The Clinton Independent. VOL XXXIV.—NO 42- 8T. JOHNS, MICH., THURSDAY. AUGUST 2, 1900. WHOLE NO.-1761 BREVITIES. DOCTORS RICHMOND BRO’S. THE CENTRAL MARKET SURVEYORS HERE ST. JOHNS BEATEN Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Alfred War- Residing In Cllntou County and Licensed Hngln* Works —A Well Established Busi­ Undergoing Many Noticeable Chances They Are Running Line* With the View By Ovid In a Game of Base Ball by a Score Ten, In West Ovid, July 28,1900, a son. to Practice In Michigan, ness Needs More Capital and Offers Under the Immediate Supervision and of Crossing the I). A M. Over the Deep *1 to I. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Martin au Opportunity For Profitable Direction* of the New Proprietors, Cot In the Knet Pnrt of the Village. The game of base ball played between Haynes, Bengal township, Saturday, The following is a list of physicians Investment. Webb A Doan. residing in Clinton county who have the Ovid and St. Johns teams on the July 28, 1900, a son. The Richmond Brothers, who be ­ The surveyors for tiie prospective grounds of the latter, yesteaday after­ Charles Sprague is making exten ­ been licensed to practice medicine and Webb & Doan, who succeed John electric railroad from Lansing north, surgery in the state of Michigan by gan the manufacture of steam engines Pflegharr in the proprietorship and noon, resulted in a score of 21 to 1 in sive additions to his grain elevator a few years ago, comparatively with ­ arrived in St. Johns Tuesday morning, favor of Ovid. and store room, for storing hay. the state authorities: immediate supervision of the Central after surveying a line on the east side KS8 EX. ' • out capital —first building steam en ­ Meat Market, are practical men in of the village, with the view of cross­ Born to Mr. and Mrs. Holly Conrad, gines with marked success, and now this branch of trade, they having been Watertown Center, a fine healthy boy. Name. Age and Practice. ing the I). & M. at the deep cut east Arthur O. Hart......- 29 six years. six sizes, from 3 to 25 horse power per ­ engaged in the purchase and sale of of'the bridge, and to enter upon Clin ­ FIRE AT ASHLEY Weight, 7 pounds. Date, July 19. K. H. Sanborn ........... 62 thirty-nine years. pendicular or horizontal gas or gaso­ live stock and the conducting of meat ton avenue by a direct course from the Geo. F-. Illiss............. 54 twenty-five years. line engines with electric spark. markets in Owosso and Corrunna for One hundred and eight tickets were It. 1). Sleight ........ ... 25 three years. main line down State street, down A Barn and Its Contents, Including a Pair sold at this station for Buffalo Bill’s These engines are gaining favor all a number of years Just previous to Clinton avenue and back to the main of Horses, Consumed. EAOI.K. over the country. Wherever they coming to St. Johns. Therefore, they Wild West show at Ionia, yesterday. Herbert N. Swuney . 41 fifteen years. line via Railroad street. Tills would Our correspondent writes us that Mrs. Henry Burlingame, on the Mlin ­ are in use people write In complimen ­ are both practical men and come necessitate the turning of only two 0KEENBU8 H. tary terms of their perfect workings among us with the intention of milk­ the barn of Charles Rose, together ger farm, south of the village, is suffer­ Eugene Hart............ 28 six years. corners. But resident along State with its contents, including a pair of ing from a very severe attack of ap ­ Hamlet Hart............ 58 twenty-two years. and fine workmanship. Without any ing St. Johus their future home. Mr. street demur. What will be the final particular effort they have sold many, Webb, familiarly called “Eddie,” was horses, was consumed by fire on Tues­ pendicitis DK WITT. and have several orders with two or conclusion can be determined later. day of this week. He did not know Richmond Simmons 52 twenty-two years. born in the township of Olive, the son We are informed that the chief offi­ whether there was any insurance or R, J. Jeffries, an employe in the Re- Thomas M. Sanford 35 seven years. three engines, one a large horizontal of Rev. Joseph Webb, so well and ublican office, is still very sick at his cer of the road will be here tomorrow not, but said tiie loss was a severe one DA I,I.AH. in the course of construction. favorably known by the people of this and adopt one or the other of the for Mr. Rose. ome, corner of Baldwin and Trow­ George McPherson . (10 thirty-three years. What these men need is more ready county as a live stock dealer in an gbridge steets. lines surveyed to and through St. Ernest Schemer ....... 