STUDIES ON THE ICONOGRAPHY OF DIVINE AND HEROIC CHILDREN IN ATTIC RED-FIGURE VASE-PAINTING OF THE FIFTH CENTURY BC (Volume One) THESIS SUBMITTED P02 THE DEGREE OP PhD by LESLEY ANNE BEAUMONT Ff3 University College London (ION DL) P02 MUM 4. A)STR ACT The thesis is an examination of the iconography of children in Attic red-figure vase-painting, concentrat.ng mainly on the representation of mythological children, but considering also the applications of the study to red-figure scenes of everyday life. The aims are two-fold: firstly to analyse iconographiq types employed for the depiction of children by vase-painters, and secondly to use such a study to establish a foundation for the objective analysis of age representation of children in vase-painting. The catalogue of vases comprises one hundred and ninety six entries. Discussion of this material is split into two sections; one dealing with the birth and childhood of the gods, and the other with that of the heroes. The first section is divided into two chapters, one on the most commonly represented infant god, Dionysos, and a second devoted to the remainder of the gods who appear as children. The second section comprises a chapter each on Attic and non-Attic heroes, and a further chapter considers representations of mythological female children. The thesis concludes that divine and heroic children are represented o vases throughout the red-figure period, finding their phase of greatest popularity between about 490-40 BC. It iS shown that most of the iconographic types employed for children are interchangeable for a variety of mythological, and often also mortal, offspring. Whilst the representation of infants and young children becomes increasingly naturalistic as the fifth century progresses, lack of an iconographic type (or types) for older children and adolescents is probably a reflection of the liminal status of the adolescent youth in fifth century Athenian society. Furthermore, the inferior status of women and children in that society illuminates the almost total absence of infant goddesses and heroines in red-figure, since a female child would probably have seemed too undignified a figure to be anything but mortal. I CONTENTS Volume One Page Abstract 1 Contents 2 List of illustrations 6 Acknowledgements 14 Abbreviations 15 General Introduction 18 Notes to Introduction 31 PART ONE: DIVINE CHILDREN 33 Chapter One: Dionysos 34 Conc lu.s ions 68 Notes 73 Chapter Two: Other Divine Children 80 IntroductiOn 80 Hermes 81 Zeus 86 Apollo 89 Artemis 97 Askiepios 99 Ploutos 103 Conc lus ions 109 Notes 117 PART TWO: HEROIC CHILDREN 124 Chapter Three: Attic Heroes 125 Introduction 125 Erichthonios 126 Kephalos 154 Eleusinian Children: 158 Eumolpos 158 Mousatos 160 Triptoleiios 162 Hippothoon 167 AJax 172 Herakies & Associated. Children: 176 Herakies: A.Herakles fighting snakes 176 B.Other events in Herakies' early childhood 184 C.Heraklez at school 189 Iphikies 199 Hyllos & the Children of Herakles 200 Lichaz & Philoktetes 207 Theseus 217 Conc lus ions 229 Notes 235 Chapter Four: Non-Attic Heroes 253 Introduct ion 253 Perseus 254 Achilles 270 Trojan Children: 286 Astyanax 287 Tro i los 308 3 Askan jos 317 Ganymede (& Paris) 322 Tithonos 335 Oinopion (& Staphylos) 340 Orestes 348 Alkaaion (& Amphilochos) 361 Dryas 370 Itys/Itylos 378 Oidipu 384 Askalaphos/ lalmenos 386 Erigone/Aletes? 390 Glaukos 393 Neleager's Son 395 Conc 1 us ions 399 Notes 412 Chapter Five: Heroic Female Children 433 Introduct ion 433 Female Children 434 Conc lus ions 443 Notes 445 General Conclusions 449 Notes to Conclusions 460 Tables 461 Voluie Two Page Catalogue of Vases 463 Bibi iography 507 Plates 519 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS PL NO CAT NO PHOTOGRAPH SOURCE Ia 1 CVA University of California 1, p1 48. lb 2 iJi 4 (1934), 176, fig 1. 2a 3 K Schefold Die GSttersage in der kiass - ischen & hellenistischen Kunst (1981), 32 fig 25 2b 4 BSA photographic archive 3a 5 0 Graef & E Langlotz e antiken Vasen von der Akropolis zu Athen 11.2 (1933), p1 74. 3b 6 LINC III, Dionysos 703, p1 380. 4a 7 AB Cook Zeus I (1914), 708 fig 524. 4b 8 Schefold op cit, 31 fig 23. 5 8 Author's drawing, taken from vase. 6 9 Author. 7a 10 Graef & Langlotz op cit, 11.1, p1 20. 