Available online at www.sciencedirect.com ScienceDirect P r o c e d i a E n g i n e e r i n g 6 9 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 5 0 9 – 1 5 1 7 24th DAAAM International Symposium on Intelligent Manufacturing and Automation, 2013 Operations on Quantum Physical Artificial Neural Structures Florian Neukart*, Sorin-Aurel Morar University of Brasov, B-dul Eroilor nr.29, 500036 Brasov, Romania Abstract The advances that have been achieved in quantum computer science to date, slowly but steadily find their way into the field of artificial intelligence. Specifically the computational capacity given by quantum parallelism, resulting from the quantum linear superposition of quantum physical systems, as well as the entanglement of quantum bits seem to be promising for the implementation of quantum artificial neural networks. Within this elaboration, the required information processing from bit-level up to the computational neuroscience-level is explained in detail, based on the combined research in the fields of quantum physics and artificial neural systems. © 20120144 The Authors. PublishedPublished by by Elsevier Elsevier Ltd. Ltd .Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license. Selection and peer-reviewpeer-review underunder responsibility responsibility of of DAAAM DAAAM International International Vienna Vienna. Keywords: Quantum Computer Science; Computational Neuroscience; 1. Introduction From [1], where most of the introductory information has been taken from, a possible implementation of a quantum artificial neural network calculation, beginning with a superposition of all possible weight vectors has been proposed. The superposed weight vectors would allow classifying all training examples with respect to every weight is used to store the number of correctly classified training ۄvector at once. In the proposal, a performance register ȁ examples and updated continuously. The update of the performance register with respect to each configuration of Thus the oracle is .ۄand ȁɗۄthe QANN creates an entanglement of ȁ ( (1כ݅ ൌ ۄȁ where represents the number of training examples (inputs) and the number of output neurons. As it may occur that either no configuration of a network within the superposition is able to classify all training examples correctly * Corresponding author. Tel.: +49 171 12 199 12. E-mail address: [email protected] 1877-7058 © 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license. Selection and peer-review under responsibility of DAAAM International Vienna doi: 10.1016/j.proeng.2014.03.148 1510 Florian Neukart and Sorin-Aurel Morar / Procedia Engineering 69 ( 2014 ) 1509 – 1517 (and therefore every vector has an equal chance of being measured) or the amount of time required for finding a vector is increasing with the number of bits in the weight vector and thus exponential complexity: ቀඥʹȀቁ ሺʹሻ For avoiding the first case, Ventura and Ricks suggest modifying the search oracle to ( (3ככ݅ ۄȁ where is the percentage of correctly classified training examples. With respect to quantum artificial neural networks, this means that any possible configuration of the quantum ANN is kept within the quantum linear superposition. However, there is still the problem of measurement, as measurement needs to be done when probability of receiving a desired result is high. Let assume a quantum register consisting of 64 Qbits each in the already known state ͳ (4) ሻۄȁͳ ۄൌ ሺȁͲ ۄȁ߰ ʹ then every possible state, or every value (double) that can be expressed with these 64 bits may be measured, but with the same probability distribution, so any of these double values would exist in this quantum register at once. This is where quantum entanglement comes into play, as each possible weight vector is entangled with a slot in the performance register due to processing. Therefore, a measurement on the performance register when the probability of measuring the desired output is close to 1 will also reveal the desired overall weight vector (ANN configuration) due to the resulting loss of coherence in the processing bits. A more complicated substitute to eq. 3 might be an :ۄoperator , applying the already known ANN performance calculations represented by a function on ȁɗ ݊ (5) ʹ ͳ ʹݔ ൌ ඩ ݔ ݎ݉ݏ݁ ݊ ݅ ݅ൌͳ on each training set) into another quantum ) ۄThis could be done by summing the results from each ȁɗ after all, this then ۄrepresenting the respective weight vector. When applying a quantum search on ȁԄ ,ۄregister ȁԄ must include an average calculation, resulting in the overall RMSE. The structure of a quantum feed forward artificial neural network does not differ from a normal one, but the concept