Click here for Full Issue of EIR Volume 1, Number 2, May 10, 1974 May 10, 1974 Page 7 CIA INVOLVED IN WATEBGl\IING OF WILLY In the aftermath of the Guillaume affair, SPD circles ., BRANDT are openly discussing the possibility that Brandt was set 1 up by Genschcr. Brandt repeatedly had been fed reports by Genscher and the BfV that close personal friends and associates were East German agents. May to (IPS) - The timing and publicity of the scandal The case of Leo Bauer is illustrative. Bauer was an ex­ over the espionage of one of Willy Brandt's top personal communist, a refugee from East Germany, through presidential aides strongly indicate' that the Central whom Brandt established the first contacts with the Intelligence Agency engineered thi.s successful attempt to Italian Communist Party which led to the Ostpolitik topple Brandt and, further, that the spy Gunther negotiations with the Soviet Union and Eastern Bloc. ! Gui laume was a double agent. Brandt repeatedly received reports. from the BfV that IPS Intelligence has uncovered material indicating Bauer was an East German agent. When Brandt ordered extraordinary circumstances around Guillaume's an exhaustive investigation it was revealed that. the security clearance in 1969 and 1970. Further suspicions allegations were baseless. have been aired in the EUl"'Jpean media. A journalist for S�mi'a' charges have been pcriodically levelled a. such the Aftonbladei; a Norwegian social democratic paper. Brandt colleagues as Egon Bahr and Herbert Wehner. In claims to have discussed the matter in Moscow with this atmosphere a short, unsubstantiated report that Soviet officials who told him that "This was a set-up for Guillaume was an East German agent would have been the KGB" (Soviet Intelligence). In Hungary, the offical dismissed by Brandt as BfV paranoia. Communist Party newspaper confirmed early in May Suspicions are that Genscher arranged for Brandt to that this was an espionage affair designed to wreck receive sketchy reports on Guillaume like those on detente:: and involved cooperation between the West Bauer, which Genscher knew Brandt would dismiss out German secret police, the FBI and the CIA-controlled of hand. Then, as Brandt approached the crucial Interpol. Italian television was equ�lIy blunt, stating elections in Lower Saxony which would determine the recently that "Brandt was put under pressure to resign future of the SPD, Genscher pulled out the full story on by certain foreign agencies." Guillaume to discredit Brandt completely and ensure the defeat of the SPD. Earmarks of a Set-Up Genscher: A "Clean" State The German press has published' a number of curious "facts" about the Guillaume case. The liberal German Evidence t�nds to confirm this view. It is reported in national paper Frankfurter Rundschau. for example, Der Spiegel ihat, when Genscher took the whole story to reported May 8 that secret coded messages sent to Brandt, the Interior Minister rejected any proposal to Brandt on his recent trip to Norway were decoded by the transfer Guillaume quietly to a nonsensitive post and West German Secret Police an(1 given to Guillaume. deal with him after the Lower Saxony elections. This is the same police agency that alerted Brandt about Genscher later related that he refused such a proposal Guillaume. saying that he would "not only keep the air clean, but the Other reports in the Frankfurter Rundschau May 7 state also." . describe the U.S. role in the Guillaume affair. The day Further, it is highly unlikely that Brandt, had he before Brandt's resignation, it is reported, a staff of known about Guillaume, would have taken him on the State Department experts was pulled together in critical campaign tour of Lower Saxony, exposing to the Washington to discuss "the situation in Bonn." Die public a man who would shortly be revealed as an East Welt, a Christian Democratic paper and the most German spy. respectable of Axel Springer's publications, noted May 7 As a result of the arrest, the opposition Christian that the .U.S. State Department released previously Democratic Union (CDU) and Franz-Josef Strauss' secret Office of Strategic Service material May 6, which Bavarian stronghold, the Christian Social Union (CSU), included information connecting Brandt to an OSS demanded a parliamentary inquiry and debate. CDU agent during W� r1d War II. chairman Karl Carstens, attempting to generate a In the early days of the scandal both the Frankfurter "security scandal," remarked that Guillaume was "the Allgemeine Zeitung and the London Observer reported a most important and best placed agent" yet uncovered in , . rumor that Guillaume had been an agent of the West Germany.· Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND - the West German secret police, at that time i.eaded by ex-Nazi General, Genscher's Western Friends Reinhard Gehlen); in East Germany and had been "turned" into a double agent by the East German During this debate Genscher revealed that Guillaume Ministry of State Security (Stasi). had been under surveillance for "over a year" and that Guenther Guillaum�, the Personal Assistant to the . the information leading to the investigation had been Chancellor for Party Affairs, was arrested two weeks ago provided by "a friendly Western intelligence service." on charges or espionage . for East Germany by the Brandt, attempting to save his position, announced BUlldesverfassungsschutz (BfV - Federal Office for that he had known about Guillaume since the beginning, the Protection of the Constitution, the West German but had gone along with Genscher in allowing him to FBI) and the Bundeskriminalamt (Federal Criminal retain his post so as to lead the BfV to other agents. Office). Both agencies are under the control of Interior Minister Hans Dietrich Genscher, a leader of the FDP The CIA's German Watergate (Free Democratic Party) and a known .participant in Rockefeller cabal activities in Germany. Recently The effective control of both the BND and the BfV by Genscher reorganized the border police - Bundesgren-: the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency is a known fact. In zschuetzpolizei - along the lines of Brigadier General the case of the BND, it was founded as a joint U.S.­ . Frank Kitson's low-intensity counterinsurgency forces. German venture by CIA.pirector Allen )ulles and ex- © 1974 EIR News Service Inc. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission strictly prohibited. ..J Page 8 May 10, 1974 Nazi General Reinhard Gehlen. At t'<· �t was German anti-Soviet counterintelligence in the BND by known as the Gehlen Organization or Gchh ,I "C,'g" and ex-Nazi Gehlen. While in this post Felfe gave to the was essentially a retread of Hitler's Fremc1, !J(',.. cs Ost USSR photocopies of the BND card-index of officials (Foreign Armies East - FHO), the Wehmlacht office and agents, the names and addresses of the BND responsible for intelligence-gathering and evaluation on resid�nts (overseas espionage supervisors), lists of BND the Eastern Front during World War IT. h,'?n"r\ ('ven agents and their covers in Eastern Europe. and all the then by Gehlen. top-secret internal memoranda of the BND. Most The present head of the BND. Lt. General Gerhard significantly, Felfe was responsible for passing on Soviet Wessel (then a Lt. Colonel) was one of Gehlen's top aides "disinformation" - false information designed to in the FHO. On July 11. 1955. the Gehlen "Org" became mislead spiced with a minimum of true information to an official agency of the Federal Republic at the urging give it credibility. In fact. as admitted by General Gehlen of CDU Chancellor Konrad Adenauer and State­ himself, Felfe's reports provided the basis for Chancellor Secretary Hans Globke. Similarly. the Btv was founded Adenauer's entire policy toward the Soviet Union and with the close assistance of the CIA and the U.S. Army Eastern Europe. Counterintelligence Corp!> through the American Espionage cases such as these put the Guillaume affair Military government, in which the future Btv head Otto into more realistic perspective. John was prominent. Why Now With such ties and the known involvement of Genscher in Rockefeller cabal activities in Germany, it is If Genscher knew about Guillaume's activities fO.r ,:!v�� not hard to imagine just, what "friendly Western a year, why did he choose to reveal them at this time? intelligence service" provided the tip on Guillaume. It is c1�ar tothe Rockefeller interests in Europe that a stable German government under Willy Brandt and the "Most Important and Best Placed" SPD, regardless of how rightist or collaborationist it might be, would endanger any plans for fascist onslaught The ensuing scandal, fanned by Genscher and the by NATO troops anywhere else in Europe. The reason CDU, has led to the characterization of the - Guillaume for this is simple: such an onslaught would catalyze the , affair as "the greatest espionage affair in the history of entire left-wing of Brandt's party around resistance to the Federal Republic," according to Der Spiegel. While military fascism and force Brandt to take measures to Guillaume's predecessor Peter Reuschenbach admitted, resist. A Social Democratic regime, no matter how weak­ contrary to original reports, that Guillaume did have willed, cannot ignore an enraged working-class access to classified documents, it is by no means true, as population in this period and hope to continue to rule. CDU, Chairman Carstens suggested, that the SPD has Therefore, it is a sine que non of Rockefeller's plot to produced the "'most important and best placed" East remove Willy Brandt and the SPD from effective control German agent. More significant, in fact, have been the of the West German government. agents discovered in previous CDU governments. Two Further, this issue is being used to discredit Brandt's examples folfow: entire Ostpolitik.
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