7b 10 II N ft N N H p1 21. 8a 11 A Birchall & PE Corbett Greek Gods & Heroes (1974), fig 10. 8b 12 Die Griechische Vase, Wissenzchaftliche Zettschrift der Universitat Rostock (Schwerin, 1967), p1 45. 9 14 Author's drawing, taken from Monumenti Inediti 2, p1 17. lOa & b 15 Author. 1 la 15 Author. 1 lb 17 LINC V, Hermes 368a, p1 229. 12 16 Author's drawing, taken from 1 Inghirami Pitture di Vasi Fittili 11 (133J), p1 194. 13a 19 III, 305 fig 146. l3b 18 H Robertson Greek Fainting (195w), 125. 14 18 Vatican Museum, photo no XXXI.15.82 (part). iSa 20 GE Rizzo Prassitele (1932-40), p1 105.1. 15b 21 C Robert Ermeneutica Archeologica (1976), 523, fig 262. 16a 22 AntK 25 (1982), p1 8.2. 1Gb 13 LIMC III, Dionysos 691, p1 379. 17a 23 LINC III, Dionysos 697, drawing on p 481. 17b 24 A Greifenhagen Alte Zeichnun gen nach unbek- annten griechischen Vasen (1976), fig 31. 18a 25 H Walter Vom Sinnuandel riechischer Mythen (1959), 21 fig 14. 18b 26 Q. Vienna 1, p1 47.1. 19a 27 G van Hoorn Choes & Anthesteria (1951), p1 42. 19b 28 H Metzger Les Re p rsentations (1951), p1 8. 20a 29 C Brard Anodoi (1974), p1 19, fig 68. 20b 30 H Metzger Recherches (1965), p1 25. 21 31 Vatican Museum, photo no XXXII-23-45. 22a 32 AntK 14 (1971), p1 40.1. 22b 33 HW Smith Der Lewis Maler (1939), p1 23a. 23a 34 AB Cook Zeus III (1940), 932 fig 776. II N IS N 23 b 35 , 930 tig 775a. 24a 36 Archeologia classica 2 (1950), p1 37.2. 24b 37 j47 (1932). 25a 38 L Burn The Meidias Fainter (1987), p1 46. 25b 28 Schefold o p cit, 66 fig 80. 26a 39 H Netzger Recherches (19b5), p1 14.1. 2Gb 40 CVA TUbingen 4, p1 50.1. 27a 41 H Metzger Recherches (l65), p1 16.2. 27b 42 H Metzger Les Reprsentationz (1951), p1 32 28a 43 Getty Vases 5 (1991), 77 fig lb. 28b 44 C Brard Anodoi (1974), p1 2, fig 6. 29a 45 AB Cook Zeus III (1940), p1 23. 29b 47 Cook op cit p1 24. 30a & b 46 CVA Berlin 3, p1 113. 31a. & b 48 J Oakley. 32a & b 49 J Oakley. 33a 50 _______ 31 (1976), B', p1 35a. 33b 51 iou •Ovoi .uvpi.ou XAstkv ApoXo. , Athens 4-lu Sept Iit33, 2 (Athens 1988), 105, fig 1. 34a 52 AMBeiheft 5 (1976), p1 2. 34b 53 JHS 102 (1982), p1 9b. 35a 54 AMBeiheft 5 (1976), p1 7.3. 35b 55 Schefold op cit, 52 fig 62. 36a 56 Author. 36b 58 JHS 14 (1894), p1 10. 37 a 57 AM Beiheft 5 (1976), p1 8.1. 38a 59 Schefold op cit 317 fig 458. 38b 59 A Lezzi-Hafter Der Eretria Mater (1988), p1 157, c.d.g.h. 39a-c 60 L Burn The Meidias Painter (1987), p1 12c-d & 13a. 40a 61 Author 40b 62 Author 40c 63 L Burn The Meidias Painter (1987), p1 35. 41a 64 Getty Center Photo Archive. 41b 65 c&TUbingen 4, p1 39.1. 42a see ch 3, fl 87. 'iLPi Base 1 2, p1 30. 42b 66 R F1ace1ire & P Devambez Hrac1s: images et recits (1966), p1 2. 43a 67 LINC IV, Merakles 1651, p1 556. 43b 68 LIMC V, Jphikles 5, p1 482. 44a 69 F Bromer Herakies II (1984), 2 fig 1. 44b 70 Munich 5, p1 228.2. 45a & b 71 Schwerin 1, p1 25 & 26. 46a 72 Antike Welt 16 (1985), 2.56 fig 2. 46b 73 RA 1982, 208 fig 8. 47a 74 F1ace1ire & Devambez op cit 1 p1 3. 4Th 75 AJNW Prag The Oresteta (1985), p1 25a. 48a 76 R Lullies & H Hirmer Griechizche Vazen (1953), P1 92. 48b 78 Prag op cit, p1 44e. 49a 77 CVA Bologna 4, p1 60.1. 49b & 50a 82 Author. 50b 79 Author. 51 80 Apollo (Salerno) 1 (1961), 22. 52a 81 LIMC IV, Herakies 1675, p1. 558. 52b 83 H Metzger Recherches (165), p1 32b. 53a 84 C Smith Catalogue of Vases in the British Museum III (1896), p1 16. 53b 85 CVA Vienna 3, p1 118.5-S. 53c 86 JHS 70 (1950), 38 fig 3. 54a 87 JHS 70 (1950), 38 fig 4. 54b 88 JHS 18 (1898), 275 fig 6. 55a 89 Author. 55b see ch 3, n 163. E Pfuhi Malerei & Zeichnung III (1923), p1 237. 56a see ch 3, n 163. D Bellingham An introduction to Greek Mythology (l98), 75. 56b see ch 3, n 163. JC Hoppin A Handbook of Attic Red- Fi gure Vases 1 (1319), 39w. 57 90 AB Cook Zeus III (1940), p1 38. 58a 91 N N N N 459 fig 295. N N U 58b 92 , 457 fig 294. 59 93 Author. 60a 94 Dioniso 4 (1933-35), 284 fig 2. 60b 95 AD Trendall & TBL Webster Illustrations of Greek Drama (1971), 30. 61a 96 AJA86 (1982), p1 13 fig 3. Sib 97 AJA86 (1982), p1 12 fig 1. 62a 98 JM Woodward Perseus (19371, fig 20. 62b 99 CVA Toledo 1, p1 44.2. 63a 100 JdI 100 (1985), fig 14c-d. 63b 101 Author. 64a & b 102 Author.
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