Jefferson Stereoptics & SADDY STEREOVIEW CONSIGNMENT AUCTIONS ($6.75) John Saddy 787 Barclay Road London Ontario N6K 3H5 CANADA Tel: (519) 641-4431 Fax: (519) 641-0695 Website: https://www.saddyauctions.com E-mail: [email protected] AUCTION #18-1 Phone, mail, fax, and on-line auction with scanned images. CLOSING DATES: 9:00 p.m. Eastern Thursday, July 5, 2018 Lots 1 to 411 (Part 1) & Friday, July 6 , 2018 Lots 412 to 830 (Part 2) In the event of a computer crash or other calamity, this auction will close one week later. “BUYER’S PREMIUM CHARGES INCREASE TO 9%” TO ALL OUR STEREOVIEW BIDDERS: PLEASE NOTE THAT THERE’S AN INCREASE IN OUR “BUYER’S PREMIUM CHARGES; IT IS NOW 9%. (We will absorb Paypal charges.) The amount will be automatically added to the invoice. We thank you in advance for your understanding. Your business is very much appreciated. BIDDING RULES AND TERMS OF SALE Paypal ([email protected]). Canadian Bidders: e-transfer accepted Prompt payment is appreciated. 1. All lots sold to the highest bidder. "s.c.mts." = square corner mounts (earlier) 2. Minimum increments: Up to $100, $3., $101 or higher, $10. (Bids only "r.c.mts." = rounded corner mounts (later) even dollars, no change.) 3. Maximum Bids accepted, winning bidder pays no more than one TABLE OF CONTENTS increment above 2nd highest bid. Ties go to earliest bidder. Bidding starts at the price listed. There are no hidden minimums or ADVERTISING 514, 547, 729 reserves.4. YOU WILL SEE TWO BOXES IN WHICH TO PLACE AFRICAN - AMERICAN 45, 48, 50, 85, 152, 544, 558, 583, 668, 669, 708, 715, YOUR BID. IF YOU WISH TO LEAVE A MAXIMUM BID, USE THE 716, 724 RIGHT BOX. IF YOU ARE WILLING TO START AT AN AMOUNT AIR TRAVEL ALL FORMS 146, 294, 298, 329, 558, 621, 631 MORE THAN THE MINIMUM NECESSARY, IN ORDER TO ALASKA & KLONDYKE 162, 662 - 665, 733 INTIMIDATE OTHER BIDDERS, USE THE LEFT BOX. (95% OF ALCOHOL RELATED 134, 667 BIDDERS, FROM MY EXPERIENCE, WOULD JUST USE THE AMBROTYPE (STEREO) 290 ANIMALS & ZOOS* 69*, 116*, 117*, 359, 415*, 491*, 518*, 544*, 660*, 667, RIGHT BOX.) 668, 733* 5. Buyer pays insurance, registration, and shipping. ASTRONOMY, OBSERVATORIES ETC 136, 356, 414, 570 6. ALL BIDS ARE IN AMERICAN FUNDS. NOW 9% BUYER'S AUSTRIA 351, 569, 604 PREMIUM. AUTOCHROMES (6cm X 13cm) 814 7. Bids welcome via phone, fax, postal mail, e-mail, or here on-line. AUTOMOBILES 44, 46, 69, 106, 321, 322, 407, 479, 590, 697, 722 - 724 Direct on-line bidders must pre-register. Please do so as early as BANKS & MONEY 94, 513, 586, 643, 673 possible. (Now would be a good time.) You will be assigned a BASEBALL 484, 550 - 552 password and bidder's number. (I will be checking my E-mail hourly BELGIUM & NETHERLANDS (HOLLAND) 569, 599, 602, 607 BICYCLES, TRICYCLES, VELOCIPEDES, MOTOR CYCLES 227, 362, 478, or less, if possible, so the wait for a password and bidder number 547, 565, 574, 579, 667 shouldn't be too long.) You can then bid on-line in real-time, BLACK (AFRICAN-AMERICAN) RELATED 45, 48, 50, 85, 152, 544, 558, 583, somewhat similar to ebay. Last day, late evening bidders via 668, 669, 708, 715, 716, 724 telephone or fax, earlier registration would be appreciated, as I would BOATS & SHIPS & MARINE 11, 17 - 19, 21, 23, 24, 27, 28, 47, 52, 67, 68, 79 - otherwise have to register you during the heat of the bidding. 