WebSphere® Application Server Getting Started with WebSphere Application Server Ve r s i o n 4 .0 SC09-4581-01 WebSphere® Application Server Getting Started with WebSphere Application Server Ve r s i o n 4 .0 SC09-4581-01 Note Before using this information and the product it supports, be sure to read the general information under “Notices” on page 95. Second Edition (June 2001) This edition replaces SC09-4581-00. Order publications through your IBM representative or through the IBM branch office serving your locality. © Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1999, 2001. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. Contents Figures..............v Component models and related technologies 21 Java 2™ Platform Enterprise Edition Tables..............vii (J2EE™) ............21 JavaBeans components .......23 About this book ..........ix Enterprise beans .........24 Who should read this book .......ix Applets and servlets ........26 Document organization ........ix JavaServer Pages .........28 Relatedinformation..........x CORBA ............29 Conventions used in this book ......x MicrosoftCOM..........30 How to send your comments ......xii Chapter 4. Adapting business models to Chapter 1. Introducing the IBM WebSphere WebSphere Application Server .....33 family..............1 Component technology ........33 IBMande-business..........1 Common software approach ......34 The WebSphere family: providing e-business Software availability .........34 solutions.............2 Softwarereuse...........34 WebSphere Application Server: different Dividing up software development tasks . 35 editions for different customer needs . 2 Toolsets.............35 Which edition should you use? .....3 Scalability.............36 WebSphere Edge Server .......4 Open standards and investment protection. 36 WebSphere Studio .........6 VisualAgeforJava.........7 Chapter 5. Introduction to WebSphere How do I get more information about Application Server, Advanced Edition . 37 WebSphere Application Server? ......8 What is the difference between the three Installers and system administrators . 8 versions of the Advanced Application Server?. 37 Application developers and system Introduction to the Advanced Application architects ............9 Server..............38 The Advanced Application Server Chapter 2. Distributed computing and environment...........38 WebSphere Application Server .....11 Application model .........40 Three-tiered client/server computing....11 WebSphere Programming Model Transactions: ensuring data consistency and Extensions...........41 permanence in a distributed environment . 12 The administration model in Advanced Security: ensuring authorized use only . 14 Application Server ..........41 Administration tools ........43 Chapter 3. Overview of component The extensible markup language (XML). 43 technology ............17 Services used by the Advanced Application Objects..............17 Server..............44 Building objects through composition . 18 Naming service ..........44 Interface versus implementation ....18 Transaction service .........45 Classes.............19 Security service ..........45 Inheritance ...........19 Workload management service .....45 Polymorphism..........19 Developmentenvironment.......46 Components ............20 Documentation...........46 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2001 iii Chapter 6. WebSphere Application Server The Recoverable Queueing Service (RQS) 67 Enterprise Edition .........47 The Structured File Server (SFS) ....67 Why use Enterprise Application Server? . 47 The Peer-to-Peer Communications (PPC) Low-level services used in Enterprise Services ............68 Application Server products.......48 TheDE-LightGateway.......68 Distributed Computing Environment TheEncinaToolkit.........69 (DCE) .............48 Encina++ ............69 Common Object Request Broker Encina tools available only on Windows Architecture (CORBA) .......49 platforms............70 Component Object Model (COM) ....50 Interoperability with WebSphere Application Other tools available with the Enterprise Server Advanced Edition........71 Application Server ..........50 Chapter 9. Sample topologies and Chapter 7. Introduction to Enterprise configurations...........73 Edition services ..........53 Client topologies ..........73 CORBA support...........53 Thick client ...........73 WebSphere to WebSphere CORBA Thin client ...........74 scenarios............53 Thinner client ..........75 WebSphere to third-party CORBA Server topologies ..........75 applications ...........55 Distributed servers .........75 JMS Listener ............56 Cloned servers ..........76 BusinessRuleBeans.........56 Consolidated servers ........77 InternationalizationService.......57 Advanced Single Server Edition topology . 