Virginia Commonwealth University VCU Scholars Compass VCU Bulletins VCU University Archives 1998 Virginia Commonwealth University Graduate Bulletin Virginia Commonwealth University Follow this and additional works at: http://scholarscompass.vcu.edu/vcubulletins © Virginia Commonwealth University Downloaded from http://scholarscompass.vcu.edu/vcubulletins/5 This Bulletin is brought to you for free and open access by the VCU University Archives at VCU Scholars Compass. It has been accepted for inclusion in VCU Bulletins by an authorized administrator of VCU Scholars Compass. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Graduate Bulletin • 1998 - 1999 xiii Message from the President It is my pleasure to welcome you to Virginia Commonwealth University. With more than $96 million in annual research funding, VCU has been ranked by the Carnegie Foundation as one of the nation’s top research universities and is one of only three such universities in the Commonwealth. More than 22,700 undergraduate, gradu- ate, professional, and doctoral students pursue 157 degree programs, including post- graduate certificate programs, at the University’s Academic and Medical College of Virginia Campuses in downtown Richmond. Forty-four of the University’s programs are unique in Virginia, and a number of its professional and graduate programs have been nationally ranked for excellence by U.S. News & World Report. VCU is in progress with Phase II of A Strategic Plan for the Future of Virginia Commonwealth University, the goal of which is to enhance the University’s stature as one of the nation’s leading research universities. Strategic projects have included estab- lishing a new School of Engineering, which has been an important factor in attracting the microelectronics industry to the state. The University also is developing the Virginia Biotechnology Research Park in collaboration with business, civic, and government lead- ers. When it is fully developed, the Research Park will cover 34 acres in downtown Richmond and employ an estimated 3,000 professional and technical personnel. VCU’s MCV Campus supports MCV Hospitals, an authority of the Commonwealth and the academic health center’s major clinical teaching and research facility. In 1998, MCV Hospitals was ranked in the annual study, 100 Top Hospitals: Benchmarks for Success, which identifies U.S. hospitals that deliver the highest quality and most cost-efficient health care. VCU is an extraordinary institution, and we are proud that you are part of the excite- ment here. Best wishes with your graduate program of study. Sincerely, Eugene P. Trani President P IA R T Graduate Studies at Virginia Commonwealth University William L. Dewey, BS, MS, PhD Vice President for Research and Graduate Studies Jack L. Haar, BS, MS, PhD Dean, School of Graduate Studies Sherry T. Sandkam, BA, MBA, PhD Associate Dean, School of Graduate Studies The University hospital, and as published in scholarly journals. VCU maintains active communications with its growing cadre Virginia Commonwealth University is a state-support- of alumni and enjoys a cooperative and stimulating rela- ed institution with an enrollment of more than 20,000 tionship with the city of Richmond which encompasses un d e r g r a d u a t e , gr a d u a t e , and health professions stu- the arts, the business community, the architectural com- dents studying on its two campuses in Richm o n d , munity, and local government. Today, VCU operates a Vir g i n i a . The Medical College of Virginia Campus is major teaching hospital and is composed of one college, located near the financial, go v e r n m e n t a l , and shopping 10 schools, and the School of Graduate Studies. These areas of downtown Richm o n d ; the Academic Campus is academic units offer 52 undergraduate, 14 post-bac- two miles west in Richm o n d ’ s historic Fan District, a res- calaureate certificate, 59 master’s, 5 post-master’s cer- idential area which dates from the nineteenth century. tificates, and 22 PhD programs. The University also The University takes its founding date as 1838, the offers first professional degrees in medicine, dentistry, year in which the Medical College of Virginia was creat- and pharmacy. ed as the medical department of Hampden-Sydney VC U ’ s location in historic Richmond affords its stu- College. MCV became an independent institution in dents the benefits of living in one of the South’s most cos- 1854 and state affiliated in 1860. mopolitan cities. Located in central Vir g i n i a , Ri c hmond is VCU’s Academic Campus began in 1917 as the a two-hour drive from the Atlantic seashore to the east, Richmond School of Social Work and Public Health. In Ap p a l a c hian Mountain recreational sites to the west, an d 1925, it became the Richmond Division of the College of Was