First Class A Permit 30 Illinois Wesleyan University THE UME 110 ISSUE 13 L ANUARY 16, 2004 ANUARY ARGUS J VO University responds to recent rash of on-campus robberies KATIE COLEMAN tops, cash and gift certificates. eral more happened the last week President’s Office, Business STAFF WRITER Affected buildings were the Ames of classes and during finals, and Office, Registrar’s Office and School of Art, Center for Liberal two more incidents have occurred Human Relations Office, in order Since before Thanksgiving Arts, Center for Natural Sciences, since the start of spring semester to protect student and staff break, university officials said, a Holmes Hall, McPherson Hall, on Jan. 7. "It was quiet here over records. Additionally, one door rash of thefts have occurred in Shaw Hall, Stevenson Hall and break," Adam said. "That was on each academic building was almost every academic building Presser Hall. No residence halls probably because all of the doors re-cored over Winter Break, while on Illinois Wesleyan University’s have been affected. were either pinned or re-cored, the rest of the doors will remain campus. As a direct result, the According to Adam, the and the [stolen] keys would not pinned after hours until more university is replacing locks Bloomington and Normal police have worked." progress can be made. throughout campus. departments are "actively pursu- According to Matthews, a "If there’s someone who has a According to Dean of Students ing a suspect who is not a stu- "pinned" door is one in which a master key, they can’t get in Jim Matthews, university officials dent." Because the issue is still device has been inserted to pre- now," said Manager of knew for certain soon after under investigation, Adam could vent any normal key from work- Maintenance George Wainwright, Thanksgiving break that two sets only say that the police have a ing. To "re-core" a lock is to who has headed the effort with of master keys had been stolen few significant leads, which they "take out the lock’s guts" and Best. from two different offices in are investigating. replace them, necessitating a new According to Wainwright, resi- Holmes Hall. Helpful to the inquiry, accord- key. dence halls were also supposed to "He took key rings that had ing to Matthews, has been a University officials have been be completed over winter break, several keys on it," Matthews sketch drawn by an IWU art stu- working with Best Lock but Best delivered the wrong said. "The moment we realized dent, who questioned someone Company to re-core a number of materials twice. Wainwright esti- he had moved out of Holmes, we who "looked out of place" in the locks on campus, with tentative mated that the external entrances decided to act on this." Ames School of Art. The student plans to re-core locks cam- to residence halls would be com- Director of Security Chuck was not available for comment. puswide. According to plete in two or three weeks. Adam said that, besides keys, While two incidents occurred Matthews, new locks were issued The missing master keys do not stolen items included four lap- before Thanksgiving break, sev- to crucial offices, such as the access the residence halls, but, as Matthews said, "Obviously, it’s more important to us to protect the people on campus before pro- Declining attendance at faculty tecting the buildings and equip- ment." meetings leads to discussion seeROBBERY p. 2 Students enter Shaw Hall, one of the several buildings that of amendment to Constitution was recently broken into. TYLER SMITH / THE ARGUS to the Faculty Constitution. ducted at a faculty meeting with- BRANDON CHRISTOL While quorum is currently out quorum present, unless a fac- STAFF WRITER defined as 50 percent of the 173 ulty member calls for a quorum. Campus Pipeline bought IWU faculty, the amendment When this occurred twice last fall, At Monday’s General Faculty would change quorum to 50 per- and it was discovered that only Meeting, the main order of busi- cent of IWU’s tenure-line faculty. about 73 faculty were present, it out, updates coming soon ness amounted to an attempt to All 173 faculty members would became apparent that attendance make it possible for the faculty to maintain their voting rights. was becoming a problem, accord- conduct any business at all. "This is a remedy to a structur- ing to Thomas Griffiths, acting SARAH WELLS 2003, that they were being 2004. Responding to the fact that al problem," said Jim Dougan, dean of faculty. Griffiths said the acquired by SunGard Data The new Luminis products each of the two previous monthly CUPP chair. "The worry was that low attendance delayed a nomi- STAFF WRITER Systems, Inc. The acquisition is from SCT offer more options for right now, since we have to get nating committee