G356 Trocaire and Dev Education:Layout 1 02/02/2009 13:32 Page 1 TRÓCAIRE AND DEVELOPMENT EDUCATION: Remembering the Past, Signposting the Future SHEILA DILLON G356 Trocaire and Dev Education:Layout 1 02/02/2009 13:32 Page 2 Trócaire and Development Education: Remembering the Past, Signposting the Future © Trócaire 2009 Editor: Fergus Mulligan Trócaire The Irish Catholic Agency for World Development Maynooth, Co. Kildare, Ireland Tel. +353 1 629 3333; fax +353 1 629 0661 e-mail: [email protected] Trócaire website: www.trocaire.org Dublin City Resource Centre 12 Cathedral Street, Dublin 1 Tel/Fax: + 353 1 874 3875 Northern Ireland Resource Centre 50 King Street, Belfast BT1 6AD Tel. + 44 28 9080 8030 Fax. +44 28 9080 8031 Trócaire Resource Centre 9 Cook Street, Cork Tel. + 353 21 427 5622 Fax. +353 21 427 1874 Trócaire’s Resource Centres, in Belfast, Cork and Dublin, contain a range of development education materials for students, teachers and those interested in global development issues. Advice on the best use of these resources is also available through Trócaire’s education team. Designed and printed by Genprint (Ireland) Ltd. G356 Trocaire and Dev Education:Layout 1 02/02/2009 13:32 Page 3 Contents Foreword LLLLLLLLLLLJustin Kilcullen 5 Chapter 1 Introduction 7 Chapter 2 The Beginnings of Trócaire’s Development Education Programme 9 Chapter 3 Primary Education 15 Chapter 4 Early Years Education 21 Chapter 5 Post-primary Education 25 Chapter 6: Youth 31 Chapter 7 Adult Education 35 Chapter 8: Trade Unionists 39 Chapter 9: The Wider Development Education Community 41 Chapter 10: Trócaire and Development Education – the Way Forward 43 APPENDICES Appendix 1 L Trócaire Lenten Campaign Themes 44 Appendix 2 L Trócaire Development Education Timeline – Some Key Events 45 Appendix 3 LLLLTrócaire Development Education Resources and Publications 47 Appendix 4 List of Abbreviations 50 Appendix 5 Acknowledgements Trocaire Resource Centres 52 G356 Trocaire and Dev Education:Layout 1 02/02/2009 13:33 Page 4 6 Development education is an active and creative process which facilitates critical thinking in relation to global inequality and engages with a variety of perspectives. ’ Trócaire s understanding is informed by our values of solidarity, participation, perseverance, courage and accountability. Development education is built on awareness, analysis, reflection and action for justice and change. Villagers pouring water at a water storage tank in Belet Amin, Somalia. G356 Trocaire and Dev Education:Layout 1 02/02/2009 13:33 Page 5 5 Foreword Since the Catholic Bishops of Ireland has been achieved in bringing development established Trócaire in 1973, developing an education in from the periphery where it understanding of the inequalities of our world began in the mid-1980s. This is seen and the inherent responsibilities particularly in the formal education sector accompanying this understanding have been where both the content and methodologies an integral part of Trócaire’s work. While of development education are in evidence committing to support long-term across the curriculum and integrated into the development projects in the poorest specific curricular area of Civic Social and countries and to respond in times of Political Education at junior post-primary humanitarian crises, it was recognised that level. Much has also been done in the non- more was required to tackle the inequalities formal sector, not just directly through which prevail in our world. There was a need Trócaire’s development education to respond not just as a matter of charity but programme but also through the broad range also as a matter of simple justice. of non-governmental organisations, many of which Trócaire has supported. To reflect this commitment 20% of our core 6 Justin Kilcullen funding, largely generated by the Lenten This resource provides Trócaire with the Campaign, was dedicated to raising opportunity to look backwards in order to awareness amongst the public of these look forwards. It endorses the need to crucial issues. Development education respond to change and to evolve to remain became a core part of this work. relevant into the future. It is hoped that it will not only contribute to a record of the Trócaire’s development education breadth of work undertaken through programme was influenced both by the Trócaire’s education programme over the last global context in which it evolved and also by 35 years but will be useful to the wider the educational opportunities with which it development education sector as it reflects engaged at home. Development education is some of the curricular changes, evolution of an important tool in making sense of the methodology and approaches which have complex issues which prevail in our ever- shaped and been shaped by development changing world. It is concerned with engaging education. people in exploring some of these global issues in the context of inequalities. Finally, this resource is a testimony to the Development education contributes to the