77 WorkArea.............58 Advanced Application Server topologies . 78 Simpleconfiguration........78 Chapter 8. Introduction to TXSeries . 61 DMZconfiguration........79 TXSeries CICS ...........61 TXSeries configurations ........80 BasicCICSconcepts........62 AsimpleCICSconfiguration.....80 The CICS application programming A simple CICS configuration within a DCE interface ............62 cell ..............81 Relational database support ......63 A simple Encina Monitor cell configuration 82 Queue services ..........63 Intersystem communication ......64 Appendix. The library for WebSphere CICS SNA support .........65 ApplicationServer.........85 Communicating with users ......65 CICS Transaction Gateway ......65 Notices.............95 CICS administration ........65 Trademarks and service marks ......97 TXSeries Encina ...........66 EncinaMonitor..........66 Index .............101 iv WebSphere: Getting Started with WebSphere Application Server Figures 1. Three-tiered client/server architecture 12 12. A thinner client used with a servlet 75 2. Beans make it possible to program 13. A cluster of distributed servers visually............23 connected to resource managers . 76 3. EJB architecture .........24 14. Physical consolidation of the middle and 4. An applet-based business solution 27 back-end tiers .........77 5. A servlet-based business solution 28 15. A simple Advanced Single Server 6. Clients and servers communicate by Edition configuration .......78 usinganORB.........30 16. Simple Advanced Application Server 7. The components of the Advanced configuration..........79 Application Server environment . 39 17. DMZ configuration in the Advanced 8. Architecture of Encina .......66 Application Server ........80 9. Interoperability between Java 18. A simple distributed configuration using applications and Encina/Encina++ CICS in a non-DCE cell environment . 81 servers ............71 19. A distributed configuration using CICS 10. A thick client has a local user interface in a DCE cell environment .....82 andremotebusinesslogic.....74 20. A simple Encina Monitor configuration 83 11. A thin client has an applet user interface andremotebusinesslogic.....74 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2001 v vi WebSphere: Getting Started with WebSphere Application Server Tables 1. Conventions used in this book ....x 3. Components of Encina++ ......69 2. Selecting a WebSphere Application Server 4. The library for WebSphere Application edition ............3 Server............85 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2001 vii viii WebSphere: Getting Started with WebSphere Application Server About this book This document is intended to help you get started using IBM® WebSphere™ Application Server and familiarize you with the components that make up this product. Although this book focuses on the WebSphere Application Server Enterprise Edition, it also contains information on the WebSphere Application Server Advanced Edition. Who should read this book This document is intended for use by installers, system administrators, developers, system architects, and other information technology professionals who want to gain an understanding of WebSphere Application Server. A minimal level of familiarity with distributed computing and Web computing is assumed. Document organization This document has the following organization: v “Chapter 1. Introducing the IBM WebSphere family” on page 1 provides a high-level introduction to the IBM e-business strategy and how the WebSphere Application Server and associated products implement this strategy. v “Chapter 2. Distributed computing and WebSphere Application Server” on page 11 describes distributed computing, transactions, and security. v “Chapter 3. Overview of component technology” on page 17 describes the various component models and related technologies used in WebSphere Application Server. v “Chapter 4. Adapting business models to WebSphere Application Server” on page 33 discusses the value that WebSphere Application Server offers to an organization. v “Chapter 5. Introduction to WebSphere Application Server, Advanced Edition” on page 37 describes the main components and concepts of the Advanced Application Server and its three versions: – WebSphere Application Server, Advanced Edition (AE) – WebSphere Application Server, Advanced Single Server Edition (AEs) – WebSphere Application Server, Advanced Developer Edition (AEd) The chapter’s primary focus is WebSphere Application Server, Advanced Edition. © Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2001 ix v “Chapter 6. WebSphere Application Server Enterprise Edition” on page 47 introduces the Enterprise Application Server and associated concepts. v “Chapter 7. Introduction to Enterprise Edition services”
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