10284 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE June 11, 2001 year old is one of the best defenseman These people are the most recogniz- by any State or local educational agency or to ever lace up the skates and he has a able names in the Avalanche’s organi- school that discriminates against the Boy spot waiting for him in the Hall of zation and are major contributors to Scouts of America in providing equal access Fame. The only thing eluding him dur- the team’s success. But, the total team to school premises or facilities. Helms amendment No. 648 (to amendment ing his illustrious career was Lord effort is what made the Avalanche vic- No. 574), in the nature of a substitute. Stanley’s Cup. Saturday night, I along torious. The entire team worked to- Dorgan amendment No. 640 (to amendment with the rest of the country saw what gether, went after and achieved a com- No. 358), expressing the sense of the Senate pure joy feels like when number 77 mon goal. Each team member deserves that there should be established a joint com- hoisted the Cup above his head. After to be recognized: Peter Forsberg, Dan mittee of the Senate and House of Represent- 1,826 games Ray Bourque can finally Hinote, Steve Reinprecht, Stephane atives to investigate the rapidly increasing call himself a World Champion. Yelle, Chris Dingman, Chris Drury, energy prices across the country and to de- I congratulate Ray Bourque and the termine what is causing the increases. Eric Messier, Ville Nieminen, Alex Hutchinson modified amendment No. 555 entire World Champion Colorado Ava- Tanguay, Milan Hejduk, Scott Parker, (to amendment No. 358), to express the sense lanche organization on a sensational Shjon Podein, Dave Reid, Rob Blake, of the Senate regarding the Department of year. Greg de Vries, Adam Foote, Jon Education program to promote access of Mr. CAMPBELL. Mr. President, Klemm, Bryan Muir, Nolan Pratt, Mar- Armed Forces recruiters to student directory today I recognize the members of the tin Skoula, David Aebischer, Jacques information. World Champion Colorado Avalanche Cloutier, and Bryan Trottier. Bond modified amendment No. 476 (to of the National Hockey League and The Avalanche’s defense also proved amendment No. 358), to strengthen early their outstanding Stanley Cup Finals childhood parent education programs. they are in an elite class. When push Feinstein modified amendment No. 369 (to victory this past weekend. came to shove, the defense only al- amendment No. 358), to specify the purposes The Colorado Avalanche has proven lowed 11 goals in the seven NHL final for which funds provided under subpart 1 of the value of dedication, preparation games against the New Jersey Devils, a part A of title I may be used. and execution as they played through team that is consistently one of the Reed amendment No. 431 (to amendment the regular hockey season, becoming strongest teams in the league. Defense No. 358), to provide for greater parental in- the 2000–01 Presidents’ Trophy winner, wins championships, and the Ava- volvement. which is awarded annually to the NHL lanche’s defense proved this to be true. Dodd/Biden further modified amendment No. 459 (to amendment No. 358), to provide club that compiles the league’s best It is a special honor for me to make regular season record, into the playoffs for the comparability of educational services this Senate floor statement to honor available to elementary and secondary stu- and in the Stanley Cup finals. As the Colorado Avalanche. Today I invite dents within States. defenseman Ray Bourque declared in my Senate colleagues to join me in Clinton modified amendment No. 516 (to the playoffs this was Mission 16W, 16 congratulating the Colorado Avalanche amendment No. 358), to provide for the con- wins to win the championship. in bringing Lord Stanley’s Cup back to duct of a study concerning the health and Most folks know how great of a team the Centennial State. learning impacts of sick and dilapidated pub- the Avalanche proved to be in winning Thank you, Mr. President. I yield the lic school buildings on children and to estab- its second cup in six seasons. In addi- lish the Healthy and High Performance floor. Schools Program. tion, the Colorado Avalanche players The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Pre- and the entire organization overcame siding Officer attended the game. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under the previous order, the Senator from injuries to key players and pulled to- f gether to win the championship. Their Missouri is recognized to call up younger players, the next generation of CONCLUSION OF MORNING amendment No. 476 on which there will all-stars for the Avalanche, also de- BUSINESS be 30 minutes of debate equally di- serve additional praise for their con- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Morning vided. tributions when they had to step up business is closed. Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, could I and take leadership roles. Great teams f take 1 minute? are measured by sustained success and The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- BETTER EDUCATION FOR the Colorado Avalanche has proven ator from Tennessee. STUDENTS AND TEACHERS ACT they are one of the premier teams in Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, I think the NHL. For the second time since The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under most people understand generally what coming to Colorado in 1995, the Colo- the previous order, the Senate will now the plans are. It will be, as I under- rado Avalanche has won Lord Stanley’s resume consideration of S. 1, which the stand, approximately 30 minutes on the Cup. A total team effort was exempli- clerk will report. Bond amendment, after which we will fied by the Colorado Avalanche this The assistant legislative clerk read be proceeding to the amendment of- season. as follows. fered by the Senator from Louisiana, Mr. President, I would also like to A bill (S. 1) to extend programs and activi- Ms. LANDRIEU. This afternoon, some- recognize several members of the Colo- ties under the Elementary and Secondary time after 5 o’clock, we will proceed to rado Avalanche organization for their Education Act of 1965. vote, as I understand it, on the outstanding achievements during this Pending: Landrieu amendment, followed by the past season. Specifically, Owner E. Jeffords amendment No. 358, in the nature Bond amendment. Stanley Kroenke, President and Gen- of a substitute. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- eral Manager Pierre Lacroix and Head Kennedy (for Dodd) amendment No. 382 (to ator is correct. Coach Bob Hartley for their proven amendment No. 358), to remove the 21st cen- Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, I yield ability to assemble the necessary play- tury community learning center program time as necessary to the Senator from from the list of programs covered by per- ers and develop powerful lines that Missouri. formance agreements. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- consistently provide victories for this Biden amendment No. 386 (to amendment franchise; Captain Joe Sakic, one of No. 358), to establish school-based partner- ator from Missouri. the best team leaders in the game ships between local law enforcement agen- AMENDMENT NO. 476 today and a top scoring threat in the cies and local school systems, by providing Mr. BOND. Mr. President, I thank the NHL; Goalie Patrick Roy, the anchor school resource officers who operate in and acting manager. I thank the Chair. of the defense and the first player to around elementary and secondary schools. I want to talk about an amendment win the Conn Smythe Trophy three Leahy (for Hatch) amendment No. 424 (to that I introduced some time ago and amendment No. 358), to provide for the estab- times, which is awarded to the most lishment of additional Boys and Girls Clubs which we will vote on later this after- valuable player of the playoffs; and of America. noon. The amendment itself is not very defenseman Ray Bourque, whose 22 sea- Helms amendment No. 574 (to amendment difficult and not very complex. It son quest for the cup is finally over. No. 358), to prohibit the use of Federal funds doesn’t have a major change. But it VerDate Aug 04 2004 15:20 Mar 21, 2005 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR01\S11JN1.000 S11JN1.
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