74-63 canadian centre for geoscience data c e n tre canadien des donnees geoscientifiques /Y'Jl~ r;;, c_:).\W - <zs I 1i--\'""~) ei ~ $ G E OLOGICAL SURVEY P A PER 74-63 COMPUTER-BASED SYSTEMS FOR GEOLOGICAL FIELD DATA An international state-of-the-art review for 197 3 conducted by COGEODATA, International Union of Geological Sciences, in collaboration with the Division of Earth and E n vir onmental Sciences, UNESCO and the C a nadian Centre for Geoscience Data. W. W . HUTCHISON Chairm an, COGEODATA => ublished by t h e G eolo g ical Survey o f Canada :Jepartrnent of E nergy, M ines a n d Reso urces, O ttawa 1975 Energy, Mines and Energie, Mines et I+ Resources Canada Ressources Canada GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PAPER 74-63 COMPUTER-BASED SYSTEMS FOR GEOLOGICAL FIELD DATA An international state-of-the-art revie\N for 1973 conducted by COGEODATA, International Union of Geological Sciences, in collaboration \Mith the Division of Earth and Environmental Sciences, UNESCO and the Canadian Centre for Geoscience Data. W.W. HUTCHISON Chairman, COGEODATA 1975 © Crown Copyrights reserved Available by mail from Information Canada, Ottawa, KIA OS9 and at the following Information Canada bookshops: HALIFAX 1683 Barrington Street MONTREAL 640 St. Catherine Street West 01TAWA 171 Slater Street TORONTO 221 Yonge Street WINNIPEG 393 Portage Avenue VANCOUVER 800 Granville Street or through your booksell er Price: Ca nada: $4.00 Other Countries: $4.80 Catalogue No. M 44-74-63 Price subject to c hange without notice Infor mat ion Canada Ottawa, 1975 CONTENTS Page Foreword , by C.F. BURK . Jr ., Secretary, COGEODATA Introduction to geological fie ld data sys tems and genera li zed geological data ma nagement sys tems, by W . W . HUTC HISON. Cha irman . COGEODATA Part 1: Geological Field Data Systems Introduction , by W.D . McRJTC HI E, Ca nada 7 G EOMAP , by H . BE RN ER , T . EKSTROM , R. LILLJEQ UIST , 0. STEPHANSSON , and A. WIKSTROM , Sweden 8 Use of geologica l fi eld data sys tems in Finland : ex peri ences and problems , by FREDRIC K PIPPING , Finland 19 Selected geologica l fi eld data sys tems in Canada: a brief description of th eir capabilities and obj ec ti ves. by W . D. McRITCHJ E, Ca nada 2 1 Co mputer- based fi eld da ta fl ies in th e Regional and Eco nomi c G eology Division , Geologica l Survey of Ca nada , by T . M . GORDON , Canada 29 Sub- Area Retrieva l System (SARS ) used on th e Coast Mountains Project of th e Geologica l Survey of Canada , by W . W. H UTCHI SO and J . A . RODDICK. Canada ........ ... 32 Applica ti on of DASC H system to geologica l fi eld data and docum entation fli es of th e Geologica l Survey , Federal Republic of Germ a ny. by R . VI KEN , Federal Republic of Germa ny 39 Aarhus University Sys tem II , by S. W. PLATO U, Denma rk 43 Part 2: Generalized Geological Data Management Systems Introduction , by G.D. WILLIAMS , Ca nada 47 Le systeme SI G Ml de I 'Ecole Nati onale Superieure des Mines de Paris , par M . KR EM ER , M. LENCI , et M . - T. LESAG E , France 48 SIGMI syste m of the Natio na l School of Mines of Paris, by M. KREMER , M. LENCI, a nd M . - T. LESAGE, Fra nce 54 G - EXEC: a generali zed FORTRAN sys tem for da ta ha ndling, by KEITH G. J EFFERY a nd ELIZABETH M. G ILL , U nited Kingdo m 59 U . W. 0 . SAFRAS sys tem , by P . G. SUTTER LIN. Ca nada 62 Etat actuel du sys teme d 'informa ti on mis en oeuvre po ur la geochimie a u Centre de Recherches Petrographiques et Geochimiques (CRPG) , pa r Ph . GRANDCLAUDE , Fra nce 68 Computer processing of cartographic data , by L . W. THORPE , United Kingdo m 73 Pa rticul ar requirements fo r the Dutch WIA Earth Science Informa tion System , by T . de HEER a nd S. W . BIE , Netherlands .. 