42 six years. money to make necessary additions to early day. Webb & Doan are making, Johns. _______________ Miss Louise Loth ridge gave a very BATH. their plant, which will enable them to from time to time, new changes and enjoyable party at Goguac lake last X A. Dryer.............. .. 62 thirty-six year. facilitate their work and to reach out additions to their market, and are ever TAXES. Elwood Wilson ......... 29 three years. week in honor of her guest, Miss Nina for more orders, which they can cer­ studying how they may best please TIIE LAST SAD RITES. Notice bf Collection of Village Taxes For Pennell, of Ionia. WATERTOWN1. tainly secure. They can save a large their patrons. They are just now add­ John E. Hinkson ..... 29 five years. per cent of profit in the construction ing hew plumbing to the basement and the Year 190U. The great annual picnic of the farm­ Samuel J. Wilson.... 50 three years. The Remains of the Lute Mrs. J. H.Crsnson ers of Ingham. Eaton and -Clinton WESTPHALIA. of their engines if they could have the renovating the same to a perfect and To the Taxpayers of the Village of St. will held at Leadley’s desired facilities for manufacturing satisfactory end. It will be their aim Interred In the Family Lot In the Johns. In the County of Clinton and counties, be Peter II. Hants .... 26 six weeks. St. John* Cemetery. Park on Thursday, August 9. Julius Schoeulth . 49 eight years. them. to maintain their largeand well estab ­ State of Michigan : During the harvest season the mat­ BINGHAM. It has always been our theory to lished trade, and to thoroughly accom­ On Sunday last, a beautiful July day, You are hereby notified that the rimonial market has been dull—not a Robert C. Ruck........ 26 one year. take care of what manufacturing in ­ plish this end they will keep nothing In the presence of a liberal number of village tax roll, of the Village of St. Henry Palmer.......... 43 thirteen years. terests we have already with us, in ­ hut tiie best of meats—fresh, salt, and true friends, the remains of the late Johns, has been deposited with me for license has been granted by County Samuel If. Post SC twenty-nine years. Mrs. J. II. Cransou, late of Detroit, Clerk Smith thus far this week. Mary P. Havens ........ 63 twenty-nine years. stead of overlooking them in our efforts smoked—and sell them at as lowprices collection and that payment of taxes William Havens ...... 69 thirty-five years. for more. We know something of as will ensure a successful and pleas ­ were laid to rest in the family lot lo­ therein assessed and levied may be Tiie celebrated Alexander Winchell CharlesE. Knapp. 57 thirty-three years. what we have and nothing of what we ing business, and by treating those cated in a beautiful part of St. Johns made to me at any time before August collection of minerals and fossils, re­ Harry I). Squair...... 26 three years. are seeking or is offered us from out­ cemetery. The service was conducted 7th, 1900, at my office at Hunt ’s Drug cently purchased by Alma college for Samuel E. Gillum 55 thirty-one years. who favor them w ith their patronage, John B. Dodge......... 42 eighteen years. side. Tills industry may be converted With promptness, kindness and due by Rev. j. T. Ewing, rector of St. John ’s Store, with a payment of one per cent $2,500, has been received at the college. Frank C. Dunn ...... 2S eight years. into a stock company with a capita consideration, they hope to merit a church, during which the casket collection fee. On and after that date, Robert G. Morrison. 62 t wenty-eight years. was slowly lowered to its last resting Keep In mind the fact that Dr. John W. Pollard....... 39 twelve years. stock of $20,000 or $25,000, including liberal share of the patronage. You as provided by law. an addition of four Walker, the successful specialist, will Martin Weller.......... 46 eighteen years. the present accumulation of real es­ will get what you want and have it place, under the directions of W. R. percent will be made to all of said be in St, Johns next Saturday to con ­ Gilbert E. Corbin ..... 69 forty-five years. tate, stock and fixtures, which would delivered at your home in St. Johns in Osgood, undertaker, through the agen ­ taxes not paid. I). L. Hunt , sult with and prescribe for the Joseph V. Pooling... 25 one year and over. be about one-third of the whole time for any meal. The most they cy of Voorhees device, and the whole Village Treasurer. afflicted. OVID. amount. Or it might be that by ask at this time is a trial of their was performed to the full satisfaction O.
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