North Pacific Union October 20 1969 VOL. 64, NO. 41 COLLEGE PLACE Gleaner WASHINGTON LOOKING FORWARD TO ATLANTIC CITY Book Editor Elected for ROBERT H. PIERSON Publishing House President, General Conference Robert W. Nixon, former assistant More than three years have slipped be a time of repentance, of revival, editor of These Times, has been named by since the last General Conference and of renewal. Atlantic City must be Book Editor of the Southern Publish- Session convened in Detroit, Michigan. a place of great power as well as effec- ing Association. The Board of Direc- Within a few months thousands of tive planning. May God make Conven- tors voted to elect Nixon at their God's people from most of the lands of tion Auditorium a place of Pentecost quarterly meeting held in Nashville earth will be heading toward Atlantic where the last spiritual thrust begins recently. He will assume his post City, New Jersey, for the 1970 Session, for a finished work! immediately. to be held June 7-20. Prayer—earnest, persevering prayer Nixon joined the Southern Publish- Brethren and sisters, this next gath- —is the key to revival and power. We ing Association staff in 1968. Before ering must not be just another General appeal to our people around the world moving to Nashville, he was assistant Conference Session. The hour is too to commence praying NOW for a rich director for the General Conference late. God's people are too needy. There outpouring of the Holy Spirit during Bureau of Public Relations. is too much work yet to be done. The the Atlantic City meetings. Remember Nixon graduated f r o m Columbia 1970 Session must, under God, be a your leaders who are now planning the Union College in Takoma Park, Mary- gathering characterized by its spiritual program. Plead with God to make this land, and received his master's degree impact upon our lives individually, and Session all that, under His blessing and in journalism from Boston University upon the church as a whole. It must guidance, He would have it be. in 1964. He holds membership in the Associated Church Press. The New leview'— this series—among them, W. G. C. Mur- "Our immediate purpose, as we plan doch, Edward Heppenstall, A. Graham our publishing program, is to find out `Where the Action Is' Maxwell, Desmond Ford, Jean Zurcher, what our readers want and need," As editor of the Review and Herald, Alger Johns, and Siegfried Schwantes. states Nixon. "We want to work di- I read hundreds of manuscripts each Readers who have not had opportunity rectly with some special groups within year. At times when I come to the end to study the Bible under these men in our church, and especially with high of an especially good manuscript— the classroom will find that reading school and college young people, so we either a single article or a series—I say this series is the next best thing to this can produce books which will appeal to myself, "I wish that every Seventh- experience. Those who have been to a wide variety of readers." day Adventist could read this." their students will be pleased with this This is one of those times. Two "refresher course." Do You Understand series of articles that we will publish Inasmuch as you will wish to clip in 1970 are exceptionally good. and keep the articles in these two Your Mind? One series is entitled, "Always New series, I urge you to subscribe for the Speed. Noise. Tension. Pressures. and Always True." The articles in this Review for yourself, not depending on Screaming headlines. Ominous news- series have been written by the pres- a friend for a "hand-me-down." casts. A dizzy pace ident of the General Conference, the A special bonus for you next year of life. A world in vice-presidents, and other denomina- will be the daily Bulletin of the Gen- chaos and getting tional leaders. In bright, crisp prose, eral Conference session. This will pro- worse. This is no they present many of the distinctive vide a front-seat view of all the hap- place for tranquil- truths that have made Adventists a penings at Atlantic City, June 11-20. ity and peace of people, and show that these truths are From where we sit, 1970 looks like mind and man is "always new and always true." This one of the greatest years in the life of breaking under the series will benefit both those who have the church and of the church paper, the strain in multiply- been in the church only a short time Review and Herald. Make sure you ing numbers. and those who have known "the mes- put yourself "where the action is" by Are you con- sage" all their lives. subscribing to the Review now, at the Dr. John Cannon cerned about a The second series covers the Old low, low price of only $6.95. [Regular healthy mind? Do you understand the Testament books called "the major and price, $9.50.] Christian concepts of the mind? Do you minor prophets." Some of the best- KENNETH H. WOOD know what Seventh-day Adventists known and most widely respected Ad- Editor teach about Mental Health? Can you ventist Bible teachers have authored Review and Herald help others? Home Study Institute has recently Tragedy at PUC NORTH PACIFIC UNION GLEANER produced a v e r y-thoroughgoing, Ad- Official organ of the North Pacific Union Tragedy struck the Pacific Union ventist-oriented study of the human Conference of Seventh-day Adventists College campus late Sabbath, Septem- mind. Convinced that Seventh-day ber 27, when two young people—one a Adventists not only have a message for Editor: Mrs. lone Morgan student and the other a former student Box 248, College Place, Wash. 99324 the world concerning spiritual health Phone: JAckson 5-6030, Walla Walla back for a weekend visit—were at- and physical health but also mental Managing Editor: L. W. Crooker tacked by a hooded assailant as they health, HSI has asked Dr. John Can- Phone: BElmont 5-4121, Portland sat reminiscing about school life and non, chairman of the Behavioral Sci- classmates on the shore of a cove at Second class postage paid at College Place, ence Department of Columbia Union Washington. Published weekly, 50 issues each Lake Berryessa, a county park 20 miles year. at the College Press. Subscription price College, to prepare a new study en- 92.00 from campus. PHOTOS BY BOB JAUCH a year. titled, Introduction to Psychology and NOTICE TO CONTRIBUTORS: All material must be channeled through Mental Health. Dr. Cannon, working your local conference office. (Manu- closely with the White Estate, has com- scripts originating outside the North Pacific Union Territory must be sent piled a book of nearly 500 pages made to the Union Conference office in up of the writings of Ellen G. White Portland, Ore.) on the subject which will be used as one of the textbooks of the course. NORTH PACIFIC There are eighteen lessons in the UNION CONFERENCE DIRECTORY course. With a strong Christian orien- 1544 S.E. Hawthorne Blvd., Portland, Ore. 97214 Phone: 235-4121 (Area 503) tation the student will study heredity, HHES, 2101 N.E. Flanders, Portland 97232 environment, principles of learning, the Phone: 234-0503 place of emotions, personality in the self and Christian-centered therapy, as Cecilia Shepard Bryan Hartnell E. R. Walde President well as many other phases of mental L. W. Crooker Secretary-Treasurer Cecelia Ann Shepard of Loma Linda, T. M. Ashlock... Sabbath School, Pub. Relations health. This course is now available. 22, a fifth-year senior music major at Robert Babcock Civilian Chaplain, Write for information to Home Study the University of California, Riverside, Ft. Lewis, Wash. Institute, Takoma Park, Washington, Gerald Brass MV, National Servicemen's and Bryan Hartnell of Oregon, 20, PUC Organization, Temperance D. C., 20012. Learn to take care of your junior prelaw major, were stabbed D. E. Caslow Lay Activities, mind and your mind will take care of Radio-TV, Medical repeatedly by a man police believe to J. W. Griffin Associate Auditor you. be a sexual psychopath. J. R. Hoffman Evangelist A Chinese fisherman from San Fran- C. P. Lampson Publishing Washington Student Sunny Liu Ministerial Assistant, cisco, passing by on the lake, sounded MV Assistant Receives Fellowship an alarm and summoned an ambulance. W. L. Massengill Trust Andrews University has awarded a Park rangers immediately converged M. E. Rees Stewardship Lee Anderson Office Manager. Charles E. Weniger Fellowship to upon the scene by water and road to Home Health Education Serv. William Wohlers. Wohlers, whose assist the stricken youth until medical W. H. Shephard Religious Liberty, Industrial Relations, home is in College assistance could arrive. Self-supporting Institutions Place, Washington, Both were taken to Queen of the Val- T. W. Walters Educational was graduated from ley Hospital, Napa, where they under- W. E. Wasenmiller Auditor Walla Walla Col- went emergency surgery and were lege in June, 1969, placed in the intensive care unit for LOCAL CONFERENCE DIRECTORY with a major in his- observation and further treatment. ALASKA—J. C. Hansen, President; Richard Cecelia, who was stabbed about 10 Roberts. Secretary-Treasurer; 718 Barrow tory. He is study- Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501. Telephone, ing for a master of times, lived about 45 hours before she 272-3833. arts degree at An- passed away. Bryan, who was knifed IDAHO—G. W. Liscornbe, President; Duane Huey, Secretary-Treasurer; P. 0. Box 7667, drews, majoring in about six or seven times, remained in Boise, Idaho 83707.
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