contribution of the many individuals, groups development of analytical skills, to an and organisations that have contributed to exploration of values, attitudes and Trócaire’s work in development education. I perspectives and to an engagement with would like to acknowledge the work of the issues of inequality. It is also about many people who have been involved understanding how people are responding to through participation on advisory groups, in the issues at community and national level partnerships or in specific programmes over showing that they are not powerless but the last 35 years. In particular, I would like to active in bringing about change within their thank our overseas partners and those they own societies. It is also about our own support who have lent their stories and There was a need to responsibilities as global citizens in an perspectives and facilitated a realistic unequal world. exploration of the many challenges and respond not just as a successes of addressing the inequalities in The context for development education here our world. matter of charity but in Ireland is also in a constant state of also as a matter of change. The educational context has Justin Kilcullen presented many opportunities and challenges Director simple justice. for development education. Much progress Trócaire G356 Trocaire and Dev Education:Layout 1 02/02/2009 13:33 Page 6 6 Development education is an important tool in making sense of the complex issues which prevail in our ever-changing world. Children from the Mirera Primary School, Kenya. G356 Trocaire and Dev Education:Layout 1 02/02/2009 13:33 Page 7 7 CHAPTER 1 Introduction Trócaire will try to make us all more aware of the needs of these countries and our duties towards them. Bishops of Ireland on Development, 1973 The Bishops of Ireland established Trócaire, The Church considers it to be • Mass communications – press, radio, the Irish Catholic Agency for World undoubtedly important to build up television, publications, Development, in 1973 to express the structures which are more human, more documentation, speakers. Lenten Church’s concern for the injustices and just, more respectful of the rights of the Campaign materials were an inequalities which affect the poor person, less oppressive and less important component as they reached throughout the Third World.1 Its dual enslaving. every home in the country. mandate was as follows: Evangelii Nuntiandi quoted by Cahal B. Daly, Bishop of Down and Connor, on • Sectoral education included links with Abroad, it will give whatever helps lies Trócaire’s 10th anniversary, 1983 groups such as trade unions, teachers within its resources to the areas of and schools involving information greatest need among the developing The allocation of 20% of income to bulletins and publications and countries. development education was one of the curriculum development activities. At home, it will try to make us all more distinguishing characteristics of Trócaire and aware of the needs of these countries and its perspective on underdevelopment and • Research and publications covered our duties towards them.These duties are justice. There was a belief that unless there areas such as Ireland’s Overseas no longer a matter of charity but of was public awareness of development and Development Aid programme, simple justice. the political will to bring about greater European Economic Community development policy, free trade zones Bishops of Ireland on Development, 1973 justice there would be little change in the relationships between rich and poor and agricultural protectionism. To fulfil this mandate, Trócaire spent its countries. “Trócaire’s Work”, Information for Irish resources in the following way: 70% on long Missionaries, 1985 term development, 10% on emergency relief Our conviction has been reinforced that (outside of special appeals) and 20% on aid programmes abroad can never in Thus from its foundation Trócaire had a development education. themselves solve the problems of the direct mandate and a clear understanding of developing world. Mobilising public the role of development education in its The earth and its good things belong to opinion to encourage understanding of work for justice. I all the people of the earth and no nation the issues of development, an increase in has the right to build its own prosperity foreign aid, a more just approach to upon the misery of others. It is our trade, a conversion of hearts, a change of Christian duty as individuals to share our lifestyle are essential tasks for an agency wealth and to help our needy brothers. It such asTrócaire. is equally our Christian duty to demand “Trócaire’s Work”, Information for Irish that the political authorities representing Missionaries, 1985 us act always with justice and responsibility towards less fortunate The public needed to be educated to win countries and be prepared to use all support for these initiatives in favour of the means necessary to this end.
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