81, 83, 86 - 88, 91, 93, 126, 169 - 171, 174, 189, 193 - 198, 200, 216, 230, 8. Canadian residents must pay applicable taxes. 314, 315, 323, 333, 334, 338, 339, 413, 417, 441, 461 - 464, 512, 515, 526, 9. Unlike ebay, sniping is not part of the equation in this auction. I will be 544, 557, 568, 569, 583, 586, 601, 603, 605, 606, 610, 613, 614, 650, 694, closing lots with a very liberal waiting period. Beginning at the closing 695, 708, 727, 733, 801 BOXED & UN-BOXED SETS, MINI-SETS, ETC. 110, 138 - 163, 210, 274* - time, after 6 minutes with no bids or enquiries, all lots are shut down 277* (Smaller Format), 318, 357, 358, 666, 668, 734 - 736, 739 together. This can happen as early as 10:30 p.m. but sometimes BRIDGES (COVERED) 12, 13, 169, 215, 314, 317, 541, 611, 650, 661 much later. IF the auction is still alive at midnight, the 6-minute rule BRIDGES (Use Search Feature, too many to list) becomes a 3-minute rule. CALIFORNIA 107 - 137, 143, 155, 278 - 289, 342 - 344, 422 - 460, 690, 751 - 10. PHOTOCOPIES:First dozen: $2, Two dozen: $4. Remember that 757 photocopies may imply stronger tones than those on the card, itself. CALIFORNIA 1868 QUAKE 453, 454 11. Please call if you have any questions about the above. CAMERA, STEREO, ANTIQUE by ANTHONY 811 12. Payment welcome via Personal Cheque drawn on an American- CANADA 138, 162, 227 - 231, 349, 461 - 484, 576, 577, 609, 731, 780, 803, 804 addressed bank, Visa, Mastercard, International Money Orders and CANADA (Hamilton Ont connection) 359, 379* (*mono), 470 1 CANALS 67, 99, 102, 103, 165, 167, 169, 170, 469, 540, 559, 581, 599, 602, 464, 482, 496, 536, 537, 544, 553, 583, 586, 626, 662, 700, 702 - 707, 714, 606, 611, 650 732 CARIBBEAN & LATIN AMERICA 99 - 106, 149, 160, 161, 642 - 647, 801 INDUSTRY 10, 13, 15, 21, 66, 110, 127, 147, 205, 317, 320, 332, 516, 530, 547, CAVES 62, 580, 583, 642, 701 589, 590, 592, 593, 603, 648, 649, 651 - 659, 687, 692, 694, 695, 708, 722, CEYLON & INDIA 232 - 245, 546 729, 732, 754 CHINA 59 - 61, 70, 74 - 76, 163, 546, 558, 675, 809* (*Chinese Art View-Master IRELAND 154, 299 - 302, 418 reel set) ITALY 410, 570, 602, 680, 684, 685, 802 CHINESE - AMERICAN 440, 641, 755 JAPAN - AMERICAN 460 CHRISTMAS & SANTA 361, 365 JEWELLERY (SILVER & GOLD) (NOT PHOTOS) 819 - 830 CIRCUS 55 JEWISH RELATED 355, 757, 767, 769 COMMUNE OF PARIS (1871) 354 KEYSTONE ‘JUNIOR’ VIEWS (Smaller Format) 273 - 277 CONSTRUCTION 19, 27, 28, 53, 54, 99, 102, 103, 196, 315, 483, 511, 518, LATIN AMERICA & CARIBBEAN 99 - 106, 149, 160, 161, 642 - 647, 801 554, 559, 613, 632, 633, 635, 780 LIGHT HOUSE / LIGHTHOUSE 21, 24, 28, 47, 126, 193, 196, 198, 323, 333, CRYSTAL PALACE 564 334, 464, 568, 578, 583 DAGUERREOTYPE (STEREO) 564, 815, 816 LINCOLN, ABRAHAM 94 - 98 DAGUERREOTYPE VIEWER 817 MAINE 10 - 28, 322, 726 DANCE 668,703, 704 MAPLE SUGAR 225 DARE-DEVILS & WIREWALKERS 587, 773 MARYLAND & WEST VIRGINIA 337 - 341 DIABLERIES (DEVIL-TISSUES) 565 MASSACHUSETTS 5, 169, 188 - 203, 322 - 336, 725, 727, 729, 773 DISASTERS 16, 23, 108, 155, 211, 278 - 289, 309, 314, 330, 453, 454, 536, MASSACHUSETTS MARTHA’S VINEYARD 188 - 