US 2013 O143320A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2013/0143320 A1 Li et al. (43) Pub. Date: Jun. 6, 2013 (54) METHODS AND COMPOSITIONS FOR (60) Provisional application No. 60/392,142, filed on Jun. MANIPULATING THE GUIDED NAVIGATION 27, 2002. OF ENDOTHELLALTUBES DURING ANGIOGENESIS Publication Classification (71) Applicants: Dean Y. Li, Salt Lake City, UT (US); (51) Int. Cl Kye Won Park, Salt Lake City, UT (US) CI2N5/071 (2006.01) (72) Inventors: Dean Y. Li, Salt Lake City, UT (US); C07K 4/705 (2006.01) Kye Won Park, Salt Lake City, UT (US) (52) U.S. Cl CPC ............ CI2N5/0691 (2013.01); C07K 14/705 (73) Assignee: University of Utah Research (2013.01) Foundation, Salt Lake City, UT (US) USPC ........................... 435/375:536/23.5; 530/350 (21) Appl. No.: 13/658,526 (57) ABSTRACT (22) Filed: Oct. 23, 2012 Methods and compositions for manipulating the directed Related U.S. Application Data navigation of physiological tracking tubular structures are .S. App provided. A novel cell-bound receptor, roundabout-4 (Robo (63) Continuation of application No. 12/975,160, filed on 4), is described. The Robo-4 receptor shows sequence and Dec. 21, 2010, now abandoned, which is a continu structural similarity to members of the roundabout family of ation of application No. 10/519,342, filed on Sep. 21, receptors. Also, the Robo-4 receptor binds Slit ligand, a 2005, now abandoned, filed as application No. PCT/ known receptor of the roundabout receptors. Polynucleotides US03/20508 on Jun. 27, 2003. and polypeptides of the Robo-4 receptor are described. Patent Application Publication Jun. 6, 2013 Sheet 1 of 6 US 2013/0143320 A1 Figure 1 embryo YS Ak1 +/- - - - - -l- Kb. 6.5 - 4.9 - 3.6 - east assage Robo4 26 -- 19 - 13 - O.9 - O.6 - 0.2 - Patent Application Publication Jun. 6, 2013 Sheet 2 of 6 US 2013/0143320 A1 Figure 2 E9.O *r Patent Application Publication Jun. 6, 2013 Sheet 3 of 6 US 2013/0143320 A1 Figure 3 M Robo 4 C) () () o a Zf Robo 4 HoH H Robo Ho 2 M. Rig-1 (Robo 3) Ho H. H. H. His Figure 4 fobo. 3 fobo2 fobo Robo 4 hobo 4 mRigi zRobo Robo Robo 1 Robo zRobo:3 2 obo Patent Application Publication Jun. 6, 2013 Sheet 4 of 6 US 2013/0143320 A1 Figure 5 Patent Application Publication Jun. 6, 2013 Sheet 5 of 6 US 2013/0143320 A1 Robo4-HEK Control-HEK 4. 4 g 3 g 3 2 2 2 2 C O 2 1 P 1 O O Control FGF HEKCM Slyc NOne FGF HEKCM Sisye Figure 6A Figure 6B Rob04-HEK Control-HEK 7.5 7.5 3 S; 5.0 50 2 2 C 2.5 C 2.5 f f O None FGF Slit-myc Slit-myc O None FGF Slit-myc Slit-myc CM CM CM CM None N-Robot None N-Robot depletion depletion Figure 60 Figure 6D Robo4-HEK Control-HEK 7.5 7.5 3 8 d 5.0 d 50 c 2.5 c 2.5 f f O Control FGF Slit-myc Slit-myc Slit-myc O None FGF Slit-myc Slit-myc Slit-myc CM CM CM CM CM CM Antic-myc Anti-HA Antic-myc Anti-HA depletion depletion Figure 6E Figure 6F Patent Application Publication Jun. 6, 2013 Sheet 6 of 6 US 2013/0143320 A1 12 8 4 None VEGF HEKCM Slit-myc CMSi-myc CMSlit-myc CMSt-myc CM Anti HA Anti-cmyc N-Robot -- depletion Figure 7 US 2013/0143320 A1 Jun. 6, 2013 METHODS AND COMPOSITIONS FOR 0006. Therefore, there is a need for compositions and MANIPULATING THE GUIDED NAVIGATION methods that are able to manipulate the navigation of physi OF ENDOTHELLALTUBES DURING ological tracking tubular structures, such as endothelial tubes, ANGOGENESIS such that the structures can be directed towards a desired tissue, or prevented from reaching a target tissue. FIELD OF THE INVENTION SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION 0001. The present invention relates to methods and com positions that are useful in manipulating the guidance of 0007. The present invention is directed at a guidance sys physiological tracking tubular structures, such as endothelial tem and methods that function to direct navigation of physi tubes. In preferred embodiments, the invention relates to ological tubular structures, such as endothelial tubes. The methods and compositions that are useful in manipulating the invention includes a novel cell-bound receptor, Roundabout 4 directed navigation of endothelial tubes, such as during (Robo-4), that is expressed in endothelial cells and interacts angiogenesis, during embryonic development and in the with a known ligand to affect directed navigation of endothe neovascularization of tumors and other cell masses and/or lial tubes during vascular development. Together, the Robo-4 tissues. More specifically, the present invention relates to a receptor and the ligand, the slit ligand, inhibit the directed guidance system that can be used to both direct endothelial navigation of endothelial tubes to target cell masses and/or tubes toward a target, such as ischemic tissue, and direct tubes tissues. Thus, the interaction