of linear superposition is one of the differences that can be described graphically [1] ( Fig.1. Quantum artificial neural network). |h1› ψ 1h1 w wi h1 ψ o ψ 1 |i1› ψw w ψ i1h 2 h w 1 ψ o i n w 1h 3 i 1 h w n |h › ψ h2o1 |o › 1 2 ψ 1 i2h w w 2 i2h h2 ψψw on |i2› w ψ i2h 1 w 3 wh3o i2h ψ n 1 h 2 ψwh3on in nh |h3› |on› w w i ψ ψ winh3 ψ 1 o 4 |in› h ψ w w 4on in ψ w h hn ψ |hn› Fig.1. Quantum artificial neural network. Fig.1. Quantum artificial neural network describes that neurons are represented as quantum registers, meaning hold any possible input dataset of the training data. Assuming a QANN shall be ۄ ǡ ǥ ǡȁۄthat the input registers ȁͳ Florian Neukart and Sorin-Aurel Morar / Procedia Engineering 69 ( 2014 ) 1509 – 1517 1511 used to learn a problem based on input datasets each consisting of three attributes, it would contain three input registers (input neurons in a standard ANN), each holding any value its related training data attribute. The same ,whose quantum neuron registers hold the calculated ,ۄ ǡ ǥ ǡȁۄholds for the hidden layer, represented by ȁͳ holds the calculated ۄ ǡ ǥ ǡȁۄThe final layer ȁͳ .ۄ ǡ ǥ ǡȁۄweighted sum of the actual training input coming from ȁͳ output the neural network is capable of producing based on the actual training data set. Furthermore, the superpositions of the weight vectors are important to explain, as these hold every possible value they can represent, independent from the training data. 2. Quantum parallelism Assuming a training set consisting of hundreds of input data sets each featuring a number of attributes, then the input register would at first grow horizontally and secondly in a classical computer would have to be applied on every single input data set consecutively not only once, but െ ͳ times, where represents the number of iterations (weigt adaptions) a training algorithm requires for adapting the overall weight vector of an ANN. Let further assume, 100 (fictive and not related to the inputs, but in numbers easier describe) Hadamard transformations (gates) would be applied on every Qbit before the application of , like ͳ (6) ሻ ۄȁͲ ۄሻ ൌ ܷሺȁݔ ۄȁͲ ۄͳ ሻሺȁͲ۪ ۪݊ܪሺ ܷ ݂ ݉ ݊ ݉ ʹ݊Ȁʹ ݂ ݊ ݉ ݊ʹͲݔ ൏ ͳͲͲ ͵Ͳ then the final state would contain ʹ or ൎ ͳͲ applications of (Mermin, 2007). However, quantum parallelism allows the performance of an exponentially high quantity of in unitary time. This means that indeed every training set would require one application of , but only once, as all possible weight vectors coexist in quantum linear superposition. 3. From basic operators to the quantum transfer function From [1] we can further see that the whole processing of a quantum artificial neural network can be described as single transformation. However, it is required to detail the processing with regards to the activation or transfer function used by the neurons of the input- and hidden layer. Eq. 6 describes the sigmoid function as quantum function ͳ (7) ൌ ۄԄȁɗۃ ൌ ۄȁሺሻ ۄͳെȁ contains all possible values resulting from calculation based on the ۄwhere the quantum linear superposed ȁ previous neuron layer output multiplied by the related weight vectors in superposition. This has not solved the basic challenge of arithmetic operations, like the multiplication or division required for all ͳͲ ൌቀ ቁ (8) Ͳ ͳͲ ͳ ͳ (9) ۄൌ ቀ ቁቀ ቁ ൌ ቀ ቁ ൌȁͲ ۄȁͲ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ ͳͲ Ͳ Ͳ (10) ۄൌ ቀ ቁቀ ቁ ൌ ቀ ቁ ൌȁͳ ۄȁͲ Ͳ ͳ After four subsequent applications of controlled, the result is identity, and further three applications of the same operator result in its inverse, which is also its complex conjugate transpose Ș . As mentioned beforehand, all operators must be linear, thus ܸȘܸ ൌ ܸܸȘ ൌ ܫ (11) whereȘ is the complex conjugate transpose, or adjoint, of , and the identity operator. Thus, the resulting operator is c-Ș . Back to cNOT, this operator can be built as in Fig. 2. cNOT from H and V: 1512 Florian Neukart and Sorin-Aurel Morar / Procedia Engineering 69 ( 2014 ) 1509 – 1517 H V V H Fig. 2. cNOT from H and V. ͳ ͳ (12) ۄȁͲۄሻ ՜ ȁͲۄȁͳ ۄሺȁͲ ۄሻ ՜ ȁͲۄȁͳ ۄሺȁͲ ۄ՜ ȁͲ ۄȁͲۄȁͲ ξʹ ξʹ ͳ ͳ (13) ۄȁͳۄሻ ՜ ȁͲۄെ ȁͳ ۄሺȁͲ ۄሻ ՜ ȁͲۄെ ȁͳ ۄሺȁͲ ۄ՜ ȁͲ ۄȁͳۄȁͲ ξʹ ξʹ ͳ ͳ ͳ (14) ۄȁͳۄሻ ՜ ȁͳۄെ ȁͳ ۄሺȁͲ ۄሻ ՜ ȁͳۄʹȁͳ ۄሺȁͲ ۄሻ ՜ ȁͳۄȁͳ ۄሺȁͲ ۄ՜ ȁͳ ۄȁͲۄȁͳ ξʹ ξʹ ξʹ ͳ ͳ (15) ۄȁͲۄሻ ՜ ȁͳۄെ ʹȁͳ ۄሺȁͲ ۄሻ ՜ ȁͳۄെ ȁͳ ۄሺȁͲ ۄ՜ ȁͳ ۄȁͳۄȁͳ ξʹ ξʹ This forms a very good basis for creating further operators, and indeed this needs to be done: for being able to perform all the arithmetic of the perceptron equations, another operator must be created, which is the ccNOT- operator (controlled-controlled-NOT), also known as Toffoli-gate [2] ( Fig. 3. Toffoli-gate with controlled V and Fig.
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