22354 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE October 6, 2005 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES—Thursday, October 6, 2005 The House met at 10 a.m. and was S. 392. An act to authorize the President to BORDER CRIME award a gold medal on behalf of Congress, called to order by the Speaker pro tem- (Mr. POE asked and was given per- pore (Mr. PENCE). collectively, to the Tuskegee Airmen in rec- ognition of their unique military record, mission to address the House for 1 f which inspired revolutionary reform in the minute.) Armed Forces. Mr. POE. Mr. Speaker, in the Mexi- DESIGNATION OF THE SPEAKER S. 1197. An act to reauthorize the Violence can border town of Nuevo Laredo, PRO TEMPORE Against Women Act of 1994. across the border from Laredo, Texas, The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- The message also announced that crime has skyrocketed as disciplined fore the House the following commu- pursuant to Public Law 106–398, as drug cartels have turned up their bat- nication from the Speaker: amended by Public Law 108–7, in ac- tle for total territory control over this WASHINGTON, DC, cordance with the qualifications speci- chief entry point into the U.S. Our October 6, 2005. fied under section 1238(b)(3)(E) of Pub- open border policy encourages drug I hereby appoint the Honorable MIKE lic Law 106–398, the Chair, on behalf of dealers to lead organized efforts to in- PENCE to act as Speaker pro tempore on this the President pro tempore, and upon filtrate the United States in their day. the recommendation of the Democratic fighting over this territory. J. DENNIS HASTERT, Speaker of the House of Representatives. Leader, in consultation with the chair- So far this year more than 135 people men of the Senate Committee on have died, seven police officers have f Armed Services and the Senate Com- been killed and 44 American citizens PRAYER mittee on Finance, reappoints the fol- have been kidnapped in this treach- lowing individuals to the United erous town. Mr. Speaker, I have a re- The Reverend David Kassos, Pastor, States-China Economic Security and cent newspaper article from Nuevo La- First United Methodist Church, Pres- Review Commission: redo that shows a police officer, a po- cott, Arkansas, offered the following C. Richard D’Amato of Maryland for licewoman, that was set on fire in the prayer: a term beginning January 1, 2006 and streets of Nuevo Laredo trying to en- Heavenly Creator, we thank thee for expiring December 31, 2007. force the law. The reason that there is the grace You provide us this day. William A. Reinsch of Maryland for a chaos, Mr. Speaker, is because these Give us Your wisdom so our minds term beginning January 1, 2006 and ex- drug cartels are trying to come into will reflect Your thoughts. piring December 31, 2007. the United States. They are fighting Give us Your righteousness so our over territory. Because the United motivations will reflect Your heart. f States basically has no policy in pro- Empower us so our actions will re- WELCOMING THE REVEREND tecting our borders, there is chaos on flect Your will on Earth. DAVID KASSOS the border. Give a special blessing to our fami- (Mr. ROSS asked and was given per- Mr. Speaker, the border is a perilous lies whose love and support strengthen mission to address the House for 1 place. How many more people have to us to faithfully represent our people. minute.) die? How many more Americans have Amen. Mr. ROSS. Mr. Speaker, it is with to be kidnapped in this border town be- f great pride that I welcome my home- fore we protect our borders? town pastor from the First United THE JOURNAL f Methodist Church in Prescott, Arkan- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The sas to the United States House of Rep- HURRICANE KATRINA FUNDING Chair has examined the Journal of the resentatives, the Reverend David (Mrs. CHRISTENSEN asked and was last day’s proceedings and announces Kassos, and his wife, Donna. given permission to address the House to the House his approval thereof. Each and every week I travel to our for 1 minute.) Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- Nation’s capital to represent the people Mrs. CHRISTENSEN. Mr. Speaker, nal stands approved. of Arkansas’s Fourth Congressional why is Hurricane Katrina funding f District and this great country. Each being treated differently than all other and every weekend I travel home to emergency funding? And why is this PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Prescott, a small town of about 3,600 body proposing that the poor, elderly The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the people, and worship with my family at and children be made to pay for it gentleman from Texas (Mr. POE) come the Methodist church I have called while the corporations rake in the forward and lead the House in the home for much of my life. money and the wealthy in this country Pledge of Allegiance. It is this church, where my father continue to get tax cuts? Mr. POE led the Pledge of Allegiance grew up and where my children are And why is it that the temporary ex- as follows: being raised, that keeps me grounded pansion of Medicaid, unemployment I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the and instills in me the small town val- and Temporary Assistance to Needy United States of America, and to the Repub- ues I was raised on and still believe in. Families—the very kinds of programs lic for which it stands, one nation under God, It is the lessons that I learn from this that need to be provided in this emer- indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. church that help guide me in the deci- gency—are being blocked? f sions I make in the United States Con- There is something very wrong with gress. My faith is profoundly important this picture and we need to change it. MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE to me, and Reverend Kassos is not only There are no offsets for rebuilding Af- A message from the Senate by Ms. my spiritual advisor, he is my friend ghanistan and Iraq. There should be Curtis, one of its clerks, announced and he is my fishing buddy. It is a tre- none for our fellow Americans. that the Senate has passed bills of the mendous honor to have him serve as My colleagues, Congress needs to following titles in which the concur- our chaplain today in the United pass the Grassley-Bacchus bill to pro- rence of the House is requested: States House of Representatives. vide the lifeline to those who Katrina b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Sep 11 2014 12:20 Feb 28, 2017 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\FDSYS\2005BOUNDRECORD\BOOK16\NO-SSN\BR06OC05.DAT BR06OC05 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE October 6, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE 22355 left devastated and homeless. We must protective gear they need to survive first time around. This bill is a pol- stop the madness of proposed cuts to combat. I commend the Senate for vot- luter-friendly giveaway that has noth- entitlement programs. We cannot con- ing last night to shift control of this ing to do with helping hurricane vic- tinue to talk about Medicaid cuts in money directly to unit commanders in tims or securing America’s energy the next 2 years. the field. needs. And it is time that the rich share Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to Not only does this bill do nothing for some of this country’s burden for a measure up to the valor and sacrifices Americans facing soaring gas or home change. The tax cuts cannot be made of our troops by expanding these rules heating prices, it guts clean air protec- permanent. to also cover rifle scopes, additional ra- tions and undermines the Environ- My colleagues, the world is watching. dios and more armor for Humvees be- mental Protection Agency. Only the More importantly, God is watching. fore we approve another dime in yet profit-soaked oil and gas companies Let us do the right thing for the people another supplemental funding bill. win with this bill. Everyone else is of the gulf region, for all Americans, f stuck paying higher energy prices in and for our country. the short run and the incalculable FEDERAL RESOURCES OUGHT TO f long-term costs that will result from BE FOCUSED ON THOSE THAT compromising our environment and MATT SMITH NEED IT MOST failing to achieve energy independence. (Mr. NEY asked and was given per- (Mr. WOLF asked and was given per- f mission to address the House for 1 mission to address the House for 1 minute.) minute and to revise and extend his re- CELEBRATING THE SERVICE OF Mr. NEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to marks.) GENERAL RICHARD MYERS commemorate the services of a great Mr. WOLF. Mr. Speaker, as Congress (Mr. WILSON of South Carolina American, Matt Smith. considers how to provide Federal as- asked and was given permission to ad- Matt Smith was enlisted in the Spe- sistance to these victims of these hur- dress the House for 1 minute and to re- cial Forces out of Fort Campbell, Ken- ricanes, it is critical that we make sure vise and extend his remarks.) tucky and served in Iraq in February of resources are focused on helping the Mr.
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