I. Sytnik EUROPEAN REGIONAL INTEGRATION: THE PRECONDITIONS AND AIMS OF FOUNDATION Introduction investigating the problems of war and peace in On the nowadays stage of international Europe, he proposed to establish the All- relationship, the national economies, European parliament (European Dyet, irrespective of their quantity and quality Parliament or Estates) [1]. In 1728 the French characteristics, are functioning in terms of writer and politician Charles de Saint-Pierre developing globalization processes. Moreover, it proposed to create the European League should be taken into account that economic containing 18 independent countries [2]. development is multidimensional and multi- However, at that period «…the states could not factor process, which often includes instability refuse their old ambitions that is why there were and periodic crisis phenomenon. The special practically no trends towards the union of way of protection of national economies from different countries.»[3] global instability is formation of regional Only after the World War I, that lead to integration unions that make preconditions for ruining of European economic and political the role of states on the world political and systems, the idea of arranging united European economic arena. area again appeared in the works of outstanding 1. The preconditions of EU foundation scientists and politicians. The foundation of the European Union is In 1923 the Austrian politician count doubtlessly one of the most important Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi published a geopolitical events of the second part of 20th declaration named “Paneuropa” where he century. It has not only served as a fundament introduced the plan of founding a confederation for political, economic and social changes in uniting all European countries. “Paneuropa is Europe, but also significantly influenced on the not an instrument of today’s European policy, balance of powers in the whole world. it’s completely opposite one. This is a new During the 19th and first 10 years of 20th source of power, new stream of ideas that will century Europe was the world leader in science, gain more and more influence every year”, he economy and culture. Due to founded colonial wrote [4; 5]. empires and trade companies Europeans took In 1929, on the Nation’s League leading positions. However, the First (1914- Assembly the French prime-minister, the 1918) and the Second (1939-1945) world wars laureate of Nobel prize for peace (1926) were followed by catastrophic consequences for introduced the idea of creating a federation of Europe. Finally, only with the beginning of 90s European countries on a solidarity basis, in the process of revival of European economic and order to achieve economic and political political power gained its actual institutional prosperity of European countries. basis. The famous English economist John Nowadays European Union is the most Maynard Keynes also supported the idea of institutionally perfect integration community of creating a political and economic union of the modern world. The formation of EU had its European countries. In 1931, French politician historical, economic, political, social and Edward Herriot published a book «The United cultural preconditions which began to form long States of Europe». Two years later, the British before the official date of Union foundation (1 politician and academician, James Arthur Salter Nov 1993). published a book with the same name. The movement for united Europe arose in Unfortunately, world economic crisis of 1930s early 17th century. The first author of the idea of and the World War II interfered with the United States of Europe was an English implementing the ideas of united Europe. «The politician William Penn. In 1693, while barbarism in Europe of the first part of 20th ___________________________ © Sytnik Inessa – Sc. Cand. (Econ.), Assistant Professor. Donetsk State University of Management. Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка. ISSN 1562-109X century was so devastating that it could impress presented a speech in favor of European even the wildest savages. While the unification. Later, this idea supported the French opportunities of constructive development were statesmen Robert Schuman and Rene Pleven, as higher than ever before, the Europeans were well as by the prominent French economist Jean involved into the range of wars that killed more Monnet, who is considered to be the main people than all the wars before. … The horror of architect of European unity. Thus, after the fascism and communism together with two cruel Second World War, the idea of the united world wars resulted in deaths, ruins and Europe sounded with the new force. degradation»[3]. As a consequence, at the In 1949, the Council of Europe was beginning of 1945 almost all past achievements established; this organization exists up to this of European civilization were missed. The day. Council of Europe, however, was (and still European continent was divided into two is) something of a regional equivalent of the competing economic and military blocks, whose UN, which concentrated its activities on issues competition lasted unproductively for at least 40 of human rights in European countries. years. The European political, economic and On May 9, 1950 the French Foreign Mi- military power was given to the USA and nister Robert Schuman presented in Paris, so USSR. However, the fact of dividing Europe called "Schuman’s Plan", which introduced the after the Second World War accelerated the new way of formation of economic, political and wave of European uniting movement. military structures of Europe. He proposed cre- The new push to thoughts about the trends ating a single supreme authority to oversee the of European development was provided by an joint Franco-German coal and steel production outstanding statesman and political leader of (this idea was developed in 1945 by Jean Great Britain Winston Churchill. On the Monnet [7]). Thus were laid the foundations of September 19, 1946, in Zurich, he made a modern European Union. speech, which stated that the post-war tragedy in On April 8, 1951 in Germany, Belgium, the heart of Europe should be finally put to an Netherlands, Luxembourg, France and Italy and, and stressed the necessity of creating the signed a treaty establishing the European Coal United States of Europe. "If Europe unites once, and Steel Community (ECSC), whose goal was then, fortunately, there will be no more to unify European resources of steel and coal. boundaries. And this will bring wealth and fame This agreement became valid from July 1952. to 300 or 400 million people "- W. Churchill European Coal and Steel Community was said. The very first step on this way should have the beginning of the Schuman’s Plan realization. been a partnership between West Germany and The Schuman’s plan was based on so-called France. He also proposed the "fraternal union" “Communitaristic” method, which was of three interconnected circles: British developed by Jean Monnet. This method Commonwealth, European Union and the includes four basic components: United States, whereas Britain could become a Federalization of Europe based on special chain element able to provide association of basic industries and the formation communication between the three political of "High Authority"; players [6]. Gradual process of integration, primarily 2. First steps to the EU foundation through mergers of economic interests; The implementing of W. Churchill’s ideas Integration is a way of solving social in practice were accelerated by the communist problems and improvement of the social insurgency in Prague February 25, 1948 that position of people regardless not depending destroyed a single sprout of democracy in from nationality; Eastern Europe of post-war times. Having Limitation of state sovereignty and create shocked Western societies it became a push to supranational branches of power [8]. sign the Brussels Treaty of collective security Thus, by the plan of Monnet-Schuman, from March 17, 1948 between Great Britain, European states do not disappear from the map, France and the Benelux countries (Belgium, and gradually integrate their efforts to address Netherlands, Luxembourg). the political and social-economic problems by On July 20, 1948, French Foreign giving its sovereign rights to international Minister George Bideaux before his retirement institutions, which are endowed with full authority of public power (legislative, executive European Union". and judicial). And the first step towards 3. The evolution of the European Union European integration was the single market of After the Single European Act was signed the two leading sectors of the post-war European and became valid, plans of foundation of economy - coal and steel. European Union came up to a stage of their In order to deepen economic integration practical implementation. In 1990 two of the same six countries in March 1957 signed conferences started working on the development an agreement in Rome establishing the of appropriate economic and political union. The European Economic Community (EEC), also overall result of these conferences was the known as the Common Market, and the Maastricht Treaty. On February 7, 1992 twelve European Atomic Energy Community members of the European Community (EURATOM). EEC was created primarily as a (Belgium, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, customs union of six states and their aim was to Netherlands, France, Britain, Denmark, Finland, ensure free movement of goods, services,
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