20 — MANCHESTER HERALD. Monday. Aug. 28. 1989 I APARTMENTS [APARTMENTS STORE AND R | 1 miscellaneous [SPORTING MISCELLANEOUS [CARS [CARS FOR RENT FOR RENT OFFICE SPACE i S J SERVICES GOODS FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE COVENTRY - 3'/? room, MANCHESTER - Nice 2 OFFICE Bright and GSL Building Mainte­ Abortion GOLF Clubs. Used starter TDYDTA 1982 Corolla SR- DDDGE Coronet 1975 - Oil Can bedroom apartment. sunny, spacious, VII- clean. Carpeted, heat nance Co. Commercl- and full sets. $25 to $95. E N D R O L L S 5. 75K, new tires, Needs minor repair. looe Colonial $600 monthly. Security and air conditioning, al/ResIdentlal building Also miscellaneous Gold. First $250 takes 27V&" width — 25« clutch, battery, radia­ $560/month. 456-0064 or and references. Call electricity Included. repairs and home Im­ clubs. 649-1794._______ tor, front brakes, en­ It. 649-8527.__________ Secret network 742-6715._____________ 645-8201. 390 square feet. $310. provements. Interior SEKAI Men's ten speed 13" width — 2 for 25C gine and body excel­ DATSUN 310 1982 - Two Generic drug Boyd shows plenty Thirty Locust Street. 4 MANCHESTER - Nice per month. Call 646- and exterior painting, bicycle, excellent con­ Newsprint end rolls can be lent. $2,500 or best door hatchback, 4- room heated apart­ modern 2 bedroom 4440 days or 646-1077 light carpentry. Com­ picked up at the Manchester offer. 643-6632. in New Britain outing /3 is proposed /8 dition. $100 firm. 649- Herald ONLY before 11 a m speed. Good condition, under fire /7 ment 1st floor. Secur­ apartment In tour fam­ evenings. plete janitorial ser­ 4552. with sun roof, AM /FM vice. Experienced, rel­ Monday through Thursday TDYDTA Corona 1975 - ity. No pets. $650 ily house. Appliances MANCHESTER - 300-700 HEALTH 8. Fitness (Ex­ Runs good but needs casettc. $1800. 62,800 and parking. $500 plus sq.ft, new office spaces iable, tree estimates. monthly. 646-2426.9om- 643-0304._____________ ercise equipment) some body work. $150. miles. 644-6870.______ 5pm weekdays.______ utilities. 647-1113 offer lust completed. Excep­ Marcy EMI Exercise 646-3013.____________ 6pm. tional location off CHEVIE Camaro 1985 - VERNON. For limited COMPUTER mochine with butterfly You'll find the help you V-6, tuned-port Inlec- MANCHESTER - Three Spencer Street, exit oft Instruction, analysis, programs SALES time only enloy a free attachment. Barbell need In Classified. 643- tlon, 5 speed, air, color television with bedroom duplex on 384 at the cross roads of writtsn. weight set 500 lbs. with Manchester, Glaston­ D.P. profsssionai with 25 yaars of 2711. power steering and signed lease. Modern quiet dead end street. axparlanca in computar ayatams bench. 646-7499.______ NOTICE. Connecticut Gen­ $725 plus utilities and bury and East Hart­ D LDSM D B ILE Cutlass brakes. AM/FM . 82K. spacious 1 bedroom from micro's to mainframas la eral Statute 23-65 prohibits 646-9826. apartment. Eat-In kit­ security. No pets! 643- ford. All utilities In­ avallablt for part tima/avaning PLAYER PIANOS are In the posting of odvertlse- Supreme 1978 - Six cy­ chen, large bedroom, 0089. cluded. call 649-2748 or work. Individuallztd Instruction or demand. It you hove one ments by any person, firm or linder, automatic, 18K, private balcony, stor­ 649-0593._____________ htip on your P.C. at homa to halp you do not use, why not corporation on a telegraph, $400. 646-0454.________ I AUTOS FOR MANCHESTER - Imme­ you gat startad or. for butinats, exchange It for cash with telephone, electric light or age, large pool, heat diate occupancy. MAIN Street office space, 'near friandly' programs writtsn, HDNDA Civic Wagon 1981 RENT/LEA8E and hot water Included. 537 sq.ft. Air condition­ systams/businass analysis studlas a want ad. power pole or to o tree, Large 4 rooms, heat, with claarly dafirtad goals draftsd. shrub, rock, or any other - Good condition. $650 Starting at $495. Call hot water and applian­ ing, heat and parking NO CHARGE FOR INITIAL V4 noturol oblect without o w rit­ or best offer. 647-1260 870-9665.____________ ces. Security required. Included. $390 month. HOUR INTERVIEW To datarmlna [MUSICAL ten permit for the purpose of evenings.___________ both your naads and if I can bs of iim uliPBlpr U prali M ANCHESTER - One No pets! 646-2970. Peter's Building. 646- ITEMS protecting Itorthepubllcond 2364.________________ assistanca. carries o tine of up to $50 for DPEL Manta 1973 - Good AUTO bedroom apartment, NEWER 3 bedroom du­ each offense. running condition. heat, hot water and plex, appliances, wall- MANCHESTER - Main 649-6763 PIAND Spinet, Cherry $300. 646-1768.________ RENTAL appliances Included. Street location. 1700 wood, restorable or MZiUme Sale-1353 Burn- to-wall carpet, quiet slde Avenue, Apt. B-6, AUDI 4000S 1986 - Five $475 per month. 649- street. No pets. $750 sq.ft, of dividable [ANTIQUES/ creative furniture. $50. 