203, 323, 332 568, 569, 585, 586, 614, 656, 657, 680, 684, 694, 699, 726, 732, 769 MEDICAL (inc Autopsy) 514, 543, 554, 631 DOLLS & TOYS 357, 359, 361, 365, 544, 603, 668 METEORITE IN SAN FRANCISCO 136 EASTERN EUROPE INC RUSSIA 7 - 9, 148, 392 - 405 MICHIGAN, MINNESOTA, WISCONSIN 492, 530 - 539, 579, 582, 583, 585, EDUCATION 132, 329, 336, 338, 339, 507, 532, 533, 554, 660, 669 586, 730 ELEPHANTS 68, 233, 237 - 239, 614, 631 MIDDLE EAST 145, 717 - 721 END LOTS 41, 53, 164, 175, 229, 273* (*smaller format), 347, 475, 531, 560, 561, 582, 584, 608, 616, 752, 762, 779, 808 MILITARY MISC 55, 290, 410, 461, 464, 555, 557 - 559, 599, 670, 675, 676, ESSON, JAMES (by) STEREO 227, 231, 473, 485 - 500, 513, 576, 765 683 ESSON, JAMES (by) MONO 501 - 503, 505, 506, 515, 516, 763, 764, 766 1861 -65 CIVIL WAR 77 - 93, 715, 716 EUROPE, EASTERN INC RUSSIA 7 - 9, 148, 557, 604 1870-71 FRANCO-PRUSSIAN WAR & PARIS COMMUNE 575 1914-18 WWI 818* (*smaller format glass) EXPEDITIONS MISC EXPEDITIONS, CUSTER 32 - 38 MINING 71, 105, 106, 162, 225, 298, 342 - 346, 394, 422 - 436, 498, 530, 586, EXPEDITIONS, HAYDEN 271, 272 592, 648, 662 - 665, 672, 697, 710, 733 EXPEDITIONS, HAYES (1861) 553 MINNESOTA, WISCONSIN, MICHIGAN 492, 530 - 539, 579, 582, 583, 585, EXPEDITIONS, POWELL 265 - 270 586, 730 EXPEDITIONS, WHEELER 137, 246 - 264 MISC GENERAL inc ALL WORLD (inc USA) 540 - 553, 758 - 762 MISC USA 578 - 593, 722 - 733 EXPOSITIONS & FAIRS MISC 538, 579, 585, 627, 628, 631, 632, 755 MONITOR SHIPS 40, 86, 88, 93 1855 PARIS 350, 815* (*Daguerreotype) *MONO IMAGES (*See separate Table of Contents down below.*) 1862 LONDON (GLASS) 813 MUSEUMS 399, 410, 415, 420, 518, 548, 605 1876 PHILADELPHIA 578, 581, 631 MUSIC 72, 73, 194, 400, 618, 666, 668 1885 NEW ORLEANS 630 NETHERLANDS (HOLLAND) & BELGIUM 1893 CHICAGO 291 - 298, 588, 629, 631, 633 - 635 NEVADA 345, 346 1894 CALIFORNIA MID-WINTER EXPO 636 - 638, 641 NEW HAMPSHIRE 1 - 6, 204 - 226, 303 - 320, 558, 725, 727 - 729 1900 PARIS 632 NEW YORK CITY 53, 54, 57, 58, 488, 508 - 515, 518, 520 - 528, 545, 551, 560, TORONTO EXHIBITIONS 227, 480 608, 610, 613, 614, 738, 773 1904 ST LOUIS 625 - 627, 640 NEW YORK CITY (NINETEEN 80s) 175 - 179 1933 CHICAGO 629, 631 NEW YORK STATE 52, 55, 56, 164 - 174, 488, 492, 507, 516, 517, 519, 529, 555 - 557, 584, 608, 609, 611 - 613, 615, 773, 804 FAMOUS 94 - 98, 107, 136, 201, 227, 238, 269, 272, 400, 438, 461, 557, 578, NORTH AMERICA SERIES OF 1859 (London Stereoscopic Co) 514, 517, 519, 616 - 624, 660, 685, 691, 693, 713, 724 577, 587, 780 FARMING 147, 227, 297, 469, 477, 589, 590, 662, 666, 722, 754 OCCUPATIONAL 10, 15, 66, 110, 134, 146, 150, 152, 205, 271, 317, 320, 332, FIRE DEPT 16, 56, 150, 288, 314, 330, 340, 357, 504*(*Mono), 588, 610 435, 436, 530, 537, 544, 547, 554, 589, 590, 592, 593, 603, 604, 648, 649, FISHING 22, 29, 30, 473 652, 655, 657, 692, 694, 695, 729, 732, 754 FRANCE 158, 352 - 356, 406 - 411, 545, 566 - 568, 571, 572, 598, 602, 677, OPIUM SMOKERS 61, 75, 163, 293 736, 814 ORIENT & EAST ASIA inc CHINA, also SOUTH PACIFIC & AUSTRALIA & NZ & FRATERNAL (Masonic, etc.) 11, 541, 605, 660 EVEN ANTARCTICA 59 - 76, 140, 144, 151, 163, 348, 524,
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