h i n g t o n , D.C . to the north. A wide range of cultural, William and Mary; and in 1939 its name was changed to ed u c a t i o n a l , and recreational facilities and activities is the Richmond Professional Institute of the College of available in the Richmond area, in c luding a full perform- William and Mary, from which it separated in 1962 to ance schedule at VC U ’ s own Performing Arts Center. become an independent state institution. VC U ’ s proximity to downtown Richm o n d , wh i c h is In 1968, the two schools merged to form Virginia Vir g i n i a ’ s capital and a major East Coast financial and Commonwealth University: undergraduate, graduate, manufacturing center, provides students with opportuni- and professional programs of Richmond Professional ties for internships, part-time employment, and student Institute joined with one of the largest and most com- housing in a variety of settings. prehensive medical centers on the East Coast to create a major state university. VCU enrolls a diverse student body and has one of the Mission of Virginia Commonwealth University largest evening colleges in the United States. The Virginia Commonwealth University is a public, University’s level of funded research places it among the u r b a n , r e s e a r ch university, supported by the top 81 colleges and universities in the country in Commonwealth of Virginia to serve the people of the attracting research grants. Its faculty, representing the commonwealth and the nation. The University provides finest American and international graduate institutions, a fertile and stimulating environment for learning, enhances VCU’s position among the important institu- t e a ch i n g, r e s e a r ch , creative expression, and public serv- tions of higher learning in the United States via their i c e. Essential to the life of the University is a faculty work in the classroom, the laboratory, the studio, the 2 • Graduate Studies at VCU Graduate Bulletin • 1998 - 1999 actively engaged in scholarship and creative exploration tions between the University and its constituents, activities that increase knowledge and understanding of enhance professional competence, and promote the world, and inspire and enrich teaching. dialogue on public issues; The University is dedicated to educating full and part- • offer diverse opportunities for individuals to bene- time students of all ages and diverse backgrounds in an fit from higher education through a variety of atmosphere of free inquiry and scholarship, so they may avenues to include flexible scheduling for part- realize their full potential as informed, productive citi- time undergraduate and graduate students, open zens with a lifelong commitment to learning and service. admission for nondegree-seeking students with The University serves the local, state, national, and appropriate preparation, advanced degree pro- international communities through its scholarly activi- grams for working professionals, selected pro- ties, its diverse educational programs, and its public grams in diverse locales, admission for graduates service activities. As an institution of higher learning in with appropriate associate degrees of arts or sci- a metropolitan center that is also the capital of the com- ences, and support programs for specially admit- monwealth, the University enjoys unique resources that ted students; enrich its programs and offer special opportunities for • promote interdisciplinary studies within the contributing its intellectual and creative expertise in the University to bring new perspectives to bear on development of innovative approaches to meet the complex problems; and changing needs of our society. • mobilize its creative energies and its expertise to The goals of Virginia Commonwealth University in meet the needs of society and individuals in its carrying out its mission are to: unique role as Virginia’s major urban university. • provide undergraduate education that includes a broad and rigorous foundation in the arts, sci- Accreditation ences, and humanities, and explores the ideas and values of humankind; Virginia Commonwealth University is accredited by • offer nationally and internationally recognized the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association professional and graduate programs leading to of Colleges and Schools to award associate, baccalaure- doctoral, master’s, and other terminal and ate, master’s, doctoral, and first professional degrees. advanced degrees in the professions, the sciences, Additionally, individual programs may be accredited by the humanities, and the arts; discipline-specific professional accrediting organizations. • foster a scholarly climate that inspires creativity, a free and open exchange of ideas,
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