Fourteenth Australian Weeds Conference Biological control in the Top End: getting communities involved Nicole Ostermeyer1,2, Blair Grace1,2, Merrilyn Paskins1, Vanessa McIntyre1 and Bronwyn Routley1 1 Northern Territory Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Environment, PO Box 30, Palmerston, Northern Territory 0831, Australia 2 CRC for Australian Weed Management Summary Two programs have been set up to increase The Biocontrol Section of the Weed Management community awareness and involvement in the biologi- Branch in the NT Department of Infrastructure Plan- cal control of weeds in the Top End of the Northern ning and Environment (DIPE) has started two com- Territory. munity involvement programs. These aim to increase One focuses on the redistribution of the stem- community understanding of weed issues, especially boring moth, carmenta (Carmenta mimosa Eichlin biocontrol. Equally importantly, they aim to increase & Passoa) against mimosa ( Mimosa pigra L.). Nine the distribution and density of key agents with the help community groups have attended workshops and of the community. fi eld trips and four release sites have been established This paper describes these community educa- using a simple release method, which can be eas- tion and involvement programs funded by the CRC ily implemented in isolated communities. The other for Australian Weed Management and the Natural aims to educate school children about weed issues by Heritage Trust. having them rear and release a biocontrol agent. Nine schools involving 14 classes have reared and released COMMUNITY REDISTRIBUTION OF two agents: the leaf-feeding moth macaria (Macaria CARMENTA pallidata Warren) against mimosa and calligrapha The tropical American shrub mimosa (Mimosa pigra (Calligrapha pantherina Stål), the leaf-feeding beetle L.) has spread throughout the world’s tropical wetlands which has been successful against sida ( Sida acuta where it can form impenetrable, nearly monospecifi c Burm). Adult insects have been released at 44 sites. thickets (Lonsdale et al. 1995). The weed now infests Keywords Biological control, redistribution, educa- over 800 km2 of wetlands in the Northern Territory (C. tion, community involvement, community empower- Yates pers. comm.) threatening biodiversity, impacting ment, mimosa, sida. on pastoral and agricultural activities and Aboriginal culture. Mimosa infests land that is seasonally inun- INTRODUCTION dated, where access is diffi cult and a lack of resources The Northern Territory (NT) covers 1.3 million km2, to aerially spray means that biocontrol is sometimes and has a population of 200,000. With so few people, the only control option. everyone has a responsibility to look after this unique The stem-boring moth carmenta (Carmenta environment. The NT Government Weeds Branch has mimosa Eichlin & Passoa) was fi rst released against limited resources and therefore aims to encourage peo- mimosa in 1989. It has since established and appears ple to take responsibility for weeds on their own land to be the most effective of the 13 agents released to and to educate them about all possible management date (Paynter and Flanagan 2002). Stems die above options. the point where larvae feed and in some cases this can The general public’s understanding of biocontrol is kill entire plants. Where present, carmenta has reduced limited; the very mention of the word usually provokes seed production by around 70% overall (Paynter and comments about cane toads. People do not always un- Flanagan 2002). A comprehensive survey of mimosa derstand how biocontrol works or how it fi ts in with agents conducted between 1998 and 2000 indicates other weed control options. Importantly, people need that while the distribution of carmenta is increasing, to be taught that biocontrol is a long-term process that the rate of spread is relatively slow at 2 km y-1 (Os- will not eradicate a weed. termeyer 2000). Educating people about biocontrol is also one way The DIPE biocontrol group is still actively redis- of attracting attention to, and promoting weed man- tributing carmenta because of its impact and because agement as a whole. Biocontrol is attractive because it has not yet established across the distribution of it is an easier and cheaper way for people to become the weed. The group however is currently involved involved in weed management when compared with in rearing and releasing three other biocontrol agents most other control options. and lacks resources to effectively carry out the 337 Fourteenth Australian Weeds Conference redistribution. A simple release technique for car- containing carmenta larvae are harvested and used to menta, requiring few resources has been developed set up a new release site where applicable. Redistribu- and is being trialled. Community groups can easily tion sites are set up with groups only if their mimosa use this technique. infestation is large enough for biocontrol; some infes- tations may be targeted for eradication. Aims of the program This program was set up to An identikit, with clear