VOL. I1 No. 6 MARCH 1925 \ dskfor new descriptive circrtkdr ILLINOIS WATCH COMPANY Ereateat value8 in dependable merchan- FURNITURE &CARPET CO. disc Sendonly $1 now and that will be Dept. 7Z50 Chicago. Ill. your 6rat payment on the Aluminum Set. ' HARTMAN Then. if after 30 days' trial you decide to I I endoae $I.,end i!x keep it. take nearly s year to Day for the 32-Piece Com~leteAluminurnCaaklnr Set Aluminum Set only -a little every month. ! N0.417CMAl4.Price SILK Pay nothing for the Kitchen Set or Canie- and 6thit the 10-Picce ~itehinSet snd9-piece cmimtsr terSet at any time. Offer la limited. Mail I Set abaolute!~FREK. 1 am to ey nothing further foe the coupon NOW. wh~leyou can get theso I gocdn on arrival-only thesmall Preiuht charge.% I m to wonderful Free Gifts. hare 30 days' free trid. If satisfied 1 will send you 62.00 monthly until full pries of Cookin; set $IS.%. ia paid. Order by Na.417GMA14 Will pay nothlna at an time for the 10-P& K~tchenSet Price for Alvmlnum Set. b.98. snd9-Piece Canistrr &t. Tit15 remains with you ~ntll Send $1 with order. paid in full. If not mtlstled after 80 da a' free trial, 1 will ehipsll ,+ back and you rill re&nd my $1 and Balance $2 monthly. I pray transportattan chargn both wayr. - 10-Plece Kltchen Set and *-Piece .- I Canlster Set are FREE. Largest Home Furnishing Conown in #he word I Town -.................-am--. ..--..--- State ..... OUSANDS of railroad men are wearing Lee Over- alls, because they howthe extra- long wear, good workmanship and solid comfort of this quality work garment-made by the largest work garment manufao turer in the world. Lee Over- alls are Union made and quality- built-close-woven, hard finish, long stziple cotton fabric, jewel- er's brass rustproof buttons, lined hip pockets, reinforced strain poin-fully guaranteed to give complete satisfaction. Ask your dealer for a pair of Lee Overalls. Slip into them and notice the many special features not found on ordinary overalls. Then you will know why they are the world's stand- ard overalls. But be sure to demand the genuine Lee Blue Ribbon garment-Look for Lee on the buttons. THE H. D. LEE MERCANTILE COMPANY Kansas City, Mo. Trenton, N. J. South Bend. In& Minneapolis, Minn. San Franciew, CaL THE FRISCO EMPLOYES' MAGAZIK 645 FRISCO BUILDING .. ST. LOUIS Edited by FLOYD L. BELL MARTHA C. MOORE Asaocials Editor VOL. I1 MARCH. 1925 No. 6 Permission is given to reprint, with credit, in part or in full, any article appearing in the Magazine Contents of This Issue PAGE The Flagwoman at Tulsa.......................................................................................................... 8 What's In a Name?-By Eugene Todd................................................................................ 9 Deicke Retires-Baker Succeeds .......................................................................................................... 10 Conductor Loses Life.................................................... ....................... ............................................ 11 About Track Scales-By A. T. Silver .............................................................................................. I2 Late Frisco News ................ ................................................................................................................13 Dactylograms-or Fingerprints ............................................................................................................ 14 The New Parlor Cars ............................... .... .........................................................................................1.5 The Year in Fuel Performance............................................................................................................ 16 .. ,, Always Be 'Careful,.: .,............. .. ..... ....... ................................................................................................18 Hospital Report .......................................................................................................................................19 R. C. Shepherd Retires-By Kate Massir ....................... .. .... An Old Timer's Story ............................................................................................................................21 Brakeman \Vho Recites Poetry............. , ........... ....L ....................................................................... 22 Solution of Cross-Word Puzzle................. , ...................................................................................... 22 The Twilight Hour.................... .. ......................................................................................................23 Frisco Little Folks ................................ ... .............................................................................................24 Pastime Page ........................... ......... ........................................................................................................25 Thc Storm-By Lillitm Hlcltsclz ..........................................................................................................26 Forcible Illustration of Group I~isurance................ .. ...... .. .................................................. Editorials.................................................................................... .......................................................... 29-30 Homemakers' Page-Lorrtto A. Coniror, Editor.......................... .... ....................... ..... ,,,... .....31-34 Pittsburg Scenes.................................................................................................................................. 32-33 The Man \l;ho Was So Good He Stood Still-By J. G. Tuybor.............. .. ................. ..........,....35 Spring and Sports-By "Newt Husker" ............................................................................................36 "The Frisco Mechanic" .............................................................................................................. 37-41 Frisco Family News ...................... ............................................................................................... 42-60 I THE FRISCO EMPLOYES' MAGAZINE The Frlsco Employes' Magazlne 1s a monthly publication devoted primarily to the Interests of the more than 26,000 actlve and retired employes of the Frlsco Lines. It contalns storles, items of current news personal notes about employes and thelr families, artlcles dealing wlth various phases of rallroad work: poems, cartoons and notices regarding the service. Good clear photographs sultable for repro- ductlon are especlally deslred. All cartoons and drawings must be In black Indla drawlng Ink. , Employes are lnvlted to write artlcles for the magazine. Contrlbutlons should be ty ewr1ttcn;-on one side of the sheet only, and should be addressed to the Editor, Frlsco Bulldlng. 8t.-huh, Mo. Dlstrlbuted free among Frlrco employes. To others, price 16 cents a copy; subscrlptlon rate $1.60. r year. Advertlslng rates wlll be made known upon appllcatlon. Mnrch, I!325 ~E/~@coFE/P~OI~?S'~AWZINE Page 5 , 4. GIBSON, President, Chamber of Commerce FORD HARPER, Secretary, Chamber of Commerce one o f the leading counties in the state in hard-sur- Cliaracteristics of the Pittsburg population are : faced roads. 1920 1926 Pitt sbarg is close to the great natural gas fields of Census Survey Kansa 15 and Oklahoma and enjoys the advantage of Population ......................... 18,052 22,023 cheap gas. Males ................................ 9,068 11,063 Fey r cities in the country can offer the coinbination Females ...................... ..... 8,984 10,960 of chc tap coal, cheap gas, excellent transportation facil- Persons over 21 ....................10,942 13,349 ities, large local markets, and other advantages which Males ................................ 5,542 6,761. Pittsb~m-g offers to a prospective manufacturer. A Females .............................5,400 6,588 payoI1 of $2,000,000 per month indicates to what Dwellings ............................ 4,333 5,286 extenit these resources have already been taken advan- Families ................................ 4,652 5,675 rage (~f, but there is plenty of room for more. 'I'he The survey is based on statistics from local sources, clay working industry in particular offers alluring giving comparative figures for the close of 1919 (im- inductments. Thousands of tons of this material have mediately before the 1920 census), and for the close aheadIy been uncovered and it is easily accessible. of 1924, as summarized below: Thirs article wo~ilclhardly be con~pletewithout men- Report of Superintendent of Schools 81. XI. Rose, tion 1hat Pittsburg is the haine. of the Kansas State of public school enrollment of 3,701 at the close of Textiers' College and Pittsburg also prides herself on 1919, and 4,726 at the close of 1924, an increase of her lc cal public school system. 1,025 or 27.7 per cent. Fo 1Ilowing this article is a survey of Pittsburg just School age census of 5,465 at the close of 1919, recenltly niaade, also a statement of many facts and and .5,926 at the close of 1924, an increase of 461, or ...,..,mdnv statistics are given that will be of interest to 8.5 per cent. anyone reading of Pittsburg : Report of \IT. J. Lapworth, superintendent of the The population of Pittsburg at the opening of 1925, city department of water supply, of 3,055 domestic five yeLrs after the last decennial census, is 22,023, an water services in the city at
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