vote and one faculty meetings failed to meet Campus Pipeline, which has expected to be completed in the users to customize what they see quorum (the minimal number of the faculty’s business done, the piece of curriculum council. first quarter of this year. in the portal. Miller likens the wheels of faculty governance Mike Weis, vice-chair of become so familiar to Illinois members who must be present for Wesleyan students over the past The change of management customization options to those valid transaction of business), would grind to a halt if we didn’t CUPP, said the committee hopes will have little to no direct impact available with web services such do something." to increase attendance in addition five years, will be undergoing Illinois Wesleyan’s Council on some big changes in the near on the IWU community. "We do as "My Yahoo." With the University Programs and Policies According to the Faculty to improving the Faculty not anticipate any changes to our "uPortal" open source technology Constitution, business can be con- future, according to Fred Miller, (CUPP) proposed an amendment seeFACULTY p. 8 director of Information relationship with SCT as a result that Luminis utilizes, members of Technology (IT) at IWU. of this merger," said Miller. the IWU community would be The Campus Pipeline portal However, that does not mean able to customize their versions of system gives universities a way to that the IWU community should "My Pipeline" to include informa- integrate its administrative sys- expect to see no changes in tion from The Argus, University Wesleyana cites students, lack tems with a number of other ser- Campus Pipeline in the near Communications, or other cam- vices, such as e-mail, personal future. According to Miller, the pus groups. calendars, and course tools. university has been anticipating Another change is also in the of staff for delay of yearbooks SCT, the vendor of Campus an upgrade to SCT’s Luminis por- works: the way in which students Pipeline, announced on Dec. 17, tal software for the summer of seePIPELINE p. 8 years ago the editors of the who was on last year’s staff as S ARA NOVAK Wesleyana were faced with a sim- well, feels that the uncooperative- STAFF WRITER ilar problem. They too had to take ness of the student body has There is an empty space on one on the responsibility of finishing caused frustration for the year- of the shelves within the Ames past yearbooks. Though they book staff. It is estimated that Library. This particular shelf worked to catch up on the unfin- close to 85 percent of the student holds all the Wesleyanas - the ished books, they fell behind in body did not have their picture Illinois Wesleyan yearbook - pub- their work on the current volume. taken this year. Campus groups lished since 1985. Yet, this This merely perpetuated the prob- have also been unresponsive to sequence abruptly stops after the lem, causing the following year’s the calls and e-mails of the year 2000. The yearbooks docu- Wesleyana staff to inherit the Wesleyana staff. menting the past three years of same issue. To this issue addi- "This makes things harder Illinois Wesleyan’s history are tional difficulties were added. because we cannot layout the missing. In fact, these books have Last year’s Wesleyana staff book until we know how many yet to be produced. lacked the human resources and people will take their pictures," The present Wesleyana staff is the cooperation of the student Lehr said. "Because the books now working to produce the 2001, body to conquer this problem. have not been coming out on 2002, and 2003 yearbooks. Four This year’s editor, Lindsay Lehr, time, the students have become discouraged and, therefore, do not want to help or cooperate." The situation is not quite as dire as it once was. The yearbook’s participation at the Far Left Festival earlier this year increased their staff. The 2001 and 2002 books are expected to be ready for distribution at the end of March or The Wesleyana yearbook staff meets on Wednesday night to discuss future plans to finish the the beginning of April. These incomplete yearbooks. ERIE MARTHA ROBERTS / THE ARGUS seeYEARBOOKS p. 2 Volunteers help families create DVDs for Bloomington-area servicemen and women S ARAH ZELLER project's organizer, as students tapes are inappropriate because of the volunteers," which included STAFF WRITER were back from school to help their magnetic qualities and larger Illinois Wesleyan students, facul- volunteer but the demand for size. However, all of the neces- ty, and staff. Bloomington families of the classrooms was not yet over- sary gear was expensive and diffi- McKeown had two initial needs men and women serving in Iraq whelming.
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