2016 FOOD & DRINK AWARDS 城市漫步上海 英文版 9 月份 国内统一刊号: CN 11-5233/GO China Intercontinental Press SEPTEMBER 2016 MADNESS that’s Shanghai 《城市漫步》上海版 英文月刊 主管单位 : 中华人民共和国国务院新闻办公室 Supervised by the State Council Information Office of the People's Republic of China 主办单位 : 五洲传播出版社 地址 : 中国北京 北京西城月坛北街 26 号恒华国际商务中心南楼 11 层文化交流中心 邮编 100045 Published by China Intercontinental Press Address: 11th Floor South Building, HengHua linternational Business Center, 26 Yuetan North Street, Xicheng District, Beijing 100045, PRC http://www.cicc.org.cn 总编辑 Editor in Chief of China Intercontinental Press: 慈爱民 Ci aimin 期刊部负责人 Supervisor of Magazine Department: 邓锦辉 Deng Jinhui 主编 Executive Editor: 袁保安 Yuan Baoan 编辑 Editor: 朱莉莉 Zhu Lili 发行 / 市场 Circulation/Marketing: 黄静 Huang Jing, 李若琳 Li Ruolin 广告 Advertising: 林煜宸 Lin Yuchen Chief Editor Dominic Ngai Section Editors Andrew Chin, Betty Richardson Senior Editor Tongfei Zhang Events Editor Zoey Zha Production Manager Ivy Zhang Designer Joan Dai, Aries Ji Contributors Mario Grey, Mia Li, Ian Walker, Alyssa Wieting, Aelred Doyle, Dr. Jian Ang, Oscar Holland, Diana Park, Lauren Hogan Copy Editor Susie Gordon HK FOCUS MEDIA Shanghai (Head office) 上海和舟广告有限公司 上海市蒙自路 169 号智造局 2 号楼 305-306 室 邮政编码 : 200023 Room 305-306, Building 2, No.169 Mengzi Lu, Shanghai 200023 电话 : 021-8023 2199 传真 : 021-8023 2190 Guangzhou 上海和舟广告有限公司广州分公司 广州市越秀区麓苑路 42 号大院 2 号楼 610 室 邮政编码 : 510095 Room 610, No. 2 Building, Area 42, Luyuan Lu, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou 510095 电话 : 020-8358 6125, 传真 : 020-8357 3859-800 Shenzhen 广告代理 : 上海和舟广告有限公司广州分公司 深圳市福田区彩田路星河世界大厦 C1-1303 C1-1303, Galaxy Century Building, Caitian Lu, Futian District, Shenzhen 518049 电话 : 0755-8623 3220, 传真 : 0755-8623 3219 Beijing 广告代理 : 上海和舟广告有限公司 北京市东城区东直门外大街 48 号东方银座 C 座 9G 邮政编码 : 100027 48 Dongzhimenwai Dajie Oriental Kenzo (Ginza Mall) Building C Room 9G, Dongcheng District, Beijing 100027 电话 : 010-8447 7002 传真 : 010-8447 6455 CEO Leo Zhou General Manager Ned Kelly Operations Manager Penny Li Financial Manager Laura Lu Sales Manager Doris Dong BD Manager Joyce Sun, Tina Zhou Sales & Advertising Linda Chen, Celia Chen, Even Mao, Roy Dong, Leah Li Marketing Zoe Zhou, Cherry Liu, Lydia Lin Digital Products Manager Vickie Guo Digital Content Manager Bridget O'Donnell Digital Timi Shi, Sybil Zhang, Joseph Liao, Miller Yue HR/Admin Sharon Sun Accounting Emily Xu Distribution Zac Wang General enquiries and switchboard (021) 8023 2199 [email protected] Editorial (021) 8023 2199*5807 [email protected] Distribution (021) 8023 2199*2802 [email protected] Marketing/Subscription (021) 8023 2199*2806 [email protected] Advertising (021) 8023 2199*8802 [email protected] Web & IT (021) 8023 2199*7803 Fax (021) 8023 2190 www.thatsmags.com 广告经营许可证 : 京海工商广字第 8069 号 法律顾问 : 大成律师事务所 魏君贤律师 Legal Advisor: Wei Junxian, Dacheng Law Firm 国际标准刊号 ISSN 1672-8033 That’s Shanghai has been audited by ABC. 国内统一刊号 CN 11-5233/GO Publisher’s statement: September 2016 定价 : 25.00 元 Print run: 60,000 邮发代号 : 4-845 4 | SEPTEMBER 2016 | WWW.THATSMAGS.COM Editor's Note ow into its 14th edition, our annual That’s Shanghai Food & Drink Awards was held last month at Fusion. As always, the Nparty was attended by hundreds of Shanghai’s F&B elite to celebrate the great work they’ve been doing over the past year… and what a blast we had. The big winners of 2016? Mr & Mrs Bund (Restaurant of the Year), SEPTEMBER The Nest (Bar of the Year) and Le Baron (Club of the Year). No big surprises there, really. They’re awesome. They’re consistent. There’s al- ways great fun to be had. As for the new kids on the block? Baoism, The Parrot and Elevator took home top prizes in their respective categories for newbies. In our Mad Men-themed cover story you’ll see the full list of all the winners and photos from the awards ceremony at Fusion. See if your favorites made the cut starting on p50. Speaking of the theme, avid readers of That’s Shanghai will know that we always do a playful photo shoot inspired famous movies or TV shows with familiar faces in Shanghai’s F&B circle on the cover of our September issue. Ever wonder how these photo shoots are created? In the Life & Style section, I’ve put together a little behind the scenes fea- ture (p28) on how we imposed the looks of Mad Men characters on Paul Eschbach, Mark Klingspon, Yao Lu, Anna Bautista and Camden Hauge. cover for being such good sports (and waking up early for the shoot). A HUGEOur deepestthank you gratitude also goes goes out out to Waldorfto our five Astoria amazing (for models allowing on us the to use the Long Bar for the shoot), Gillian at Alize (for