a President-Elect, Secretary-Elect, and Program Officer-Elect this spring. Please remember to vote in May - we have a phenomenal group of candidates! 1 SICB Newsletter Spring 2016 Issue Our next meetings will be in New Orleans (2017) and Thanks again for your participation this year at DEDE San Francisco (2018). As Sarah discusses in her sec- events and to all those who volunteered to judge stu- tion, we are proud to co-sponsor two symposia again dent presentations! We look forward to seeing you in 2017. I believe strong symposia are essential in next year in New Orleans! establishing a vibrant division, so if you have any ideas for symposia, let me or another DEDE officer 1. Indirect effects of global change: from know. Thank you to the other divisional officers, Tra- physiological and behavioral mechanisms vis, Sarah, and Daniel, for planning our meetings and to ecological consequences (SICB-wide). events! Also, thank you to all the new DEDE mem- Organizers: Alex Gunderson, Jonathon Stillman, bers who have helped get this division off to a strong and Brian Tsukimura; Sponsors: DAB, DCPB, start. I am looking forward to seeing you all in New DEE, DIZ, DNB, TCS Orleans—Laissez les bon temps rouler! 2. Evolutionary impacts of seasonality. Orga- Message from the Program Officer nizers: Caroline Williams and Gregory Ragland; Sarah DuRant, [email protected] Sponsors: DCE, DCPB, DIZ SICB 2016 in Portland, Oregon, was another great 3. With a little help from my friends: Microbial meeting! SICB participation continues to grow and partners in integrative and comparative bi- the Society remains a strong supporter of gradu- ology (SICB-wide). Organizers: Kevin Kohl and ate and undergraduate student participation. DEDE Denise Dearing; Sponsors: DCE, DCPB, DEDE, member participation also broadens and promises DEE, DIZ, DNB, AMS to make a great home for the interdisciplinary field 4. The development and mechanisms underly- of Eco-Immunology and Disease Ecology. Students ing inter-individual variation in pro-social comprise a large portion of DEDE membership and behavior. Organizers: Ben Dantzer and Dustin we have outstanding participation in the Best Stu- Rubenstein; Sponsors: DAB, DCE, DEE, DNB dent Presentation competitions (18 talks and 11 posters!). Thanks to all who participated or served 5. The evolution of arthropod body plans – In- as judges! tegrating phylogeny, fossils and develop- ment. Organizers: Ariel Chipman and Douglas SICB 2017 in New Orleans is already shaping up to Erwin; Sponsors: DEDB, DIZ, DPCB, AMS, TCS be a great meeting. There are 11 great symposia slated for next year, but I want to highlight two of 6. Integrating cognitive, motivational and particular relevance to DEDE members: “With a little sensory biases underlying acoustic and help from my friends: Microbial partners in integra- multimodal mate choice. Organizers: Kathleen tive and comparative biology” organized by Kevin Lynch and Scott MacDougall-Shackleton; Spon- Kohl and Denise Dearing, and “Integrative life his- sors: DAB, DCE, DNB tory of whole-organism performance” organized by Simon Lailvaux, Jerry Husak. A full list of the 2017 7. Integrative life history of whole-organism SICB symposia can be found below. performance (SICB-wide). Organizers: Simon Lailvaux and Jerry Husak; Sponsors: DAB, DCB, To ensure that DEDE continues to grow, it is impor- DCE, DEDE, DEE, DNB, DVM tant that members continue to host disease-related symposia. Symposia are eligible for NSF funding, and 8. Physical and genetic mechanisms for evolu- symposia that have associated complementary ses- tionary novelty. Organizers: Thomas Stewart, sions or workshops, and invite speakers from diverse Stuart Newman, and Günther Wagner; Spon- institutions across a range of career stages are most sors: DCB, DEDB, DPCB likely to receive NSF funding. If you have a sympo- 9. The ecology of exercise: mechanisms un- sium idea for 2018 or beyond, please start thinking derlying individual variation in movement now about submitting a proposal. You can contact behavior, activity or performance. Organiz- me at [email protected] or SICB program officer ers: Tony Williams, Shaun Killen, and Ryan Cals- Rick Blob at [email protected] for more de- beek; Sponsors: DAB, DCB, DCPB, DEE, DVM tails. 2 SICB Newsletter Spring 2016 Issue SICB Newsletter Spring 2016 Issue 10. Molecular and neuroendocrine approaches and information sent out to the DEDE membership, to the study of evolutionary tradeoffs: food, please ensure that I have that information no later sex, stress, and longevity. Organizer: Jill than the 4th of the month. I will then make sure the Schneider; Sponsors: DAB, DCE, DNB updates are sent by the middle of the month. 11. Low spatial resolution vision – function and Have a great Spring! evolution. Organizer: Anders Garm; Sponsors: Message from the Student/Postdoctoral Af- DIZ, DNB, AMS, TCS fairs Committee Representative Message from the Secretary Daniel Becker, [email protected] Travis Wilcoxen, [email protected] We had really nice student and postdoc turnout at It was great seeing everyone in Portland! The sci- SICB 2016. For our hosted lunches with faculty in entific program within our division was quite strong DEDE, we had 16 students and postdocs sign up for at the Portland meeting and I am sure we will have lunch with six faculty members across a range of another excellent meeting in New Orleans next Janu- taxa and topics. Based on your feedback, these were ary. I am very excited about a few days in the Big overall positive and beneficial experiences. We plan Easy and I cannot wait to experience its funky atmo- to organize another series of small lunches for SICB sphere and, of course, beignets from Café du Monde! 2017 in New Orleans, hopefully with several more faculty members and spanning additional research As you will see in this newsletter, we need to elect areas. If you have ideas for how to improve these many officers within our division. Please review the lunches, for DEDE expertise and topics you’d like profiles of our candidates for Chair-Elect, Program represented, or for other options to facilitate profes- Officer-Elect, and Secretary-Elect, and do not for- sional development, please email me with your com- get to vote in May! Although we form nominating ments at [email protected]. committees to seek candidates for those positions, please feel free to let me know at any time if you are In terms of social media, our Facebook page and interested in an officer position within DEDE. We’ve Twitter (@SICBDEDE) accounts have a combined gotten off to a great start and we want to keep the 150 followers, which is an excellent following for such momentum that we have maintained through our a young division.
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