r-!:Vs.-?»«r^ 10 Pages ^ages LIX MASON, MICH., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1917 NO. 44 =f^ —J • FALLS FI«)1VI HAYLOFT. W. R. C. CONVENTION. The little son of Mrs. John Ober- The District convention ot the W. lln was Injured last week when play­ IIYML U. C. was held In FowlervUle last I i, G. A. IS ing In the hayloft of a barn, which Is Thursday and Friday. Mrs. Ida M, near his home. He tell backward Irish, Mrs. Eva Morse, Mrs. A. L. through a hayhole to the floor, strik­ VIED M LIFE LASl 11 lEKS Chapman and Mrs. Franc^ L, Adams i. R, G, ing on his head and shoulders. It attended. Mrs. Irish responded to MASON GItOCKKS AKF I'HOVIIMNd MORE THAN ANY OTHER AGENCY INI) COI/IJiSlOX OCCUIllMilD was thought at llrst that his back wns fiAWHI'lNCI'. SKAKL WITH CO.\- the address of^welcome and Mrs. RFfJULAU CUSTOMEIIS. I'O KEEP HOYS CLEAN. ,iriM)AY AT MIDNIGHT. broken, but was later discovered that .STABULAHY AT BKSSIMKR. Adams read a paper on the "slack­ er." he had received only severe bruises. All .Vllied Nations Are Asking United hiadinaii In Serious Coiitllllon H4iii1e<1 Finn l)(>iu-(liii{Di: Hmiso Anil Two rounds 1^> Funiily I.s The Limit; Found I. W. \V. Mnn—Had Suit- Unt Sugar Will Be On Market Slates "Y" Men To Assist Their fi(y li().s|ii(4il—Suirwert Slight Armies. ('(iiicu.s.sioii Of llmlii. THE CUSTER Y. M. C. A. Cuso or Dyniintlto. Soon. MASON MAN INJOREO ^ Lawrence Searl, son of School Com­ "What d'ye think of that?" said a John R. Mott, who recently return­ wreclc which occurred at But- ed from Russia with the Ellhu Root iiusHing on the M, R. C. line in HftEAT PUBLIC UTILin missioner and Mrs. F. B. Searl of this prominent Mason citizen one evening THRICE IN THREE WEEKS city, and who Is located with the this week as he held up a little sack commission said at Battle Creek last Illy last Saturday at midnight ,IOE VANDORT UECEIVED IN.TUR- week, "The Russians need more than northbound passenger car Ml ;TIN<J THF. NFFDS OF OUIl Michigan Constabulary forces at Bes- tor the Inspection of some envious ac­ BOYS AT CAMP. simer, Mich., is finding army life suf- quaintances. "Had to go to the lES IN M. I(. C. WRECK. anything else, Y. M. C. A. organizers. III lick by a-trailer, resulted lu The only Russian army that has not 4 nih of John Clyde McAllister, a llciently varied, according to letters tourfli store and all they'd- let me The Camp Custer Y. M. C. A. is a received by his parents. have this little 'dab'—lucky to get Joe VanDort of this city, has been revolted In the recent crisis is the huclcsler, with three others that though." That's the sugar sit­ Injured three times lately, each time only one that has a Y. M. C. A. la ly hurt and about twelve re- great business organization, a public Lawrence says In a letter written utility, serving the 18.000 to 3,0,000 October 15: « ' uation all around the state. Another being fortunate to escape with slight connection. The general of this army |v minor Injuries. individual who had just returned Injuries. Thomas Corner of Alaie- slent me a telegram the day we left, Ulister suffered a severe con- Michigan and Wisconsin soldiers. "Is "The fellows that were stationed this the Y. M. C. W a young civilian at Negauna took a trip and arrived from Jackson said that loaf sugar don, who Is threshing for the farm­ Imploring the U. S. to establish Y. M. of the brain and died at the only was obtainable there. Lansing ers In this vicinity, had the misfor­ C. A. organizations with every Rus­ • spilal Sunday morning about asked when he came to the first of up here Saturday night. They were the E-type buildings at the East end a tired lot. - It has been such bad people are sweetening their cSftee tune to have the crown 'sheet ot the sian army. He said 'Russian success . clock. with fragments of • candy rabbits, engine, blow out, throwing hot water depends on it.' Italy, France and ri lirailnian, of this city, full- of camp with Its two great spacious weather that It has made the travel­ assembly halls and its secretaries' of- ing much harder. eggs, etc., saved by the kids from last and coals In all directions. VanDort, England are all clamoring for these tlie Mason football team, is Christmas and Easter. with several other xien, was standing men." ( •I iuus condition at the City hos- (Icos and dormitories adjoining. It "They have posters around that was a Y. iNl. Cr