Education and Sports Sector Semi-Annual Monitoring Report Financial Year 2018/19 April 2019 Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development P.O.Box 8147, Kampala www.finance.go.ug TABLE OF CONTENTS ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ................................................................................. II FOREWORD ............................................................................................................................ V EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ..................................................................................................... VI CHAPTER 1: BACKGROUND .............................................................................................. 1 1.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Sector Objective ................................................................................................................... 1 1.3 Sector Outcomes and Priorities ............................................................................................ 2 CHAPTER 2: METHODOLOGY .......................................................................................... 3 2.1. Scope ................................................................................................................................... 3 2.2. Sampling ............................................................................................................................. 3 2.4 Data Analysis ....................................................................................................................... 3 2.5 Limitations of the report ...................................................................................................... 4 CHAPTER 3: SECTOR PERFORMANCE .......................................................................... 5 3.2 Ministry of Education and Sports (Vote 013) ...................................................................... 6 3.2.1 Pre-primary and Primary Education Programme .............................................................. 6 3.2.2 Secondary Education Programme ................................................................................... 11 3.2.3 Higher Education Programme......................................................................................... 14 3.2.4 Skills Development Programme ..................................................................................... 19 3.2.5 Quality and Standards Programme ................................................................................. 30 3.2.6 Special Need Education Programme .............................................................................. 37 3.3 National Curriculum Development Centre (Vote 303) ...................................................... 40 3.4 Public Universities ............................................................................................................. 43 3.5 Transfers to Local Governments (Votes: 500-850) ........................................................... 84 3.6 Best Practices in Service Delivery ..................................................................................... 88 CHAPTER 4: CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ....................................... 93 4.1 CONCLUSION ....................................................................................................................... 93 4.2 RECOMMENDATION ............................................................................................................. 93 REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................ 94 ANNEXES .................................................................................................................................. 95 I ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ADB African Development Bank AfDB African Development Bank AIA Appropriation in Aid AIDS Acquire Immune Deficiency Syndrome APL Adaptable Programme Lending BADEA Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa BMAU Budget Monitoring and Accountability Unit BMZ German Federal Ministry of Economic cooperation and Development Bn Billion BoQs Bills of Quantities BTVET Business, Technical, Vocational Educational and Training CAO Chief Administrative Officer D/CAO Deputy Chief Administrative Officer DEO District Education Officer DIS District Inspector of Schools DLG District Local Government DLGs District Local Governments ESC Education Service Commission GoU Government of Uganda HEST Higher Education, Science and Technology HESFB Higher Education Students Financing Board HIV Human Immune Virus IFMS Integrated Financial Management System IgFTR Intergovernmental Fiscal Transfer Reforms IMG Instructional Material Grant IPC Interim Payment Certificate ISSIS Electronic Integrated School Inspection ITEK Institute of Teacher Education Kyambogo JAB Joint Admission Board JICA Japan International Cooperation Agency JKIST John Kale Institute of Science and Technology KCCA Kampala Capital City Authority KfW German Financial Cooperation (KfW Bankengruppe) Km Kilo Meter KMS Knowledge Management Systems MDGs Millennium Development Goals MGLSD Ministry of Gender Labour and Social Development MHM Menstrual Hygiene Management MLA Monitoring the Learning Achievements MoES Ministry of Education and Sports MoU Memorandum of Understanding MoUs Memoranda of Understanding MPS Ministerial Policy Statement MTEF Medium Term Expenditure Framework MUBS Makerere University Business School II MUST Mbarara University of Science and Technology MW Mega Watts NCHE National Centre for Higher Education NCDC National Curriculum Development Centre NDP National Development Plan NDP II National Development Plan II NHATC National High Altitude Training Centre NTC National Teachers College NTR Non Tax Revenue PES Physical Education and Sports PIP Public Investment Plan PLwDs Persons Living with Disabilities PCR Pupil Classroom Ratio PDR Pupil Desk Ratio PTR Pupil Text book Ratio PSR Pupil- Stance Ratio PTA Parent- Teacher Association PTR Pupil Teacher Ratio Q Quarter Q1 Quarter one Q2 Quarter Two Q3 Quarter Three Q4 Quarter Four RAP Resettlement Action Plan SACCO Savings and credit Cooperative Societies S/C Sub-County SESEMAT Secondary Science Education and Mathematics Teachers SFG School Facilities Grant SMCs School Management Committees SNE Special Needs Education SPEDA Skills for Production, Employment and Development Project T/I Technical Institute TOR Terms of Reference ToTs Trainer of Trainees TVET Technical Vocational Education and Training UGIFT The Uganda Inter-Governmental Fiscal Transfer Program UNEB Uganda National Examination Board UNISE Uganda National Institute for Special Needs Education UPE Universal Primary Education UPIK Uganda Petroleum Institute Kigumba UPK Uganda Polytechnic- Kyambogo UPOLET Universal Post ‘O’ Level Education and Training UPPET Universal Post Primary Education and Training USE Universal Secondary Education UTC Uganda Technical College UTSEP Uganda Teacher and School Effectiveness Project VACIS Violation against Children in Schools VAT Value Added Tax VC Vice Chancellor VF Vote Function III WHT With Holding Tax Wi-Fi Wireless (Internet) Networking IV FOREWORD Over the years, the Government has implemented a number of interventions that have led to substantial progress in economic growth and national development which is now projected at 6.3% this Financial Year 2018/19 up from 6.1% attained last Financial Year 2017/18. As Government continues to pursue strategies for sustained growth and development, we should step up efforts in monitoring government programs and projects, to ensure that they are implemented in time and cost and any obstacles identified and addressed. This report from the Budget Monitoring and Accountability Unit points to fair performance among the sectors monitored. It shows that most sectors achieved between 60%-79% of their planned semi-annual output targets. The fair performance points to the need for proper planning and commencement of procurement processes in time. This has resulted in slow absorption of funds and ultimately inadequate service delivery. The sectors now have a quarter of the financial year to make good the promises made in terms of output and outcome targets. This is to urge all sectors to review the report and take necessary corrective actions to ensure effectiveness by end of the financial year. V EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Introduction The sector comprises of 15 central Votes that is; Ministry of Education and Sports (MoES- Vote 013), Education Service Commission (Vote 132), Makerere University (Vote 136), Mbarara University (Vote 137), Makerere University Business School (Vote 138), Kyambogo University (Vote 139), Uganda Management Institute, (UMI-Vote 140), Gulu University (Vote 149), Busitema University (Vote 111), Muni University (Vote 127), Uganda National Examination Board (UNEB – Vote 128), Lira University (Vote 301), National Curriculum Development Centre (NCDC-Vote 303), Soroti University (Vote 308) and Kabale University (Vote 307). In addition, the Sector has transfers to Local Governments (LGs) including Kampala Capital City Authority KCCA (Votes 501-580). The transfers include five LG grants namely; the District Primary Education including the School Facilities Grant (SFG); the District Secondary School grant; the District Tertiary Institutions Grant; the District Health Training Schools Grant and KCCA Education Grant. This report reviews selected key programmes
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