between the Robo-4 receptor away from a target, Such as a solid tumor. and the slit ligand provides a repulsive cue that affects the guidance of tubular structures, such as endothelial tubes. As BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION described herein, the repulsive cue provided by Robo-4/slit interactions can be used to direct tubular structure both 0002 The vasculature provides a network of vessels that toward and away from a tissue or other cell mass of interest. efficiently delivers nutrients to and removes waste from tis 0008. The present invention is useful for a variety of pur sues of the body. This network extends throughout most of the poses. For example, the polynucleotides of the present inven body, reaching all major tissues, and consists of two distinct tion can be used for gene therapy, such as replacement of types of structures—arteries and veins. The arterial and defective copies of naturally occurring genes or provision of venous systems are parallel networks that function to deliver Supplemental genes. Furthermore, the polypeptides of the blood to a tissue and carry blood and waste away from tissues, present invention can be used in therapeutic procedures. For respectively. These two systems are anatomically distinct and example, the polypeptide encoding the receptor, or a frag connect at distal capillary beds. ment thereof, can be supplied to an environment in order to 0003. The network of vessels that comprise the arterial and compete with cell-bound receptors, thereby effectively low venous systems develops by a process of directed movement ering or preventing activation of the cell-bound receptors. of endothelial tubes to desired cell masses and/or tissues. Also, the various methods of the present invention are useful During embryogenesis, the initial vascular framework is in studying and treating conditions related to angiogenesis, defined by the de novo formation of the dorsal aortae and Such as ischemia and tumor growth. cardinal veins. Mature circulatory networks are formed when 0009. The inventors have identified and sequenced the endothelial tubes sprout from central vessels, navigate gene that encodes the receptor, identified at least one ligand through the embryo, and reach their target cell mass and/or for the receptor (the slit ligand), and identified sequence and tissue. Upon reaching the target, the tubes are able to Supply structural similarities between the novel receptor and a family blood as nourishment for the tissue. of existing receptors—the Roundabout family of receptors. 0004. This navigation of endothelial tubes is important not 0010. Also, the inventors have identified a function for the only during embryonic development when the vasculature is Robo-4 receptor. The receptor, following interaction with the first forming, but also in all physiological processes that slit ligand, inhibits the migration of endothelial tubes. The include the introduction of a blood Supply to a cell mass repulsive cue provided by Robo-4/slit interaction contributes and/or tissue. These processes include various disease condi to the directed navigation of endothelial tubes by steering the tions that are sustainable only because of the introduction of tubes away from a location having the ligand, such as a cell a blood Supply to a cell mass. Such as the Survival of a Solid expressing the ligand. cancerous tumor. The continued growth of a Solid tumor 0011. The Robo-4 receptor is expressed on sprouting requires the presence of a blood Supply that nourishes the endothelial tubes that form the perineural vasculature beds. cells of the tumor mass. Angiogenesis, a physiological pro The neural tubes produce and secrete the slit ligand. This cess in which new blood vessels are formed and directed into enables the directed navigation of the endothelial tubes away a target cell mass and/or tissue, is a critical step in tumor from the neural tubes. As a result of this negative cue and development and Survival. Accordingly, methods and com likely in combination with attractive cues, the endothelial positions that are able to interfere with this process could be tubes, through slit-Robo-4 binding interactions that result in useful in preventing the growth and/or Survival of tumors. directed navigation, form a vasculature network around the 0005. Other disease conditions exist in which the blood developing central nervous system. This interaction with the Supply to a particular tissue is blocked or otherwise impeded, central nervous system leads to the close association between thereby diminishing the Supply of nutrients to that particular the nervous and vasculature systems that is evident in both tissue.
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