78 La nd - use pla nning aided by computer cellular modelling/ mapping system to combine remote se nsing, na tu ra l resources, social , econo mic , a nd cadastral data , by HARRY W. SMEDES , U nited Sta tes of America 82 Adva ntages of using a ge nera li zed system to manage geologica l data , by G.D . WILLIAMS , Canada 84 Geologic Retrieva l a nd Storage Program (G RASP ), by JOSEPH MOSES BOTBOL a nd ROGER W . BOWEN , United States of America 89 D ata- base management sys tem for environmenta l geologica l da ta in Czechoslovakia , by J . HR USKA , Czechoslovakia 94 Indexes to systems 99 FOREWORD T he Committee on Storage, Automatic Processing and Retrieval of Geological D a ta. known more commonl y as "COGEODATA", is a committee o f the International Union of Geologica l Sciences. One of the purposes of COGEODATA is to appraise existing sys tems for storing geological and allied data. In an effort to meet this need COGEODATA convened a 5-day seminar a t UNESCO headquarters, Paris, France, 5-9 November 1973, to disc uss the use of computer­ based techniques in geological fie ld work and geological data-base management. With the assistance a nd cooperation of the International Geographical Union and U ESCO's Division of Earth a nd Environmental Sciences, 41 invited participants attended, representing nea rl y all countries with significant achievement in this fie ld . Included a lso were observers representing oth er organizations having a n interest in th e topic, including CODATA ( International Council of Scientific Unions). the Internatio nal Association for Mathema tical Geology. a nd UNISIST (World Science Informati on System). This publication summarizes results of the se minar. Each of th e I 8 contributions is a short summary of developments. concepts and plans reported a t the seminar. For additional details readers are refered to th e bibliographies following each paper and they are encouraged to correspond with the authors, whose complete mailing add resses are provided. Ill us trations have been reproduced as received. in order to help expedite publica ti on. COGEODATA acknowledges with tha nk s th e additi o nal contributio n received from J.M. Bo tbol a nd R.W. Bowen, United States Geological Survey. who were no t a ble ro present their paper at th e se minar. In keeping with the spirit of th is report, readers may be interested to know that a uthors' typescripts were entered into a computer-based tex t- ed iting system fo r process ing at th e Canadian Centre for Geoscience D ata, a nd subsequently set in type by a computer-driven phorocomposition system ( Alphatext Systems Limited. Ottawa). This is the second p a per pu blished by the Geological Survey of Canada to be so processed (the first be ing COG EODAT A 's bibliography for 1970-72, GSC Paper 73- 14 ) a nd I trust this ex perience a ugers well for the future application of modern information technology to geoscience. Canadian Centre for Geoscience Data C.F. Burk , Jr. Ottawa, Canada Secretary. COGEODATA Introduction to geological field data systems and generalized geological data management systems W. W. Hutchison, Chairman of COGEODATA Geological Su rve y of Canad a 601 Booth Street Ottawa, Ontari o KlA OE8 CANADA During much of its existence, COGEODATA has devoted consi derable energy to the sta ndardiza­ tion of geological da ta a nd the fo rmalizati on of proced ures for ha ndling geologica l data. The series of papers which fo ll ow is, in a way, a departure fro m this trend but aims a t one of the o bj ectives of COGEODATA, na mely: "an a ppraisa l of ex isting sys tems for storing geologica l a nd allied da ta". T he reason for fo ll owing this theme is as fo ll ows: regardless of how well we standardize, we must also esta blish how fac il e we will be in ha ndling the da ta and a t the same ti me discover empiricall y which appear to be ' na tu ral' sta nd ards. Geologica l fi eld da ta systems were chosen for the fo ll owing reasons: th e a mount of acti vity in the area during the past 5 years, th e lack o f a ny effective co mmunication a mong those researchers, a nd th e fac t tha t fi eld data are fund a mental to a ll geologica l info r mation. The meeting in Pa ris was originall y pl a nned fo ll owing my appoin tment as Chairma n of th e Field Da ta Working Group o f COGEODATA in 1972. T he intention was for a sma ll mee ting of a working group to discuss th e activities in this particular fi eld. After some disc uss ion, it was decided to bring together as ma ny work ers as possi ble in this fi eld , because of the diversity of geological fi eld mapping, a nd furthermore the diversity of systems th a t have been develo ped to cope with co ll ection of fi eld info rma ti on. Moreover, if geological da ta are to have a ny meaning, then they must be rela ted to the field setting a nd, accordingly, systems developed for th e co ll ecti on of geologica l fi eld da ta funda menta ll y affect how we use the data derived during this initial exercise.
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