A. but not "the Y. M. anyone who brings in a slacker gets Mason grocers wore Interviewed nearby, but his face was only slightly Whether It be the evening and Sun­ liiiving suffered a slight con- burned. That same night, when re­ day leisure hours In camp, or the rest I, of the brain, and it is feared C. A." It Is only one of six such a fifty dollar reward. I wish this this m'brning and in most cases had buildings in use and crowded with bunch got a reward of fifty dollars a limited supply which they were turning from Jackson, he was cut periods ot practice marches, the Y. ;irn internal injuries. about the liead In the M. U. C. wreck M. C. A. follows the soldier boys of flviiy llunlloy, motorman of the soldiers evening and day. Another for everyone that we brought in, for selling In two pound packages to is yet to be opened. Besides these we have brought in a lot. ' We raided their regular customers.' In one or and he stated that he had barely re­ Uncle Sam wiicrever they go. Or, . was cut about tlio face and covered from Injuries received three more strictly speaking, it precedes Hid Claude Atchison, conduc- i.lie great auditorium seating three one Finn boarding house here and al­ two 'cases they were entirely out^— thousand and the headquarters oHlce though we were after slackers, got but had promises of a limited supply weeks previous, when an auto In them,' for the "Y" buildings are al­ |i I 111! first car, suffered from the tor the last of the week. which he was riding turned turtle. ways ready wlien the llrst men in 111(1 was cut around the head building, housing the general staff, an I. W. W. man with a suit case full are a part of the Y. M. C. A; group. of dynamite, so It was a pretty good People In tills coi^ntry are getting khaki reach the camps and the "Y" |l node wrenched. tents are always waiting when the VanDort of thi^ city was cut Fifty secretaries are on the pay-roll. liaul after all. a taste of what European countries "Yesterday, Peter Conger, the fol­ have been up against tor sonie time. lighting m'en reach a lunch stop la IIH! liead and R. .T. Hamilton of BOARD OF SUPERHS' the strenuous hikes. i.n received scalp wounds, The low you met at the depot in Lansing, Tlie consumption of sugar in England . ,;r wliich was of steel, stopped and another fellow and myself went per capita has been 26 lbs. per year The service which tiie "Y" renders I liir's crossing to let oft a pas- inMeROlSiSSHEPO over in the hills here and went tor some time; France 18 lbs; Italy yiSIT TMUNTT FARM is as varied as the needs of the men . and as tlie conductor, Mr. At- through hills and swamps that I and Russia l-2.^and 1-1 lbs. When the themselves. 'And as to Its effective­ I . went into the car a passenger COP PRIZESJUaLUlUS,0. wouldn't have believed that anyone | scarcity reaches these low levels, chil­ THRASH OUT QUE.STION OF THE ness all the needed testimony Is that I iM'd ll>al lie guessed the other (Continued on page 5.) | dren suffer, iMid the death rate of the DELHI SINK HOLE. of the men themselves. >;is trying to run into them. 1;. S. MAIt.SHALL HA1> 14 HFAI> AT little ones In these countries is great In the camp was a young soldier ho (iirnod to look he saw-that NATIONAL DAIRY SHOW. from lack ot nutrition. The Ingham County Board ot Sup­ who listened to an address given one^, uiuld surely bo struck, hut be- ervisors made their annual visit to evening in the "Y" auditorium by u- could give an alarm, the L. S. M»rshall was at the National THREE tUGTIOIl SALE AOVS. the county fiirm lasf'i'hursday, there Dr. George R. Stair on "The Potter's liart come. The iloor of the Dairy Show In Columbus, Ohio, last being about forty, including the coun­ Clay." After the sermon and after 111' II car rested on tlio floor of the week with his herd of l-l Brown M. E. GOLDEN JUBILEE ty ofhcials In attendance. Secretary the invitation had been given and the .ir, llio trailer being telescoped Swiss cattle, .and carried away over IN THIS_pE OF NEWS Patch ot the Jackson county poor men were' signing the "War Roll" 1300 In cash premiums beside the comnilssloners was present. and were being presented with the r lieavior car. There wore no WHITNI-IY & ANDKRSON TO IH.S- BEGINS FRIDAY EVENING mcrs in tlie trailer, wliich was lianncr given Stasis Boy of Sedgley, In the afternoon, Chairman A.
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