643-0129 8365. space. Private oft 649-1819. August 26th-September speed, air condition, plus utilities. Plus se­ I COLLECTIBLES 2. 10am-8pm. Every­ power steerlng- EAST HARTFORD - One curity. Available Sep- street parking. First R e a s o n a b le Tuesday, Aug. 29, 1989 floor convenience. $9 thing goes. Furniture, /brakes. All options. bedroom, heat and hot tember 1st. 649-1092. MISCELLANEOUS - [MISCELLANEOUS household, miscellane­ Excellent condition. water Included. Wall- per so ft. Sentry Real ous Items. 454 Main Street - Three Estate, 643-4060. Ptaltrgratf "York- I FOR SALE Driginal owner. $9,500. to-wall. Near park. room apartment. $500 towne" dish set collec­ 649-2210 otter 6pm. Call 528-2914. plus utilities, no pets. MANCHESTER - Main tion, many extras. Street location. Lease DNE Way airline ticket. [CARS BUICK Electra Estate MANCHESTER - Availa­ Security. 646-2426. 9am- Excellent condition. Wagon 1982 - Good [CARS 5pm weekdoys.______ entire second floor or Hartford to Denver, ble September 1st. 2 646-7499. CD. September 4, FOR SALE condition. $2900. 646- bedroom apartment on Individual offices. Heat FOR SALE BOLTON - Furnished Included. Oft street 7:35am $80. Call 646- 2005, leave message. Spring expansion the 2nd floor. Applian­ Ranch, quiet lake School opening smooth 1489. ces Included. Laundry front. September to parking available. $11 I FURNITURE facilities available $600 June lease. 2 bed­ per sa.ft. Sentry Real per month. No utilities. Estote. 643-4060______ rooms, washer/dryer, BEER Barrel Table, 4 647-9072 evenings. dish washer, 2 working [CARS sparks optimism No problems When you call Classified beer barrel chairs, COVENTRY - Quiet adults preferred. No to place an ad, a friendly $150. Queen size sleeper FOR SALE neighborhood. One pets! 2 months secur­ Ad-VIsor will answer your sofa, $1,50. Bond dinette downturn. bedroom apartment. ity. $650 plus oil and call ond help you word set-white formica ta­ WASHINGTON (AP) - The are foreseen I I Carpeted. $450 per utilities. 643-9382 or 646- your od tor best response. ble, 2 chairs, $50. Mag- U.S. economy expanded at an The White House was sure to month. Two months 8014 643-2711. navox Stereo, In Wal­ annual rate of 2.7 percent in be cheered by the upward security. No dogs. Call BOB R ILEY MANCHESTER - Occu­ nut cabinet, $50. Call the spring, significantly faster revision since more robust By Nancy Concelman 742-0569.____________ 643-7840. pancy September 1st. [ROOMMATES OLDSMOBILE than previously believed, the economic growth makes it Manchester Herald ONE bedroom, applian­ Four rooms, 1st floor, FURNITURE - Living 259 Adams St, Manch. easier to meet the administra­ ces, $430. Prime center heat, hot water and WANTED government said today in a room. Oak bedroom, report that further dispelled tion’s deficit-reduction goals. location. For 1 person, appliances. No pets! dining room, end and 6 4 9 -1 7 4 9 Road construction caused bus deposit, references. No Security required. 646- ROOMMATE Wanted- recession fears. In more good news, today’s delays of five to 10 minutes in $320 month. Share 5 solid cherry coffee ta­ pets. Available Imme- 2970. bles, Curio cabinet, New 1989 PRE-OWNED HONDA'S The Commerce Department report showed that inflation some areas, but overall, the first dlatley. 649-9287. room apartment. Coll did not worsen even though anytime leave mes- "much more". All Cutlass Ciera said the increase in the gross » ’ VV day of school today for thousands LIKE private home. 3'/2 saoe 646-7898 Items new and In excel­ 1988 HONDA PRELUDE 4 Wheel Drive Steering ............. »149 9 5 national product, the broadest growth was stronger than of students in Manchester public [HOMES lent condition. Call for 4 Dr. Sedan rooms. Lease. Secur­ 1986 HONDA ACCORD Hatchback .1923 * 7995 measure of economic health, originally thought. 1' schools went smoothly, according ity. Working single FOR RENT GENERAL detolls 646-7499._______ Stock #9410 was a full percentage point An inflation gauge tied to the male preferred. 643- 79 9 5 to school officials. SERVICES Tilt Int. Wipere, AC 4 Seasoa 1986 HONDA ACCORD 4 Door #1942 * higher than its original esti­ GNP rose at an annual rate of 2880. [MACHINERY DIv. Bench Seal, rear Defogger, Most of the bus delays were in MANCHESTER - Six 5995 5.1 percent from April through MANCHESTER - One rooms, 3 bedrooms. I AND TOOLS P185^5R14 WW Tiree, ^5 Liter 1986 HONDA CIVIC Hatchback »2004 .......... » mate made a month ago. the North End, where North Main MARK'S Plano Tuning EFI L4 (Tech IV), AT, Compoelte The initial report had put June, down slightly from an Street, Tolland Turnpike and bedroom, carpet, ap­ Fenced In yard. Deck. Service -15 years expe­ 1985 HONDA ACCORD Hatchback -2049 * 6995 pliances, laundry facil­ Closed In front porch. Halogen Headlamps.
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