turning Camden and Anna into our favorite Mad Men characters with their hair and makeup services), SuitSupply and Massimo Dutti (for suiting up Paul, Mark and Yao). Elsewhere in the magazine, Arts Editor Andrew Chin speaks to Brian May of Queen just before their show with Adam Lambert comes to Shanghai on Sep 26. See what the legendary guitarist has to say about the American Idol runner-up on p38. Meanwhile, Food Editor Betty Richardson continues to eat and drink her way through the newest Drink section (starting p72). restaurants and bars around the city. Check out her findings in the Eat & Until next month. Dominic Ngai, Editor-in-Chief WIN WIN WIN We're giving away tickets to some of the very best Shanghai events, alongside a host of free meals, drinks discounts and giveaways. All you have to do is scan the QR code below, follow us on WeChat and stay alert for your chance to win. Sign up to our weekly newsletter for your chance to win major prizes like complimentary dinner vouchers for Element Fresh's Vintage menu, tickets to Art in the City, Stephen K. Amos, FuGeeLa: A Tribute to the Fugees, Anderson.Paak Hourly updates on news, current affairs and much more. To stay up to and general weirdness from around date, visit www.thatsmags.com/ Shanghai and China. shanghai or scan the QR code and FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA follow our daily WeChat account. facebook.com/thatsonline twitter.com/thatsonline youtube.com/thatsonline #THATSSHANGHAI WWW.THATSMAGS.COM | SEPTEMBER 2016 | 5 050 COVER STORY 2016 FOOD AND DRINK AWARDS Meet the winners of the maddest party of the summer. 10 28 10 CITY 18 LIFE & STYLE 10 THE NEW YONGKANG? 18 ALL ABOUT FASHION You can’t keep a good bar street down, you Timothy Parent of China Fashion Bloggers on can only force it ‘underground.’ style in the Middle Kingdom. 14 THE IPHONE PHOTOGRAPHY AWARDS 22 A STYLISH LOVE NEST Chinese photographer Siyuan Niu claims this Inside the home of two fashionistas and loyal year’s top prize. That’s readers. 28 RECREATING MAD MEN P49 A Behind the Scenes look in the September issue cover shoot. 45 7279 36 ARTS 72 EAT & DRINK 45 THE BIG SHOW 75 THE MAGIC OF BUND 18 WWE’s resident giant reflects on a life in Just 24, Anson Chen has led a Bund revival professional wrestling. while living a double life. 46 ART IN THE CITY 75 NEW EATS K11’s cutting-edge contemporary art festival The funky sequel to Heyday, a Southeast Asian takes over Shanghai for the third year. gem and the latest celebrity chef opening. 48 A SCI-FI SAGA 82 NEW BARS Liu Cixin’s award-winning science fiction A Catholic confessional room speakeasy trilogy comes. provides a holy experience. SEP 9-11 The Expat Show THE WRAP THE 6 | SEPTEMBER 2016 | WWW.THATSMAGS.COM 050 COVER STORY 2016 FOOD AND DRINK AWARDS Meet the winners of the maddest party of the summer. PICK OF SIX 66 ART COMMUNITY EXHIBITIONS 86 EVENTS SEP 1-5 SEP 8 & 10 MTA Shanghai Pelleas et Melisande SEP 9-11 SEP 16-18 & 24-25 The Expat Show Shanghai 48-Hour Film Project WWW.THATSMAGS.COM | SEPTEMBER 2016 | 7 MON CALENDAR SEP 26 QUEEN + ADAM LAMBERT 38 MERCEDES-BENZ ARENA 2016 WHAT'S ON IN SEPTEMBER 41 SAT-SUN OCT 1-2 BUDWEISER STORM FESTIVAL SHANGHAI SHENDI ECOLOG a GARDEN 40 THUrs-SUN FrI-SAT SEP 22-25 SEP 16-17 SHAKESPEARE GLOBE CONCRETE + GRASS SHANGHAI ORIENTAL ART SHANGHAI RUGBY CENTER FOOTBALL CLUB 44 8 | SEPTEMBER 2016 | WWW.THATSMAGS.COM FrI SEP 2 FrI-SAT SEP 9-17 TAO DANCE UnICO 4TH THEATER Shanghai Culture Square AnnIVERSARY p43 Unico Shanghai p88 SAT SEP 10 FrI SEP 16 WWE LIVE DJ SnAKE Mercedes-Benz Arena MYST p45 p90 SUN SEP 18 SAT-SUN SEP 24-25 HANGGAI THE COLOR RUN Shanghai Oriental Art Center Sunland Green p90 p91 TUES SEP 27 FrI SEP 30 AnDERSON.PAAK CHRIS BROWN MAO Livehouse Linx p92 p92 WWW.THATSMAGS.COM | SEPTEMBER 2016 | 9 TALES O F T H E C I T Y This is the NEW YonGKanG LU Say Hello to Your New Favorite Hangout BY NED Kelly ou can’t keep a good bar street down... although you can force Y it ‘underground.’ ing that previousOur sources pit of iniquityhave confirmed Datong Mill,that nowmany known a fine Yongkangas Found Lu venues, and a number of non-YKL establishments will be repopulat- 158 (but that name might yet change), the basement level space sunk into a park on the Julu Lu-Ruijin Lu block. underBeloved construction. live music They venue will JZbe Club launching is making their its annual new home Jazz Festival down there, after closing on Fuxing Lu back in May, and the place is already er venues to be throwing those doors wide open very soon after that.
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