pictures and information educate land users affected by mimosa, in particular to help identify the two agents considered most effec- Aboriginal rangers and traditional owners, about bio- tive, carmenta and neurostrota (Neurostrota gunniella control. It is estimated that 26% of current mimosa Busck), has been produced and is given to workshop infestations are found on Aboriginal land (C. Yates participants. The kit illustrates the damage the agents pers. comm.). Unfortunately the capacity of many are capable of and also includes information about Aboriginal people to manage weeds is often low, due the two mimosa agents currently being reared and to a lack of resources and knowledge, and the large released. areas and low population of a considerable proportion of their land (Storrs et al. 1999). Mimosa, for example, What has been achieved? The program has been has become such a problem in some areas that the well received by Aboriginal communities. Since it funds are not available to control it using conventional commenced in late 2002, eight Aboriginal groups methods. Key ranger groups have been identifi ed with have been involved and four release sites, including a the assistance of the Northern Land Council’s Caring demonstration site, have been established (Figure 1). for Country Unit, and were approached to participate Ngatpuk Rangers from Wagait Aboriginal Land Trust in the community redistribution program. have eagerly taken up the redistribution concept and plan to set up several release sites on their land. How does the program work? The program usually As a result of the workshops, some community comprises a half-day workshop at the biocontrol labo- members have started to release agents. The Adjumarl- ratories in Darwin, a fi eld trip and, where appropriate, larl Traditional Owners from the Oenpelli region near establishment of a release site. Weeds Branch staff Kakadu and people from the Wangamatty Landcare sometimes travel to the communities, incorporating Council of the Daly River/Port Keats Land Trust have the workshops into meetings or gatherings. Releases helped release agents. Instead of Weeds Branch staff of other mimosa agents currently being reared are travelling to remote areas, people take agents back to also carried out with the assistance of community their land after visits to Darwin, or the insects are sent members, giving the community a greater ownership out to communities for release. The Weeds Branch is of the whole program. then provided with release site information. At the workshops, staff explain weed issues, To date the Biocontrol Section has mainly worked introduce the concept of biocontrol and help people with traditional owners and Aboriginal Ranger groups, understand how biocontrol fi ts in to Integrated Weed but the model will be extended to Landcare groups and Management (IWM). People are then given an over- pastoralists in key areas. view of the mimosa project and shown around the labo- ratory to see the effects of biocontrol for themselves. WEED WARRIORS They are also shown the simple redistribution Aims of the program Another program, based on the technique for carmenta, which uses cleaned 44 gal- Weed Warriors concept used in Victoria, aims to edu- lon drums. Holes are drilled into the sides about 20 cm cate and increase community awareness about weeds from the base. Mimosa stems infested with carmenta and weed management, in particular biocontrol, by larvae are collected from the fi eld and placed upright in working through the primary schools. It is a way to the drums. Water is poured into the drums to keep the educate the broader community, especially small rural stems alive until larvae complete their development. block owners around Darwin, and at the same time The top of the drum is covered with mesh to exclude increase the number of agents released in the fi eld. predators while still allowing adult moths to escape. The drums are easy to set up and the equipment is How does the program work? Students from pri- readily available in communities. mary schools in the rural areas around Darwin are the Where possible, groups are taken to a mimosa in- main focus, as they are more likely to encounter the festation where carmenta and other agents are present. weeds targeted for biocontrol. Importantly, this gives them fi rst hand experience at The program runs for fi ve weeks, with Weeds identifying the agents and demonstrates the impact Branch staff initially giving a 60 minute presenta- of these agents in the fi eld. At the same time, stems tion on why weeds are such a problem, weed control 338 Fourteenth Australian Weeds Conference Figure 1. Aboriginal Ranger and community groups who have attended workshops and participated in the redistribution of carmenta. The map indicates the location of the groups, redistribution sites and sites where people have released other agents on behalf of the Weeds Branch. Mimosa distribution from Cameron Yates (unpublished data). methods and specifi cally how biocontrol works.
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